Rating:  Summary: Madonna's performance unjustly criticized Review: I guess it would be all too easy to take the critic's word for it, and believe Swept Away is a complete disaster - ruined by Madonna's "wooden" performance. But considering Swept Away grossed something around $500,000 at the box office and is available at very few stores or film rentals, I don't think most of this film's detractors have actually seen it. It seems like everyone today is talking about how bad an actress Madonna is (and in no small way comparing this film to Glitter or Gigli), but if everyone who criticizes this film has actually seen it, wouldn't it have made a lot more money?That said, the film is good. The only problem I had with it was the rape scene. It is hard to believe that a woman would fall in love with a man who tried to rape her. However, the love scenes are truly touching (the most affecting is a series of love scenes to the sound of "Fade into You" by Mazzy Star) and the ending is tender and thought-provoking. Although Swept Away is not all it could have been, it is a thoughtful and entertaining love story benefitted by a sincere and admirable performance by Madonna. As a dynamic character, she is believable and touching. I dare you to say Madonna can't act after you have seen this film, particularly the scene where she is crying in the helicopter at the the end of the film. . People have been much too harsh towards this film. I don't think it was intended to be a blockbuster - the production seemed relatively small. It is, however, a funny, touching, and thought-provoking love story with a tender performance by Madonna and a great score (if you can overlook the sometimes loud tropical music in favor of the subtle orchestrations, piano, and brilliant song choices). A hidden gem that looks good in my DVD collection next to other underrated classics, such as Far and Away (remember when people complained Nicole Kidman couldn't act? She showed them!) and Artificial Intelligence.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie, but overlooked Review: I bought this DVD yesterday morning and i have watched it twice since then! Admitedly i am a Madonna fan and i was rather curious to see what her latest movie was like because i have read alot of mixed reviews about it. And to be rather honest, i am angry with the media for turning people off this great movie! Madonna's acting in the first half of the movie is like her in real life i would imagine because she seemed very natural and relaxed. In the second part of the movie when she is on the island with the fisherman, she is beautiful. Perhaps it was the story line or something that the media didnt like but I think its a great story with a good moral behind it. If your a Madonna fan or not, you still should buy it for the above reasons. Maybe it would have gone better if Madonna had actually sung some of the songs from the movie or released her own soundtrack for it (like Dick tracy or Whos that girl) I hope to see madonna in another movie soon!
Rating:  Summary: Charming, Sweet, Funny Review: I was the biggest skeptic about this film, but I decided to give it a chance, because I always thought that Madonna was actually so much of a better actress than the critics have portrayed her. I enjoyed this film; it was funny, the chemistry between Madonna and Adriano Gianni (Pepe) is superb. I couldn't have imagined either one playing opposite someone else in this film. The film is a perfect 3-acter: Madonna's character before (vain, mean) the love affair; during (funny, vulnerable, smart, loving), and after (confused, torn, changed). Each act is impressively well-developed. Her love affair with Gianni's character -- showing how it goes from literal hate to a tender love -- is portrayed in a very real, human way, and it makes sense. Amazingly, it's not sappy. It's kind of bittersweet. The only scene I felt was silly and out-of-place was the fantasy sequence where Madonna dances and sings. It was pure music video, and I wish it had been cut, even if it does add a splash of bright color. The ending is sad, which makes it different and unexpected. See this film with an open heart and mind, and you might be pleased to find just how enjoyable it is.
Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as we were all led to believe Review: I've caught it a few times on pay cable and the film is pretty funny, especially the beginning where Madonna is real b*tchy to everyone. It has more of a European style of humor, so I can somewhat understand why it did not fly so well in the States where manure like Scary Movie 3 makes hundreds of millions of dollars. The dance/dream sequence is quite well done and the ending is a bit tender with the helicopter flying away & soft piano playing. Well worth checking out.
Rating:  Summary: Stay away! Review: Oops, Madonna did it again! She got herself into another movie that is a total disaster. It's a BIG mystery to me why someone like Madonna has never had a decent movie appearance? Can Madonna act? After you watch Swept Away, your answer about Madonna's acting abilities will be negative. Madonna is always Madonna no matter how hard she is trying to convince you she is not. Madonna is like that wolf from the fable who tries to disguise himself in the lamb skin, but all in vain. Either wolf's ears show up, or his tail or his teeth start to show. During the movie I was unable to get away from the impression that I am watching some Madonna's home video recorded by Guy for their private viewing. The movie is supposed to be a remake of the 1975 movie. The basic story is that a bitchy wife (no idea on what account) of a rich businessman and a bunch of friends go on holidays on a boat. Something happens and Madonna and some other loser actor get stuck on a deserted Island Bonita. A horrible wife gets tamed by a loser, they fall in love, and yadayada. The movie is not funny, it is heavy handed, and you don't believe a word of what they say on the screen. The only idea I had all movie through (yes, I took the pain to watch it to the end) was how Madonna got herself in this mess? At some point I was thinking to myself what if Madonna doesn't have friends who can tell her that her movies suck, and that she should do something about it. Who knows? In any case, Swept Away is no good. If you buy it, you'd waste your bucks. Unless of course you are a Madonna's fan and can eat Madonna under any sauce. In this case, the movie is a delicacy for you :-)
Rating:  Summary: Another example of the press being completely unreliable. Review: Great movie. Absolutely loved it. Sure Madonna's acting may have been a bit weak at times, but only those who didnt understand the movie will point that out. Great plot. Great scenery. Great underlying themes. 5 stars!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT!!!! Review: I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! Based on the reviews I heard, I though it would suck, but I was wrong. I enjoyed it immensely!!! I recommend this movie! It was a beautiful romance set in a gorgeous location.
Rating:  Summary: worth seeing for a few reasons Review: Luckily, 'Swept Away' ventured so deep into the realm of BAD at times, it came out on the other side GOOD. If I saw this movie in a theater I would have been annoyed, but it was easy to get into at 1:00 am in the morning on a quiet, boring night at home, just to see how fascinatingly bad it can get. However, it wasn't nearly as bad as people have said, I somehow ended up enjoying the movie on different levels, one being watching Madonna. It's a shame because there were moments in this movie that showed it could have been so much more, particularly a few scenes that took place in Italy. There was a pleasant, ethnic italian atmosphere in those scenes (with italian dialogue) which is rare these days. I won't describe the plot, but eventually Madonna and Adriano Giannini become stranded on a deserted island. The core concept of this movie, the sudden, shifting balance of power in their relationship, is handled in a much more dramatic, even controversial, manner than I expected. Madonna is mercilessly abused, physically even, by Giannini's character, Pepe. I was shocked as I watched, but since Madonna severely abused and humiliated Pepe when she held the cards before they got to the island, the movie is essentially asking the viewer: "does she deserve this?" It's a daring question to ask these days. I would like to see the supposedly superior original version, because in some scenes 'Swept Away' effectively gets deep into the nature of power in relationships between men and women, and how they react when it suddenly and dramatically shifts. Unfortunately, the awkward performance from Madonna and some bad dialogue from the other actors hamper this version. It's strange how Madonna is this multi-talented 20th century icon, yet she still can't figure out how to act particularly well. It's simply not in her, period. Her performance here is one of her better ones of late, but in some scenes I was abruptly reminded I was watching Madonna trying to act. I think it's the tone in which she speaks her lines, sort of flat. She doesn't convey emotions and subtlety well. But, I would like Madonna to continue trying, because I like her, and would like to finally see a good performance from her. Another thing, she should start eating greasy, unhealthy foods and stop working out because her body looks fined tuned to the point of being repulsive. Get a little fat on that subcutaneous layer! The bottom line, somehow I ended up liking 'Swept Away' and would actually recommend it, but with a few disclaimers. Watch it late, on a quiet night when you have nothing better to do. Expect some "so bad it's good", and be patient because it gets more interesting and surprising as it progresses. And, it's filmed beautifully.
Rating:  Summary: No One- Sided, Tiresome Madonna Bashing Here! Review: First of all, I am by no means a Madonna fan. I think this movie was automatically bashed because it starred Madonna. I'd be willing to bet most of the critics didn't even see the film before writing bad reviews, trust me, there are critics that do that. It is ashame that people are afraid to speak for themselves or use their own minds to judge for themselves. There is a thing called a bandwagon, and many infant minded people tend to jump right on it. With that being said, I am glad I took it upon myself to watch this movie despite of the horrible reviews. I enjoyed it immensely and was shocked at the ending. Madonna's acting is bad in spots, as well as her co-star. Still, this was very good entertainment. I am convinced it has a bad rep simply because Madonna movie bashing is prevalent.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad... Review: I rented this moveie a few days ago even though there was only copy on the shelf at Blockbuster...it was not bad. The beggining is a little slow and boring but once she is stranded on the island it really picks up. I love Madonna, thats the only reason I gave this movie a chance. Now seeing it twice...its pretty good. Weird, but good. And Madonna looks beautiful. And it gives a really good message. I love how she goes from being the rich snob to a understanding, loving person.