Rating:  Summary: i love it Review: In my view Forrest Gump is one of the best movies of the 90's. Forrest Gump is the story of one man's life, through good times and bad. Set in the "emerging" 60's and 70's, Forrest Gump(Tom Hanks) experiences meeting some of the most important people in the U.S.A of his time - J.F.K, Elvis etc. With little knowledge of who these people are Forrest just thinks of them as everyday people like himself.Me and Jenny we we're like pee's and carrots. My momma always said, life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what ya gonna get
Rating:  Summary: The best movie of the century! Review: If it were possible, I would have given this movie 6 stars! I have this video almost worn out. The cast couldn't have been better picked. Tom Hanks was outstanding! This movie was very nostalgic, touching upon every emotion and bringing back memories good and bad in our lives. This movie gripped my attention from the beginning to the end, with details worth remembering.
Rating:  Summary: Not great, not bad Review: This could have been an amusing little film, if it weren't for Robert Zemeckis' desire to make each of his films encompass an entire culture. In making Forrest Gump a witness and participant to every major event of the last 40 years, Zemeckis loads on more detail and attempted SIGNIFICANCE than the story can bear. Each character is expected to carry the weight of an entire generation, and in reaching for such universality, the film makes some rather remarkable statements: to wit, that enlightenment and happiness is the sole provenance of rich white males, that women are either pure and noble saints who die of cancer or sluts who can only be redeemed by rich white males before dying of AIDS. That this rather bizarre pair of messages manages to get past an audience is a tribute to the skill of the producers in hiding their messages in a package of sweetness and light and easily quotable homilies. The film's technical prowess is undeniable, and there are some genuinely remarkable effects. Ultimately, however, the most amazing thing about this film, and the reason for it's success, is the astoundingly high quality of the acting. Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise, Sally Field, and Robin Wright Penn all take rather sentimentally conceived and written characters and make them living and breathing people that you actually care about. Bottom Line: An okay movie that is saved by the high quality of the production and the still higher quality of the performances.
Rating:  Summary: My momma always says... Review: "Forrest Gump" is a great movie. I thought it was very original. I can't really explain why. You'll just have to see it to see what I mean. All I can say is that this movie is really cool.
Rating:  Summary: After all, what are films all about Review: This is such an entertaining story, that you should be able to forgive any faults that you have. I loved it, for the first time in my movie going experience, I was satisfied with a film from start to finish. Hanks portrayl of Gump is fantastic - those who say he is making fun of a such a horrible human condition should be shot. Gump is a unique character, his simplicity is beautifully expressed, and the way in which he talks is actually taken from the boy who plays young forrest, who talks like that. Any problem with this can only arise from the script, and still then, you're making a big deal of nothing. Just relax and enjoy - with films like Titanic around, you won't see another film like this for years.
Rating:  Summary: I absolutely loved the movie! Review: I thought it was a great movie. I have seen it many times and love watching it over and over. I can understand why kids who do not understand those times (60's, 70's, and even 80's) would not like the movie. They do not have a clue about those times so they could not appreciate the movie. The movie was right on target with most of the historical bits. It was a quick ride through history with a funny guy telling the story. Why do people think Forrest was stupid? I believe he was much smarter than people gave him credit for. Overall, he stole my heart! One of the greatest movies I have ever seen. It is on the same shelf as Gone With The Wind at my house!
Rating:  Summary: GODLY Review: this film is perhaps one of the best ever created. Over the years people gripe about the big budget movies and large titles. but I still have not found a movie that caught me off guard and stunned me like this. I mean how many movies can you watch one time and quote the main character's every line. And where else can you get so many different recipes for shrimp!!
Rating:  Summary: overrated Review: This is by far the most overrated movie of the 90s. Tom Hanks' Oscar win for best actor was nothing less than a travesty. There is nothing particularly bad about this film, but there is not much about it that is great either. I was somewhat interested in what happened to Gump, but when it came right down to it, he could have been hit by a bus and it would have been all the same to me. There was no emotional connection to the characters.
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT!!!!!! Review: This is one of the greatest movies i have seen on my lyfe.It's impressive performances,great directing,witty script,outragous special effects,and the originality of this film ,make this movie a classic.
Rating:  Summary: BORING!!!! Review: Why does everyone love this movie? It must have been one of the most boring movies I have ever seen. The reason why I did not care for the movie at all was because it had no plot. There was no point to the movie at all. The film was just about this nerdy guy running around and getting beat up on by bullies, while being felt sorry for by everyone else. Is this the type of film that is supposed to keep me riveted on the edge of my seat? The only reason it got 2 stars from me is because I have respect for Tom Hanks as an actor in better movies such as "Big."