Rating:  Summary: A Must See...but not for the kids Review: You can certainly see the Kubrik influence of the bizarre coupled with the tenderness and humanity of Spielberg in AI. Haley Joe Osment was perfect for this role. This is not a movie to bring your youngsters to, though. I went thinking it would be like an ET only with robots. Was I ever wrong. You will laugh, get tears in your eyes, and also be totally facinated throughout the film. I would highly recommend it for mature audiences.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic vision Review: We owe a lot to Steven Spielberg for bringing this wildly imaginative, deeply moving vision to the screen. No, it ain't perfect! Spielberg doesn't have the intricate, terrifying visual imagination that Kubrick has. But he has fiathfully brought the IDEAS to the screen, and the ideas are really fascinating. I would actually give it five stars if it weren't for the very corny, kind of knuckle-headed explanatory ending. Kubrick might not have done much better, but perhaps he would have left it ambiguous, as he did with 2001. Either way, at this point the music gets sappy. Quite unfortunate. This is probably one of Williams' best scores, but I had heard rumors that Kubrick was going to hire honest to goodness electronic musicians (specifically Goldie.) That would have been preferable in certain sequences to Williams' lame attempt at electronica. I missed the oddball assortment of music pieces which was Kubrick's trademark.But all-in-all this film is so visionary, so challenging, and Spielberg did a really fine job 98 percent of the time. Hooray for Hollywood!
Rating:  Summary: What a Mess of a Film Review: A.I. could have been a great movie but is nothing except a mess. The acting by Osment and Jude Law lacks chemistry the use of special effects is over-used in too many places. The plot of this movie is slow and somewhat pointless that the robot child David wants to become human (but for him there is no blue Fairy), the slowness of the movie makes it hard to really get to like this character and what happens to him. The movie's climax is a mess of Spielberg trying to blend his version of the story with how Stanley Kubrick wanted to do it and the two film maker's styles do not mix. Spielberg's most difficult film to make and he never comes close to hitting the target. John Williams's musical score is also somewhat disapointing and lacks the drama that he has done with music in other movies like Star Wars and Jurassic Park. To sum it all up, I would not see this movie again, but it has helped me appreciate Star Wars and Star Trek more now.
Rating:  Summary: outrageously bad Review: Haley Joel Osment can't act at all. He never knows what's going on and tries to pretend to be smart. This was Jude Law's first lousy movie; but he was only in it for about a half an hour. I hated this goddamned movie
Rating:  Summary: AI is ET for the 2001 Review: Take the best of Kubrick's imagination and mix it with the soul of Spielberg and you have A.I.. This movie is fun, imaginative, inspiring, and tragic -- all at the same time. Haley Joel Osment deserves an Oscar and his future is unlimited, and while you're at it, put William Hurt in for a Best Supporting. By the way, bring a hanky, you will need it the last 20 minutes.
Rating:  Summary: Skip this movie Review: I'm a big fan of Spielberg. I love his sense of story and his sense of wonder that he conveys in a film, yet A.I. just doesn't deliver. Being an artist, I know that artists will like this film because it really doesn't say anything. It asks a lot of questions and most people will leave thinking this is a deep film, but it's a really worthless movie with no redeemable qualities except for some of the performances which were at times engaging. I however was unwilling to go along on this ride with Spielberg and could not enter this world that he created. People in the theater were actually walking out and some groaned when they realized that the movie was still going to continue (there's several places in the film that seem as if it's ending.) All in all, if you're a spielberg nut wait for the video. The lighting is always interesting, but without story, who cares...and come on. Pinochio has already been done to perfection. Why copy it. J.S.
Rating:  Summary: More kubrick than speilberg Review: This is more Clockwork orange than E.T. Definitely speilberg has remained faithful to Kubrick's idea. this is one of his best or probably his best. For me first two thirds of the movie is all Kubrick but later I thought speilberg takes over as it seemed that he was trying to pull the movie from the dark mood and provide some hope for this dystopic future. If you want to make sense of what I am saying than go and watch the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Thought-provoking, pretty, and moderately entertaining Review: The movie looked very pretty at times, and was entertaining enough not to be boring. But what I really want from science fiction, this movie delivered: it was thought-provoking. Sure, there were some conceptual flaws. Robots did not seem to need a power source, ever, and while they worked just fine underwater, a little spinach in their mouth could seriously hurt them. And global warming supposedly raised sea levels far beyond anything plausible. The one thing the movie does very well was what it was apparently trying to do, it makes us care deeply and emotionally about a single robot. I suppose its similar to the way Spielberg's E.T. made many people care about aliens for the first time. For me, this is also what was most thought-provoking, and saddening. You see, the movie portrays people as very morally shallow. A stadium of people gleefully massacre robots, robots who could not do what they did without having complex internal lives, great knowledge, a will to live, and at least some rudimentary understanding of and use of emotions. And yet that same audience is horrified at the prospect of killing something that looks like a boy crying. This boy robot is will murder another similar robot, and almost kills a human boy, But all that really matters, to the people on screen and I suspect most of the audience in the theatre, is that this one robot knows how to pout and cry like a little human boy. The essence of moral worth is the feeling of strong emotions. During most of the movie it looks like it is going to be a tragedy of human hubris gone terribly wrong. But at the end we find a more positive scenario. But then they invoke some silly mysticism to shy away from the natural really positive scenario. It should have been easy to create a robot mother who loves him as much as he loves her, and let them both live forever. Instead, they create a mother that can only last a day, at which point they both die. What a crying shame.
Rating:  Summary: End it Already Review: Saw a preview of A.I. last night. Had entered the theatre with great expectations, being both a Spielberg and Kubrick fan. I felt the first half of the film was intrigueing, interesting and though-provoking. It took a twist I hadn't expected regarding a child named Martin which thrilled me. And then . . . what happened? The nature of the film changed from suspenseful and deep to an action picture. (Something for everyone, I guess.) The ending was drawn out much too long! It's already a long movie and the ending was loaded with people moving and talking slowly, dripping with mood, and sappy with tear-jerking ploys. Extremely manipulative. Rather like: if you don't like this ending, how about this one? I wish the film had followed it's original path which I believe was Kubrick's intention. What a shame -- it was really going somewhere for awhile. There were some fine details that didn't make sense... Overall, could have been more. Should have been more. Speilberg, for all his talent, is beginning to fall back on his reputation and not reaching any more.
Rating:  Summary: A.I. Artificial Intelligence Review: In my opinion, this film was almost a total waste of time.The story line is what I really had a problem with. It was at least three different films held together by a thin thread. The beginning being futuristic suburbia. Cool cars,electronic toys, etc. The middle was very Kubrick.The most entertaining character being Gigolo Joe,who could have been explored in more detail. The end of the film was very Spielburg. This was a film about a robot! I didn't care about it! I did enjoy the acting and I thought the cinematography and special effects were impeccable. It should have an R rating.