Rating:  Summary: WOW Review: Incredible music, incredible effects, incredible film! Should be placed on list of greatest movies!
Rating:  Summary: Moulin Rouge the greatest movie of my time (so far) Review: This is a review of Moulin Rouge. I think this is a great movie I especially liked the club and the sets. The story line is easy to follow and really captures the theatre. The songs are really amazing and the cast are just perfect. I enjoy all of the scenes and even enjoy the sad parts (I wont tell you what they are you have to watch it for yourself) at the moment i am searching for all of the CDs and posters i hope you anjoy the film as much aqs i did Emily
Rating:  Summary: "Thrilling, Front of the seat entertainment" Review: I absolutely loved this movie. I could not take my eyes off the screen the whole time, it was so good. The actors and actresses did a wonderful job, I congradulate them. Bravo! Thank-you for making such a great movie!
Rating:  Summary: Refreshing Review: This comedy/tragedy/musical takes you on an adventure into the underground of true Bohemian spirit - truth, beauty, and "above all" . . .love. The industry just doesn't make many muscial films these days and to have one with such emotion and clever entertainment was a joy to watch. Christian (McGregor) and Satine (Kidman) have great chemistry on screen. They make one's heart melt with the passion they have for one another. The fact that both McGregor & Kidman sang their own songs in the movie was impressive. They make it fun to watch. I would recommend it to anyone who is a romantic with a light-hearted spirit.
Rating:  Summary: MUSICAL MASTERPIECE Review: i absolutely loved this movie. not only was the music great, but the love story as well. i really got caught up in it and i cant wait until i can buy it!!
Rating:  Summary: LOVE IT or leave it Review: I wasn't such a fan a Baz Luhrmann's other big work, Romeo + Juliet, however I loved to look at it. This film is also wonderful to look at. I saw it 3 times in the theater, not just because I loved the movie, but there was so much to look at that I didn't want to miss any of it. It is the typical story of boy-meets-prostitue, boy-falls-in-love-with-prostitue, prostitue-tries-to-leave-boy, boy-and-prostitute-profess-love-for-eachother, and the quintessential tear-filled ending. The plot is not the best part of this movie. Yes, it's a sweet story, but the MUSIC! They use lyrics of other (modern) songs with such artisty and humor. The performances of Ewan McGregor, Nicole Kidman, John Leguizamo, not to mention Jim Broadbent and Richard Roxburgh are so phenomenal! Who knew that Ewan could sing so honestly, so believably, and beautifully?!? Nicole was no squaker herself... she was also a wonderful surprise! Yes, this movie is probably meant for the "MTV Generation", but if you give the artistry a chance, you may find the passion for it that many of us find. This is a modern-day musical, using modern-day techniques, but with old themes and classic Musical segues and motifs.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: Well to tell u the truth, i didn't want to see this movie when i went with my girlfriend, but she really wanted to see it. In the end, it ended up being one of the best movies that i have ever seen. it was so well done. the music was great, the camera work was great, and the story was well done (even though it was a little typical). i would recommend this to anyone, but make sure the girls are ready to cry. anyway, it was one of the best movies i have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: Truly unique, modern, unique movie! A writer's dream! Review: This movie is a combination of a unique musical a writer's...dream. The visuals are gorgeous and the pacing is fast and frenetic in a way that you never get bored -- yet it never goes to fast to be moving. Not only do you have the hilarious mixture of modern pop songs (from Madonna, Nirvana, Queen, Police, and even The Sound of Music) mixed into the musical format, but a truly moving story. What's miraculous about it is how it weaves so many things from literatue and art also -- modelled after the style of Bollywood (popular Indian films) and mixed with such allusions to Orpheus in the Underworld myth (the Greek myth where a young lyricist goes into the Underworld to get his lady-love only to lose her by turning around), this movie never fails to move, entertain and make you think. One of my all-time favorite movies!
Rating:  Summary: Life was good before I saw this movie, now it is GRAND!!!!!! Review: This movie is the most spectacular film I have ever seen. I love so many movies so to say this it is a really amazing sentence. I have never seen a movie with such attention to detail! You have a million dollars in your pocket when you have this movie because think of all of the money and hard work that went into each beautiful set and costume, not to mention the actors practising the amazing dancing theatrical performance after performance in this movie!! The music is amazing and the actors superb!! If you haven't seen this movie, you have not lived! Don't die without seeing this movie!! It is a must see for anyone who loves the beauty of a love story with the tragedy and music of real life. It has comedy and drama together in one feature. I saw it 7 times at the theatre and if I had had the time away from work I would have seen it 107 at the very least!!!!!! This movie is Nicole Kidman's and Ewan's McGregors BIG BREAK! It makes you feel like you are dancing to the moon on the stars of the universe! It makes you feel like everything in life has a real purpose. It makes you realize why we are here on this earth...because as the story goes...the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return!!! How wonderful life is with MOULIN ROUGE in the world!! Thanks to everyone for giving me something better than all of the golden jewels of this earth could give me...a change in movie history forever. I didn't know what I was fixing to see when I went into the theatre for the first time and saw this movie! WOW! Let me say that one million times with one million exclamation marks! Thanks to all of the producers, directors, writers, hair stylist, make-up artist, crew members, gaffers, costume designers, prop people, actors and every single person who had any part of any of this movie! I owe you nothing short of a million miracles and a half! May God bless you all for giving the world this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is IT! Never again will I go and see such a movie as this! I just can't wait to get it at home and watch it each and every day until the day I leave this earth! When I die the last thing I will think of is this movie! I am telling you, you have to see it if you haven't! OK! Have I made my point? I certainly hope so! I want to scream it out to the world!!!! The Red Windmill is the most beautiful spot on Earth and nothing could get better than the Moulin Rouge! "It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside....it's not one of those who can easily hide...Don't have much money, but boy if I did, I would buy a million copies of this movie and really live!!"
Rating:  Summary: WONDERFUL MOVIE Review: This was the best movie, in music, and keeping my attention. It made me laugh, cry and it was an emotional roller coaster of fun. It was one of the best movies I have ever seen.