Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Movie of All-Time Review: When I say greatest of all-time that is my opinion of course, but there are many others who would agree with that statement. For those who dont think it is the greatest it has to rank in the top 10 right? Well to me this is a pure cinematic masterpiece in every aspect, from the great cast(Hanks, Fields, Wright, Sinise), the great storyline, the camera work and great directing from Robert Zimeckis. There are also so many memorable quotes in this movie that today, 10 years later I still remember and quote lines from it like "Life is like a box of chocolates..."Forrest Gump is the story of a man that is not very bright but still he sees the world in a way few others ever have or will. We see the progression from the young Forrest who barely makes it into a normal school and is constantly bullied by his peers, to the man who had come to experience so much in life like being on a national champion football team, meeting the president, serving in Vietnam and starting his own shrimping business. Along the way he meets some interesting characters such as Jenny whom he loves his whole life but she follows the wrong path in life, and his best friend Bubba. Bubba was his best friend in the world, and they planned on a partnership in the shrimping business since Bubba's family had always been in that business. You see real emotions that life brings when Bubba dies in Vietnam, when his mother and Jenny die, and when he learns he has a son, Forrest Jr. Forrest lives life to the fullest and I think it is a great message because someone may be considered to be slow but that doesnt mean they can't accomplish so many things in life. The dvd is great and truly does this movie right. The extras are very good like the commentaries and deleted scenes, but to be honest I have not watched all that disc 2 has to offer. I could have gone into more detail about the plot but most of you reading this know what it is about. And if you have never seen it, I really think you will be amazed at what a great film this is. This is a great price for those who don't own this yet so do yourself a favor and pick this up if you havent already. It is truly the best movie I have ever seen and I can't imagine anything else like it ever happening in cinema. It is my favorite and I doubt anything will ever take its place.
Rating:  Summary: Destined to be loved for many years Review: If you're reading this, you probably already know the film, so there is no need to regurgitate the plot. You likely already know that you like the movie and are simply exploring the idea of buying it to own. And if you haven't seen it yet, well, you probably WILL like the movie. Most people do, and for good reason. Forest Gump has a little something for everyone - love, humor, action, happiness, sadness, and everything in between. Despite interpretations to the contrary, it's not a movie pushing a message or driving an agenda; it's a charming fairy tale about a sympathetic character. Key words: "fairy tale." Destined to be a classic for many years - unless you're prone to taking fairy tales too seriously. For the price, this is a great package. This is a nice looking, crisp transfer of this modern classic that should look pretty good on high-end TVs. The cinematography deserves the widescreen treatment. The sound is superb. The second disc of extras is not all-encompassing, and the main documentary relies a bit too much on fluff rather than taking a hard look at the making of the film - I certainly would have liked extras with more substance - but it's an enjoyable watch nonetheless. A good buy? Yes. For the price and the quality of the movie, this should be an easy decision to make.
Rating:  Summary: "Mama Always Said.." Review: This movie is bound to be a classic. Forrest Gump is certainly one of those movies that one would like to watch time and again. This timeless and heart-wrenching classic tells the tale of a man, with an I.Q. much below the average, leads a life that one can only dream of. But the irony of it all is that he is not wise enough to understand the value and significance of the life he has lead. And at the heart of the plot lies a touching tale of love, aspiration and dream. Tom Hanks has put in a terrific performance in the role of a lifetime. There is, infact, nothing in this movie that is not likeable - outstanding direction, marvelous acting, marvelous camera-work, memorable dialogues, fantastic music, infact everything in this movie is absolutely terrific. A must see for all ages and all times. One of the finest and delightful movies ever made.
Rating:  Summary: FUNNY and ENTERTAINING Review: Tom Hanks is a great actor! At this point in the review process it would be pointless to tell you about this movie. So many other reviewers have already done it pretty darn good. However, I can tell you that I wholeheartedly enjoyed this motion picture. An absolutely great picture that is a must see. If you haven't seen this picture, then you should. This is a movie to own!
Rating:  Summary: Stupidity Raised To A Standard Of Excellence Review: Horrible movie bringing to the screen some of the worst ideals and morals of the 1990s as objects of praise. The theme of the movie is that achievements due to fool's luck and sheer coincidence are just as praiseworthy, if not more, than achievements resulting from intelligence, competence, and effort. Altogether a very poor message about what standards of excellence should be in society. Just as with the film itself, appearance is more important than substance; indicating only how, out of pity, we choose to lower our standards of achievement so that others can hide themselves from their ineptitude and feel proud about it.
Rating:  Summary: Two big reasons why film snobs should love Forrest Gump Review: . Ready? 1) This is a subversive film masquerading as a popular movie. There's deft (and frequently wordless) social commentary all over the film, and the conclusions are often cynically radical. Think about how Forrest lands a spot in the local elite school. Look at why Forrest gets into college. Watch how Forrest is exploited by the army and the antiwar movement alike. Read up on Nixon in China, and suddenly the ping-pong grows fifty times sadder and funnier. Think about the metaphors and parallels of fishing and investing, and take a closer look at how and why Forrest strikes it rich. Pay attention to Jenny's childhood, and follow the line of how's and why's behind her self-destructiveness, and watch how Forrest watches it all. Gaze at Bubba, the black Forrest Gump, and wonder if it's an accident that luck deals him a very different hand from Forrest's. Gawk in wonder at the empathy, humility, generosity, faith, love and memory Forrest carries for Bubba, and spend a little time working out for yourself how close or far their worlds are from ours. Think about how the film absolutely decks important historical moments and trivial ones alike: sure, it's playing around, but what a dark impression this film leaves-from Viet Nam to smiley-face logos, almost everything the world dreams up looks like a bad idea that eventually passes away. 2) The premise is deliberately absurd because it's shooting for metaphors. Lots of people who hate this movie attack the improbability and annoying cuteness of the premise, overlooking the fact that A) it's not reality, it's a fiction and it's a movie, which means it's light patterns emanating from a freaking piece of furniture in your living room, and B) the writer and director KNOW it's improbable and annoyingly cute-why do you think they riddle the script with sight gags and pratfalls? Winston Groom and Bob Zemeckis are after bigger game-they're examining the interactions of the personal life with the time in which it's lived. Look at two characters who drive the film. When Jenny is swept up in the cheap dogma of the sixties, jumping into every movement, the metaphor is her bad boyfriends. When Jenny falls into the cheap temptations of the seventies, the metaphor is drugs. In the eighties, the metaphor is ironic: she's wearing a uniform, working, and sporting her first sexless hairstyle; she's in Reagan's America, but she's dying from AIDS. She's been abused by history, both the world's and her own. Meanwhile, Forrest runs through history, sometimes metaphorically, sometimes literally. In the sixties, he's an All-American for Bear Bryant at Alabama, a star in the epicenter of college football at the absolute zenith of the game. He barely notices. In the seventies, he's a Viet Nam vet, an accidental diplomat, an odd ping-pong celebrity (complete with that latest American dream: easy endorsement bucks), and a struggling entrepreneur. He barely bats an eye. In the eighties, he's an odd jogging celebrity (what a dark, massive joke on Nike's "Just Do It" campaign), a business icon and a zillionaire. So he decides to take a job mowing the local high school's football field. One hand, the running joke is that Forrest is oblivious to the extraordinary trappings of his life. Considering how Lewinsky, Kaelin and William Hung have embraced their notoriety for endorsement dollars, this is an outsized slam on American celebrity culture and self-absorption. One the other hand, look at what does move Forrest: the people in his life. His mother, Bubba, Lieutenant Dan, and above all others, Jenny. His mother is the pragmatic optimist who shapes his world view. Bubba is figuratively his dark reflection: Forrest ignores the world, but the world ignores Bubba. Lieutenant Dan is the pragmatic pessimist-the embodiment of the film snob screaming for Forrest to wake up and see things as they really are. But look who changes whom in the end, and why. Look at the metaphors of Jenny. She's a lovely child; Forrest has leg braces. Her problems are hidden; Forrest's are instantly obvious. Jenny has long, luxurious hair; Forrest has the worst haircut in history. Jenny has looks and brains and blows it all with bad decisions; Forrest somehow inherits the earth. Jenny loves the world and is spurned by it. Forrest only loves Jenny, who spurns him. Has there ever been a movie the public thought was a feel-good romp that had a darker love story? It's a funny movie if you see the whole fast-paced world bouncing off slow-witted Forrest. It's a tragic film if you see that every improbable turn in Forrest's life is driven by his aching, half-requited, oft-abused, unfailing love for Jenny, who cares for Forrest but is never sexually attracted to him, who abandons him time and time again, and who only returns to him when she's got nowhere else to go. Forrest may know nothing about women, but he knows everything about Jenny. If you remember this, you'll realize that this movie is hiding a second tag line beneath the sweet, slightly dumbfounded, inadvertently mysterious "Life's a box of chocolates..." It's the only line that Forrest ever speaks in which he understands absolutely every level of meaning in the moment he says it: "I'm not a smart man. But I know what love is." Greek drama is full of soap-opera plot twists. Shakespeare has ridiculous skullduggery, brain-dead sword fights, and really, really lousy jokes. Dickens is full of impossible characters and cheap whodunits. The Beach Boys mythologized California, but Brian Wilson never surfed. They all entertained first, and quietly snuck in the great stuff underneath, and it took a long, long time for the snobs to notice. Watch Forrest Gump again.
Rating:  Summary: This movie makes you smile... Review: There is something about this movie. The moment I began watching it I felt good. It's amazing how by accident so many good things can happen to a man. Now Forrest Gump is not a smart man but he sure has a great life. This is the kind of movie that makes you laugh and makes you cry and just makes you feel plain out good. It's got everything, romance, action, drama, and comedy. This movie is just amazing, it puts a smile on your face. It just feels good to see this movie and you know that even if you aren't smart things can still turn out great. By the time this movie is over you'll wish it never ended.
Rating:  Summary: A Touching and Inspiring Motion Picture Review: Forrest Gump, to me, is one of the greatest movies of all time. You get involved with a simple minded man, and see everything through him. After seeing this movie, you almost feel like you know Forrest Gump. You don't even expect the film to move you that much, but it does, and it takes you by complete surprise. Tom Hanks is one of the greatest American actors, and personally I do not think that any one else could've even come close to playing that role. All the suporting cast was vibrant and interesting. The movie all around is a classic that will never be forgotten.
Rating:  Summary: Great View of History Review: Moving through history as it happened. Forest Gump showed history in a way that you will want to pay attention to. This movie went through Vietnam war, Aids, death, and right movements. These are important parts of our history and many movies have been made about them just not depicted right. Forest Gump stars Tom Hanks who won an Academy Award for best Actor for his awsome acting skills as Forest. The historic events in this film made it interesting and a film that not only was for interainment but educational. This movie was released in 1996 and was a top box office movie. If you would like to learn not only about American History and the hardships of life. Forest Gump is the movie for you.
Rating:  Summary: If only I had a life like Forrest Gump... Review: Well, the one and only movie that has made news all around was this particular DVD Special Collector's Edition that is worth your money spend upon. What? You don't know what I am talking about? Well, there's shrimp kebab, shrimp tomato, shrimp pasta, shrimp satay, shrimp rice, fried shrimp... oh wait, I got carried away. "Forrest Gump". This DVD is not just worth it... IT'S A CLASSIC! The movie transfer was great. Everything that we know and love, the moments, the scenes that touch us... everything is there. The 2nd disc is even better! With the trailers, documentaries, screen test and the special effects outtakes (plus 2 scenes never seen before!), its worth your money to order this incredible journey of Forrest's life that we see through his eyes how beautiful life is in a simplistic way. As the saying goes... "Run, Forrest, Run!"... get this DVD now!