Rating:  Summary: A Rare Beauty - If You Look Deep Enough Review: Reading some of the other reviews, I've felt little more than frustration that there are so many people in this world that would write off a movie that has such obvious real-life implications and such a deep look into the human condition so easily. I'll tell you what I saw when I watched it.After the first few minutes of the movie I thought I was going to sit through another movie knowing everything that was going to happen, but I was pleasantly surprised with the introduction of Sara (Charlize Theron). From that point on, there seemed to be something more going on behind the scenes. There were a number of points in the movie that I connected with personally, especially when Nelson was going to leave and Sara tells him that he'll go home, turn on his TV, get bored... turn on his computer, get bored... surf the web, get bored... then think of her. I do that nearly every night, and the only thing that distracts me is working, which I do a great deal. In any case, this isn't about me. I just wanted to put my opinion in. I think this was a very deep and realistic movie that deserves a little more than one star, even if it is simply for the effort. Hope this helps! :)
Rating:  Summary: Turkey Rather Than One Star: Review: What's wrong with Hollywood? Just like the pure idea alone of Silence of the Limbs would amaze you well enough, the idea of this movie will, oppositely, sicken you all the way. Remember The Watcher (badly enough in its own rights), would be a classic comparing with this one. I am still confused why good actors like these two would take on a project like this. After two hours of viewing, not only careful consideration of choosing future title is needed, but also watching some boxing just to drive away the disgust this movie left.
Rating:  Summary: Improbable November Review: This is a remake of the 60's movie. It's the story of a man (Keanu Reeves) who's absorbed in his work. He's obsessed with it. While at the DMV, he meets a quirky, high spirited girl named Sara (played by Charlize Theron). She offers him the opportunity of devoting herself to him for the month of November if he will give up work (he's already lost his job, so why is this an issue anyway?) so she can "show him life as it should be lived." It's supposed to be a platonic relationship, but of course, they sleep together after spending only hours together. So, after some mild resisting, he accepts the challenge and we see how he changes his ideals during that month. Now, I don't know about anyone else, but I don't always have to see absolute reality in movies. They *are* movies. However, this was SO far fetched that even I couldn't believe this man wouldn't call the police and have her locked up for stalking after their second meeting. And to have him change his values after a matter of about 2 weeks into this experiment just made me shake my head in disbelief. There are some touching scenes and I liked the sub-story of his involvement with the neighbor boy who he becomes sort of a father figure to. There were also some amusing scenes involving the cross-dressing neighbors. But on the whole the story was just too preposterous to find entertaining at all. The ending is meant to tear at your heart strings but it just didn't work for me. Sad? Yes. Good? No. If you must see it, wait for it to be on cable.
Rating:  Summary: Life is not always what we want it to be... Review: While I loved the movie, I did not agree with the moral issues. I took this for what it was...fantasy. In that regard...please let me be Sara and let me die in the arms of Nelson. ;) I was impressed with the depth of character Keanu portrayed as he normally comes across quite differently. His character is at first distant, his personality (Nelson's) needing improvement. He seems to lack even basic human sympathy...that he develops later. Charlize Theron is simply perfect and fits right into her character as Sara Deever as the temptress/sage who is going to rescue Nelson (Keanu) from himself. He is a workaholic to the extreeme. I almost related more to him than Charlize. When Nelson says: "Still friends?" and Sara says: "Only if you give me what I want." I just had to laugh. Is it not sometimes that way with men and women. Sara is a free spirit and is almost childlike in her abandon. She takes each day as it comes. I was a bit dissapointed with the whole: Mrs. Doubtfire act because it took away from the whole serious love story and reminded me of another movie and it seemed out of place. The story just didn't connect in some places and I found myself wondering about a few things. Like..how did Nelson know she had a site when she didn't mention it in the movie (did I miss that and what was that all about?)...guess that is just how it goes in movies, but it left me wondering. I imagine someone cut something out. This movie did remind me of some things in my own life where I tried to control a situation and it just didn't work out. Nelson Moss tries to control his life, but it spins out of control and fortunately Sara is there to catch him when he falls. I would have liked to see them run off and get married right away, but you knew that was not going to happen. This is after all...sort of a fantasy. I mean, woman totally controlling a man....! ;) Making him totally become hers for a whole month. Then, telling a stranger he can have her and she is his for a whole month. How often does that happen. Each month Sara Deever shares her apartment and heart with a diffent man, and later we find out why. She is not however prepared for what is going to hit her and takes great risks with her own heart. To me, this was a serious movie, with some great moments in the script. "You are a walking case study. Look at you. Your a workaholic at such an advanced stage that your intimacies have withered away to almost nothing. Left untreated Nelson, you could become emotionally extinct." -Sara The filming in San Francisco is beautiful and this romantic tale will make you really think about life and how much you need to get out and live it. I had a strange urge to eat peaches and did after this movie. This is a peaches and cream type of movie. Whoever dressed Charlize knew what they were doing. Keanu also looks pretty hot in a suit. This is a movie that might change the way you look at life. I am also addicted to the soundtrack and the day I bought the CD, I listened to it at least 6 times. I listened to it twice after watching the movie as well. Enjoy the fantasy...
Rating:  Summary: real tear jerker Review: this movie was awesome! i loved it! i was going through all of the previous review and all i have to say is, don't listen to the bad ones! this movie is one of the greatest love stories ever, i hated the ending though-- totally hate it. . . yet, actually loved it b/c it's what sets it apart from most films......... (i won't say what it is b/c it'll give it away, but you'll prolly figure it out by reading the other reviews...... ah, well) if you are reading this review, stop right now! do not let the other bad reviews cloud your judgement....... this is truly a sweet, touching, and caring film and something a hopeless romantic like myself shouldn't miss! mild warning though: they actually let keanu sing-- let's just say, while it didn't sound bad, it won't win an award anytime soon, nonetheless however, it's a sweet moment, and you should watch the movie NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Incredible, Emotional Ride. OUTSTANDING! Review: We watched this DVD last and did not know anything at all about this movie. I am VERY AVID about not knowing anything about a movie before I watch it. The rewards of knowing absolutley nothing are worth the occasional risk of getting a terrible movie. In this case, I was very well rewarded. As a man, I often get films that I know women will enjoy, even if I am not sure I will enjoy the movie. I am avoiding talking about specifics in this movie, because I do not like to reveal any details, hoping that others will simply take my advise and let the film 'move' you. This is a very emotional movie. I have not had a movie affect me to this large of a degree in a long time. The acting is absolutely enjoyable and superb. This is one of those movies that I wish I could go back and watch it again as though it were the first time. I am a very critical person and it says a heck of a lot for me to give 5 stars. I reserve 5 star ratings for only the absolute best movies. I believe this is my first 5 star rating on. Outstanding!
Rating:  Summary: They actually let him sing! Review: What an astonishingly terrible movie! Not only do they have Keanu [the "uhhhhhhhhhhh"] Reeves wandering around, furrowed brow and all, but they actually let him sing. I guess it was supposed to be touching, but when you have spent an entire movie cringing (after shelling out money for tickets), all you can think about is getting away as quickly as possible, in whatever manner necessary. This ...movie is a remake for saps and unlucky people like me who get hoodwinked into watching this mess. Its deeply heartfelt performances and obligatory cliches are stuffed down your throat at every chance you think you'll be able to catch your breath. A committee must have researched every cheezy hook to shove in this evil monster of a film. We have playing with dogs on a beach, kite flying, stereotyped transvestite who is so darn witty, sad kid who needs a role model, debilitating illness, rain pouring down while proclaiming love in the middle of the street. The craziness of it all. On top of all this you have the absolutely abysmal Keanu Reeves. ...
Rating:  Summary: Lackluster romantic tragedy Review: This lackluster romantic tragedy is a weak treatment of a threadbare storyline, further diminished by spotty acting. The story is shamelessly familiar. Boy falls in love with girl who he learns is dying, and he becomes transformed by his love for her as she wastes away. Kleenex stock rises. Anyone who saw "Autumn In New York" with Winona Ryder and Richard Gere, released earlier the same year, probably had an overwhelming sense of déjà vu watching this film, right down to the season. This film could very well have been titled "Autumn in San Francisco". It was basically the same film with different topography and local color. However, while the first was well acted with sensitive and insightful character development, this is just a schmaltzy bouillabaisse of sappiness that is spread broadly but thinly. Keanu Reeves, who should have been perfect for the part, wasn't. In the beginning of the film, he plays a high powered advertising executive with a presentation that is so forced it can only be described as robotic. Once he wades back into more familiar waters and settles into the romantic role, he seems to be more comfortable and natural, but he still presents a character that is far to stoic to be endearing. In contrast, Charlize Theron gives a charming and emotionally compelling performance and single-handedly keeps the film from foundering. Theron gives her character great range and endows her with a kookiness that belies her depth. Unfortunately, Reeves is so inert in this film that the romantic chemistry between them is as exciting as last night's dishwater. Director Pat O'Connor ("Inventing the Abbots") did what he could to enliven the film with some nice location shots around San Francisco and some well assembled romantic montages (that might have crossed the line into the overkill zone). However, his handling of Reeves was poorly done. I have seen Reeves give numerous performances that were far better than this. When a solid actor comes off this uninspired, I put the blame squarely at the feet of the director. Also, I feel that the character development was sorely lacking, with O'Connor content to present superficial skits rather than delve into anyone's psyche. Though not awful, this film requires a strong cup of coffee or an incredibly sentimental viewer. I rated it a 5/10. Anyone who liked Keanu Reeves in films like "The Matrix" and "Speed" should prepare to deduct a point or two. Worth a try for romance junkies.
Rating:  Summary: sweet november Review: disappointing - i watched the 2001 version and the 1968 original back-to-back; although entertaining, the remake just does not deliver the same romance; sadly, the 1968 version is only (just recently) available in vhs; if you're a real romantic, don't miss the original !
Rating:  Summary: sweet movie Review: i loved it. keanu reeves plays a too busy for love ad executive and charlize theron plays the jobless loving style add them together and what do u get an great film.