Rating:  Summary: What were they thinking?? Review: I'm not going to bother dissecting the purported "plot" of this film. It would waste your time, and having invested two hours plus in watching this tripe, I have no interest in wasting more time on it. Suffice it to say that we are supposed to believe that Gere is perfect, that all women are evil, and that it's better to run away from your problems and leave your dysfunctional family behind than to stay there and try to make it work. Shame on them all.
Rating:  Summary: Quite possibly the Worst Movie Ever Made! Review: This film has no plot. It is full of gratuitous sexual inuendo, illogical conclusions, and psuedo intellectual imagery. (the tornado scene at the end was awful) Movies don't get much more disjointed, empty, or false. Maybe Altman got tired of satire, and just wanted to see how bad movies could get. If so, I congratulate him, he succeeded.
Rating:  Summary: COME ON!!! ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST! Review: I can't understand why everyone is accusing Robert Altman of being a misgynoist. If anything, he presents the truth warts and all and he is one of the few filmmakers to make movies with such important female roles. He clearly loves them. Richard Gere turns in one of his all time best performances, one that deserved Oscar recognition. As for those complaining about plot, Altman's best films (Nashville, Brewster McCloud, Short Cuts) are never occupied with the plot. They're about people and how they tick. i find that fascinating to watch and refreshing considering how many promising films die under the weight of the plot. This is a must see in letterboxed format. It is essential to all Altman films to see them this way.
Rating:  Summary: DO NOT BUY THIS! TERRIBLE MOVIE! Review: This movie has a ton of talented actors with NO storyline. What a waste of time, talent and film. Did they have a script or just film whatever they felt like filming? I am a huge fan of all of these actors/actresses! Waste of time! Do Not Buy!
Rating:  Summary: Apalling Waste of Time! Review: It's amazing to me that this cast of noted actors and actresses got together to make a movie with no plot, no story, no ending, and no point. I'd rather go the doctor than watch this crap! The only upside were the scenes with Shelly Long and those could only carry about 20 minutes of this two hour waste. I have to believe that this film was left on the cutting room floor because no one would think this entertainment -- would they?
Rating:  Summary: Wow!! How low can you go?? Review: Hard to believe that this pile of junk came from the mind of the man that gave us "Nashville" and "The Player." I guess we all should have seen this coming with "Pret-a-Portier," but since I halfway enjoyed "Cookie's Fortune," I figured what the heck let's give this one a shot. So I let down my usual anti-Richard Gere defense shield, and agreed to rent this one. After all, the trailer showed him married to someone his own age (Farrah Fawcett), instead of the usual Gere fare where he's romatically involved with someone 42 years his junior. Mistake!! Gere's actually not half-bad here, but he has the advantage of playing the only character who's not a complete cariciture. Altman is so hung-up on lampooning the woman of Dallas, that he's presented us with a bunch of stereotypes. Helen Hunt, of course, plays Helen Hunt, a role which she has almost perfected. In this movie, the Hunt character goes by the name of Bree. This individual is supposedly a golf pro. Spent 8 years on the LPGA tour, according to the dialog. So she steps up to the first tee with Gere, gives it the ol' baseball grip and proceeds to hit the ball with the absolute worst golf swing ever seen on celluloid (oh...second-worst...forgot about Matt Damon). Doesn't a guy as smart as Altman know that every golfer in America is going to tune out after that? How can you trust a film maker after a screw-up that obvious?
Rating:  Summary: UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH Review: This was one of the most horrible, distasteful and disturbing movies I have ever seen. It left a lot to be desired, which you can say many times. It was completely random and bizarre and don't see it! I assure you, there are plenty of other decent movies out there, and this one is really not one of them!! I'm warning you...
Rating:  Summary: I have never been so disappointed in all my life! Review: It's a Friday night and my boyfriend and I decided to go rent a movie. Little did we know that Blockbuster should have put a warning beside "Dr. T and the Women" that read "Absolute waste of time -- rent at your own risk". At least then I would have been an informed viewer and would have no one to blame but myself for wasting my time on this piece of junk. I can't believe that the actors and actresses voluntarily agreed to do this movie. For those of you who have not seen this movie but have seen the trailers...DON'T BELIEVE THEM! The trailer for this movie makes it out to look like a romantic comedy with a wonderful cast. There was still a wonderful cast...but the plot...did not exist. The movie was a jumble of confusing scenes one after another that did not make sense. At first I thought well at least this movie is making women look special. They make women look special all right. So special that they basically drove Richard Gere to be as crazy as his wife! This movie is insulting to women and the end is proof of that. I also think it is strange how Richard Gere says he loves his wife (even though she is crazy) but then cheats on her with Helen Hunt. Mental illness is just as much a sickness as pneumonia. If he really loved her, he should've stuck by her side. So to end with I would just like to say that the only group of people I would recommend this movie to, would be aspiring movie directors, producers, and writers so they know exactly what NOT to do when making a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible!! Review: Please don't waste your time and money on this awful movie. It's a shame because it brings together an amazing cast, but the outcome is so bad it's funny. Incorporated were weird and unexplicable plot twists, especially the ending. This movie is the worst I have seen in a long time. Helen Hunt play the same stupid, annoying roles that she always plays. Spend your time seeing a better movie. This one is an utter waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Not even Close to Gere's 2nd Best Review: I was really dissapointed in this film. It was flighty, and had at least five sub-plots going, all of which went nowhere. He was cute as usual, but that's about all the movie had going for it.