Rating:  Summary: This Movie is Garbage! Review: I had the terrible misfortune of seeing this movie at a friend's house. I felt as though I should have been reimbursed for the time I wasted watching it. I was very offended by the mere premise of this "film." Don't question authority and try not to think too much. Just go through life in a haze and you'll achieve more than the guy who spent his life learning and working hard. Forrest Gump was such a half-wit he barely knew he was alive. Everything was made light of in this movie. Everyone who ever worked hard to accomplish anything was viewed as a joke and worst of all I couldn't figure out if this was a comedy, drama, or parody. It failed on all fronts. It was basically a big nothing. As a lover of movies, I must issue this warning: Stay away from Forrest Gump. Life is just too short to waste watching [a movie] like this.
Rating:  Summary: Tom Hanks Rules! Review: You can't go wrong with a Tom Hanks movie under just about any conditions, but this one really shines. The special effects, the history, the music, Tom's performance and an excellent supporting cast make this audio-visual perfection. Throw in a little love for the women and some war scenes for the guys and there's definitely something for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Modern Classic! Review: no one would never forget the famed line " Life is like a box of Chocolates, ya never know what you are gonna get"? Well, Robert Zemeckis ( Director of Roger Rabbit) has created a compelling, tear-inducing yet funny movie about the life of a simple southern man and his amazing life. A must see!
Rating:  Summary: Stupid is as stupid does... Review: And people are probably leaning towards the stupid side if they don't have "Forrest Gump" in their collection.
Rating:  Summary: It's just a movie! Review: Why do people always have to analyze everything? Forrest Gump is a feel good movie, simple as that. And that's what it makes you do, feel good. You feel down, throw Forrest in. Chances are, that bad day at work, or that 20 bucks you lost the other day, won't seem that bad anymore. Forrest Gump is a great, simple movie. Easy as that.
Rating:  Summary: Terrific Hanks, but Falls Flat Review: I realize I'm in the minority here, but I found "Gump" - both at the movies and on DVD - far inferior to all its hype. Sure, Tom Hanks gives a noble performance, and his one liners rank with other classics from the world of film, but this sweeping tale is way too ludicrous to be believed. Certain scenes are astounding acheivements - especially the editing of monumental historical moments that put Forrest front and center. Yet, where is the movie's heart? Personally, I found it in Sally Field's performance as Gump's mother, and in Gary Sinise's terrific Oscar-worthy moments as his platoon leader. Overall, the movie really asks an awful lot from its audience - you must suspend all semblence of time and space, reality and history in order to be taken away. Yet, in the end, it's a soft melodrama, on the order of other Hollywood blockbusters that deserved less praise (think "Terms of Endearment.)
Rating:  Summary: Avoid Like the Plaque Review: Shamelessly manipulative pap.
Rating:  Summary: Forest Gump: Good actors,good background music,good scripts Review: 1/25/02 Tom Hanks' acting in Forest Grump leaves the impression that he didn't insist on "the player being the thing' vs the 'play being the thing'(it's nice seeing movies where you remember the plot,first,than,which actors help make the movie interesting)...The movie billboard as well as the video jacket give no clue that the movie will go beyond the "minimal deminsional" of a "bus stop" or "park" bench...Hank's character is not stupid,he's just missing certain abilities of intuitiveness...an emotion which is not inheritant,but usually evoles in us as we get beyond our tottler use and go on beginning with the age of reason"( about the age of 6 or 7). It has nothing to do with moral or immoral,ethical or unethical,kind or unkind...There are court cases at present where the defendant's lawyer is trying to prove his client is disfunctunal and didn't quite understand the damages due his doings .The movie, Forest Gump has Gump, narrator ,on a park bench ,recounting (to many a non-requesting "ear")the places in his life in which "from ordinary people" to "legends", he plays a role... In my opinion, the movie needed all those extras to keep our attention.His role, as not greatly dimensional, needs those actors,those cameo roles, that music and someone like actor Tom Hanks, who while playing the main character, still, allowing you to see all those 'bad sights and sites of the last several decades through your intuitive eyes not those of " Forest Gump". (he never truly is inside..somehow he is a parody,whose never being made aware due to more applaude than rudenesses that he is a parody(e.g. his scenes with Pres. Kennedy & Johnson). He has not agenda outside of those to whom he's made promises..however he is a 'rote' person who is lucky enough to do whatever he does well..and is rewarded as such (the irony is ,he could care less about so much hoopla over his doing whatever he does in an impressive way..he's not doing it because he has an agenda,he does it because he's been told what he's expected to do and he's missing that part of us that says "why?,who? what? where? how?).In real life few ,with his condition have that much "luck".
Rating:  Summary: Let me count the ways... Review: There are actually 187 things in this film that bothered me, from the core concept right down to Forrest's haircut. I don't have the space to list them all, but here are a few ways that this film insults its audience:Historically. The trivialization of major historical events into (already outdated) '90s "bites" is an unimaginative premise for a movie to say the least. The pandering to baby boomers' sense of self-important nostalgia is as shrewd as it is nefarious. They don't even have the guts to say the word "AIDS". Jenny died of AIDS. Didn't everyone who experimented with sex and drugs? Philosophically. Chuang Tzu is rolling in his grave. The "go with the flow" tenets of Taoism have been poisoned by this awful film. Gump's character doesn't question the world around him, and blindly does exactly as he's supposed to. Let's all join the Flat Earth Society, or maybe we should just go back to being cavemen. Emotionally. As Forrest runs away from bullies, his leg braces dramatically break off! This is just one of many examples of the film's "subtle" pulling of the old heartstrings. Politically. The film's treatment of the Vietnam War would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic. Anyone that leans to the left is seen as being a woman-beating fanatic (i.e. the Black Panthers). Blind patriotism can be a bad thing. Ask Germany... Musically. The ham-fisted soundtrack only contains the most obvious, lowest common denominator tracks that everyone over the age of 7 has heard a billion times. Also, can someone please, PLEASE make a movie that has a helicopter flying over Vietnam WITHOUT Creedence's "Fortunate Son" playing in the background? Just once?!? Intellectually. It's well-known that it's easier to tempt a fly with honey than a flyswatter. Tell people not to think, a la 1984, and they will resist. Gently persuade them not to think by showing that you'll come out just fine if you follow orders, and you'll be much more successful. Cinematically. Poor character development. Bad dialogue. As far as the special effects go, I'm sure it took plenty of time and effort to put Gump on the Dick Cavett show or erase Lt. Dan's legs. It would also take effort to watch someone balance a bowling ball on their nose. Does that mean I want to see it? It's as impressive and cutting-edge as Mr. Ed, the talking horse was in the '50s. Financially. I was lucky enough to have seen this movie for free. Others have not been so fortunate. Zemeckis & Co. know that the demographic with the most disposable income are baby boomers, and that if there's anything they like, it's a film that affirms how wonderful their generation was. Bling bling! What, do you think these people have never taken a marketing class? Buy "Anaconda". Donate to the Red Cross. BURN $20 to keep warm! Anything! Just don't buy this movie! This movie isn't funny, either. Telling the President that you have to go to the bathroom? And this movie won AWARDS? Whatever potential Tom Hanks had with the old sit-com "Bosom Buddies" or the excellent movie "Bachelor Party" is gone. In the future, will this movie be seen as a back-patting homage to a generation that sold out its ideals for a new SUV and a wide-screen TV? Or a dangerous, subversive propoganda film AGAINST THOUGHT? Time will tell.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie; Great DVD; Great Experience Review: Forrest Gump is one of those movies everyone knows. You don't have to see it to know many of the lines that have become cliches since its release in 1994. My theory is that if you're searching for a movie here on Amazon.com, you most-likely have heard about it or no the basic plot, so I'm here to share with you my take on this DVD: First, this is the collector's edition DVD of Forrest Gump, which consists of 2 discs, a very nice feature. There are many documentaries and interviews, but this film also comes with two trailers, screen tests, several making-of features that include make-up design and how they made the special effects. The picture quality is almost-perfect, a little grainy in a few places, but that could just be my player. (4.5 stars out of 5 for that.) The sound quality is good as well, also earning top marks. My only complaint with this film is that the trailers aren't on the first disc with the movie itself. I love watching trailers and don't like switching discs to watch it just to pop the first back in to see the movie, but other than that minor detriment, this is a great DVD. Forrest Gump is one of the few movies deserving of all the praise and Academy Awards it received and is also one of my all-time favorite movies.