Rating:  Summary: Random Hearts Review: This movie is the reason there should be ZERO STAR rating at Amazon. I am quite sure Random Hearts is the worst movie I've ever seen. Certainly the worst movie ever made with a mega-star like Harrison Ford.Uninspired script, frenetic story line, pathetic performances all combine to make the audience wish that ALL of the characters had gone down in the plane crash together and spared us all the next two hours of agony. I really feel like I wasted part of my life watching this one. But I must admit, it's kinda fun to hate it so much.
Rating:  Summary: Tough, but heart warming... Review: Great movie, super acting, rugged story. The plot starts in one of those improbable and tragic twists of fate that leaves two relatively naive spouses suddenly window/widower. And for awhile their pain gets worse as they discover that although they'd never met, their spouses were lovers. I like "they lived happily ever after" movies, but this isn't one of them. Nevertheless, the ending is real and the path of emotional ups, downs, frustrations and victories for Ford and Scott Thomas leaves the viewer with a feeling of substantial healing without a phony fairytale ending. A little longer movie than some, and not for the cell-phone, swizzle-stick crowd as the priorities of the faster, better, bigger, louder crowd are subtly scorned as the pair learns to cherish what is truly important in the present - not in the future, or the past. Well worth watching, particularly in view Random Heart's minimal endorsement but the movie critics - since I rarely agree with `em, that's a vote of confidence in my book.
Rating:  Summary: Give it a try Review: Critically lambasted and widely ignored upon its release in 1999, "Random Hearts", a Harrison Ford-Kristin Scott Thomas vehicle, is really not that bad. It's less than stellar and the pieces don't always fit very well, but the performances are actually quite nice, Scott Thomas's especially. While I would not consider this film a masterpiece by any means, fans of these two actors might enjoy renting it some Saturday night.
Rating:  Summary: Random Movie - No ending Review: I've been watching Harrison Ford movies for 24 years (since Star Wars). I had never seen a Harrison Ford movie that I did not like -- until now. I just finished viewing this turkey of a film and feel very let down. The movie is quite long, about 2.25 hours. For the first couple of hours everything appears to be going along fine. To be sure, it is very heavily melancholic, but I got the impression that I was watching a masterful suspense thriller building and building, so I was patient. When the film reached the 2 hour mark I started getting suspicious that there wasn't going to be any climax. Yep. The darn thing just ended, with no ending, leaving me holding the bag. What in the world were the makers of this movie thinking? Do they really think that people want to spend more than 2 hours watching people's gut-wrenching and then have them walk away? Do they think people want to be suckered in for more than 2 hours while they pretend this is a suspense/thriller movie and then just have the main characters give up and go home? Geez. If that's all they wanted to do they should have made the film no longer than an hour and a half and let me get back to my life faster. Harrison Ford's performance was good, as always, but since I had just seen Frantic last month, his performance looked like a carbon copy. At least Frantic had a real ending. If you're a die hard Harrison Ford fan you may still want to check this movie out -- just don't start with any expectations, then maybe you won't be as disappointed as I was.
Rating:  Summary: Turgid, misguided look at the grieving process Review: Oh, how I looked forward to this movie before is was released. Two of my favorite stars and one of my favorite directors. Who could ask for more? As it turns out, I could ask for a lot more. Random Hearts starts off well. Dutch Van Der Broeek [Harrison Ford] and Kay Chandler [Kristin Scott Thomas] have never met. Their spouses certainly have. They are having an affair. One morning they take a flight to Miami. Dutch and Kay are worry-free, because they have not been told the truth. So when the plane crashes shortly after takeoff , killing everyone on board, Dutch and Kay go about their mundane daily business. News reports flash everywhere, but what has it to do with them? Everything, as it turns out. Dutch is an undercover policeman, and when he finds out his wife was traveling under the name of Mrs. Peyton Chandler, he goes on a quest to find out about the length and duration of the affair. At first, Kay, who is a Congresswoman running for reelection, wants nothing to do with him. After much persistence, she joins him on a search for answers that can never be found. Along the way, they also fall for each other. Random Hearts is probably a well-meaning attempt at examining the grief process. It has so many problems that that examination never works. For one thing, this is one of the grimmest, most humorless movies I have seen in a long, long time. I should think that a veteran director like Sidney Pollock would know that, when the subject is heavy, you've got to crack a joke or two along the way to relieve the audience's stress. At least there should be a couple of characters who doesn't need Prozac. This is especially true about a movie that runs nearly two and a half hours. I think the intention was to make the film poignant. Harrison Ford's performance prevents its becoming this. He is unbelievably awkward in his love scenes with Kristin Scott Thomas. I can't imagine that he's a bad lover, so I can only assume that this was his interpretation of the character. His sour-faced, awkward attempts at intimacy make it hard to believe that Kaye would want him much, if at all. Scott Thomas handles her role with aplomb, although her English accent creeps in now and then. There is a subplot involving Dutch's undercover work. Except for a moment near the movie's climax, it has nothing to do with the plot. Sadly, it's a lot more interesting than the rest of the movie....
Rating:  Summary: Maybe You Had to Be There Review: This film delves into the intensely personal and painful effects of betrayal in marriage. This is a tricky subject, and not naturally pleasant material in which to spend 2 hours of ones life and call it 'entertainment.' On the other hand, adultery and lack of commitment is so common, so pervasive in our culture that almost no one is untouched. So I give the director and all the actors credit for trying something different. As many of the reviews reflect, this film is not for everybody. For me it reflected the mystery and unpredictable nature of love and relationship. In particular the gradual unfolding of the complex and deceptive reality both unfaithful spouses lived (the secret apartment, for example) brought home the depths of deception to which we can descend in a marriage. I'm sure at some level they both believed they had a right to do what they were doing. Perhaps you 'had to be there' to enjoy this movie. I did.
Rating:  Summary: Are there 2 versions of this movie? Review: Looking at all the reviews listed here, there must be. The version I saw was an excellent movie, with Harrison Ford putting in a solid performance. I wish all the people who saw the other version could have seen the one I saw.
Rating:  Summary: more like Random Thoughts Review: This movie features two miscast actors in an otherwise inferior story-line. I think I'll read the novel that it was based on to see where the writer/director/producer went wrong...I would recommend that to you as well before renting, or buying this Turkey.
Rating:  Summary: Watch paint dry instead Review: Every once in a while I watch a movie that is SO bad I feel a need to warn others about it. Harrison Ford looks drugged and slurs this way through another dull script. On the plus side, the film seemed to be in focus most of the time.
Rating:  Summary: Something Captivating Review: Unusual and fresh, Pollack manages to find a story that doesn't follow the predictable hollywood storylines. In respect to the acting both Kristen (who I had only seen once before in a minor role in Mission Impossible and was stabbed-to-death no less) and Harrison, who I always seem to see as an old Han Solo (Sorry Harrison), did a respectible job as Dutch and Kay; however, the real star of the show is, again, the story. There is a captivating aspect to it that I could not identify and managed to keep my interest up throughout. Dutch (a D.C. Internal Affairs cop) and Kay(a U.S. Congresswoman from New Hampshire who is seeking re-election) would have led completely separate lives if it hadn't had been for the plane that crashed with both their spouses aboard, in seats 3A & B, first-class. The betrayal of Dutch's spouse bewilders him such that he becomes obsessed with finding out all he can about the circumstances surrounding her ill-fated choice to have an affair. This obsession brings him smashing into Kay's delicately balanced world and threatens her carefully crafted public and private lives with scandal. I will agree some of the acting isn't all that great, the bar scene at 'The Tides' felt canned. Its also true that Harrison Ford appears to have only a few expressions, but they always seem to have a special quality about them that make you want to see them again; furthermore its apparent he doesn't know what to do with his hands, they seem to jerk from one position to the next. (ex:car bottom-squeezer scene) Kristen, though not as accomplished an actress as some would like, seems to have a special quality about her as well. Furthermore, she is one of the most elegant leading ladies I have encountered in a long while. I will admit some of her lines seemed to be pre-recorded and came a little to quickly. (re: tides bar). Perhaps she just needed to internalize her lines better, or its the result of having to manage the american accent which slipped from time to time into a strange quasi american - quasi british accent. Though she did manage the accent well enough for me to enjoy the movie. In summary, its a good film if you like unconventional flicks, and I would certainly recommend it. Which is unusual because I don't particulary like actor/director movies, but Sydney Pollack is apparently accomplished at both, and the fact that he relegated himself to a relatively minor role mitigated the issue as well. The other reviews I have read seem to either be "Love It" or "Hate It", So to remain within these paramaters I would say I love this film, but its definitely only puppy love.