Rating:  Summary: Seasons of the heart Review: AUTUMN IN NEW YORK is a beautiful dramatic movie that is sure to tug at your heartstrings. It stars Richard Gere (Will) and Winona Ryder (Charlotte). It is such a charming movie. Will is a womanizer and the love of a woman (Charlotte) teaches him to change his ways. Sure there are bumps along the way. For one, he's 48 and she's 22. More importantly, she has a rare heart disease and only has a little time left to live. I can see people rolling their eyes at how obvious the plot is, but it's actually a good movie. I think the message of the movie is you can't live on lust and sex alone, the character Will realized that he had a mental and emotional connection to Charlotte and would do anything to stay with her and keep her alive. He realized he could not live without her. There is some light comedy here and there, Ryder is charming in this role and Gere compliments her well. Also dealt with is Will's one time affair that led to a child, Lisa, which is acted out very well and doesn't seem cliché at all, dealing with abandonment. A lot of people say that Gere and Ryder lack in chemistry, I think that's a good thing considering the age difference. Overall I was pleased with this movie and I think the negativity about it just spread like wildfire, it's a pleasant movie that deeply touched. There were a few bumps and mishaps, but it was overall a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Poetry on screen Review: Regardless of what others have written or may think, to me Autumn in New York was a truly touching experience. It played out in a way that one could actually feel as though the lines had been lifted from a book of poetry.
Rating:  Summary: Is this film the travesty it has been made out to be? Review: Okay "AUTUMN IN NEW YORK" is for some strange reason one of those movies that many hate. It's like a few say they hate it, and like the flu it spreads. Then becomes some kind of conspiracy. I really think the negativity behind the films release had alot to do with viewers and critic's not giving it a chance. The negativity in the films release was that it was not released for "pro" critic's before it was released to the public. Meaning Mr. Ebert & Roeper ect. saw it when it was put out for public viewing and not before like they are used to. People continued to hear bad things about the movie, so it became a bad movie based on people's opinions. Most people 'of which' may not have even seen the movie for themselves. It's ashame because it's not a horrible movie like they say. Also the chemistry between RICHARD GERE & WINONA RYDER was o. k., they are nearly 25 years apart in age. How much romantic chemistry would you expect them to have in their case? The film features some nice cinematography of New York in the fall season. The "Twin Towers" have a cameo appearance pre 9-11. It also has a likable soundtrack and supporting cast too. The over all look of the film is stylish. Nice work from director Joan Chen. However the rumored Winona Ryder nude scene could have been left in. I guess she STOLE enough of the movie fully clothed. Other than that 3 stars and a half for Autumn in New York. Answer to the title question is.. NO!!
Rating:  Summary: Much Better Than I Thought! Review: I avoided this movie for about a year thinking... typical, until I watched it. The plot is somewhat similar to many movies that have been seen before. Guy meets girl and one of them doesn't have long to live. And what could possibly be said that hasn't been said before? Right?Wrong. As I now know, it's not always that something has to be new, but new to the person watching it. Mainly on an emotional level. Take the movie "Titanic" for instance. There were many versions that came out on TV of it before the one with Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet came out. In fact I saw one strikingly similar that was four hours with Tim Curry in it that was viewed maybe a couple of months to a year before the feature film debuted. The point is you will find a lot of movies that are alike and similar, but if they mean something different to each person then that's all that matters. I thought Autumn in New York was absolutely charming and couldn't be better. It touched my heart. Winona Ryder's character not having long to live and falling in love with Richard Gere's character who was twice her age and of course... subconsciouly we all expect an older person to die first. The underlying irony was gorgeous. I think the critical viewers were missing the point... like I had been before I saw it. A typical movie doesn't mean it isn't unique. This one was unique in it's own fashion in how a young vibrant woman opened the heart of a womanizing man certain to not commit and leave every woman before they left him. It taught you about fear and what to do with love. We could learn a lot from the movie considering love is the most important emotion that exists. Charlotte knew what to do with her love and was dying, and Richard Gere's character although living had no idea how to handle his life and how to even contribute to a life that required commitment to love. She taught him how to stop being afraid. His character was afraid to love and then lose. And the irony of his choice was also amazing--he could blow her off as he did every woman and still love her, but choose to lose her by ending it first or let himself love her and still lose her by not leaving first. But still either way he would lose her. But the most amazing thing is what he would gain while losing her... if he let himself. I think sometimes we go in expecting all of the wrong things in a movie and criticizing it for not having it when we really need to take a closer look and we might actually see that it has exactly what we need. And maybe we're lacking in emotion... and could use some learning from it. The movie had simiar plots to many movies--yes--but it didn't stop it from being really good and unique and having its own individual message. Plus, I think some people still are stuck on "Pretty Woman" ... it's over guys... Richard Gere's past "Pretty Woman"... he's moved on! Let him grow. It just would be nice if we could all appreciate the right movies for once. Me included... I'm working on doing that! I learned something very important from this movie, but I could never describe what I learned. If you watch it maybe you'll learn something too. But it may not be the same thing... but that's what makes it all worth while!
Rating:  Summary: fine May-December romance Review: AUTUMN IN NEW YORK is a fairly enjoyable film (I thought that it would be far worse than this), and is an fine updating of a LOVE STORY-esque scenario. Will Keane (Richard Gere - PRETTY WOMAN, RUNAWAY BRIDE) is a successful New York restaurant owner, and a shameless womaniser. When he is introduced to Charlotte (Winona Ryer - LITTLE WOMEN, HEATHERS) the daughter of an old family friend, an unlikely romance blossoms between the two. The story dips into sentimemtal corn when Charlotte reveals her secret...an inoperable heart condition which one day will claim her life. Will sets out to find the best surgeons in order to ensure a future with her. Though Ryder and Gere have absolutely zilch in the chemistry department, the rather good screenplay by Allison Burnett saves most of the good lines for legendary Broadway diva, Elaine Stritch, in the role of Charlotte's grandmother. Also starring Anthony LaPaglia. The DVD includes the trailer and bio's for the cast. (Single-sided, single-layer disc).
Rating:  Summary: boring, trite, sappy, etc. Review: Do you want to know how bad this movie is? Here's a movie about a young woman, living in New York, with a potentially fatal heart problem. She's played by Winona Ryder, whose movies I usually really like. I saw this movie on a day when I was depressed and ready to cry anyway, just a few months after a friend of mine, a young woman, living in New York, died from a heart problem. I did not for a moment in this whole movie come close to crying. You want an explanation for that? I can give you several. There's zero chemistry between Winona Ryder and Richard Gere, two actors who have in previous movies each shown themselves perfectly capable of providing one side of onscreen chemistry. And yet, with each other, nothing. Then I think that the whole genre of movies where an eccentric, unworldly, terminally ill person causes an overly worldly, hardhearted person to loosen up, have some fun, and learn to love has been just wee bit overdone. This movie doesn't strike a single new note in that story. Then, Richard Gere loosens up much more convincingly and effectively in Pretty Woman, and there all it takes is a hooker. And why do seriously ill people always have to be eccentric and unworldly and naïve-yet-wise-in-their-naivete? Maybe some of them are, maybe it can even be filmed effectively, but in this movie it comes across as tired, forced whimsy, a poor substitute for anything that could be called depth. I can think of few movies I have liked less in the past 10 years.
Rating:  Summary: Very good! Winona Ryder is amazng! Review: I just saw this movie today on HBO and I loved it! I gave it only 4 stars, 'cause I feel the ending is too abrupt and unexpected. But Winona Ryder is amazing and Richard Gere is his usual cool self. I didn't see the full movie, but I saw most of it. It is about Richard Gere and Winona Ryder who is his girlfriend. She has some problem in her heart and she has only a few weeks to live. Richard Gere is trying to save her life. It's a very nice romantic story and I reccomend it for all softies here!
Rating:  Summary: not "AWWWWW" but "EWWWWW!" Review: I watched maybe 15-20 minutes of this. That was all I could stand! So I didn't know if the Ryder character lived or died. But then...I didn't care. Altho' to quote Oscar Wilde, "one cannot read about the death of Little Nell without laughing," it would've been a relief for this turkey of a movie to have expired sooner than it did. The relationship starts when Gere sees Ryder, looks gobsmacked, finds out she's just turned 22, calls her, and then in the span of an evening dates her, then bleeps her. The "love" starts when Ryder accepts Gere telling her that he can't give much to a relationship and she delivers the coup de grace: she's dying. For the sort of guy with a hip, disposable lifestyle, these are magic words. In this weird movie, it means "True Love!" Epic love. Wagnerian love. Life changing love. Adding to the "creepy" factor that many have noticed were a sucession of strange scenes. The heroine arriving in the hero's apartment with a 2 foot long, inflated see-through plastic bag that seemed to contain The World's Biggest Black Spider--BUT NO!--it's just a hat she made. Him saying that his date bowed out, which really sounds like a lie so he could lure the heroine into his bachelor pad. Her immediately getting dressed in a fabulous white gown. Either he figured out her dress size beforehand or bought her a gown that evening; neither option seems romantic, but sleazy in a stalker or sugar daddy way. Never before has Ryder's woebegone voice been more inadequate and irritating, especially when proclaiming herself as a "Unique" in the same way skin-crawling way that some claim to have been Cleopatra in a past life. Meanwhile, Gere seems to cringe a bit under the weight of such pseudo-profound lines as "I find you unprecedented therefore unpredictable." This is like monologue from Calvin Klein commercials.
Rating:  Summary: Great A in NY! Review: Gere is wonderful, a term I reserve for the truely deserved acting ability of those that strive in todays' mill of fast and loose films. I've yet to see "Unfaithful" but Autumn in NY is the best . . . DVD I have on the shelf. Not for sale. A 2000 classic with all the story line and congruant superb acting! See it to enjoy. Jerry.