Rating:  Summary: "YOUR SISTER WILL BE HERE SHORTLY..." Review: And the plot thickens... This is one of my all-time favorite movies. I would give it 10 stars if I could! It has all the components of a masterpiece movie: talented actors, a compelling script, beautiful cinematography all combined with chemistry, romance, laughter, tears, jealousy, conflict, envy, love, and tragedy. This is Reese Witherspoon's debut performance and she steals the show; I became a fan instantly. However Sam Waterson, Jason London, Tess Harper, Emily Warfield and Gail Strickland all have amazing performances as well. This is one of the all-time best casts I've ever seen. Anyone will enjoy this movie that has a heart. You will laugh and you'll cry; but hopefully most of all you will THINK and APPLY the lessons of Compassion and Forgiveness that "The Man in the Moon" successfully portrays. I will never tire of it; each viewing is like the first time. It doesn't get better upon repeated viewings because it was Perfect the First time! This is a keeper folks; a must own! (At least rent it, you have to see it at once!)
Rating:  Summary: A Beautiful, Heartbreaking Film Review: "The Man in the Moon" is a beautifully realistic look at life through the eyes of an adolescent. Director Robert Mulligan magically re-creates screenwriter Jenny Wingfield's autobiography of her childhood through gorgeous cinematography and a haunting, lyrical musical score. This film hits home as one of the most powerful and emotionally affecting films in recent times. This film is incredible, all the acting first rate, especially Sam Waterston and an astonishing performance by Reese Witherspoon in her film debut. You will feel every emotion as this life changing summer in 1957 on the Trant family farm comes to a conclusion. "The Man in the Moon" is wonderfull movie that everyone will enjoy, and since it was a limited release in 1991, you will be sure that most of you're friends and family will have never heard of it. Buy this dvd and enjoy 100 minutes of pure poetic art. This film truely is the essence of filmaking at its finest.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Miss This Review: Well, I'm a tough reviewer. I don't get swept away by special effects or star power, I really look at all the small details of movies and "The Man In The Moon" comes as close to perfect as any movie I've seen. Quite frankly this is why I don't put much stock in the Academy Awards because this movie should have been nominated for numerous awards, and yet no one has ever even heard of it. Thank goodness I stumbled upon it on Bravo while channel surfing one night. And thank goodness they ran it again so I was able to record it. Yes it's about "boy meets girl" but this film refuses to fall back on tired stereotypes that we've all seen before. It tackles first love in a small town of the 1950's with refreshing honesty and angst. Yes Reese Witherspoon does indeed give her best performance ever, but many reviews on here pass over her older sister played with equal brilliance by Emily Warfield. The film centers around the two sisters falling for the same guy. As such, many scenes are between the 2 sisters and the film would never work unless the acting by both actresses were top notch, and it is ! And Gail Strickland only appears in 3 or 4 scenes yet manages to make you feel as though it's her movie, how does she do that ? From the script, to the directing and acting and cinematography to the amazingly beautiful music, this movie simply does everything right, yet does it subtlely. Call it a chick flick if you must, but don't miss it if you care at all about good film making and wonderful story telling that leaves you wanting more. I feel that everyone can find something to like and identify with in this film, not just because the story is universal, but mainly because it is done so very well.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful , Tear Jerking Review: This is a wonderful DVD.I think it's a great movie for young teens ages 13 - 18. I am 13 and I loved this movie. It is a sweet love story, but also a hurtful love story.I have been crying since that movie ended.Now I watch it about 4 times a day. Crying and crying over and over.I think MGM studios produced this movie perfectly.I love it it's my favorite movie of all time.The whole cast was great.I hope this love story will happen to me other than the guy I like dying.LOVE IT!!!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully touching and sweet Review: I love this movie. Reese Witherspoon is young but does an amazing job of showing how young love develops and what happens when it is lossed. Be prepard with some tissues, because undoubtely your heart will cry for these characters.I reccomend this movie highly.
Rating:  Summary: How did this film get passed over? Review: I was only two when this movie came out, so obviously I have an excuse for not seeing it while it was in theaters. I had heard about it though, and I love Reese Witherspoon, so I was eager to watch it at a sleepover I went to not long ago. I thought I would like it, but it was go good I don't know where to begin. Believe me, I'm not one to like mushy drama, I'll take a comedy any day [Birdcage, anyone?]. And I don't know why I loved this film so much, but I did. It had to have been Reese Witherspoon. I can't believe this was her first film, she is so real and genuine, and she has a lot of things to play with. She is a 14-year-old girl, but she isn't a stuck-up "biotch" like most teenagers, she's very sweet and she has this look that makes you want to take away her pain, especially when her older sister Maureen, with whom Dani has always been close, takes interest in Court, the boy Dani likes. This tears Dani apart, because her relationship with Court is very complicated, but Court finally comes around just in time for Maureen to screw up everything. This is such a good movie, the acting is great by everyone including both the parents, and I think almost every girl can identify with Maureen or Dani or both. I'll end this review by saying that this is not a funny film by any means. The mother, who is preagnant, goes out looking for Dani in a storm and she trips over a branch and lands on her stomach. This leads to a violent confontation between Dani and her father at home. I must say though, that I didn't find the ending sad like most people. My classmates and I were actually clapping at the ending. Yes, I feel a bit guilty about that, but the guy who, er, gets caught in the tragedy is really a jerk, and I felt that he deserved what he got. I have no clue why this movie didn't get attention, but it is not one to be missed. And if you like Reese, you're sure to add this movie to your collection.
Rating:  Summary: Odd title for a wonderful film. Review: Okay, I'm going to say this straight out. This is a family film (although it is rated PG-13). And yes, it will bring tears to your eyes. For those who are already heading for the hills, you'll be making a huge mistake. After all, it's directed by the same man (Robert Mulligan) who gave us "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "The Summer of 42". "The Man in the Moon" is a small film that came out in 1991 and I, among millions of others, missed its theatrical release. Heck, most missed its video release. This is really a shame because these movie treasures come far too infrequently. They get pigeon-holed and lumped together with all the other Hollywood-style attempts to depict family drama (which runs from the banal to okay, and even to pretty good). So I'm here to "unlump" it. This marvelous story centers around two teenage sisters, Dani and Maureen (age 14 and 17 respectively) and their attraction and love for the same boy (Court Foster, played nicely by Jason London). Set in the 1950s on a rural Louisiana farm, this film richly depicts the setting and ambience of this era. Much like "Stand by Me", it shows us the unfettered freedom that children had in a small, rural community in those days...a freedom sadly lacking today. Wonderfully acted throughout, special attention should go to Sam Waterston (the father), Tess Harper (the mother), and Reese Witherspoon (Dani). This is not, let me repeat, not an overblown melodrama. This movie knows exactly where it is going and it pin-points the target at every turn. Today, where "coming of age" films mean boy gets girl, this film takes a fresh and absolutely honest approach, catapulting it far above the others of this genre. Between 1 and 10, "The Man in the Moon" gets the highest mark, a 10. When one looks at the jacket, you'll see over-used words such as "poignant" and "bittersweet". All I can say is, believe it, for it is true. This one is a classic in the truest sense of the word.
Rating:  Summary: I remember.... Review: At one time this movie, no one has really ever heard of, and a while back say about 7 months ago there were only about 7 reviews for this movie now there are well over 50, and I'm very glad. This movie should be considered a classic. Dani (Reese Witherspoon) has had her first love on Court (Jason London) and when her sister Maureen meets Court she also falls madly in love with him. See the movie to see who Court picks in the end. It should be Dani since she loved Court first in my opinion, but see the movie to find out who Court picks, Dani, Maureen, or neither.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Miss This Review: Well, I'm a tough reviewer. I don't get swept away by special effects or star power, I really look at all the small details of movies and "The Man In The Moon" comes as close to perfect as any movie I've seen. Quite frankly this is why I don't put much stock in the Academy Awards because this movie should have been nominated for numerous awards, and yet no one has ever even heard of it. Thank goodness I stumbled upon it on Bravo while channel surfing one night. And thank goodness they ran it again so I was able to record it. Yes it's about "boy meets girl" but this film refuses to fall back on tired stereotypes that we've all seen before. It tackles first love in a small town of the 1950's with refreshing honesty and angst. Yes Reese Witherspoon does indeed give her best performance ever, but many reviews on here pass over her older sister played with equal brilliance by Emily Warfield. The film centers around the two sisters falling for the same guy. As such, many scenes are between the 2 sisters and the film would never work unless the acting by both actresses were top notch, and it is ! And Gail Strickland only appears in 3 or 4 scenes yet manages to make you feel as though it's her movie, how does she do that ? From the script, to the directing and acting and cinematography to the amazingly beautiful music, this movie simply does everything right, yet does it subtlely. Call it a chick flick if you must, but don't miss it if you care at all about good film making and wonderful story telling that leaves you wanting more. I feel that everyone can find something to like and identify with in this film, not just because the story is universal, but mainly because it is done so very well.
Rating:  Summary: Speechless Review: This movie left me just that. Speechless. It's very hard to beleive that this movie was Reese Witherspoons first, because she was extremely convincing. The pure innocence and lack of, well, Sex was sooo refreshing. It's a simple story of a first love and a first loss. This happens to be one of the best movies i've ever seen. There really are no words to describe how i feel about this movie. The story line is age old, but you can't help but be affected by it. What I don't understand is why i watched it for the first time, just two days ago, on TV. This movie needs more advertisement. I recomend it to anyone and Everyone. I do this because everybody can find a soul to sympathize with in this film.