Rating:  Summary: Film Snobs aside,...An enjoyable film! Review: Sorry folks, but I am one of those weird people who go to see a movie for the only purpose of being entertained. Drama, Tragety, Comedy...it makes no difference. Did I enjoy the film. The answes is YES! Was I entertained? YES! Did I feel for the characters? YES!I never read "Hawthorns book" and never care if I do. What "I" saw was a man thrown into a complete questioning of everything he believed to be true. Until Hester, everything had made sence in his world. Now this "love" for a married woman was a direct contrast to all He believed in. To all he WAS. And yet, he loved and (believed in) her too. The line " I am in hell" summed it all up. He knew not how to place one belief over another. So he walks a road, that he sees has no sane end. One reviewer on this page called him a ninny. I was glad (for once) to see a non-Rambo, sensitive performance...especailly by Oldman (Air FOrce One) who can do the macho thing quite well. I particularly liked the scene with the books and the ink...how REAL. In his nervouseness of seeing her, he drops books gets ink on himself, and feels a bit stupid about it all. Is this a ninny? I think it is a real reaction, of a shy minister, not knowing what to feel or do. Demi Moore??? at times she was good but at times both character and accent slipped. I think she could have skipped the accent. Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio come to mind for me in this role. Again...non movie snob I am...I measure a film if it touches me. This one did, particularly Oldmans character. And the heck with Hawthorne...to have these people die for the "crime" of love would have been very real for this time peroid, but frankly would have "wrecked my day". Remember I seek only entertainment for my few bucks....I get "reality" for free every day. Lets see someone make a movie on the flat tire I had on the freeway last week ...or the wonderful conversation with the TOW guy :) Very real, very boring! In great writing, tragety seem a mainstay. but in OUR real world we see so much injustice, so much pain. What is "wrong" with a happy ending? As for the reviewer who said he thought it was funny.....great, you can view it as a comedy. Once you may your two bits...its your choice:)
Rating:  Summary: awesome, beautiful, very hot Review: gary oldman is his usual fantastic self, creating another character who is handsome and vulnerable. demi is great as well. lots of drama, a very pretty film. people who have panned it because it in no way resembles the book are snobs. oldman fans will be drooling.
Rating:  Summary: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?! Review: I read all of the reviews for this film and even amazon trashed it! Here is my question. If you read the book, and you know that whenever they turn a book into a movie it's going to be an obvious abomination, what the hell are you expecting. Cast all preconceived notions aside and just enjoy the flick! The Scarlet Letter was a wonderfully acted and directed spectacle for the eyes. I am not really what you would consider a "Demi Moore fan" but I think she did a remarkable job here. The scene where Matumba is bathing is enriched with metaphorical images that strikes a chord in the imagination department, all the while as the movie's integral scene is taking place between Demi and Gary Oldham, is this not cinematic splendour? Yes I will admit, I never read the book, maybe that is why I enjoyed Scarlet. Overall, this is a descent movie. It takes you back in time and lets you relive the puritan hell days on earth, all over again. A great Thanksgiving movie, wouldn't you say? We still love you Demi!
Rating:  Summary: Cinematic Masterpiece...Above even Kubrick! Review: This film is beyond compare..Its easily the best film this decade. Demi Moore is brilliant as is the direction and script. I watch this film as i go to bed each night, each scene relived in each and every dream. In fact, i have even be known to masturbate over Demi and her ultra mean confidence. What can i say? A superb movie and one that need sto be seen with a hanky.
Rating:  Summary: Why can't I give this video 0 stars. Review: The reviewers who gave this video more then 2 stars must not have read the book. How dare the makers of this viedo call it the Scarlet Letter. I saw very littel in the video that had anything to do with the novel. When I started to watch the video I knew I was in trouble when it was stated the video was "loosely based on Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel".
Rating:  Summary: This movie is so awful it is hilarious Review: This movie is such an abomination, it makes me laugh. Watch this movie after you have to write a long paper on the actual book, and you'll laugh really hard. It is completely re-worked into a Danielle Steele-esque melodrama. I don't know what Gary Oldman was on when he agreed to be in this. Maybe he needed a good laugh too.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Job Bravo Review: I though that the movie was enriching, and exciting for all mature viewers. It deals with issues such as illigitamacy, that needs to be brought out into the open, and also deals with religion, which not many Hollywood movies do these days. The movies has a great mixture of romance, action, and adventure, all blended together to create a classic. This movie would be great for use in Secondary schools. I believe the movie is a job well done!
Rating:  Summary: YOU MUST BE JOKING!!!!!! Review: I went into this movie with several preconceptions. I was aware that great literature has been reduced simply to wads of foolscap for Hollywood producers to wipe their asses on, I was cognizant of the fact that scriptwriters see the public as drooling mongrels yapping for a mindless sex & blood morsel, I was apprised of the sad reality that filming classics, however abominably, now functions as a pitiful balm for directors' brutalized and Faustian consciences. Even so, I was utterly poleaxed by the ludicrous monstrosity of what I was watching. This was a joke, wasn't it, Mr. Joffe? No, really, it was just for laughs, right? The guy tumbling around naked while wearing an entire, dead deer on his head? The laughably erotic "sermon" between walking anachronisms Dimsdale and Prynne? The "sober enough for you?" quip? Plus the mad scalper, side-splitting bathtub scene, doughty hangman played by British comedian, nick-of-time Indian attack, and so so so much else? No one in their right mind could possibly have meant a second of this thing seriously? Could they?! I fell laughing in disbelief, I wept, I sprained my stomach, I am not exaggerating, it was the most insanely hilarious film-going experience of my year. Four Weddings and a Funeral, the Full Monty--somber dirges compared to this astonishing genre parody. I won't even discuss how this film discarded every single theme, message, insight, line of dialog, and character wrinkle in Hawthorne's original novel. That criticism wilts in the face of this rollicking, daring, explosive and totally irreverant farce. An unintentional masterpiece of comedic dementia.
Rating:  Summary: great movie Review: I have read the reviews of people hating this movie. give me a break! gary Oldman and demi moore were great as was robert duvall. The score by John Barry is awesome as is the script and direction. Recommended!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: a hokey, amusing version of the scarlet letter Review: The Scarlet Letter is pure Hollywood...a sensual love scene between a preacher and an "innocent" waif, an indian fight in the middle of nowhere, and Demi Moore masturbating in a bathtub. The problem here, is that Demi Moore is completely wrong for this part in all ways. She loses the innocence that Hester Prynne had in the book, and changes her into a 19th century slut. She is all wrong for a period piece, and her accent proves it. However, you can't blame a gifted actress like Moore for a movie that is all together sloppy. I'm not going to say, "stick to the book", but this movie is a dud. However, if you do see it once, you might find a certain guilty pleasure amongst all the ludicrous actions that take place within this movie, which is why I give it 2 stars.