Rating:  Summary: Defending the Doctor Review: This film is getting horrible reviews here at Amazon, and I would like to put up a defensive review of this wonderful movie.As one reviewer pointed out, I imagine this movie is not for everyone. No movie really is. However, for lovers of the kind of masterful weaving of character and story that Robert Altman is famous for, this movie is truly a gem. Robert Altman has grown to be one of my very favorite directors, and truly an icon of American directors. Robert Altman is not concerned with special effects, spine-tingling plot twists, edge-of-your-seat suspence. As is obvious through all of his films, Altman is concerned with character and story. His characters, especially in this film, are deeply rich. While most of them don't pour out thier souls, thier behaviors and particular choices allow you to truly understand each character as a unique patch on a giant quilt. When the movie begins, I began a journey to really know these people, and by the films end I wished that I could stay with each of them a little longer just to watch them live thier funny, and interesting lives. This film is at once, sad, funny, touching, and fascinating. If you go into the film with an attitude that is prepared to take in an Altman film like Dr. T, this movie will not dissapoint. For those who hated it so passionately, I don't reccomend that you see Altman's other films. However, those who liked what this film did, Altman weaves similar magic in to the characters of Nashville, Short Cuts, Cookie's Fortune, The Player, M*A*S*H, and 3 Women. This film deserves far more credit than its getting, so please, judge for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: You can't give 0 stars? Review: This movie is proof that even Richard Gere can't save a horrible movie. Dr. T is a busy, sought-after doctor in Dallas ... a doctor (the lucky kind were told early on) married to a wacko (played by Farrah Faucett... what a stretch is that?) who he is accused of giving a complex because he "loves her too much." If that's not bad enough, the plot thins with wedding plans of one daughter we learn is a lesbian and another who is played by Tara Reid... enough said. He's in the midst of a fling with Helen Hunt who must have a quota of crappy movies to make in a single year. Just when you thought this movie could bite no more, he drives his convertible into a tornado and lands in Mexico in time to deliver (we get to see a live birth) a baby. Save your time and money here
Rating:  Summary: The Amercian Public Isn't Giving "The Doctor" A Fair Shake! Review: So many people have been criticizing this movie. Look at all the 1 star reviews, it's just not fair. I would like to know if the people who hated this movie were Altman fans to begin with. I really don't think they were, otherwise, they knew what they were getting in for. If your familiar with Altman's style, then I don't understand, what the problem is someone would have with this movie. Altman constantly makes movies with "no plot". There's never a strong central story-line. Or really devolped characters. But, either you accept this or you don't. I'll freely admit some of his movies work and some don't. I think what happened with this movie was, too many non-Altman fans went to see this and didn't know what to expect. I honestly think that's what happened here. For those who don't know this Altman film written by Anne Rapp is about a Dallas gynecologist, Dr. Sully Travis (Richard Gere) and the "women" in his life, which include; his wife (Farrah Fawcett) whom is suffering from a disease where she has sorta went "crazy" after getting too much love from her husband. Then there's his daughters; Connie (Tara Reid) who is about to get married, but, keeps a very dark and shocking secret about her sex life. Also there's his other daughter Dee Dee (Kate Hudson). And at work their's his co-worker Carolyn (Shelley Long), and a woman who he now has a crush on Bree Davis (Helen Hunt). Altman was fooling around with an idea that another movie tried more successfully, "What Women Want". "Dr. T..ect" tried to figure that one out itself. First he thinks a woman would want to feel loved by her husband, then he learn that, that's what drove his wife into the condition she's in. He then thinks that woman like a take charge kind of guy, as in the case with the Helen Hunt charcater, only he finds out he was wrong again! Now, I'm not going to say that "Dr.T & The Women" is one of the greatest movies ever made, it most certainly is not. I'm sure many won't think it's Altman's best, but, the movie does have moments that work well. There are some parts that made me laugh. There were other parts that worked up on the emotional level it wanted to hit. It has a nice blend that sometimes works. People are really being far too harsh on this movie. THIS IS NOT FOR NON-ALTMAN FANS! If you've never seen an Altman film don't start here! Watch "M*A*S*H", or "The Player". If you already like Altman's films you won't be disappointed. A pretty good movie on Altman's scale of things (notice I said on his scale of things, not in general). *** 1\2 out of *****
Rating:  Summary: A Disappointment Review: The cast of "Dr T. & the Women" sounded so good, I was sure the film would be enjoyable. Sadly, that was far from the case. Though there are funny bits scattered (haphazardly) throughout, it's not enough to save this mess, with its complete lack of storyline, over-the-top performances, and remote characters. "Dr. T." squanders a great deal of talent and proves to be a complete waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Oh My - it doesn't get any WORSE than this! Review: Horrible, horrible, horrible movie. I've seen hundreds of movies. I love many and I dislike many, but I've never hated anything like I hate this! It is pure torture to watch. This will go down in history only as the most embarrasing movie in both Gere and Hunt's careers. You'll never get those 2 hours back so do yourself a favor and remember NEVER to see it. Yuck.
Rating:  Summary: They don't get much worse than this. Review: When I heard about the all-star cast and the fact that it was filmed right down the road from me, in Dallas, Texas, I knew I wanted to see this movie. And, it all went downhill from there... This is the most boring, pointless, horrible movie I've ever seen in my life! I'm not just saying this because I'm a guy and this is kind of supposed to be a "chick flick". I have seen chick flicks that that were way better than this. There is no story, no underlying meaning, and the acting is awful! I have always thought that Richard Gere was a good actor, as is Helen Hunt, and they did the best they could with what they had to work with, but there was just no feeling at all. There were lots of other lovely actresses here (Liv Tyler, Kate Hudson, Janine Turner) that had horrible parts. They could just as easily have been mannequins! I can't imagine that any of them read through the script and said, "Hey, this looks good". The waste of talent displayed here is staggering. I kept waiting for it to get better, but it didn't. I think Robert Altman owes an apology not only to everyone who wasted their money on this, but to the very talented actors whose careers he has besmirched. This movie makes "Dude, Where's My Car?" look like "The Godfather". Recommend it only to people you hate.
Rating:  Summary: Paints women in a bad light Review: Not sure what exactly they were trying to say through this film, but the impression we received was this: No matter how well you treat them or how well you know them, women will use you, abuse you until you go nuts. Very strange film. Did not like it at all.
Rating:  Summary: A Different Kind of Pretty Woman Review: In my opinion, Richard Gere, Helen Hunt and many of the other stars of this movie are outstanding performers. However,this movie was not one of their best. I realize it is rated R, which would explain the nudity, but it was supposed to be a comedy. The few parts that were a bit funny, really weren't. In conclusion, I would not reccomend this film.
Rating:  Summary: SCARY, it's so bad!! Review: I couldn't believe how unattractive every character was, how vapid the storyline, and how much I couldn't bring myself to care about ANY of these repulsive people. Altman chose to highlight the ugliest side of human nature relentlessly over 2 hours. Spare yourself the agony!
Rating:  Summary: Good movie but certainly not for all tastes Review: I think there are two types of people who will not like this movie: people who dislike the general Altman style (sort of chaotic scenes with everyone talking at once, not much plot or story structure), and those who are expecting another M*A*S*H or the Player. I think if you meet this movie on its own terms, its a lot of fun. The characters are very accessible yet complex, many of their interactions are hillarious, and the feel of the movie is pure Altman. Rent it first and decide for yourself.