Rating:  Summary: Lord, what fools these mortals be! Review: I saw this movie when it first came out in the theatre, and I was so appalled with the film that I almost walked out. At the time, I believed that updating Shakespeare was not to be done. However, I have grown up since being a freshman in high school, gone through college, performed Shakespeare, studied many other texts, and almost have my bachelors in English with an emphasis on British Literature. I went back to this film, hoping somehow I could shed some light on why everyone thought this was an amazing film. From all the studying I have done, I have come to appreciate some of the artistic choices Luhrmann has made in the film. However, that does not forgive the horrendous acting of every single performer in the movie. They speed right through their lines as if they want to fight the fact that is is written mostly in verse, instead of using it to drive the lines. To truly see how Shakespeare is done, watch the Zeffirelli version. There lies true Shakespearean acting. My goal is to teach high school students this beautiful play (one of Shakespeare's best tragedies, along with Othello), and I promise this version will never be something they lay eyes on.
Rating:  Summary: It's So Weird... Review: This movie was shown to us in Language Arts to help us "understand" the play better. But it is really one of the cheesiest movies I've ever seen. Not that it's not worth seeing; it's actually quite interesting to see Luhrman's interpretation of Romeo and Juliet (modernized with gun fights, explosions, hip hop, and lots of angry people screaming and driving around cars while shooting at each other) (And did I mention that the Prince is now as far down the echelon as Chief of Police?).The movie has its moments, but for a movie, it is pretty unevenly paced. Shakespeare intended it to be a play, not a movie! In some parts it goes way too slow, while in others it goes way, WAY too fast. And at the beginning the Montague servants are literally screaming their lines, which gets to be like fingernails on a chalkboard after you've been listening to them for several minutes. Oh yeah, and the Shakespearean language does not fit at all, especially when Romeo and Benvolio are having the conversation at the pool table. Can you imagine to guys walking into an arcade where you are hanging out and talking up a storm of "thous" and "thys" and "thees" while playing pool? Frankly, they looked like performance artists (reenacting a Shakespearean conversation between Romeo and Benvolio while playing pool at a modern arcade... I should try that some day!). It's not bad, it's just not good. Mediocre. Lukewarm. Like I said before: if you haven't seen it, I encourage you to rent it if you're interested. But it's not worth the price of the purchase.
Rating:  Summary: YAWN! Review: This movie was shown to us in my English class, along with the classic version. This movie was getting on my nerves right up to the gas station scene. First of all, the use of the Shakespearean language in a modern setting DOES NOT WORK, period. It doesn't make sense in a modern setting. They call their guns swords for crying out loud! Second, the acting is terrible. The worst actor of them all was Tybalt. Third, they just act stupid. I hated just about everybody that starred in this "masterpiece." You see Mercutio dressed like a woman, the reason is never explained. I wanted to beat ... him because of his stupidity. You're better off watching the classic version, butI didn't really like that one either.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent and Romantic Review: For those of you who are looking for an equally romantic and exciting film this is the one. Generally people think that Shakesphere is not understandable. But the way this movie is interpretated from the Old English, even if you haven't read the play before. You can understand it. YOu dont' have to guess what's going on. ... You see it and understand it. I generally dont' like Leonardo Decapitated...But he did excellent in this roll. He played Romeo so well. Claire Danes is innocent pure and beautiful. She plays Juliet so well. All the charactors are so well casted.. If you are looking for the perfect date movie this is the one. If you are both into Shakesphere this is the perfect adaptation for you....I really suggest it..Rent or buy the movie you won't regret it!
Rating:  Summary: an okay movie, but in great DVD transfer Review: I found the quality of this DVD so good that although I'm not a big lover of the film, I enjoyed the results immensely. The problem with the film is rather echoed by Luhrmann himself in the extras when he asserts that Shakespeare would have no problem putting "There's Something About Mary" on the Titanic. Boy, Luhrmann is off his rocker there. As he is by messing with the ending of "Romeo and Juliet" by having Juliet wake too soon. I mean, why??? Did he think young folks aren't smart enough to see the tragedy in having things unwind the way Shakespeare wrote them? (And it blows the great line by Juliet about Romeo's lips still being warm.) I guess he felt he had to "up" the tragedy, which was nonsense. Nonetheless, the freedom of translation also has its good points, and that is: this is a truly creative endeavor. And for that, my hat is off to the director. Hopefully, it has gotten kids to read the actual play, which exists in its own wondrous realm of genius. Final Note: for anyone interested in extras about how films get made, this DVD offers fine material.
Rating:  Summary: Personally... Review: I think it's pretty bad. If you haven't read the book or watched an old version of the movie it can get VERY hard to understand. The words just spill by and the actors have no skill. It sounds like they're putting on a third grade play most of the time. And I know Leo is a big star, but let's face it, he just can't handle Shakespeare. They use the original script, which is okay, but along with the modern setting, it doesn't work at all. You don't notice Romeo's humor or Juliet's obedience. And I'm sure Shakespeare didn't intend for Lady Capulet and Tybalt (her nephew) to be having an affair, Mercutio to be a cross-dresser and also having an affair with Lady Capulet, and for everyone to be angry teenagers in hawiian T-Shirts armed with pistols. It's not all bad though. It has a nice, news reporter, prologue opening sequence and the fish tank scene is okay too, but It's not good enough for me to spend my money on it. If you really want true Romeo and Juliet get Franco Zeffereli's Version. It's wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular Review: I love this movie. Clare Danes is awsome and so is Leonardo DeCaprio. I highly reccommend this dvd.
Rating:  Summary: It's ok... Review: I love the movie Moulin Rouge and I think that Baz Luhrmann is very talented, however I didn't feel as gratified with this movie as much as Moulin Rouge. It is certainly bright and colorful like all Luhrmann's movies and the changes made to it to bring it to the modern times are quite ingenius, but I felt that it lacked something. I can't quite put my finger on it, but what might have turned me off are the needless scenes of endless shooting. The actors and actresses did a very good job and I could see that the words weren't just words to them. I commmend the efforts of the people who worked on this movie. Grade: B+, 88
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: OK, I'll admit, I liked this movie, and just so you know, Im no fan of Leo (I just like sitting there saying 'There's Bradford!!). I first saw this when it first came out on video in 1996, or 1997 (I was like in 2nd grade then) because my older sister was a fan Leonardo. I forgot about this movie until last week when my sister rented it again. I'll admit, it was hard to follow with the dialect being old English but I think that with it in a modern setting, it makes it a little bit more easier to understand. Don't let that stop you from renting it (you should rent it before buying it). I'm also going to say that this version isn't for everyone. If you are a big Shakespeare fan, you wouldn't enjoy this, but if you are looking a version of this that does you don't have to think so much of the time was written, this is for you.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect Review: Perfect is the only thing I can think of to describe this movie. Cinematically stunning, *beautiful*, tragic... The acting is impeccable, doing Shakespeare more than justice, doing him proud. The greatest love story of all time is redefined with a sassy, gorgeous style that is a stroke of pure genius. And the special features on the DVD give new insight into the movie. It's just fun and fascinating. A *MUST* for tragics, romantics, anyone really. I'm not one to easily fall in love with a movie but this one is my favorite because it is so breathtakingly wonderful.