Rating:  Summary: Typical Julia Robert's fluff film. Review: This film was unfortunately a typical Julia Robert's film. In other words it was average at best.Billy Crystal was wonderful as usual, and Catherine Zeta Jones did a splendid job in her role of the snotty sister. But Cusack and Robert's didn't bring it together. The plot was your typical love story plot, but the poor acting of Roberts and Cusack simply wrecked it. Robert's gave her typical stinted and lacksidaisical acting and didn't draw you into her character at all. Unfortunately the great cast couldn't bring it together with this film. I'd wait until this one hits the cheap theatres or rent it. Don't waste your money at the theatres, you will only be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: I Didn't Want To Go & Laughed Non-Stop Review: Joyce wanted to see this and I was not hot about the idea because this film has received such tepid reviews, at best. However, I couldn't come up with a better suggestion playing at our nearby cineplex. Much to my suprise, this movie was hilarious. Everyone in the theater was female and we were all having a laugh riot. Catherine Zeta-Jones was surprisingly wonderful as the self-absorbed movie star who got rid of her movie star-partner husband (Cusack) for a Latin lover (Hank Azaria). Azaria almost steals the movie with this character, whose sexual prowess is under question throughout, not to mention his speech impediment. Julie Roberts plays Zeta-Jones's sister, who waits on the star hand and foot but also is in love with Cusack. Cusack is also hilarious as the ex-husband who is a walking basket case, bailed out of an ashram by Billy Crystal to attend the film opening of his and his ex-wife's last film together. Alan Arkin as the guru in charge of the ashram is perfect. Christopher Walken plays a very funny role as the demented film director of this unseen work. They all come together out in the desert for a press junket, orchestrated by Billy Crystal, and absolute comic mayhem ensues.
Rating:  Summary: What is with the DVD!? Review: A movie with a modest budget is released in theatres and it makes $100 million. By the time this movie comes to DVD, wouldn't the studio put some effort into making a decent special edition? Well, you'd think so, wouldn't you? The specs for this DVD are as follows: widescreen and full screen presentations, the featurette "Close Up: America's Sweethearts," deleted scenes, filmographies and trailers. Let me just be the first to say I'm absolutley disgusted. This is a movie that has more than earned its keep, despite raging competition with all the summer blockbusters at that time, like "Jurassic Park 3" and "Planet of the Apes", when any other movie would crumple. So what is with this DVD? Columbia could of at LEAST made a commentary, like they have for some of their poorest movies on DVD! You know, it's really funny the way DVD works sometimes, the way some box-office bombs get the special edition treatement, like Little Nicky, Antitrust and Monkeybone, but some movies that made $100 million or more get royally dissed, like America's Sweethearts. If I didn't love the movie as much as I did when I saw it twice, I'd pass this DVD up like that, but I'm probably going to buy it anyway for my love of this movie, but you better believe after I watch it for a third time, I'll be asking myself "Now what?" So, in short, I can't recommend to you enough to see this terrific movie, but the DVD is another issue entirely. The DVD industry needs to get their priorities in order FAST, but until then, I can pull a better DVD for this movie out of my...uh, nose.
Rating:  Summary: A very sweet movie Review: I loved this movie-- perfect summer time escapism.. wonderful ensemble.. not too long of a movie. It was a fun, funny, romantic comedy satire. Julia Roberts took a risk looking frumpy, but once she smiled that smile she was beautiful no matter what. Despite a supporting role, Roberts was still a standout-- as were Christopher Walken, Stanley Tucci, Alan Arkin, John Cusak, Catherine Zeta Jones and Billy Crystal. I can't wait to buy it.
Rating:  Summary: America's Sweetheart Review: What was Julia Roberts thinking? This movie wasn't up to her previous performances. What could have been a good plot for a PG-13 movie turned into a cheesy.. let's see how far we can go without making this R. I took my younger child and was appalled at the lack of respect for marriage and the general low moral values.. I would like to think that the writers including Billy Crystal realized they had a bad apple and were trying desperately for any outlet to make it succeed.. because if they wrote this intentionally perhaps they should get out of the business...
Rating:  Summary: Not worth it Review: I was shockingly disappointed in "America's Sweethearts." John Cusak wasn't brilliant in his role, but he was passable. Billy Crystal, as always, was fabulous. Catherine Zeta-Jones was perfect as a snotty stereotype of a movie star. But what made the movie bad was Julia Roberts. I know she's everybody's favorite actress, but are these people blind? Julia Roberts is as phony as they come. Every moment she's on the screen is pure torture. Don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: More entertaining to stand in line at Motor Vehicles Review: I took my daughter and her friend to see this at the beach and had to bite my tongue, then squirm in my seat to avoid running (not walking) out the Fire Exit. It was TORTURE to sit through this shockingly maudlin, boring, boring, BORING self-conscious Hollywood homage to Billy Crystal and Julia Roberts. SAVE YOUR MONEY! Better yet, throw it out the car window first. Strictly for Julia Robert's ... fans. Stilted dialogue, ... and throughly predictable "plot". .... This movie is a one-minute idea wrapped up in a grueling 110 minutes. So obviously designed to fleece the sucker public from its summer cash. MINUS 1000 STARS!
Rating:  Summary: I was disapointed Review: When I went to see this,I was expecting a sensational movie. Since julia Roberts is in it I thought it must be an acadamy award winning film. I was completely wrong.The plot was basically about two Hollywood film stars,who happen to star in every movie together. Gwen (Catherine Zeta Jones) has a sister named Kiki,who has a crush on Gwen's co-star (John C). Some of the jokes were funny,but that's about it. I kept waiting for something good to happen,but nothing ever did. The plot was very boring,and un entertaining. I don't recommend it to anyone. Go see Pretty woman,or Notting Hill. Because in those movies Julia really shines,and lives up to her abilities as an actress.
Rating:  Summary: America's Sweetheart is a comedy sweetheart! Review: Dear Reader, Americas Sweethearts brings to me non-stop laughs, which were sometimes laugh out loud funny but sometimes they were those kinds of laughs that you say are funny in your head. The cast is tremendous, its a cast that is hard to find, and they all have chemistry together. Americas Sweetheart stars Julia Roberts (Kiki) Catherine (Is the female sweetheart) John Cusak (Male Sweetheart) Billy Crystal, seth green, stanley tucci, and Hank Azaria as the all funny weird talker. (Almost makes the movie) Billy Crystal writes this story and screenplay. This Movie really delievers to me, all funny, and all good. But the humor is mostly sex-related which is not really clever, why i didn't give this movie a 5 is because of one scene that disturbed me the man licking dog, it was just gross to me. A lot of people laughed at that dog scene though so i guess it is your homor. I like the film but the person i was with really didn't like it and some of my friends didn't like it either, we all have our opinions.
Rating:  Summary: It had all the makings, but falls flat in the end. Review: 'America's Sweethearts' had all the makings - A romantic comedy starring Julia Roberts and John Cusack, with a little Billy Crystal mixed in to boot. The problem? It's a little too slick, a little too Hollywood. One can't quite seem to get passed that 'she' is Julia Roberts and 'he' is John Cusack. The two protagonists are having a tender moment on the couch... But they're not protagonists: they're Julia and John: Two very-rich, very pampered movie stars. Roberts plays the ugly-duckling sister of mega-starlet Catherine Zeta Jones. Zeta Jones and Cusack, meanwhile, play a fictional former 'Tom and Nicole' - THE movie star couple. But the two's marriage hits the skids and it's up to Roberts to get them back together. It sounds great on paper, but the actors and script never really mesh. Hank Azaria, as Zeta Jones's scorned lover, adds some fun to the film. Overall, however, 'America's Sweethearts' misses the target.