Rating:  Summary: chick flick? no Review: The one thing you all must know is that this is not a stupid chick flick. This is a very well done film, fit for more than just teenage girls. So guys, give it a chance. While my girlfriend still hasn't gotten herself to watch it yet, I watched it three times the first time i rented it. Say what you will. I despise shes all that, american pie, cruel intentions, all those movies...I love this movie. And for you parents, there is no better influence than (can you believe it?) mandy moore's character in this movie. Just see it. Don't be scared!!
Rating:  Summary: Open your heart and get out the Kleenex. Review: This film deserves a 5-star rating, and then some. Although I find most teen movies to be crude, obscene, obnoxious, or some variation of those three terms, this one proves itself entirely different, and a hundred times better. Not only does it prove that teen movies CAN be worth a watch no matter how old you are, it also proves that they can be even better than more 'mature' films in the romance genre. A Walk to Remember is a story about your typical high school romance blossoming between two completely different people... or is it? Not quite. It's better than typical. The female lead is a talented do-gooder daughter of a Church man.... and her male love interest just happens to be the resident school bad boy who hangs out with the type of people who bully and make fun anyone who doesn't fit in with the crowd. Together they learn what it means to be true to themselves and to those they care about, and what it means to fall in love. This touched me in a way that films rarely ever do. I only wish it had come out during my high school years. I truly think that anyone with a soft spot for romance will fall in love with this movie as much as I have, no matter what their age may be... but it's even better if you're a high school girl, searching not only for love, but for a place to belong. Watch it with someone you care about. If the guys aren't nauseated by all the romance (dump him!), then he'll be crying along with you for a good third of the movie. It's absolutely beautiful.
Rating:  Summary: I'm so sorry to say that I didn't like it! Review: I love Mandy Moore's voice, I love the fact that she hasn't compromised her principles now that she's such a big star. But this movie does not do her justice. I think the problem was the whole story line. Way too unbelievable and yet predictable at the same time. I admit some things were really cute and romantic but there were so many loose ends at the end of the film that I am still left wondering - "What's with the stupid sweater!!!?" I kept thinking throughout the movie that perhaps they would explain that it was her mom's and that's why she wore it all the time but NO! There WAS no explanation whatsoever! Truly frustrating. Also, the scene in the school play where she sings - oh yes she's got a beautiful voice but songs in plays don't usually go on and on for THAT long. Weird! There's much more I could say if I watched it again but I couldn't - I just couldn't subject myself to another viewing.
Rating:  Summary: A story of love, faith, and healing Review: "A Walk to Remember" appeals to audiences of all ages. Characters Landon (Shane West) and Jamie (Mandy Moore) are center stage in this star performance and should be consider one of the best movies of the year. Jamie is the daughter of a local minister (Peter Coyote). Jamie is a single child being raised by her father after her mother dies. Landon on the other hand is a kid with a chip on his shoulder; embittered from his father abandonment of the family, he is angry at the world. Jamie and Landon have known each other for most of their lives. The have intimate knowledge about each other habits and preferences. From the start of the movie, Landon is protrayed as the bad boy with a fast car, James Dean rebel attitude, and exclusive friends group...
Rating:  Summary: Endless stars Review: ...First of all about the riding the bus to school and taking the car home well when they rode the bus it was for Saturday tutoring and never showed them going to school period. It never showed them riding home from tutoring...Anyway this is a great movie and I cry every time I watch it!!!! And when you cry for a movie that means its great!
Rating:  Summary: A Film to Remember Review: I rented A Walk To Remember because I wanted something to do. I didn't really want to see it, mainly because it looked schmaltzy and sappy and it stars teen singer Mandy Moore. But I like to give some movies a chance, so I rent them anyway. I just don't end up finishing some of them. With this one, I was expecting the same old teenybopper chick flick with bad acting and a bad plot. Boy, was I disappointed. It was nothing like I'd expected. Sure, the premise IS schmaltzy and sappy, but it's executed in such a way that you forget you're watching a teenybopper chick flick. Instead, you find yourself lost in the world of Landon Carter - resident bad-boy - and Jamie Sullivan - just your average plain Jane Christian gal. After a prank-gone-seriously- wrong leaves a student paralyzed, Landon is forced by the principal to engage in janitorial duties, tutor children on the weekend, and to join a production of the high school's drama club. The latter produces problems when he's given the lead role in the play, and he's having a hard time remembering his lines. So, he enlists the help of Jamie, who is also in the play. She decides to help him, even though he and his friends are always making fun of her. She tells him she'll only do it under one condition: that he not fall in love with her. He laughs and tells her she needn't worry. That would NEVER happen. Of course, just as he says that, the audience laughs as well, because we all know, from previews, that he is in fact going to fall in love with her. But what follows is unlike any romance in a teen movie. First off, Landon predictably starts turning into a good guy under Jamie's influence. But despite still (most likely) being a bad boy at heart, he seems to respect Jamie. Jamie is not your typical high school girl nowadays. She wears long dresses, and the same sweater everyday. She does not wear makeup. She talks with a soft, sweet voice that reveals just how sweet and innocent she really is. She is the daughter of a preacher, she's in the church choir, and she carries the bible everywhere with her. Yet Landon recognizes that she is a remarkable young woman, and he doesn't even care what his friends think (they think he's crazy, by the way). Perhaps the biggest surprise of this film is Mandy Moore. You know her. She was whom you once labeled a "Britney wannabe". Well, now Britney should be a "Mandy wannabe". Why? Because Britney, too, made her feature film debut this past year with Crossroads, in which she pretended like she could act. Crossroads was your typical teenybopper road trip chick flick, where Britney looked for any excuse to show some skin and sing some tunes. Now don't get me wrong, I was NEVER a Mandy Moore fan. But she did always hold my interest because, unlike her predecessors Britney and Christina Aguilera, Mandy has never once sold her music with sex. And now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen Mandy's bellybutton. This is a major achievement in today's pop society. Mandy, who's all of 17, is a beautiful girl with a beautiful voice. And - OHMYGOD - she can act! She had a small role in last year's The Princess Diaries, in which she played a snotty cheerleader. That performance was forgettable. But this one isn't. She is perfect as Jamie Sullivan. (And oh my, she's even beautiful without makeup.) Give this girl another starring role; I think she's onto something. Shane West is great too, as Landon Carter. The two of them together make a beautiful couple. And even though the ending is not original, and has been done in a few movies before, it will make you weep like a baby. But it will also make you smile. This film is a rare gem. A teen movie that really isn't a teen movie. A sappy chick flick that really isn't really a sappy chick flick. Overall, it's a feel-good movie that will make you feel bad at times. Its PG rating, which is almost profanity and sex-free, is a breath of fresh air in a time that our younger society seems to thrive on the gross-out humor of American Pie. We should all look up to Landon in Jamie. We should all hope and pray we can find a love like theirs.
Rating:  Summary: Mandy Moore didn't even deserve the MTV award Review: I can't say that when I got A Walk to Remember free from the library I was expecting a good movie but I didn't expect it to border on the awful line as much as it did. There were too many contradictions in the movie. The characters take the bus in the morning and yet both drive home in their cars? Mandy Moore didn't convince me either. A plain girl? Heather Matarazzo would have been better for this role, but then she's too good for a movie like this. Mandy's death didn't convince me. It seemed like a thrown in and no indications were shown throughout the movie. For better similar movies that at least reach the so bad it's good status, I recommend Love Story or A Summer Place.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Review: What a wonderful movie! I was a little hesitant on watching this film because I was expecting a goofy teen movie. After all, I am 25 years old. :) But after reading a few Nicholas Sparks novels, I wanted to give it a shot. I am so glad I did! Mandy Moore's performance as a good girl being raised by her preacher father was fabulous. And Shane West, playing a campus king full of popularity and attitude was breath taking at times. Sometimes, the way he would look at her...I mean, he is such an excellent actor. I highly recommend this movie to anyone. I really hope to see Mandy Moore in future leading roles and to see Shane West continue to do a fabulous job and to take the big screen some more. This is the first I have ever seen him act and I hope to see much more of these two. An excellently directed, heart felt film.
Rating:  Summary: It reminds me that life is beautiful, if we want it to be. Review: I didn't expect to be so touched by this movie. In the first 20 minutes, i was kind of studying Mandy Moore's face and acting, but suddenly I started crying, and couldn't stop, I couldn't wait to see it the second time. This is not a perfect movie in every sense, but it's very beautiful, and it moves me in a way I've never imagined. The screen chemistry between Shane west and Mandy moore is so convinceful and I hope they are dating in real life. I came from a different culture, The way I grew up teaches me loyalty to marriage and family, we really believe one love in a life time. When I first got here, I was very shocked to see so many black jokes about sex and marriages in TV and big screen. It looks like everyone start playing dating game since teenager, and never stops. The violents and drugs in school make me worry about my baby's future. This movie show me the pure love I didn't see in the screen for a long time. I disagree some reviews about this movie is unrealistic. I do believe the love described by the film exists, as long as we have faith in it, and we fight for it. It also let me reexamine my own marriage and my own life. When I started fighting with my husband because of all this work stress and life stress, we are kind of cruel to each other, say so much bad things we shouldn't say. It reminds me of the love we once had. The life is so short, why can't we forgive each other, be kind to each other. Just enjoy the life. The life is beautiful, if we want it to be. The movie want me to be a better person.
Rating:  Summary: beautiful Review: Having watched this movie repeatedly (and I mean REPEATEDLY) and being touched by it every time, I am really inspired by the message it gives. But you're either going to love it for its sincerity or avoid it because of its sugar-coated cover. It is an EXTREMELY sensitive film--perhaps the softest and most sensitive that I have ever seen. And yes, there are quite a few cliches, and some parts of the movie are predictable. But I just love it. There are some pretty intense scenes that blow you away, and it's very passionately acted. This movie had a truly great cast. Mandy Moore makes a very heartfelt and gentle major-role debut on the big screen; if you watch this and then watch her in her role in "The Princess Diaries," you'll be surprised at how different her acting style was in each. And of course, Shane West delivers the same solid and well-acted performance he has always shown...he and Mandy worked well together, and theyw were well supported by the rest of the cast. Some people have said that the romance story and the whole plot is unrealistic, but I find it very beautiful and heartwarming. You might get sleepy with it after a while if you watch it too many times, but the quality and the innocence of it all makes it a teen classic in my eyes. BELIEVE me, this is not another typical teen romance film. It surpasses the obvious expectations of a typical teen movie and brings you something that you can admire and be inspired by. If you're the type who cries at all during movies, then this one will put you through a whole box of Kleenex; if you don't cry, then you'll have the chills because it's so beautiful. But judging from the amazing feedback this movie has already received, I'm sure you've heard it all. It's unlike anything else--and the DVD commentary with Mandy Moore, Shane West, and director Adam Shankman is outstanding. It had me laughing and crying, and the three of them really got into it. They talked constantly throughout the entire film and shared their personal memories from making it--and there were some pretty interesting things that were behind each scene. You can really tell what chemistry they had while working together on this movie. The DVD doesn't have many extras--just the commentary I described above, another from the screenwriter and Nicholas Sparks (the author of the book of the same name), filmographies for the cast, and a Mandy Moore music video. But to me, the wholesome film and the commentary with Mandy, Shane, and Adam made it well worth the money. This has gone down as one of my favorite movies of all time, the very first DVD I ever bought, and a different approach to real love than what you've typically seen from teens on the big screen.