Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good, but..... Review: A pretty good movie. Outstanding performances by everyone, but a kind of "so what?" articulation of Nash's story. I think it would have had more impact if we had seen more of both his genius (not the BS with him doing nonsensical stuff, but actually doing math relating to his theory that won the Prize) and his illness. The movie at a minimum should have given more information about Nash's unique contribution to Mathematics. All told, it got about 2 minutes, as compared to the amount of time given his hallucinations.
Rating:  Summary: Okay but Best Picture? Give me a break. Review: A Beautiful Mind isn't a bad movie, but neither is it a great movie. Certainly, any one of Mulholland Drive, The Man Who Wasn't There, Gosford Park, Black Hawk Down, Monster's Ball or Memento were much better films, but as shown with Gladiator last year, Hollywood likes it formula and cliche films and doesn't reward anything more challenging.The story behind A Beautiful Mind is interesting but, sadly, as with most Ron Howard films, the movie is superficial. The darker side of Nash should have been part of the film because it would have reflected his life and his illness much better. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the movie is that it may give some people the wrong idea about the world many schizophrenics live in and how serious schizophrenia really is. Nash's achievements are very impressive but his schizophrenia is not nearly as serious as some others (unless the movie just left that out). I've dealt with many schizophrenics and many are far less functional than Nash. My brother-in-law is schizophrenic and 99% of the time he can't hear you talking for all the voices in his head. Others that I've encountered through volunteer work suffer the same way. This movie seemed to be trying to give the impression that schizophrenia can be conquered which may be the case for Nash but not for the more seriously mentally ill. That demonstrates a lack of respect for the seriously mentally ill. Regarding the acting, both Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly were fine but both performances were vastly over-rated. Connelly's part was relatively minor and didn't give her a chance to show her best. How did she beat Helen Mirren or Maggie Smith with this part? A great mystery. Russell Crowe was okay but much like Sean Penn's nomination, his nomination for Best Actor was undeserved. Both copied much of their performance from other actors who did a far superior job - Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man and Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump. Either or both of their nominations should have gone to Billy Bob Thornton whose performances in both Monster's Ball and The Man Who Wasn't There were far superior. I really don't understand this great admiration people have for Russell Crowe at the moment. He was great in The Insider but won a very undeserved Oscar for Gladiator, a mediocre movie with mediocre performances. Anyone who has seen Pollock knows that the Oscar should have gone to Ed Harris hands down. All in all, if you're at the video store and can't find anything to watch, this movie is a good way to kill a few hours but is not by any stretch of the imagination a great film so don't expect it to be.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring performances Review: A Beautiful Mind is an example of the rare great hollywood movie with a true and real story attached. Russell Crowe portrays John Nash, a Genius in the field of advanced math and theories of science as well as our economic status. He is plagued with terrible hallucinations throughout his life. Throughout the entire movie you do not know if he is hallucinationg or the things you see are really there. Ron Howard and Brian Grazer along with an award winning cast of writers were able to capture Schizophrenia like no other movie has ever truly been able to do. Ed Harris delivers a suberb performance portraying the object of Nash's hallucinations as a CIA Agent using Nash to decode Russian messages. Nash believes everything he says and even follows it to the letter. Jennifer Connelly also delivers an award winning performace as Nash's faithful wife. She is with Nash through all of his problems and ulitmately cites her as his greatest achievement for all the help and love she gave him. I won't give up the end for you in case you haven't seen it yet, but i will say that it is a fitting ending for an award filled movie.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie because of Russell Crowe Review: I usually enjoy Ron Howard Films&this is a Good Film but mainly because of Russell Crowe who to me Should have gotten a Co-Oscar for His Performance Here.I think He&Denzel Washington both gave Great Performance's thsi Year to Each get a Award.without Crowe's Performance this Film is another Long-winded film.the film glosses over many things in the Book&it hurts the film in that process.this film kinda reminded me of "Rain Man" for some strange reason.I think because the fact that Crowe is so Gifted as a Actor&His Persona was shaped rather well with the Role He was playing.
Rating:  Summary: Very good film but,,,,, Review: I really wanted to like this film,,,and i tried very hard. The story is excellent and the disease is protrayed in an excellent way. But i just couldn't get past Russell Crowe. I guess it's because i just don't like him as a person and that kept getting in my way. A good actor to me has a responsibility to the public just like sports figures do. But once your title gets to big for words i'll drop that person from existance.So my review is mixed. The real story is actually better. Hollywood does what they think happened. If you really want to know about this story, read the book. The movie however is pretty good and i have always admired Ron Howard but his choice for lead was a mistake.
Rating:  Summary: DVD has just enough great extras Review: This DVD is packed with just enough extras. As it comes on two discs, it also does a nice separation so that you don't have to flip back and forth between the two... On disk one, you have the typical movie in the usual formats with the director commentary. On disk two, the extras are all available. This DVD does more than talk about the "Behind the Scenes" or the "Making of..." filler that is always interesting, but seems to just to be the requisite extras. The DVD contains a lot about the real John Nash -- from conversations with him discussing his theories to the real Nobel Prize acceptance ceremony. I particularly liked the discussion around the musical score and the discussion about how to communicate to the audience how John's disease was felt from his own mind to the perception of those who were around him. As a movie, you probably already know that this won 4 Academy Awards -- so if you are a mainstream viewer, you will probably love it. If you are not, you will still be impressed by the incredible acting of Russell Crowe. The DVD I definitely give 5 stars. The movie -- 4.5
Rating:  Summary: Overrated....yes Review: I saw this movie for two reasons. I didn't think I would have to tolerate car chases and bomb blasts for two hours and the film, to be sure, relies on neither. However, I can't help but wonder why people are calling this a great movie. Although I like Mr. Crowe as an actor, his work in this film seems overly self conscious and his accent wears on you by the end of the film. The one bright star is the female lead. She is a wonderful actress and I hope to see more from her. If you want to see a truly great film get "Remains of the Day". Hopkings and Thompson define great acting in this film.....
Rating:  Summary: "Full Screen" the new euphemism for Panned & Scanned Review: No matter what I think about the movie itself this 2 disc Full Screen Awards Edition did not contain the "Full Screen" film.It's just deceptive these days to release a 2 disc set that doesn't contain both Widescreen and Standard versions of the film.BUYER BEWARE! THIS VERSION doesn't include the "full" theatrical film but rather the mutilated for older TV version.Universal should be ashamed,
Rating:  Summary: Left us speechless!!!! Best movie of 2001 (hands down)!!!!! Review: We cannot say enough about what an incridible job Mr. Howard and company did on this very "moving and inspirational" film. The acting, led brilliantly by Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly is convincing (you could really believe they were a couple). The story is compelling and well written. This is truly a film for the intelligent, sophisticated viewer, rather than the movie goers who prefer slasher/fantasy teen-type films. If this film does not capture your heart, then perhaps you should check and make sure you actually have a heart (Ha!). Seriously, this is the most outstanding film we have ever seen which deals with mental illness. As for the "reality issue" that so many continue to criticize: How many times does Mr. Howard have to say "this is BASED on true story" and is not a documentary nor a 100% factual account. O.K? It's a travesty (to say the least) that Russell Crowe was intentionally snubbed by the Academy for being out-spoken. Movie-goers all over the world are confused as to why this magnificant film was rewarded for Best Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Director, and even Best Supporting Actress, while ignoring the Lead Actor??? At least the folks over at the Golden Globes, SAG Awards and Critics Choice were able to put their personal biases aside and vote appropriately. For anyone who does not believe that racial politics played a role in Russell's Academy snub, I've got some prime property in the flooded area of Texas for sale. Denzel probably should have won for The Hurricane. Russell should have won for Beautiful Mind.
Rating:  Summary: A dull version of an even duller story Review: Unfortunately, due to a type of treacherous nepotism in Hollywood, this mediocre movie won the honor which should not have been its due. Ron Howard has played Salieri to much more deserving directors, with the academy's approval. It will be quickly relegated to the "what was that movie about?" pile in a few years, just as Annie Hall has been. If it had not been awarded this undeserved high honor, it could have sunken into the obscurity which is its fate with a little dignity. Now it will always be remembered as the movie that made millions of people decide that Oscar was no longer believable and trust worthy enough to make it worth watching.