Rating:  Summary: Amazing... I really can't explain my feelings for this movie Review: This movie was so good. I absolutely love Harrison, and I cannot believe the reviews I've read on this movie! How could people be so insensitive! If you said it was boring, you didn't concentrate on the main thing in this movie, the feelings and emotion. I was captivated by all of it. I don't think it had a faulty storyline at all. I thought all of the actors and actresses did an extraordinary job. I think all of you people who watched this movie and hated it, should try watching it in a secluded room, where you can concentrate on it. Maybe then you can fully understand what the characters are going through, and the hurt and pain they must be feeling, and most of all, the relief and happiness they provide for each other. I fully intend on watching this movie again. Oh yeah, and if for some reason you would like to know, I am only 13 years old. I don't know why I was drawn into this movie other than for the fact that Harrison Ford was in it. But now that I have seen it, I respect it for much more than that only fact... Jill Snider
Rating:  Summary: Complex slow moving character study Review: This film started out with everything a producer could hope for. It had a great director, a bona fide superstar as leading man, a terrific female lead and an interesting premise for the story. The beginning of the film is masterful. The spouses of two air crash victims go about the routines of their lives as the news of the disaster creeps into the fringes of their consciousness. As most of us do, they regard the news with a disconnected interest, another news story about strangers dying. Suddenly, it occurs to Dutch (Harrison Ford) that his wife said she was going to Miami and he discovers two awful truths, that she was killed and that she was traveling with another man. He then informs the wife of that man that her husband was on the plane. The treatment of this entire chain of events was extraordinarily well done. Unfortunately, after this the story bogs down and becomes highly contrived. Dutch then becomes obsessed with knowing everything about the illicit relationship. This is almost believable. But he also drags Kay, (Kristin Scott Thomas) into the vortex and they develop this complicated relationship of grief, passion and maybe even love. Not so believable. The microscopic character study that ensues of the complex emotions and reactions of the characters is well done, but the viewers find themselves wondering why they have to watch it since most sane people would just have let it go. After all, the offenders are dead, and little is to be gained by knowing the details of the betrayal. The story also introduces a completely superfluous subplot about the pursuit of a crooked cop by Dutch, a detective in internal affairs. The only distant connection to the plot is the fact that Kay and Dutch are together during the shootout with the bad cop. As filmmaking, this film is first rate as would be expected from Sydney Pollack. The color and exposures were particularly rich and the scenes compelling. I particularly liked the scenes from the tango nightclub. There were a broad range of different settings and situations and all were handled with great realism. Harrison Ford was asked to play a character quite different from his customary strong, direct and dynamic roles. This character was far more complex than any he ever attempted and Ford didn't have the range necessary to give a satisfying performance. He was fine in the cop scenes, but in the scenes with Kristin Scott Thomas he was overly subdued, almost like he was medicated. This made his performance seem lifeless. Kristin Scott Thomas, on the other had was brilliant. She showed incredible command of all the myriad emotional states that Kay sustained. As a British actress playing an American, her accent was flawless, though the character being from New Hampshire should have had a New England accent. Overall, I gave this film a 7/10. Despite the plot flaws, it was well constructed and as a character study it was excellent. Most viewers will find such in-depth character studies slow and boring, so if you are looking for pace, you might want to pass on this film.
Rating:  Summary: Recommended For Mature Audiences Only Review: This is not a 'Harrison Ford Movie'. Don't get me wrong, I like 'Indy' just as much as the next guy. Unfortunately, since this is the deepest role in which I have ever seen Mr. Ford, the preconceived notions of many of the reviewers were not met as a result. No, this is not some lightweight 'Six Days Seven Nights' nonsense. It is a movie that understands all too well the complex emotional and psychological torture that is the lot of the betrayed spouses and how they interact with one another as a result. Ford's reactions were dead-on as a man - especially as a cop who made a career out of seeing through deception. This one was just too close and personal for any sort of perspective. Scott-Thomas is equally brilliant in her complex role as the woman betrayed. The coming together of these two during the horrible process of coming to grips with the depths of their respective betrayals seems, to me, to be perfectly natural in that only each of them could possibly truly understand the feelings of the other; this and the realization of both of these faithful souls that they may indeed be a rare breed in having practiced truth and fidelity in their marriages - and lives. Perhaps to fully appreciate this film one would have had to be similarly betrayed. Only then would the pure emotional truth of this story land its knockout punch. As for me, I'm on the canvas and down for the count.
Rating:  Summary: tHiS mOvIe iS oKeA Review: i thought this movie was great and exciting in the beginning but the ending was hard to understand. The movie is long but if you like love stories and mysteries this you might like. i think it overall they were great actors and actesses but the script wasnt the best
Rating:  Summary: Almost his worst film Review: It wasn't the worst, but it was close. The story line is creative, but drags constantly. If you are bored and want a movie that will SLIGHTLY entertain you.....this is it. It seems as if Hollywood doesn't have many good films to produce this year. Harrison Ford is a great actor, but this film doesn't help his career at all!
Rating:  Summary: What a waste of talent! Review: How could two excellent actors and an acclaimed director make such a bomb? The premise doesn't work from the start. Would a congresswoman's husband sneak away on an affair booking the tickets in his name and his wife's name when the mistress is 15 years younger than his wife, and is obviously not his wife? The unknown mistress doesn't use her real name, but the known guy uses his real name? I didn't buy the romance, if that's what it was, between Ford and Thomas for a second. They had no chemistry. The subplot of the police situation with Ford adds absolutely nothing. Loved Thomas in The English Patient, and Ford's acting has been great since Witness, but this one just doesn't work. Very disappointing. The previews made it look like a suspenseful movie, so I kept waiting for something to happen. Nothing happened! P.s. Can somebody tell Ford, Eastwood, Redford, and Costner to demand that their female interests in films be within 10 years of their real ages! The actress who played Ford's wife could have passed for his daughter. Harrison, I love ya man, but you have matured and your love interests should as well. Why couldn't they cast a good looking woman closer to Ford's age? She was only in the film for a short time.
Rating:  Summary: The worst video transfer I have seen Review: This movie is worth watching, not great but ok. However it has to be the worst DVD video transfer I have seen to date. Portions of the movie are so bad it looks like you are watching on a computer screen in 256 colors. Also while black level on DVDs is not great, it is really bad in this movie. Anything dark looks like digitized impressionistic artwork.
Rating:  Summary: Previews misrepresent movie Review: If you were like me, you watched the preview for this movie and thought it was an exciting, mystery movie - not a dull, d r a w n o u t movie. When Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott Thomas's respective partners die together in a plane crash - Harrison Ford suspects an affair. I was planning on finding out about the secret life of their partners and why the affair started. When it took nearly 45 minutes just for the two widows to find out their partners were dead, I knew I was in trouble. This movie was not worth sitting through, and more than once I reached for the stop button. However,I figured I'd already invested enough time that it was worth finishing it, but just barely. If you want to see this movie, do not plan on seeing something exciting (as the preview suggests), make sure you are in the mood for a love story-which is way too long for its own good.
Rating:  Summary: harrison great actor Review: as nadine said rightly, this picture is just wonderful and full of sensitiveness. harrison ford is brilliant and i don't understand really why this picture was burned. why are people so reluctant towards pictures showing humble human sentiments? this picture goes deep down. i saw it in the theaters and i got the dvd version : the emotion is all there, on the screen or at home, and equally powerful. since english is not my own language (and thus it is a little complicated to put my arguments), i shall invite other customers to go to nadine's message:it is a good one and i share every word she wrote down.
Rating:  Summary: Please don't waste your money Review: I like Harrison Ford like most people but, I'm sorry, this movie is bad. It was very slow and there is no point. The whole way through the movie, I was waiting for that thing to happen that would make the whole thing turn out to really be a good movie after all. But it never happened. It was a total waste of money. Harrison could have done much better than choosing that role.