Rating:  Summary: If you like Review: This film is beautiful and transcendent. In all aspects, this art is of the highest caliber and deepest significance.
Rating:  Summary: Better than Run Lola Run Review: Before I saw The Princess and the Warrior I had certain expectations because I had been a fan of director Tom Tykwer's masterpiece Run Lola Run. But this is a totally different bird. While Tykwer wrote The Princess and the Warrior with actress Franka Potente in mind, the film focuses on not only her character Sissy but also her set-up-by-fate love interest -- the troubled ex-military man Bodo (portrayed by Benno Furmann). Set in the beautiful German town Wuppertal, The Princess and the Warrior tells the story of how Sissy, a nurse in a mental institution going through the motions of her life and living more for those around her than for herself, escapes her reality and tries to find love with a mysterious man named Bodo, a man who is so wrapped up in troubles of his own life and who is in so much pain over the loss of his wife that he cannot even begin to emotionally deal with Sissy's affections. Without going into much more detail, this may sound like your average girl-meets-boy love story... but it's not. Like Tykwer's Heaven -- and even, in some ways, like Run Lola Run -- Tykwer's characters are written so that they appear to be destined to be together he always adds plot twists to make sure their relationship doesn't run smoothly, or even traditionally for that matter.
Rating:  Summary: The Princess and the Warrior Review: Immpressive: a one word summary for this movie. After seeing Potente in "Run Lola Run" and "The Bourne Identity" (the movie that got her noticed in America), I had to see this one. Those who liked "Lola" will be twice as impressed. An enjoyable plot, a climatic story. It shows how your life can change in a second.
Rating:  Summary: My new favorite movie Review: 5 stars doesn't even begin to stand for how good this movie is.
Rating:  Summary: Torn Through my Senses Review: I was literally in an expanse of my emotions while watching this film. I had no preconcieved wishes for any of the characters. Tom Tykwer directs the movie in such a way you need not attempt hope for all the plot explores which is how to live life fullest. The camera shots keeps the watcher in a position of overview and at the same time reverts to shots of internalization within the characters. This film successfully keeps fluid character study while actions of the plot contine. See this film with someone you can discuss it with afterward.
Rating:  Summary: princess and the warrior..=5 stars Review: this movie is very interresting, its deep, and doesn't flow like other movies do. Thats what makes it really good and also the actors are awesomely great, Beno is sooooo hot!
Rating:  Summary: Who watches German films? Review: I do! I got The Princess and the Warrior from a local library on a lark. Subtitled films are favorite choices of mine, so it wasn't terribly unusual. Only, I had never seen a German film. The story, revolving around two protaganists, an insane-aslyum nurse and a retired army man, develops with what I've discovered is a very European way. The Princess is searching for love, a thing she was denied when her mother died. Her father had been one of the inmates, but it was unknown who. The Warrior inadvertantly causes an accident that leaves the Princess in a hospital for months where she is left to fall in love with the man who saved her life - the Warrior. After being released from the hospital, she realizes that her life in the asylum is terribly lonely - almost unbearable. The Princess tracks down the mystery man who saved her, much to his chagrin. The Warrior and his brother botch a bank robbery that the Princess somehow wound up involved in, necessitating their need to hide away in the asylum where the Warrior begins to fall in love with the Princess. After a suspenseful ending, the two are left to live their lives happily ever after in a cottage by the sea. The film was remarkably well acted for such an oddity of a story. The story's very able tackling of the subject of lost love and first love meeting and uniting was not a disappointment, either. The characterizations, the atmosphere, and the dialogue were all right on cue, so to speak. All in all, The Princess and the Warrior is an excellent piece of film-making.
Rating:  Summary: real surreal Review: An interesting visual story based on a very unlikely set of circumstances. A metaphor for people who are not who they seem to be and who are living lives that do not reflect who they really are. A really good alter ego for Franka as compared to Run Lola Run or the recent Bourne Identity.
Rating:  Summary: Mixed Feelings... Review: Like most people who saw this movie, I came to it with a lot of preconceptions from having seen Tom Tykwer's earlier film, "Run, Lola, Run." Although it's unfair to compare the two movies, it's almost impossible not to, as they both have the same director, the same lead actoress, many thematic similarities, similar music, and a similar cinematic 'look' to them. Whereas "Run, Lola, Run" is practically seamless, however, "Princess and the Warrior" has plenty of seams and odd transitions that occasionally jerk you out of the flow. At times, it feels like Tykwer was uncertain which way he wanted the story to go, as there are many different directions and they don't all seem to fit together. For example, there is the bank-robbery-gone-wrong, which feels like the climactic scene but actually comes about 2/3 through the movie. Then there's the inner conflicts that drive the two central characters. The conflict for the lead male works pretty well because it's established relatively early on in the film and has time to develop. Granted, the last-minute revelation about the accident feels a bit unnecessary and contrived, but it's no big deal. The lead female's backstory, however, is not even hinted at until almost the end of the movie, so that the revelation about how her mother died that is tacked on just 10 minutes later really lacks any dramatic punch. Ultimately, there' s a lot to like about this movie. There are some neat ideas, some great filmwork, etc. The scene with the blind guy in the gun-shop, in particular, is excellent. But it's a movie that never quite gels and if you're hoping for another "Run, Lola, Run," you're bound to be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Gorgeous Review: This is a beautiful movie, and I definitely prefer it over Run, Lola, Run. The story is fascinating, and the characters are very involving. I wish I knew German so I didn't have to leave the subtitles on!