Rating:  Summary: spare me these older woman fantasies! Review: While it was great to see a romance about an older couple - for -once - I simply do not like the way the female charcter was depicted. It simply did not ring true. For one - and this is valid for people of ANY age but far more so for a mature woman - it's time that filmmakers and the world in general found out that great sex does not equal love. That was the cardinal false note in this movie; this basic premise was wrong. I just did not see Erica falling for Jack just because of one night together. His character was in a completely different class to hers - surely she was not THAT hard up!A number of reviewers are harping on about "goose and gander" issues, asking why it was OK for Erica to go with the doctor but not OK far Jack and a young girl. But age is not the problem here at all. These were two completly different kinds of relationships. You had Jack, a sleazy, shallow old man, chasing after fresh young things young enough to be his granddaughters, and the bottom line was sex. You did NOT have Erica chasing after fresh young studs for sex. That would have been an equal situation; and in my view equally ridiculous as Jack's with his girls. What you had was an educated and discrimating man who HAPPENED to be a good deal younger than Erica falling for her in a big way - actually LOVING her. She did not chase him, as Jack chased his girls. She was not deliberately looking for younger partners, as Jack was. She wasn't even interested in the doctor; he had to win her over. All of this puts this relationship on a completley different footing to Jack's with his granddaughters. (...) Finally there's no way I can believe that Jack was suddenly cured of his wicked ways in the space of a few months. No way.
Rating:  Summary: Great duo! Review: Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton have wonderful chemistry in this delightful romantic comedy. Instead of focusing on the younger generation, this movie spotlights two senior citizens who truly light up the screen. Nicholson plays a man who has spent his life dating younger women and who is not willing to commit to any of them. He looks forward to a weekend with his latest squeeze, when her mother (Keaton) walks in and puts a damper on the romance. When he has a heart attack, the affair is put on hold indefinitely and Keaton ends up with the job of nursing Nicholson back to health. An added complication occurs when Nicholson's 30-something Dr. also begins to fall for Keaton. There are plenty of laughs, for instance when they wake up from their first night of love-making and neither of them can read their watch to see what time it is. This is a fun, "feel-good" movie which allows two great stars to strut their stuff.
Rating:  Summary: absolutely great movie Review: I laughed outloud throughout this entire movie. I thought it was extremely honest and funny. It has so much more to offer than your average romantic comedy. I'm 19 and so sick of the typical and predictable young movie romances. I thought the acting was brilliant. At least go see this movie, you won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Generic Romantic Comedy with a Geriatric Couple Review: I watched this movie for the same reason I watch all romantic comedies to lighten my mood, to suspend disbelief and to believe that love conquers all. I should be happy, right? Hah, I'm crankier than ever. Despite being hailed as something different, SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE is just the same old same old generic romantic comedy with a geriatric couple as its lovers. Well, send up the firecrackers! Somebody has finally thought about the ageing populace. But other than the funny stuff about having heart attacks, menopause, wearing reading glasses and sleeping less at night, there is nothing new here. The actors. Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson have good chemistry together, but they are just playing themselves. The other actors are given very little screen time and not much to do. Amanda Peet is given the most to do. She gets to stand around in a bikini and strip off her clothes at the beginning. Oh, and Marin (Peets) gets to be lectured by Erica (Diane Keaton) on how having a career is just not enough. You must have pain and a man. Except in the other order. Wherein Peet goes out and gets married and pregnant, just like that. Paul Michael Glasser, Keanu Reeves and, most shamefully of all, Frances McDormand are wasted. The message. There is a mixed and conflicted message here. On one hand, writer/director Meyers puts a speech in Zoe's mouth (Frances McDormand) where she tells how older women are free to be more productive, as in careers, not in having babies or catering to men, because all the older men are chasing younger women. Yet this same character keeps bringing the young doctor (Reeves) into her sister's life. Also Keaton's character is a successful playwright, but she is not fulfilled unless she has a man. I'm not giving anything away since this is a formula, but Keaton picks Nicholson, a self-centered, egotistical but charming ageing Casanova. But only after he's changed. "Who's the girl now," says Jack's character. Or has he really? He comes to Paris knowing its Erica's birthday, but brings no present. Just himself and with great ego Harry thinks she'll be alone. Erica has the young Doctor Mercer with her. He has thoughtfully shopped all over Paris to find the right gift. He's young, handsome, successful, thoughtful and sensitive. He's the nice guy, and therefore, playing to women's masochistic ideas about love, he's not the right guy. He's not her soul mate. Uh, huh! Right! I've got some swampland to sell you, too. Well, that was just too much for my suspension of disbelief. But if you don't think too hard, after all this is just a romantic comedy, you'll love this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliantly funny and touching Review: No need here to go into a synopsis--others have already done it. I loved this movie....was afraid it would not live up to its hype, but it did. It was funny and sad and touched me on many levels. Keaton and Nicholson were brilliant together and the supporting cast was pretty perfect too, although a bit underused. And the scenery...what could be more gorgeous than that beach? Keaton really shone in this movie and I thought her character was extremely well-developed. I will NEVER forget the scene where she is sitting at her computer, at her desk, typing and wailing and crying. I re-watched that scene three times! Perfection! Loved the ending too.
Rating:  Summary: Odd romantic comedy. Review: Wow, what can I tell ya. After "What Women Want" I thought Nancy Myers had achived her masterpiece, but now she delivers "Something's Gotta Give", a great, great odd romantic comedy. It is even better than "Three Men and a Baby"! It is a shame though that Keanu Reeves hasn't got too much time on screen; they should have given the role of Jack Nicholson to him, and make him look older in some way, with make up maybe. Neo is "The One", he can do anything, so the question I live pending here is: why didn't he have the main role in this movie? Interesting, very interesting stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Jack and Diane. Review: This film is a breath of fresh air! Finally a romance film where the characters are over the age of 50! Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton have tremendous chemistry here, playing off each other with splendid veteran performances. Jack has charm to burn, and Diane does her best work since "Annie Hall." The script is oftentimes witty and timely, while at others swaying toward conventional romantic plotting. Overall, this was a solid, enjoyable film from beginning to ending credits. Later.
Rating:  Summary: Infuriating Film!! Review: The fact that this film was written, produced and directed by a woman only reinforces my theory that we ARE our own worst enemy. Nicholson's performance was a phone in. There's no getting around his charm...he'll always have a charisma that is difficult to turn away from. Keaton was, I believe, playing herself more than anything -- the dopey laugh, the painful discomfort around others -- with the exception that Keaton in real life has matured to the point of understanding that one can be a complete human sans love affairs. If only she would raise her standards in script choices ("First Wives Club?" Blech!) The "moral" of the movie is that you must open yourself up to the pain to really feel alive. Wow! What a revelation. Who woulda' thunk it? I guess that Keaton's character opening herself up to the pain in her daughter's life, her sister's life, her ex's life wouldn't have worked? Oh, no...ya gotta' have a man. Amanda Peet as the daughter is a doll. She glows on screen and was the only believable characterization in the whole film. Keanu was his usual leaden self, with just a touch of slime ball thrown in for good measure. I heard Keaton interviewed and she said that he's a terrific kisser. Good, she's been around long enough to be a good judge and she's paid enough dues to deserve to be kissed well. Francis McDormand is one of the greatest actresses of our time, and I can only assume she needed a new car or something to have taken this role. If you're in the mood to watch Nicholson chew the scenery, watch Keaton get embarrassed or watch Reeves play doctor, you might find 128 minutes worth of fun in this film. If you are a strong believer that romantic love is a wonderful thing, a glorious thing, a special thing...BUT NOT A NECESSITY FOR A FULL LIFE, this film will infuriate you and make you wish you'd watched "As Good As It Gets" again instead.
Rating:  Summary: An Enjoyable Movie about humor,tears &lots of love/ Review: I had heard so much about this film that when it came outI kept putting it off, because those are the movies that for me never live up to the hype. I try to see "hyped" movies the first day before I can have preconceived ideas that make me expect to much. So when it came out on dvd last week I bought it figuring enough time had passed for me to enjoy it. Besides how bad could a movie with Jack and Diane be? Well I enjoyed it ,understood Diane's character and wanted the movie not to end. To me the true test of a classic movie for me is that I will want to watch it again. This is a feel good, glad to have it in my "classic" collection" movie. I also like any dvd that has behind the scenes director's thoughts ect. To me this is what makes DVD's different from vhs. This movie had great extra's and I can't wait to watch it all again. A movie like this is like a great wine it get's better each time I watch it.
Rating:  Summary: Diane Keaton was worth the whole price of a ticket Review: I enjoyed the movie very much. It is always a pleasure to experience a movie with a happy ending. It was wonderful just to sit back and watch two of the best actors of their generation do their thing. It was also wonderful to watch those "great faces" with all the lines and wrinkles, but also so full of life and expression and untimately beauty, especially Diane Keaton. While I enjoyed the commentary by the director and Diane, I found Jack offensive. His crack about the "large" reason the director had to cut away after Amanda/Marin gets off him at the beginning of the movie was disgusting. It just made him seem like the old letch he plays in this movie. The commentary however, is not necessary to enjoying the movie.