Rating:  Summary: Has Moved Me For Years!! Review: I saw this film, on a whim, with a friend at a small theater in California. I had seen previous film and stage versions of the book and was mildly impressed. Nonetheless, I sat through both screenings of this film (much to my friend's chagrin) and bought tickets to see it again the following night. I was enthralled by the depth of pain and sadness of the characters and wept through the whole film (and every viewing since). This is my favourite film (by far) and that says something (I am a HUGE film buff). I have worn out 2 copies of the VHS and am working on my third. This is Romance at its best!!
Rating:  Summary: One of the most unique love stories Review: This is not your typical love story. Cyrano De Bergerac is quite an unpredictable movie which shows the passion of love without the sexuality that Hollywood loves to flash around. The poetry is magnificent, and being able to hear it in French makes it even more impressive. Here we have the story of the romantic whose love for a woman is so great, that he is willing to support her romance with another man for her happiness. The poetry he writes to help their romance bloom is beautiful and it reflects a love I have yet to see in other films. War however turns things around. It is interesting to see how the three men who love Roxane are directed by their love: one uses revenge, one is physically expressive, and the other uses his gift for words. Watch this movie for a different perspective on love and be ready to be amazed.
Rating:  Summary: When is it coming out on DVD?! Please!! Review: A movie for the hopeless romantic. Even translated, every line in this movie is pure poetry. This movie is a perfect illustration of Romance -- not the little "r" "romance", but the one with the big "R". Well worth the viewing. I just wish it would come out in DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Men - Beware this film Review: After I watched this film, I found myself filled with self-loathing that I was not a poet and a soldier. How could I ever speak to a woman again? Not a francophone, I was still enthralled by the words that flowed from Cyrano to his beloved Roxanne. The passion and panache of Depardieu almost lept from the screen, so great and lusty was his performance. This is a masterwork that needs to be issued on a Region 1 DVD at the first possible moment.
Rating:  Summary: WHY?! Review: Why is this not available in DVD? It is a shame! I would love to see outakes, information on what went into the making of the film and behind the set scenes as well. This film is truly a work of art. The obvious time and detail taken on costume, set and verbage is staggering. Depardieu delivers a remarkable performance.
Rating:  Summary: Falling in LOVE! Review: I had the chance to do perform this wonderful play not to long ago. After watching this movie I feel that I have a better idea of what Ronstant had in mind when he wrote this play. The characters are so well put together and the plot is intreging. I couldn't have choosen a better person for the role, than Gerared de Pardieu, In my eye's he is one of the greatest french actors every. I have seen many of his movies, and love them all. Many people have told me that a man who lives and speaks french did a terable job in this movie, I completely disagree.... Speaking french myself feel that He was fonomanal, he truly became cyrano. All in all I love and adore this play and it's movie version here. This movie truly shows me what falling in love is all about.
Rating:  Summary: Un chef-d'oeuvre cinématographique Review: Cyrano de Bergerac est sans contredit le plus grand chef-d'oeuvre romantique de tous les temps. Bien qu'Edmond Rostand l'ait écrit en 1897, et qu'il constitue donc le chant du cygne du romantisme, ce courant littéraire s'échelonant sur la première moitié du dix-neuvième siècle, c'est une oeuvre plus romantique et passionnelle que toute autre. Que dire de la verve exubérante de Cyrano, interprété par un Depardieu tout énergie et dévoué à sa cause, à son amour, à sa Roxane! Et que dire de cette magnifique Roxane, jouée par la non moins magnifique Anne Brochet, dans toute sa sensualité, sa douceur, ses charmes et ses secrets! Quant à moi, je reste muet devant la magnificence de cette oeuvre littéraire et de son adaptation cinématographique. Cette pellicule est une perle et doit faire partie intégrante de la vidéothèque du cinéphile aguerri et sentimental. Si vous ne savez toujours pas ce qu'est l'amour après avoir vu cette pellicule, consultez un médecin.
Rating:  Summary: Very well done! Review: I had been a Cyrano de Bergerac fan for over 20 years, visiting 11 different performaces of the play in that periode, before I first saw this movie, with Gerard Depardieu. Cyrano was an old friend already, and Rostands lines were all to familiar to expect any surprises.But the film swept me of my feet, nevertheless. It was very much more intense then I had expected it to be. I won't waste any time in describing the plot. Others will do that for me. But be assured that Rostands lines are full of emotional insights and the depth of longing, and that there is considerable wit and intelligent bantering, as well as high paced action, and battlefields. It's a statue for individuallity-at-all-costs, a monument for love unspoken. It's a masterpiece in it's own right. But this movie enhances the centuries old poetic lines, bringing the experience even closer to the viewer, by adding details that are impossible to add on a stage. Depardieu is truelly magnificent as Cyrano. And the film music is a gem in it's own right. When the movie ended, I couldn't leave, tears running over my face, blinding me. I would have given more stars, if that would have been possible.
Rating:  Summary: True to his Panache Review: This French-language version of Rostand's classic story is absolutely true to the personal spirit of which Cyrano is so proud. It's full-bodied in humor and heart, lush in setting and costume, and poetic and beautiful in its acting and resolution. The leads are perfectly cast, especially Depardieu. You may not think much of his English-language work, but he certainly shines here. In fact, it seems that he is not acting at all--the nose is real, and he is the actual Cyrano, here to grace us with his larger-than-life presence. The film is also to be praised for the fact that it is much more than a romance, but also, the story of a remarkable man who was a bit of everything: a soldier, a poet, a philosopher, etc. The touches of humor are wonderfully done--especially such scenes as the infamous catlogue of insults, and the "I touch" monologue--and really quite inspired. My only quibble with the film ( and it's really a small one) is that the subtitles are not up to the material. I happen to speak French, and I was truly disappointed to see that the English translations lost so much of the real beauty, poetry, and humor of the words being spoken, instead becoming somewhat stilted and sing-songy. It seems a shame to me that non-French speakers wil be missing one of the strongest parts of the film: the brilliantly-written original story.
Rating:  Summary: How often does one find perfection? Review: This is one of those rare treats . . . a flawless jewel of a film which thrills me each and every time I watch it. Perfection all around from direction to editing to acting to costuming.