Rating:  Summary: Best Movie of 2000 Review: Bridget Jones's Diary is, so far, the hands-down best film of 2000. Well-made, funny, dramatic, and meaningful, this is truly a must-see. I'm counting the days until it's available on DVD and anticipate watching it every day for about the first month or so that I own it. As a side note, if you enjoyed this film, be sure to check out A&E's production of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, starring Colin Firth (and being rereleased on DVD). The plot of Bridget was based quite closely on Austen's novel.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliantly Funny Review: Bridget Jones's Diary was an absolutely brilliant movie. Although I am not used to all of the British humour and accents, you tend to catch on very well. The story revolves around Bridget Jones, a foul mouthed, near-alcoholic, chain smoking young worker for a publishing company. Her boss is an arrogant guy who likes her with short skirts on or off. She is torn between him, and a guy who supposedly stole her bosses fiance' off him. Things become very funny with some overly strange characters, including a sleazy TV director, a TV infomercial host who runs off with her mother, and of course, Bridget's friends who are just as bad as her although one swears almost every second word. Overall a very entertaining movie, but for this one, don't take the little kids to see it. For 15 and over. >Enjoy<
Rating:  Summary: Warning for men of the male gender Review: Given this is a light romantic comedy, with a likable lead actress, I suppose it is only fair to forgive a few failings, such as a predictable and hazily motivated plot...because (come on, be honest, now) is there any doubt about how things will end up in the end? Does anyone believe Hugh Grant when he spins his tale? (Even Liz Hurley would have trouble swallowing that one) By half way in it is inevitable how the film will end and, unfortunately, that makes the second half of the film much less entertaining - you might find yourself checking your wristwatch (I did). Also, there is a tremendous amount of foul language, which might lead one to expect a little subversive content, but no, there are very conservative values at the heart of this film (e.g. the two suitors are both wealthy, physically attractive and older than the eligible lady; she is shown as having no real interests aside from getting married and 'having a good time' (i.e. smoking, drinking, partying)) - the expletives are almost a disguise, so you might delude yourself that you're viewing some edgy material. Despite these reservations, the film is saved by Renee Zellwegger who gives (a) great performance, and by the fact that the film-makers had the nerve to present a character that is flawed and fleshy - five stars for that, but not for the film overall. This is probably a great film for a first or second date - although (at least for the guy) I'd recommend a few drinks before hand.
Rating:  Summary: hilarious view of a singleton's life Review: I've read both books and there were fabulous. Yes, the movie departs some from the book, but not in a demeaning or bad way a la "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." I found Renee's portrayal of Bridget to be charming. As far as bumbling or stumbling, the character in the book came across to me as such and I think Renee carried off its essence very nicely. The whole point of the book is the awkwardness of being a 30something singleton searching for love, place in the world, comfort zone, etc. ...on the weight issue, Renee is already underweight, she had to gain 30 pounds to look realistically 20 pounds over. And even at the weight she was in the movie, she was far from fat. I rather liked seeing a normal-sized person for once on the silver screen. It was also refreshing to see an actress willing to do so for the sake of a good film, which this was. I laughed from the time I sat down in the theater. The only obvious departure from the book was the lack of her involvement with friends, which is not necessarily a bad thing. In the book, Bridget's friends played a larger role. The reduced role in the movie worked better overall because it would have been near as funny with all those tiny and insignficant details.
Rating:  Summary: A great girly giggle! Review: This is definitely a must see (again and again) movie! A film to watch with the girls to laugh, cry, scream, and giggle at. It's a feelgood film that will inspire you to improve your life. A spot on story - though I still wanted her to end up with Hugh Grant, (watch out for wet, blue shirt scene!) but nevertheless a fantastic hit!
Rating:  Summary: V. V. V. good film Review: This is one of the best films of the decade, ranking against the likes of Gladiator and Titanic. It was v. funny and touching. Renee Zellweger is absolutely brilliant: she IS Bridget Jones. It was very amusing watching Colin Firth and Hugh Grant have a fight (girly style). Hugh Grant was totally georgous and Colin Firth was too. WHEN IS THE SEQUEL COMING OUT?!!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: Couldn't stop laughing...Addictive. Relatable. Funny for everyone. Renee Zellweger was fantastic...great British accent that didn't quit. Love it.
Rating:  Summary: Don't walk, RUN to see Bridget Jones's Diary! Review: The only reason not to go and see Bridget Jones's Diary right now is if you don't already know the ending to Fatal Attraction. Otherwise, get your rocker off the seat and run to the cinema to watch this movie! Okay, back to critiquing the movie. It blew me away from start to finish! In the first 5 minutes I was already in tears from laughing so much. That's a new World record! This movie is flippin' funny and it knows it. The characters get in impossible situations that are very funny and simply situations that are even funnier. Renee Zellweger plays Bridget brilliantly, she splendid and gained 7kg's for the movie. Well, Renee, it was worth it. This is arguably her best performance to date, a dramatic and comic one that has had so much effort put into to it literally bursts out of the screen. Hugh Grant injects the film with a shot of bad-boy personality and Colin Firth is just great. The soundtrack is also fabulous and the miraculous one-liners are so memorable you'll be quoting them to everyone in sight! Bridget Jones's Diary is fun, clever, entertaining and frankly brilliant ' see it now!
Rating:  Summary: Bridget Jones' Diary is romance at it's best. Review: As the title character, Zellweger shines. This is a classic tale of maybe not getting exactly what you want, but instead what you need. Colin Firth as always, delivers a dignified yet endearing performance. His characters haughty exterior gives way to a good and gentle soul. This movie was great!!
Rating:  Summary: My favourite film this year... Review: I really enjoyed this film. Forget criticisms about it not being exactly like the book - the film kept in the best parts of the book and jettisoned what was, in my opinion, a rather tedious and far-fetched sub-plot involving her mother. A triumph! Could have made a bit more of the circle of friends in the plot, they ended up being superfluous, but that was the only real weakness I thought. The best romcom since 'When Harry Met Sally' I thought and a little darker and less cloying than 4 Weddings and Notting Hill.. Renee's interpretation of Bridget was a softer more childish approach, almost virginal. For me that worked very well and did not jar with her naturally very warm and vulnerable on-screen persona. For her to try to be as cynical and independent as the Bridget in the book appeared to be, might not have worked as successfully. I thought her accent and mannerisms were impressively convincing. The acting was slightly hammy in certain places (like the part when she takes over driving the car near the end - a bit TOO childish for a woman in her 30's I thought) but nonetheless endearing and attractive - I simply could not imagine another Hollywood actress playing the part so well and paying so much attention to detail in trying to be 'British'. I would like to have seen someone like Kate Winslett doing a more hard-bitten interpretation but then it would have been an entirely different film. When I saw it in the cinema, it was a Monday evening - usually the dead zone... it was packed.. and the atmosphere was great. From the opening scene where Bridget mimes to that anthem of singletons everywhere 'All By Myself' (how many of us relate to THAT one !!) the whole audience was laughing out loud in sympathy and cringe-inducing recognition, and the belly laughs continued throughout until my jaw ached. At the end of the film the audience spontaneously applauded (and this was in a British cinema!) which said volumes to me about the way this film appealed to everyone on some level - including the men, who seemed to enjoy it just as much as the girls. How many women's jaws dropped at the first sight of Hugh Grant in the lift! Wow! Just raw bad-boy charisma wrapped in an angelic looking package... Definitely a welcome but not altogether alien concept of Hugh. Hugh has always played such affable good guys, but I think the Divine incident made him more interesting and 3-dimensionsal and the Daniel Cleaver character captures that duality brilliantly.. What is more attractive than the charming and slightly vulnerable [guy] that every woman thinks she can make fall for her?! And Colin Firth as Darcy... Again, any woman who ever saw Pride and Prejudice knows what a knee-trembler he is.. Tall, dark, brooding and intense, always leaving you with the feeling that there is more to discover - especially in that jumper ;-) I remember him when he was in Dutch Girls years ago and he always had a certain something. I can see him being the next big thing in Hollywood - and about time too... I also liked the fight scene. It was not only a quite realistic portrayal of the way guys actually fight like kids in the playground (instead of the ridiculous macho trading of endless punches and kicks you get in most Hollywood films) but it's such a British idea that a guy could land in your dinner and then say 'Sorry' ;-) By the way, I could not believe what a big deal was made of Renee's weight in the press. Since when is a size 12 woman fat! My ... no wonder we are all so insecure. I did not consider Renee fat in the film at all, but I did think that some of the camera angles and clothes were deliberately unflattering to make the most of a comedic situation.. Bridget herself embodies the constant battle to meet the expectations of what a woman should be to be considered 'acceptable' by society but like most of us is defined by the energy we spend in the struggle and the failure when we could be ploughing that energy into claiming the power that 50% of the population should have (yes clever plot guys but we're catching on...). What Bridget does is show us that we can be interesting and sexy without being perfect or a size 6. Daniel Cleaver's 'hello Mummy' moment serves to remind us that men don't just go for the Lara in the little knickers, they will cheat on a Lara just as easily as they will cheat on a Bridget, fat has nothing to do with it. Lara's bitchy comment 'I thought you said she was thin' simply affirms the fact that Daniel is a liar, that Bridget's 'size' was actually not as important to him as to Lara, and Lara shows herself to be self-absorbed and deluded about her own attractiveness. The idea that only beautiful people have beautiful lives is blown away. And when Mark Darcy tells Bridget he likes her 'just as she is', it is a revelation that redeems the whole male species ;-) So - impressive acting, great casting, a great interpretation of the book which doesn't detract from its message or its magic, a film that people can relate to and that can provoke conversation about the nature of people and relationships. Funny, sad, romantic, with a bit of action thrown in too.. What more could you ask? A big 5-star thumbs up for Bridget from me