Rating:  Summary: A real feel-good love story for the dreamer in us all. Review: What can I say about this film to begin my review? Three words. I LOVE it. I may be a little biased, but I love things set in Ireland, Scotland, and that area. I was hooked immediately on the beautiful scenery of Ireland's west coast, and my heart was immediately stirred by the rich and dramatic, yet at times very soft and tender music. Even more so when I read "Music By John Williams" in the opening credits. But I digress. Music and scenery aside this movie still has much going for it, and it really shines. It's a love story yes, but it's beautiful. Others have mentioned the great chemistry between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman here, and they are right. I am not a big fan of Tom Cruise (Rain Man was excellent though) or Nicole Kidman, but they played very well off each other. This film follows, again as many have mentioned, the two lead characters as they make a harrowing journey from Ireland to Boston to Oklahoma in pursuit of their dreams. His is "I'll work my own land someday" hers is "I'm modern, and I'm going to a modern place" She wants to get away from her parents old-fashioned and "stuffy" way of living. I hate to diss other films so I'll try not to do that here. I WILL say that I loved the love story in Far And Away because it works. And it works because it is given time to develop. Joseph and Shannon hate each others guts at first and make no secret of it, but they are drawn slowly together by the perils of their journey. It is touching to see their hatred for each other change from hatred to grudging respect, to affection, and finally grow all the way to genuine love. This works MUCH better than spending a day on a ship, and saying to yourself "Oh look, there's a pretty girl up on the next deck. Let's take her dancing, partying, teach her how to spit, how to stand on the back of a ship with her eyes shut and her arms outstretched. Then I'll draw a nude portrait of her, and then we'll go and have sex in the back of a car. All witihin a period of about three or four days." (Just for the record I loved Titanic too, but the "quickie" love story took away from the power of the film JUST a TAD because the love between Rose and Jack was not allowed to GROW and DEVELOP into itself as it is here in FAR AND AWAY. In TITANIC the love between Jack and Rose was just THERE. It was just: Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy. Badda-BING, Bada-BANG, Badda-BOOM) I'm sorry, I'm digressing again, so I'll try to keep to the point and keep the rest of this short. In summary , to me this film is a great one, well done in every part of the package. LOVELY scenery is wedded to absolutely beautiful music as two great actors are supported by an assortment of loveable aqquaintances and a couple of dastardly villians (I'm counting Mike Kelly here too, see the film to know who he is and why I call him a villian). All this comes together in a beautiful love story that has the power to touch the heart, and the tear ducts, and make you realize the importance of holding onto and going after your dreams. I loved it, and so can you, if you have the courage to let this film touch your heart. If you do allow that, it will carress it. Peace, and God bless you. Always.
Rating:  Summary: Before TITANIC. Review: There is a great deal about FAR AND AWAY that is spectacular: it's got a great cast, breathtaking scenery, moving and sentimental score, wonderful direction, brilliant cinematography. However, there is one thing that the movie doesn't have: a very good story. The film seems to wander all over the genre map skipping from grand historical epic to tear-jerking romance to updated Western. That confusion, makes the film a little shaky. However, the film really isn't any of the above-mentioned genres. No, FAR AND AWAY is basically a romantic comedy set against the backdrop of a nineteenth century immigration tale. When watched in this vein, the film seems much more whole. Besides, the main reason people originally watched this film wasn't for the story, it was to see Cruise and Kidman in their skivies.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, missed scene Review: Fun movie to pop in and watch, though the DVD cut at least one scene I noticed (where Tom Cruise's character is send into the mine to detonate a dud-explosive...there might be more but I did not notice them on the first watch).
Rating:  Summary: Far and Away Review: My favorite all time movie. Great love story, beautiful scenery, humor, excitment and the land rush scene made you feel like you were there. The production notes tell you the background on the story and Ron Howard's inspiration for the story which made it even more enjoyable. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: It was the best of times, it was the worste of times Review: Despite the fact that I dislike Tom Cruise I must say that every once in a while he stars in a good film and does a great job. Nicole Kidman on the other hand always does a great job but, like her ex-husband, doesn't always have the best taste in screenplays. Far and Away is, in my opinion, Tom and Nicole at their best. The characters both throw their fates into the wind of change and realize that it is only with each other will they land in the hands of grace. Call me an old sentimental fool but that's simply beautiful. Inspiring, funny, sad and romantic, this movie has it all.
Rating:  Summary: When the land is a dream Review: A marvellous couple of actors serving an absolutely stunning vision of America. It starts in Ireland where the beginning of the rebellion of the Irish peasantry against the British landlords is depicted with a very acute sense of humanity. The Irish, and the British are shown, somewhere, to be both human and humane in spite of their historical differences. But the vision of Boston and later the Oklahoma Territory is amazing. None of the ugliness of poor immigrants in a country that exploits them to the extreme is spared and we are given a realistic picture of it, and of the tremendous social inequality and injustice in this puritan world. The race for land in the Oklahoma Territory is just as realistic and strong. Nothing is spared : shooting, cheating, fighting, bribing, etc. But what comes out strong in this film is the idea that a man or a woman are not human if they do not have a dream to possess land, cultivate it and prosper on it, if they are not ready to go through the direst ordeals to realize their dream, and if they are not ready to survive these ordeals and yet without a bad conscience, the bad conscience of not having respected their opponents or challengers, not having remained humane and moral all along. Love is the real issue in this situation. One must never forget it and one must never drop this loving principle. Love above all is the humane, human and moral value that crowns all the others.
Rating:  Summary: Ahh Review: This is a great movie. Look past the love story cheesyness and you can see that it has a lot to do with immigration. Tom is a fighter throughout some of the story because Irish, Italians, then Asians were the best fighters during the first two waves. Although this movie is great in terms of history, dont watch the ending, it ruins the story.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful!-Best film of 1992 Review: Yes I know that this movie tanked at the box office when it came out in 1992. Haven't a clue why because it certainly is better than other rubbish such as MI-2,and Cocktail which did well at the box office This is one of my favorite movies of all time and remains among my top 10 films of all time. I am also happy to find that it is one of Tom's favorite movies. He has nothing to be ashamed of he's right this is one of the best and most satisfying films he's done. This is also the movie which caused me to fall in love with Tom and made me a life time fan of his-in that no matter what he does-I still like him. No other male actor in current Hollywood history enjoys this status. Anyway Far and Away chronicles the story of a poor young man Joseph and rich young woman Shannon who escape Ireland for different reasons- actually it is the same reason to embark on a new life- in America- where they think that they will have a better life. Things do not go quite as they expected and the movie traces their ups and downs to the enevitable happy conclusion. This film is also a love story, but is not treacly and sappy like "The Titanic" (whose love story is ludicrous in itself). Joseph and Shannon can't stand each other on the surface-- but as the movie progresses you can see the bond and affection that they have for each other. In fact the they two (relatively chase) kisses they exchange in the entire film was of a lot more believable, tender and sexy than any sex romp I've been forced to sit through over and over This is a wonderful movie with a nice old fashioned story. I don't know what improvement has been made to the DVD, but occassionally this film is shown in it complete full length on TV. It does not add much but it is still worth seeing if you love this film. Tom and Nicole may no longer be together but believe me this gem will last the test of time!
Rating:  Summary: Perfect for a rainy Sunday Review: I bought this movie because it was good, and a decent price. Since then, I have watched it many many times. My roommate and I seem to put it on every dateless Friday night, or lazy afternoon or sick day. It is easy to watch (the sceanery is beautiful) and has a moving story without puting you on the edge. That is to say, you can relax and watch. Just the right amount of Tom too!
Rating:  Summary: It'll Take you Far and Away Review: Hollywood has made many poor films in the last twenty years. Almost every movie is atypical, hero goes through three stages, the fall, the rising and finally the conquering/winning, young lover is won over. This movie follows the same guidelines. But whereas the official critics hailed it as a poor screenplay and predictable, there are a few aspects of this movie that they are overlooking. One, the actors, while being big names, are pretty darned good. Two, the setting of the movie and the troubles that they face mean a lot more to the movie historically, than the plot. Three, the music to this movie is amazing and has been used in commercials and trailers for countless other films. While it is true you won't be seeing much new in the way of storyline, the way in which the story is told is unique. This movie, while not being a box office favorite, certainly became the favorite to many viewers. I give it five stars not because of it's originality and break from the norm, but for the exceptional way in which the story is told, and the way that the viewers become part of the story. And if nothing else in the movie peaks your fancy, the music is some of the best ever written.