Rating:  Summary: Glitter wasn't THAT bad... Review: I watched Glitter; because I am a fan of Mariah Carey. I was dubious about watching it due to the reviews, but I had to cast my own opinion, and I found it to be an average movie, though drawn out a bit too long. Though meant to be a drama, i found this movie at my video store in the science/fantasy section... so was confused if it should have been in the drama or comedy quarter. I dound Mariah's acting to be lacking; and at times comical when she tries to act cool or angry. She was transparent in some scenes, but I truly found the scene at the end of the movie, where she reunites with her mother that gave her up at 12..to be genuine acting. I saw it in her eyes that she WANTED to act this scene to its all, and it worked cause it got me, especially when she broke-down. I know that feeling!. It touched me, but maybe thats from personal experience.. Also, in terms of Mariah's poor acting abilities; shamefully, Mariah as a child, produced a better performance than her adult contemporary..She had sad doeful eyes and showed angst and dispair when she had to leave her mothers care. Fast forward to Mariah/Billie as an adult and this is where I had to laugh, with Mariah trying desperately to look like a sex-bomb dancer in a club; she looked cheap, tarty and poor. Maybe it was for the 80's but still, she looked like crap. I liked Da Brat, looking happily heavy and funky, her friend..no comment. I did like it though when the showed up the tone deaf singer, Sylk..I liked that bit..and Ace djcute to look at but one of the worst tryhards I had ever seen on film. Another scene i have to give credit to Mariahs limited acting range, would be when and she HAS to go on with the show and perform to thousands of fans at Madison Square gardens, with the pain of knowing, just minutes before she graces the stage, her love (dj jULIAN/aCE)has been killed. She demonstrated some acting talent, but her vocal range is still showcased in this filn, though her acting range isnt. It doesn't help that the release date for cinemas was Sept 11; as who would've been going to the pictures during that dark week?? Plus, Mariah had to much to prove, and the timing both globally and for her own personal self, was wrong. If it had been released before or sometime after, I am certain it wouldn't have had such HARSH HARSH reviews as was delivered. I concur with many other reviewers, her (Mariah) Britney , Madonna and Dianna Ross should closely peruse and screen their next cinematic choices or at least take up serious coaching for the craft of acting. SOuntrack: Ehhh... so so.. only like 2 songs on it (All my life and Twisted)
Rating:  Summary: Not Much To Say Review: This movie is a train wreck; one bad plot after another makes for a less than enjoyable experience, but more a painful one indeed. However, this is not the worst thing I have ever seen, movies like "Battlefield Earth" hold that honor, and Carey really isn't that bad, although I can't say the same for the rest of the cast. I do not recommend that anyone go out of their way to see this movie, but I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss Carey as a potentially, as least, "OK" actress.
Rating:  Summary: AN EMBARESSMENT Review: This movie sucked . I actually felt bad for mariah carey after seeing this horrendous film. She cannot act and looked absolutely ridiculous on screen. The movie was so stupid it was laughable-like the cigarette smoking mother who burnt down the house then showed up years later on the street ( by chance) and the stupid dance she did in the begining of the film with that ugly hat she had on , she looked like a man. I dont know how this chick ever made it , she looks like a man or a rat/not attractive at all and her singing sounds like whines or squeels. And did u see the end of the film? where her best friend gets shot then she is able to go on stage and perform , she didnt even look sad. lol - she sang a song for him , gimme a break- is this story even true? well the best friend is taking a walk out on the street and he all of a sudden gets shot - by some guy who he owes money to. lol this has to be one of the worst films of all time , probably in top 5 and only people who will like it is the mariah carey lovers or fans.
Rating:  Summary: Oh...She may not act the greatest But she still is Great! Review: Alright,I have been a Mariah fan from the beggining. (...) O.K. the movie could've been much better! I will admit..But it's not all Mariah's fault, there are producers, directors and let's not forget co-stars to blame as well you shouldn't pin it all on her. (...) True the CD had real bad luck from the beggining. But the amazing ballad "Never Too Far" would have been a great tribute song to all the men and women involved and having to deal with the loss of a loved one. I don't care what anyone says I still give my Mariah 5 stars and always will. As long as she's singing I will be buying. She is the best and that's all there is too it. (...)
Rating:  Summary: This movie is horrible. Review: It is so bad, I know where I can buy it for $ 5.88. I can't believe they actually released it on vhs and dvd. This is so not worth your money.
Rating:  Summary: Not That Bad! Review: Glitter is not that bad of a movie and belive it or not Mariah Carey does just fine. She may not be a great actress but she is charming and likeable. Maybe she should have started with smaller roles and worked her way up, but overall she gives a convincing portrayal of Billie Frank, aspiring pop diva. The plot is the basic rags to riches story. It does move a little slow and in almost every scene someone comments on incredible her singing voice is or how beautiful she is, which gets a tad annoying, but the music is appealing, and it looks like Mariah is having a ball. This is definetly a camp classic, sort of like Showgirls. It's so bad sometimes you gotta love it just for the cheese factor. I think most people will probably hate it, but Mariah fans and fans of campy movies will fall in love with it and watch it over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: not as bad as its reputation, but by no means a good movie Review: A film by Vondie Curtis-HallThere are some movies you watch because you think it is going to be a good movie and what you know about the movie sounds interesting. There are other movies that you watch simply because of all of the negative press about the movie and you wonder if the film can really be as bad as "everyone" has said. "Glitter" falls into the second category of movies. This was Mariah Carey's first starring role (after a small supporting role in "The Bachelor"), and both the movie as well her acting were absolutely trashed by critics and "Glitter" was a box office bomb. Mariah Carey stars as Billie Frank, a rising pop star in the early 80's. We open the film when Billie is only a child. Her mother is a longue singer (or perhaps, a bar singer) who brings Billie on stage so they can sing together. Her mother seems weary of everything, and when their house burns down (it is implied that the mother is the accidental cause), young Billie is put into foster care. We are flashed forward to the early 80's and Billie is dancing (with her friends, presumably the two she met in the group home) in a club. She is signed to sing backup for a solo artist, but it is really Billie's voice that is being used to sell the records. This is a rags to riches story where Billie starts out with nothing and with the help of a producer (Max Beesley) who hears Billie sing, ends up to be a star. It mirrors, in a way, the story of Mariah Carey herself. So, is "Glitter" really as bad as its reputation suggests? No. It couldn't possibly be. "Glitter" is your average rags to riches film and is simply an average movie. What this movie does is give Mariah a vehicle to show off her singing ability. It's a movie about a singer going from the smalltime to the big time. "Glitter" seemed to exist more to give Mariah...excuse me, Billie...another opportunity to sing rather than give the character the chance to grow or develop (and thus give Mariah a chance to show off her acting ability). "Glitter" is a completely standard, ordinary movie. There are certainly worse movies out there, but then again, there are certainly better movies out there, too. "Glitter" is not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination, so I can't recommend it (not even a little bit), but it is also not nearly as bad as has been reported. -Joe Sherry
Rating:  Summary: It's crap-tacular! Review: Band geeks of the world rejoice! You ARE capable of the art of seduction! "Glitter" proves that it is possible to get a woman into bed by playing a MARIMBA!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!! All kidding aside, this is your basic boy-meets-girl movie. Except it stinks. It stinks A LOT. Mariah's character is named Billie, which I suppose is meant to remind us of Billie Holiday, but fat chance. Last I heard, Billie Holiday didn't have an irritating pig-squealing voice and simpering facial expressions that made me want to hit her with a bat. There is no sympathy to be had for any of these characters or their boo-hoo hard luck stories. Hey "Billie" -- here's a tip: maybe a boyfriend who sulks all the time and wears nothing but black and calls your beloved friends things like "roach bag" isn't much of a boyfriend after all. His getting shot was probably a blessing. Oops! I threw in a little spoiler there. But hey, I will spoil the whole movie for you if it will stop you from watching it, because I care about humanity.
Rating:  Summary: was obviously rushed Review: I love 80's music and I love mariah carey, so naturally I was looking forward to the release of this film. Loverboy was not that great, but then I heard the beautiful ballad Never Too Far and was interested in the movie and soundtrack after all, despite harsh critics. When I saw the movie, I thought it was nice but everything seemed fast paced like it was thrown together. And they could have worked on making the movie more believable when it came to creating an 80's environment, aside from the music.
Rating:  Summary: Mariah,You Got Some Splainin' To Do! Review: (...).I can't really sum it up all in one phrase so I'll just rate each aspect of this almost-disaster: Acting(2.5/5):The acting is maybe the best thing out of this movie,and that's not really saying much.But,you have to admit Mariah did a pretty good job in this movie as an abandoned orphan turned aspiring singer(big stretch) named Billie.Maybe if it wasn't for the horrible supporting actors and actresses(Billie's love interest,DA BRAT!),this movie would be better.And the arguements between Billie and the other guy(he did so horribly I don't even want to remember his name) are so unemotional and contain so much ingenuity that you can't help but laugh! Plots(2/5):Glitter is to original as hot is to cold.This movie has so much over-used plots that it's hard to sit through this movie and not say "Hey,I've seen that before!"Sure,some plots are pretty good(Billie trying to find her abandoned mother;the mother-daughter thing is one of the only good parts of the movie,(...)),but a story about an aspiring singer falling in love with a guy?Been there,done that WAY too many times! Production(1/5):Since this movie is based in the '80's,it's hard to not believe that the movie wasn't made in the '80's,too!Can you say corny?Right when you finally get into a good part of the movie(i.e.,Billie's drug-addict mother stupidly burning their house),all of a sudden,here comes a stupid fade-out(in white,in fact),or here comes some tacky slow motion sequence with,what do you expect,glitter all around!And the music...Mariah,you have been doing,well,very badly in the music department ever since Rainbow.And the sad part is,Mariah is a producer in the movie! Overall(2/5):Now I'm not saying the movie is COMPLETELY horrible...it's lame,but not a horrible bomb.Mariah is very lucky she did a pretty good job in this film,or else I would've rated this one star! (...)Recommended:No