Rating:  Summary: A must see MOVIE!!! Review: I never once had doughts about this movie being wonderful, but when you go see it in person, you really take into perspective how easy and painless you life is compared to the lives in the movie. Shane and Mandy did an outstanding job to say the least. I've already seen it twice and have every intention to see it again. Not to mention buy it. Oh yeah, SHANE WEST is so CUTE!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome wholesome movie! Review: I was absolutely amazed when I saw this movie! I had read the book before-hand and was dying to see the movie after I had. First of all, it's NOT a teen flick! This is a movie that my parents loved (my dad now loves Mandy Moore, as well, and really respects her as a young lady). The basis of the movie is about a bad boy named Landon Carter (Shane West) who ends up getting arrested after he trespasses on private property. His "sentence" is tutoring kids on Saturday mornings and playing a part in the Drama Club's Spring Play. Jamie Sullivan (Mandy Moore) is a young girl who loves God and has great faith in His plans for her life. She ends up befriending Landon because of the play. They fall in love but only after that does Jamie tell Landon the terrible burden that she secretly bears. The best part about this movie is that it focuses on true love and not the type of love that is displayed in almost every other movie (love based on sex and passion). Mandy's character is a girl who values morals and, in turn, helps other people become better because of her actions, namely Landon. Despite the fact that Landon's friends treat Jamie like crap, he eventually wises up and comes to her aid. All in all, I totally TOTALLY recommend seeing this movie. Just judge it because of bad (or even good) reviews that you've heard. Go and see it. It'll be worth it.
Rating:  Summary: A Walk to Remember- The Greatest Movie Ever Created Review: The movie "A Walk to Remember" is the best movie I have ever seen. Shane West is totally hot and awesome in this movie and so is Mandy Moore. It's a very sad movie but if you read the book you'll love it even more. I hope that you like it if you see it.
Rating:  Summary: A Walk worth the Trip Review: By all accounts, Pandora Picture's " A Walk to Remember," which is based on the Nicholas Sparks novel of the same name, should not work. Its plot is well trodden territory and not particularly daring. Its emotions are sweet and sincere almost to a fault, and its characters seem to fit the stereotype of the standard "teen film." Yet, for all of that, "A Walk to Remember" is a serious and at points inspiring film that deserves serious consideration of its spiritual, though not especially religious themes, and that, along the way, even manages to spring a small surprise or two.To say no more, the plot does not offer any unusual twists... the story can be seen coming a mile down the road, but in this case that is no bad thing. This movie works not because it is a "teen movie" with attractive stars, though it is that. Nor because its plot is original. After all, "Romeo and Juliet" was not particularly original even when Shakespear first wrote it. Rather, it works because it takes its characters and its themes seriously. In contrast to the dreary normal run of such films, this movie can reach both a younger and an older audience because it suggests the power of love, decency and compassion, even when such qualities cannot prevail over life's grimmer realities. It does not pretend that, in the end, good will win out and that everybody will live happily ever after. Rather, it suggests - at times loudly to be sure - that it is possible for people to grow and be better than what they are in spite of their own shortcomings, and that examples of honesty and integrity can matter. At a time when cynicism masquerades as sophistication, this is a theme worth touching upon. Better still, notwithstanding the fairly standard plot, the characters in "A Walk to Remember" are rather surprisingly not unidimensional. To be certain, they are a fairly nice group, but they are not stick figures, either. Jamie is spiritual and even religious, but when Landon asks how she persuaded her father to let her go out, she replies that she told him the truth, but that "I just left you out of it." Clearly, this is no goodytwoshoes[.]... Similarly, the Reverend Sullivan (Peter Coyote) initially comes across as just another movie stereotyped preacher, but it turns out that his motives are more complex than simple "Bible thumping," and in the end, he proves a reasonable and compassionate man. At the same time, Landon's mother (Daryl Hannah) comes across as a well intentioned woman overcome by the responsibilities of raising her son alone. Yet she is also more forgiving of Landon's father for leaving them than is Landon himself, and is also surprisingly somewhat dubious, in a motherly way, that her son can achieve his goals. For his part, Landon's transition from popular but aimless kid to devoted and serious boyfriend, and from there to an adult, is thoroughly believable. Indeed, in the whole movie, only Landon's best friend, Eric (Al Thompson) and his father (Robert Treveiler), seem caricatured, and this is mostly because their parts are so small. (Though it must be added that Landon's dad ultimately is in one of the movie's most poignant scenes.) "A Walk to Remember" is also given a boost by the superb acting. Mandy Moore is thoroughly convincing as Jamie, striking a neat balance between typical teenager and what would otherwise have been an almost otherworldly character. Moore brings to her role a screen presence that is endearing and convincing without being overbearing. Peter Coyote as the Reverend Sullivan similarly manages to walk the fine line between stereotyped minister and flesh and blood human being. However, by far and away, the best acting is Shane West as Landon. Although his character has the most growing to do throughout the movie, West manages to bridge the changes without seeming to play two different characters. Particularly riveting is the scene when Landon begins to notice Jamie while she sings her solo in the school play. Landon's face does not simply skip to a look of infatuation or adoration. Rather, he manages to look both smitten and uncertain, suddenly confused by feelings that he thought he could not have for this girl. West manages to convey these feelings all without saying a word and in only a few relatively short close-up shots. His work here approaches near brilliance and suggests that this young actor may well be capable of playing even more demanding roles. There is no doubt that "A Walk to Remember" has its weaknesses. Yet these are not significant in a movie that works hard and that takes its values seriously without reducing them to either caricature or ridicule. One critic has said that "A Walk to Remember" is good only because it takes its spiritual component seriously. Only? This is a movie that manages to tell a meaningful story without suffering in credibility or resorting to preachiness. If nothing else, "A Walk to Remember" is an antidote to the idea that the only good movies are the ones where the heroes throw bombs.
Rating:  Summary: A Walk to remember Review: It was a realy good movie, but real sad
Rating:  Summary: Breathtaking Review: In my opinion, A Walk To Remember is one of the best breath taking, motion pictures, I have ever seen. The first time I saw it, I was crying inside. I think this movie should come directly to video. I would, 100% give this movie 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: THINK BRITNEY ...?? Review: It is February 17th, 2002. That date means it's been two days since Britney's movie came out. In plain, simple words, IT [is bad]!!! Britney can't act, the movie line was inpractical, and the movie came across as if every person should lose their virginity before marriage. I hope Crossroads does terrible in the box office so Britney will know she should stay with singing, .... Now I am not totally against pop princesses, so you can hate me if you want to, i mean i like some pop stars. But i just think Britney has no natural talent. Everything about her is made-up. Ok, ok...you're wondering why I'm dissing Britney when im supposed to write a review on a walk to remember. ok sorry. here i go: Mandy Moore is not one of my favorite singers, but I think she REALLY came through with this movie. It was incredibly sweet, simple, and cute. Shane West did an awesome job acting and he made the movie come through too. Mandy's character was so believable, I was shocked. And i never cried this much in any movie...EVER!! And I read some critics say how it was annoying how Mandy sang in its entirety, "only hope." UMMM EXCUSE ME?? britney sang 2 whole songs in its entirety that we already know!! at least we didn't know what "only hope" sounded like. It was a great song too. I think Mandy did a better job than BRitney.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST SEE MOVIE Review: Set in the lowlands of North Carolina in the mid 1990s, A Walk To Remember follows the rite of passage of a jaded, aimless high school senior (Shane West) as he falls in love with a guileless young woman (Mandy Moore) he and his friends once scorned.
Rating:  Summary: Good from beginning to end Review: I ooh'ed and ahh'ed so much through this movie, it wasn't predictable at all and Mandy Moore is such a delight to watch on the screen. One of the best teen movies and romances of all time. Good Job! P.S. The soundtrack is phenomenal, as well.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Movie Review: This movie was the best I've seen in a long time. It had a really powerful storyline and it brought tears to my eyes. I highly recommend seeing this movie, you won't regret it!