Rating:  Summary: This movie sucks Review: I saw Baby Boy on Cinnemax and it wasn't worth seeing. For one thing, about everyone in the movie is yelling at someone else. The characters cannot utter a single sentance without cursing. There is also a lot of nudity scenes which really could have been deleted. I guess that the setting for the movie is supposed to be the ghetto or 'hood, but I notice that people who live there have big screen TV's and fireplaces. Pretty much the movie is about someone who won't move out of his mom's home, stop sleeping with different women, get a job, and support his kids. Then there is the main character's loser girlfriend who FINALLY breaks up with him after he mistreated her for so long. She gets back together with him when he almost gets killed by kicking out his criminal cousin from her apartment. They get back together without him making an effort to change. Then the main character argues with his mother's boyfriend, but everything is made ok when the BF takes the gun out of the main character's hand. He and his friend just shot someone. Don't watch this stupid movie.
Rating:  Summary: A Finely-Acted "Reality Check" of a Movie! Review: "Baby Boy" is a movie that not only entertains and enlightens, but makes you think in a critical, non-sugar-coated way about one's position in life and taking responsibility for changing it. Singer Tyrese Gibson is excellent as the young and unambitious Jody. A.J. Johnson is great as his mother, Snoop Dogg plays the perfect thug, and the casting of the always-excellent Ving Rhames as Johnson's ex-con boyfriend who has "seen it all, and done it all to the fullest" was a stroke of genius on director John Singleton's part. A very good movie and tells a very good story.
Rating:  Summary: Explore Black Culture Review: I'm a big fan of John Singleton's movies. How anyone can watch "Boyz in the Hood" without being touched by the struggle is beyond me. This is obviously an updated version of an older man/child struggling with how he matures, in jail or as a productive family member. Involved with all the habits of stereotyped blacks, deep inside the protagonists must decide if he chooses the mother of his child that loves him or the ways of the streets and the influence of his brothers.While I particularly liked the storyline involving the girlfriend, most viewers will be touched by the role of Ving Rhames, the new boyfriend of his mother's. A former con with two strikes against him, Ving cuts an imposing image on the screen and shows more of a sexual side than in any other of his movies. Snoop Dog has an excellent roleplaying himself to perfection as a worthless ex-con/ex-boyfriend. Also of significance is the peer pressure influence of his closest friend who easily should end up in jail or dead taking his friend with him. White Americans of which I am one, live in a world not familiar with the struggles of young black American males. While I believe this movie to be overdramatized, there is still a significant truth to be viewed. If you enjoyed this movie, I would encourage you to read Nathan McCall's "Makes me Wanna Holler", a story of a young black male growing up in Virginia for another story of young black men struggling under heavy peer pressure to succeed in a world that they view from a different perspective.
Rating:  Summary: Worst film ive ever seen... Review: I really didn't care for this movie in the slightest. To me it was just a bunch of people swearing and degrading themselfs. There were constant sex scenes which were really distasteful and it made me feel really depressed. I dont want to think badly of black people...it really made me sad to think that people might actually act in this way. I can see how this movie is attractive to some people, its all this hype about on the streets and living rough etc and it is one of those turn around movies but to me it was a pile of rubbish, sorry!
Rating:  Summary: How It Is... Review: ...The film, Baby Boy, although chalk full of cliches, was extremely insightful. There are things that other movie goers here complained about, like, "...does Jody (the main character) ever leave LA?" WE DON'T KNOW!!! It's an ending to the movie, and it's not a film that chronicles his whole lifem, just a short period of time. What's more, it's not about where he lived, it's more geared toward what he was doing with his life and how he was reacting as to his mothers relationships, as well as his own. ... I, myself, have been through situations extremely simaliar to Jodys, so maybe I'm bais in my review of the film, but I am choosing to give it a total of 5 stars, as this film is full of life lessons (if you look for them)and the cast, crew and filmakers did an extraordinary job creating a film that, in my opinion, was terribly underated. Watch this movie, learn a lesson, listen to the obscene dialogue, see the revcealing sex scenes and, at the same time, be inspired beyond your belief.
Rating:  Summary: bAbY b0Y Review: Singleton's solid direction didn't save the uneven pacings of this film , and not only the pacing, theres alot of Gap that occured here, i dont know what it is exactly but probably the lack of resolution and the absence of consequences that suppose to be given to some of the lead characters, i don't know maybe its just me, after Boyz n' the hood(1992) where the ending is brilliantly justified or the murkier 'Menace to Society' (1993), this one seems to be too easy going on facing the hard days yet to come, so i should probably blame it on the script. The story opens with a fresh sequence on the definition of why a black male is defined as a baby boy, we are then introduced with the title character , Jody , A 20 yr old unachieving young man trying to break free off the directionless life on the street but seems to do little about it,instead he preffers the good old in and out and sampling other local females, despite already giving babies to his steady girlfriend and another mistress type of woman,oh yes, he also lives with his young mom who still samples on different type of thug boyfriends, that is until the biggest thug,Melvin aka Ving rhames came by , took the heart of mom, and leave Jody with oedipus angst, now i leave it to here, since it is really hard to break down a summary for this one, every scenes seems to be working like a mini episodes of themselves, which is also the weakness of this film. Other than that , good acting, Tyrese did a good job playing Jody, considering he is a singer, and a young one at that, he got the emotion played all on the right spot (i think), Taraji Henson as the pressurized lover who bears Jody's baby, Ving "Marcellus" Rhames as a proud ex-old schooler who dates Jody's mom (watch for a very innovative stamina requiring squatting activity he and J's Mom perform..priceless) , Omar Gooding steals every scene he is in as Jody's cuz who's raging about his current life status, and what "lesson of life in da street" film is it without employing a hardcore gangsta rapper? Snoop Dog appears here looking more evil as usual, heLL, even Tupac did a cameo, sorta... i rent this DVD without any expectation whatsoever, since one review i read gave this film a 1 outta 5,and also this film went straight rentals without showing anywhere in cinemas out here.... thus i am quite satisfied knowing that this stuff isn't really that bad, i mean Singleton's film couldn't be that bad wouldn't it? well bad it ain't only it could have been much better
Rating:  Summary: What reviews I'm reading Review: I read some of the reviews seem hostile towards the movie. I saw it on HBO and happens to like it. It's about an unemployed twenty-year old with two children living under his mother's roof. The movie is about growing up and learning from experience and what it means to be a real man. There are still some men over twenty, even thirty still trying to figure out what being a man is. Not to mention, there are brothas who just don't get what child support is (that also doesn't excuse sistas who think child support is supposed to be for their petty personal expense). John Singleton deserves to be praised for this movie he directed and wrote rather than be criticized. Nuff said!
Rating:  Summary: The movie was good BUT typical!! Review: Frankly, I think that this movie sterotypes black men. There are too many cliches in this movie, it's too typical. I liked the urban edge that it had though. However, it portrayed Jody to be a typical, lazy, unemployed, whorish, cheating, wanna be hard,deadbeat,immature black male. Don't get me wrong, Tyrese did good for his first movie, but his character really had issues. First of all, he was scared to be a man, get from up under his mama, and take care of his kids. Jody's baby mama's weren't any better, they were stupid and immature as well. Then he wanted to run his mama's business knowing full well he couldn't handle his own life much less hers. To top it off, the only way he could make money was to sell dresses on the streets (a step up from drugs I guess).
Rating:  Summary: An Unholy Mess. Review: This is, quite simply, one of the very worst films I have ever seen. Director John Singleton had an interesting premise which he later wasted on this 2-hour unholy mess of a movie. Tyrese is Jody, a slacker who has 2 kids by 2 different women, is unemployed, and lives at home rent-free with his mother. The film is centered around Jody's childlike ways and his need to take responsibility for himself, his children, and his actions. But in lieu of making a strong commentary, Singleton has created the first two hour R-rated rap video. I suppose Tyrese's performance is good, if you consider a good performance to consist of thug posing and sleeping around with every female that's not his mother. There is not one character in this movie with any redeeming qualities. The brothas are unemployed, engage in illegal activities (selling bootlegged clothes to name one of many), and have sex with women who are then discarded like trash. The sistas fare even worse. They're weak-minded, dense, and will dehumanize themselves in any way just to have a man. Now, I like a ghetto comedy as much as the next brutha, but Singleton takes it to overdrive with his stereotyping. I mean, did he honestly think he made a good movie, here? I had to remind myself that this is the same person who directed the Oscar-nominated "Boyz N the Hood," which is infinitely better than this disaster. I can't say that this is the very worst film I've seen, but "Baby Boy" does little to advance Black fimmaking. As a commentary on the state of Black men, it falls headfirst on its face.
Rating:  Summary: John Singleton's best character study. Review: Baby Boy is the best and most realistic film about Black people in South Central and other Urban communities in California. All around the acting was very genuine and heartfelt. The stand out of the film is, without a doubt, Taraji P. Henson as Yvette. Her range of emotions is beautiful, funny, and at the same time heartbreaking to watch. John Singleton is by far the best director of personal and introspective films which is refreshing and beautiful to view...