Rating:  Summary: A gem about the relativity of the personal and the historic Review: Although set in the momentous days of World War II and among the historic setting of Manhattan Project Los Alamos, this small little gem steadfastly focuses us on private lives and private moments.Broderick and Arquette give wonderful performances.
Rating:  Summary: Awful Review: Frankly to make a film on Richard Feynman, and to render it as un-inspirational as they did, you'll really have to screw something up. Simply awful acting (Broderick, though talented, is not fit for this role), some cheap scenery, and nothing, absolutely nothing, and this is my major upset, to feed the scientific mind. This is just a flat presentation of some of the moments of Feynman's life, without any verve or inspiration. It's a romance, some will say to me, it's supposed to be that way. But to render Feynman's character on screen without its eccentricity and imagination is useless as hell. To those looking for romance, please rewind your 'Gone with the Wind' for the hundredth time. To those looking to learn more about Feynman, please check out your local library for 'The Pleasure of Finding Things Out' by Richard himself. To any others, just go out and lay back staring at the stars. But do both yourself and himself a favour and do not watch this.
Rating:  Summary: "Infinity", infinitely brilliant Review: I had heard rumors about this somewhat obscure film, but nobody who had seen it could remember the title. Finally, one day I stumbled upon it @ Amazon.com. With great excitement I ordered it immediately, nor did it end up being unworthy of my anticipation. The film centers around the epoch of Richard Phillips Feynman's courtship of and marriage to his 1st wife, Arline. As such, it also touches upon Feynman's "vocation" during World War II, which was being an active member of the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The book is mostly based on Feynman's book called WHAT DO YOU CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK? [ISBN: 0393320928, also available @ Amazon.com]. The book is highly recommended for all persons who have an interest in viewing this movie. There are also a few tidbits from SURELY YOU'RE JOKING MR. FEYNMAN [ISBN: 0393316041] and John Archibald Wheeler's GEONS, BLACK HOLES AND QUANTUM FOAM [ISBN: 0393319911]. Both of these latter books are highly recommended to the Feynman enthusiast as well. The story of Feynman's sublime and fervent love that he felt for his terminally ill wife is nothing short of inspiring. As the great physicist has for many years been one of my most admired personages, it is without embarrassment that I admit this to be one of the few films that has ever made me cry. Even viewers who have never heard of this scientist would be hard-pressed not to be moved by this film. As a bonus, the film does a good job of incorporating on the margins Feynman's dad, little sister, Joan (who earned a Ph.D. in physics herself from Syracuse university), John Archibald Wheeler, Hans Bethe, a young Henry Bethe and Robert Oppenheimer. The handful of verbal over-lays are well-placed and do not get in the way of the film's symmetry. Although Broderick has never been one of my favorite actors, he pulled off his portrayal of a young Feynman quite well (if you ignore the fact that his New York accent is a bit inconsistent). It would be nice to see more movies like this in the future.
Rating:  Summary: A great biographical film of a truly great man Review: I had heard rumors about this somewhat obscure film, but nobody who had seen it could remember the title. Finally, one day I stumbled upon it @ Amazon.com. With great excitement I ordered it immediately, nor did it end up being unworthy of my anticipation. The film centers around the epoch of Richard Phillips Feynman's courtship of and marriage to his 1st wife, Arline. As such, it also touches upon Feynman's "vocation" during World War II, which was being an active member of the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The book is mostly based on Feynman's book called WHAT DO YOU CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK? [ISBN: 0393320928, also available @ Amazon.com]. The book is highly recommended for all persons who have an interest in viewing this movie. There are also a few tidbits from SURELY YOU'RE JOKING MR. FEYNMAN [ISBN: 0393316041] and John Archibald Wheeler's GEONS, BLACK HOLES AND QUANTUM FOAM [ISBN: 0393319911]. Both of these latter books are highly recommended to the Feynman enthusiast as well. The story of Feynman's sublime and fervent love that he felt for his terminally ill wife is nothing short of inspiring. As the great physicist has for many years been one of my most admired personages, it is without embarrassment that I admit this to be one of the few films that has ever made me cry. Even viewers who have never heard of this scientist would be hard-pressed not to be moved by this film. As a bonus, the film does a good job of incorporating on the margins Feynman's dad, little sister, Joan (who earned a Ph.D. in physics herself from Syracuse university), John Archibald Wheeler, Hans Bethe, a young Henry Bethe and Robert Oppenheimer. The handful of verbal over-lays are well-placed and do not get in the way of the film's symmetry. Although Broderick has never been one of my favorite actors, he pulled off his portrayal of a young Feynman quite well (if you ignore the fact that his New York accent is a bit inconsistent). It would be nice to see more movies like this in the future.
Rating:  Summary: glad somebody did it Review: i have many books by/about richard feynman, and i must've read 'surely you're joking' about 7 times. it would be easy to criticize parts of this movie, but i'm so happy about what they got right that i won't bother (except to say that the audio sometimes has noticeable noise gating). with such a crazy character as feynman, this movie could've been a disaster, but it's much closer to the other end of the scale. i never would've picked mathew broderick to play feynman; it was a nice surprise to see that he's an obvious and enthusiastic fan. certain scenes just blew me away with the spirit of rpf shining through, and he and patricia arquette are very good together. i think she was the best actress for arlene, in looks and quirks. speaking of looks, there are shots in the movie where i don't think i've ever seen her look so amazing. i would guess that if you asked richard what he thought of 'infinity' he would hate his portrayal but love arlene's, and i'd guess the reverse would be true if you asked arlene. couldn't ask for much beyond that when you consider that this is more a love story than it is a biography of richard feynman. of course, i could be entirely wrong with that richard/arlene theory! in any case, what could be better for rpf fans than a love story which happens to be about richard feynman and arlene greenbaum? if you're a fan of 'surely you're joking' and 'what do you care what other people think?', you may do as i did and laugh your eyeballs out whenever a scene makes you think of the books. "cubed roots!" for those who don't know anything about feynman, my experience so far (one guinea pig) is that the movie appeals to them as well.
Rating:  Summary: Infinity: What Is It Good For? Review: I liked the performances and the visuals in this movie, but it lacked energy. The story moves along quietly and is involving, yet the areas in which I expected to feel some tension (the relationship between Feynman and his wife, scientific discovery, the moral issues involved in making the bomb) were so down-played it evaporated quickly. I can qualify this by adding I (still) don't know much about Feynman - more informed viewers to whom the issues (death, working for the defense dept) are relevant in an immediate personal way may get more from the film.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful movie about a brilliant man Review: I loved this movie, and it inspired me to find out more about Richard Feynman. It's true that no 2 hour movie can truly capture the essence of this man, but it's a wonderful effort. The true brilliance of this movie is that it brings Richard Feynman back into popular culture. If you liked this movie, read the books "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman," and "What Do You Care What Other People Think." The stories in the film and in the books show Feynman's passion for learning, experimenting and discovery I am just sad that I was never able to know such a brilliant man.
Rating:  Summary: Enchanting Review: I totally agree with one of the reviewers who says that this movie 'aims low but manages to score high'. I am a long time Feynman fan, just like many others, and I don't frankly think anyone could ever capture the essence of Richard Feynman on screen...except Feynman himself! But I think this movie does a brilliant job at portraying the emotional side of Feynman, through his relationship with Arline, his high school sweetheart. The story is very touching, as narrated by Feynman himself in 'What do you care what other people think!' It was a real tragedy she passed away early, as they were a perfect couple. The movie does manage to capture the sentimental value of that wonderful time which the two shared. About the performances, I do not think that Matt Broderick does a great impersonation of Feynman. But then, maybe no one can. On the other hand, Matt Broderick brings out the sincerity and honesty of the man to the greatest extent. He is perfect for the job, as he easily fits the character of a honest, nice and carefree kid. He is wonderfully complemented by Patricia Arquette. From what I have read about Arline, I think she quite fits the role of the clear thinking, artistic and emotional girl who could captivate someone like Feynman. Overall, I think that the movie is very touching, an example of the kind of films which you rarely see these days, and should be viewed as a very nice movie in its own right, bringing out the emotional side of a truly great man.
Rating:  Summary: "Infinity", infinitely brilliant Review: I was immediately drawn in and was quietly taught a lesson in love, of oneself as well as another. Aside from Richard Feyman's scientific brilliance, it was more inspiring to learn that real love exists. Richard and Arlene had a great fusion of their own.
Rating:  Summary: A VERY good film Review: Not being a terrific movie buff, I accidentally found this to watch over cable. I've ordered it. Feynman was irrefutably one of the great minds, and characters, of the 20th century. I was most fortunate in having seen him lecture and even getting to interact with him as a student. However impossible it might have been to bring forth his personal mannerisms, Broderick did a job which was overly impressive. The drama of Feynman's love with Arline, to me, was unbearably poignant. Science was presented fairly well. The era of the war was captured, regarding those remaining stateside. New Mexico scenes were extroadinary and very accurate. I didn't know a thing about Broderick, but I say a great film was developed under his acting and directorship.