Rating:  Summary: A Nicely Done Movie Review: A wonderful adaptation of Nicholas Sparks'"Message in a Bottle." Shane West and Mandy Moore have beautiful chemistry. I think that the entire cast and crew did a good job on this film. My mom bought the DVD for me on Friday. I was so happy; and I was so glad. The movie was worth the check! The commentaries by Shane West, Mandy Moore, and Adam Shankman (the director) were delightful--they are such funny people. I also enjoyed the second commentary by Nicholas Sparks and Screewriter Karen Janszen--they were both very insightful. The special bonus of Mandy's video "Cry" was a treat. She was so pretty in it, and Shane West was such a cutie; and I think that they make an adorable-looking couple. The movie was good enough to actually inspire me to read Sparks' novel. Rare in such cases, but I was utterly impressed by the two leading characters played by West & Moore. Landon and Jamie's story is a classic representation of love and devotion; and it's enjoyable to watch how their relationship blooms. By the end of the movie, I just knew I had to get the book. Girls...all I have to say is that you just got to catch this movie. It will make your heart splutter.
Rating:  Summary: Sweet, sad, and moving... Review: ...If you're looking for a movie hottie, Shane West is it. Not only can he act (very well, I might add), he can sing too. He's got a great song on the soundtrack. I'm into the garage band thing, and that's what it sounds like. My mom used to watch "Once and Again" and I'd catch a glimpse of him while she watched it. Very cool. Don't get me wrong though, he's an amazing actor...there's a couple of scenes of him crying that just tore me to pieces. Not to mention the many other scenes that require quite a bit of acting ability that he breezes through amazingly. Next is Mandy Moore. She's able to move you to tears with her songs and still get the impression of a real character with feelings and (most of all) faith. The subtleness with which the director works her faith into the movie is just right...not too little, not too much. Pretty much meaning that she can get you to read the Bible with the way she portrays her character. She's got a heck of a future. The rest of the cast is superb and without them the movie just wouldn't be the same. I'm just gonna say one more thing...if you haven't seen this movie, you need to. Sure, it's a teeny bit sappy, but is definitely an improvement on the other teen movies...yeah, you know what I'm talking about...guy meets girl, they fall in love, kiss a couple of times, then BAM, they're sleeping together while the girl's parents are away. Rent, buy, whatever. See this movie, have your impression of first love changed.
Rating:  Summary: A great old-fashioned love story Review: I don't mind admitting it - I'm a 30 year old guy who really likes this film, and if there's one phrase I hate, it's "chick flick" - I'd like to get my hands on whoever coined that phrase!. Apart from immediately limiting a film's potential maximum audience once it's been branded a "chick flick" (which no doubt this one has), it assumes that guys won't like it. Well I can tell you that not only do a lot of us guys want to see a good romantic film, we also aren't all into action and sci-fi films, we just like a good story. Now I've got that out of the way... A walk to remember seems to get better with each viewing. The first time I saw it I just thought it was ok, but quite cliched. But there are certains elements of the film I really liked, so I watched it again and really enjoyed it. For starters, it nice to see a charming, sweet-natured film that doesn't feel the need to resort to scenes of a sexual nature, or that uses crude/vulgar humor. This alone for me lifts AWTR above your typical "teen movie". Then you have great performances from the two leads of Mandy Moore & Shane West, who do the script proud. I particularly like Mandy's character Jamie, who although definitely isn't the coolest person in school, is confident enough about herself to not let other people's opinions worry her (except for one incident in the film). I think it's this personality trait that first appeals to Shane West's character Landon, who *does* worry (initially) what is and isn't perceived as being cool, and often succumbs to peer pressure. It's this transforming of character for Landon that takes him onto "a walk to remember". One of my favorite scenes in the movie is where Landon takes Jamie to the state line one night and tells her to stand over it. He then tells here that she's in two places at the same time- thus realizing one of her dreams. Talk about romantic!. Another scene I like is where Jamie asks Landon to promise not to fall in love with her, which at the time seems a little arrogant and which Landon laugh's off. It's only later you find out the relevance of her request. I also like the play scene where Mandy sings "Only hope". Mandy sings impeccably, looks beautiful, and this is where I believe Landon really falls in love with her. Unfortunately the DVD of AWTR is a little thin on extras. What you do get however is two good commentaries. The first is from Mandy, Shane, and the director Adam Shankman which they all recorded together (doesn't always happen that way). They share anecdotes from making the movie, have a laugh, and generally makes a very entertaining commentary. This is probably the one most people will listen to, but the other is also worth checking out. This second commentary is from the original novelist of AWTR Nicholas Sparks, and Karen Janszen who adapted it for the screen. This commentary is very interesting as they talk about the differences between the book and the movie, how it was adapted for a modern day setting, what they thought of the cast, amongst other things. On the DVD you also get the music video for Mandy Moore's "Cry", but that's about it. There's no "making of" or behind the scenes stuff. And there's not even any deleted scenes, even though they are mentioned several times on the cast/director commentary track!. AWTR is more a romantic drama than comedy, so those looking for laughs may want to look elsewhere (although Mandy's retort "God's too busy looking for your brain" is hilarious!). That said, this is a very good movie, well acted, and the nature of the story should make it appeal to many older viewers - male and female alike - that will lift it above typical teen fare.
Rating:  Summary: the petting zoo Review: I hear the propaganda wheels of Mandy Inc. turning as I pop this video in. Ten minutes into this movie I feel a wave of nausea, a tingle of embarrassment; I rush to the front blinds, scouring the yard, making sure I'm not going to get caught watching this insipid dribble. This whole affair is so prudish; you'd think you were signing up for a week at the southern Baptist choir camp. This movie has the perfect mindset if you're a 12-year-old girl with aspirations to grow up and be a Mandy Moore, presenting a right-of-safe passage for nubile pubescence with Mandy taking the lead. Wistful dreaming at lights-out, hoping that young counselor drops by for a secret rendezvous at tuck in time. With her legions of fans, Mandy can be an influential role model. There are worse endeavors. Back to center - A WALK TO REMEMBER does a full frontal assault on anything remotely resemble intelligence. With all the usual trappings, we're presented the story of two socially opposed teenagers throw together by situation. Reeking of TV quality, this is 'Love Story' with no bark or bite. We learn way too late in the story our heroine is dying of some incurable something and the sympathy vote just doesn't tally. Boo hoo - I'm all tears. No buckets too cry in. The talent pool gathered for this production is credible enough, but given the thin material, the characters never develop, nor do they bring any kind of passion or sustenance to the screen. Friends and family of our two star-crossed lovers leave us with brief, cameo, and drop-in appearances. Peter Coyote and Darryl Hannah have seen better days; I suspect by this performance they'll never see another. These actors should immediately march to the hall-of-shame and take a lickin' while they are still tickin'. Shane and Mandy though make for an adorable couple, perhaps too much so. Mandy Moore is a one girl wrecking crew. I can't image the size of her professional promotional team. Her scene at the high school play where she sings the solo "Cry" is very touching and venerable, the song superb. I predict grand things for her, and obscurity for this film. A walk to remember is doubtful as I run around the block to dump this miserable video. Hey, it's only a rental - the evening's saving grace.
Rating:  Summary: The book is better... Review: After reading the book, I'll confess the movie was somewhat of a let-down. Granted, trying to pack in the content of Spark's rich novel into the span of a movie is bound to leave some of the texture out. Morevoer, it was disappointing they repackaged the time frame from the original late 50's, if for no other reason than to appeal to a younger audience? Sorry, but that's selling out. I wonder what Mr. Sparks thinks of Hollywood's treatment of his novel? The performances by Mandy Moore and Shane West were great. If you like this movie, do yourself a favor and take the time to read the book - it's even better, more thought-provoking, and worth a few more hankies - and while the ending is essentially the same, so much is different I promise you won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: LOVED IT! Review: This movie beats all the other teen movies out there. I dont know why people say this movie [was bad]. Excuse me but the movie [wasn't bad] it was THE BEST! I mean great cast especially Many moore. At first when I heard about this movie and it starring mandy moore I didn't want to watch it till people said it's the best. That's when I decided to rent it. When I watched it I was so moved by the storyline and the characters. I don't know why people say that Mandy was suppose to play an ugly character. She wasn't even playing an ugly character she was suppose to play a a person who is an outcast and just loves life. People are suppose to believe that she was suppose to play an ugly character just because she wears overalls, a ponytail and looks pail??? I mean come on I wear overalls and have a ponytail on my head and I'm suppose to be ugly???I don't know why people are making such a big deal out of this. It's about the way a person acts not the way a person looks. Besides that this movie really touched me. It made me think about life and how there is such a thing as true love. I know that the story is a tad bit simialar to other movies but in no way is it truly the same. I loved the way Mandy played the role. It was so believable. Her crying made me cry so much. Shane played bad boy really well. He made me believe that he was really like that. I have nothing bad to say about this movie because I loved it and truly enjoyed it. It's about a boy who gets in trouble alot and then gets punished for what he does. He then meets a girl who is kind and kind of an outcast. They start to fall in love. It's sounds like the other movies out there but this movie has everything that a person could hope for. I JUST LOVE THIS MOVIE!It's a one in a million. I love this Movie! It's so diff. from other movies because there is no sex and no drugs and swearing it's all about true feelings and what life should be. Hollywood is just dissing this movie because there are no sex crazed things. This movie gives hope to future generations such as myself. I LOVE THIS MOVIE! Tommorow I'm going to buy the dvd and then buy the soundtrack. I loved the music and I especially loved the movie and i really loved Shane West. He is a hottie. Anyways I love this movie. In no greater words can I explain how good this movie is All in all this MOVIE IS THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER AND WILL LIVE ON 4EVER! Oh yah I rate this 1 000 000/5
Rating:  Summary: The Perfect Movie Review: "A Walk To Remember", based on the best-selling book by Nicholas Sparks, follows Landon (Shane West), your typical high school "bad boy", who is handsome and popular, but has divorced parents and low morals. After him and his friends tell one of the school's nerds to take a dangerous dare so that he can "be one of the group", Landon is forced, as one of his punishments, to join the school's drama club. Fate has it that he ends up getting the leading male role, opposite Jamie (Mandy Moore), a quiet, conservative preacher's daughter. As Landon and Jamie work together on perfecting their parts in the musical, Landon realizes that he enjoys Jamie's company and wants to spend time with her after the play is over. Jamie seems pretty touchy when he expresses this thought to her, but what Landon doesn't know is that Jamie has a horrible secret that will change their relationship forever. This movie has it all: Romance, drama, humor, and life lessons. I recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Unexpectedly Brilliant Review: I admit, like most people I was quite skeptical that A Walk To Remember was going to be not unlike the rest of the teen movies out there, I was however quite mistanken, this turned out to be a brilliant film that everyone can enjoy! It's full of down to earth real life emotion, entertainment and quirks, and the big bonus is you don't walk away from it feeling like an idiot for liking it! This is a film I would definately recommend to EVERYONE to check out!
Rating:  Summary: Awfully Boring !!!! Review: This movie simply is boring and I had hard time to remain awake. Reading Mills and Boons is even better. It is a waste to even rent this movie let alone keeping it in your collection.
Rating:  Summary: This is a fantastic movie! Review: I loved the movie "A Walk To Remember." It was a very heartwarming and touching story that is so different from all the other teen movies that i see and come out of the theatre disgusted. It is appropriete and i'm sure can be enjoyed by all age groups. This movie of bittersweet love teaches us a good lesson on growing up.