Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie Review: Beautiful MInd hooks you from the begining and carrys you through the amazing struggle John Nash had to go through! It was a great movie, and Russel Crowe was amazing!!! I enjoyed it and I think anyone who hasn't seen it should go staight to the nearest [videostore]!!
Rating:  Summary: A Beautiful Mind Review: recently i sat down and watched "A Beautiful Mind" for the first time. i don't usually like movies about "real life", i'm a sci-fi buff. the performance of Russell Crowe was the most brillient performance by an actor that i have ever seen. without that performance no one would have received an academy award.
Rating:  Summary: Reasonably satisfying Review: drama about the growing schizophrenia of a brilliant mathematician. Based on the story of a still-living Princeton professor, John Nash. Russell Crowe's starpower continues to amaze here as it did in Gladiator and LA Confidential. Apparently the screenplay takes some liberties with the real life of John Nash, but the subject and his filmic counterpart are interesting enough to spur some people to become interested in a variety of cool things after seeing this movie, namely economics, math, and psychiatry. Can that be all bad, naysayers?
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring Movie Review: Although I do consider myself a movie buff, I rented this movie without a great deal of knowledge about this film. This movie was an inspiring and detailed account of a person who deals with schizophrenia, and must overcome obstacles along the way. Russel Crowe is great in his role as a Mathematics professor who has many hallucinations. The discovery of his condition by his wife is the real gripping part of the movie, as you see the sacrifices and emotional pain they must get through to make their marriage work. As the audience becomes aware of the problem of Crowe's character, they pull for him to overcome his loss of reality. It becomes sad to see the great mind of John Nash slipping away from reality, and you become linked with the hope that he can return to his brilliant form. The concluding scenes are inspiring, and seeing the convergence of his wife's ability to accept his condition and his ability to overcome and be productive in his field that make this truly a classic story. I recommend this movie, especially the DVD because of the extras.
Rating:  Summary: A beautiful movie. Review: Russell Crowe stars as the mathematician John F. Nash. John isn't social or popular and he's definitely not a ladies man, but he is gifted with a brilliant mind. He solves equation after equation, looking for an original idea to become well known and respected. He is hired by William Parcher (Ed Harris) to break codes during a Russian conspiracy. Everything is going well until the doctors make a shocking discovery that makes him realize he is suffering from schizophrenia. His wife, Alicia (Jennifer Connelly) is there with him through the hospitalizations and the obstacles he has to overcome. A Beautiful Mind is thought provoking, intense and the acting and writing is superb. It won four Oscars, including best picture, best director (Ron Howard), best screenplay (Akiva Goldsman) and best supporting actress (Jennifer Connelly). Although, the Academy made a mistake by not giving the best actor award to Russell Crowe. He was outstanding in this film. Jennifer Connelly's performance was also excellent and very deserving of an Oscar. She was exquisite. You can truly see her struggle to help her husband, to raise her son and to stay sane herself. A Beautiful Mind is the best movie of 2001. It will have you crying, laughing and cheering. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing~!! Review: I am so angry that Russell Crowe did not win an Oscar for his performance in A Beautiful Mind. This movie is seriously the movie of the year. Some may not agree but i just found this movie so interesting, exciting, and breathtaking. Russell Crowe is an excellent actor. One would think that he was the real john nash~! and Jennifer Connelly is just wonderful. THe make up and background is great. I could feel tears in my eyes while i was watching this movie. I recommend everyone to purchase or borrow this movie~!! the DVD offers a lot of commentary and behind the scene footage~! it's worth the money so go get it today~!
Rating:  Summary: A Beautiful Performance Review: I was keen to see "A Beautiful Mind" because first, a respected co-worker claimed it was the best film he'd seen--so I was quite curious to see what he considered good. Secondly, I have had a couple of friends who were Putnam Math Prize winners who clung perilously to the edge of sanity and in both cases, slipped over the brink if not permanently, then for quite a bit of time. What is it about math and madness? John Nash, the brilliant Nobel Prize winning mathematician, the subject of this film, himself has declared that the soaring realms of thought he pursued tipped him over the edge of reality. So what about this film? Did Russell Crowe deserve all the acclaim? Yes, I think he did an admirable job moving from ultra-introverted, socially impossible genius to paranoid schizophrenic. Little clues gave hint of the break-up of Nash's fragile mind--and even the viewer can't be sure when reality breaks into a fugue of utter madness. That's what I loved about this film. I wasn't entirely fooled, but I also walked along side Nash's reality with him, in his world. That was brilliant acting from Crowe. However, the film seems to get a bit hazy, and quite a bit cliche when lithesome Jennifer Connelly is on screen. The love story is just too Hollywood for my tastes--especially the end. How Russell Crowe was snubbed for this performance, and Connelly and Howard got the nod baffles me, but that's the Academy of Motion Pictures for you. And of course, they ignored the always-reliable Ed Harris, who played the mysterious intelligence agent with just the right touch of weirdness. Christopher Plummer was another fine supporting actor here--as the psychiatrist who treats Nash. Plummer very skillfully shows how Nash views him paranoically, then realistically later on. A great job in a cameo role. Some people criticized the film because it did not portray Nash's ambivalent sexuality. And it left out his illegitimate child by another woman. Frankly, though these facts are important to Nash's biography, they would have fragmented the film even more. While I didn't admire Howard's direction nor the screenplay entirely, I will hand it to the writers and editors for choosing wisely what NOT to put in, to make the story flow. The DVD has extras, including interviews with Nash, some things about Nash's theory of equilibrium and the sound track. It is great to see the interview with Nash to compare the real man with Crowe's interpretation. A film worth seeing, even if flawed in some ways.
Rating:  Summary: Love is the Beauty of Life Review: "Only those who know the supremacy of the intellectual life-the life which has the seed of ennobling thought and purpose within it-can understand the grief of one who falls from that serene activity into the absorbing, soul-wasting struggle with worldly annoyances." -George Eliot In September, 1947, mathematical genius John Nash spends his time attempting to distinguish himself with a completely original idea at Princeton University in lieu of attending classes. He distances himself from the other students with his introverted and eccentric behavior and admits he doesn't really like people. He is so consumed with thought, he neglects his most basic needs and becomes so absorbed in his own serene thought processes he forgets to eat and sleep. In fact, no one can really relate to him until he meets a beautiful student who attends one of his classes. Alicia (Jennifer Connelly) seems to have the patience to work through situations in real life, that Nash doesn't have time for or is not concerned with. His mind won't let him deal with real life and he is tossed into an unrealistic fantasy by delusions that seek to destroy him. Alicia falls for his mind, they marry and her emotional IQ is so high that she truly shows her husband unconditional love. He enters an imaginary life in which he helps the government break codes in magazines. His wife becomes increasingly aware of his mental condition and tries to help him see what reality truly is. She needs to believe that something extraordinary is feasible. She believes he can conquer anything. The problem is, he is suffering from a mental illness which is seeking to destroy his world. As he descends into a world of his own making, schizophrenia takes over and he has to take medications that interfere with his ability to "do his job." This causes him immense grief and he lacks purpose. His job actually turns out to be completely of his own imagination. This espionage part of the story is absorbing and exciting. The emotional elements are highly rewarding and the actual love story was for me at least, overwhelmingly beautiful. Through John Nash's life he learns what is truly important and in that is the true beauty of this story. Ron Howard shows genius in his ability to so capture your heart with his directing. A Beautiful Mind will draw from you those exquisite emotions only a story of great depth and sensitivity can. The characters are genuinely persuasive and screenwriter, Akiva Goldsman crafted one of the most intelligent scripts to date. An exceptional score reflects a complex backdrop of emotions and in this mirror of music the rays of reflection will touch your soul. A Beautiful Mind is an eloquent portrayal of John Nash's life with an emphasis on the emotional torment mental illness can evoke contrast with the sheer beauty of love. Highly Recommended!
Rating:  Summary: absolutely incredible Review: I rented this movie expecting it to be great, but I had no idea just how deeply it explored John Nash's mental state. This is of interest to me because I have worked with mental outpatients -- many of whom can still hold jobs and function in society as long as they deal with their illnesses. Seeing a brilliant professor whose works have contributed to modern science live with such ghosts --and seeing his young wife come to terms with her love and obligation for him, in a time when not much information about mental illness and effective treatment were available --- was both horrifying and heartbreaking. This movie deserves all the awards for which it was nominated. I have watched many of Jennifer Connelly's films throughout the years and have always admired her, but I was still not prepared for the genuine Oscar-worthy performance she delivers here. She is incredible as Alicia Nash. Russell Crowe is excellent as the aging professor who must deal with his demons which he knows aren't real but persist in following him throughout the years. goading him to react in a way that can get him committed if he is not careful.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful Movie Review: This movie is the reason movies are made. It's an excellent film correctly portraying the life of a schizophrenic while still giving you the hollywood cinematography you'd expect. By the way, I think the movie that other man was reffering to was Mulholland Drive not falls, in case you were interested in seeing it.