Rating:  Summary: Really, Really Bad Review: Really, really bad. Many Christian films almost make you embarrassed to be associated to that limb of the Body of Christ. I wouldn't show this film to any non-Christian; they would laugh at Christ. This film makes Christian, and Christianity cartoon-ish. There is a better way to make a statement...try not over-acting, and being mello-dramatic. Anyone remember a good story?Try "Late one Night" by Christiano films.
Rating:  Summary: Two points of movies Review: There's an old slogan, often seen on license plates, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven." There's an old adage about movies. Sequels aren't as good as the originals. Both are true for this movie. "Meddigo: The Omega Code 2" is supposed to be a sequel to the "Omega Code," I guess. It delves deeply into the background of the Antichrist Stone Alexander, played by Michael York, but it skips around the ending of the first movie. It's given as an alternative, with the Antichrist coming to power, the abandoning the world come to revere him. While it's a great concept, it's flawed in the execution, especially the climax. The climax is almost ludicrous. The actions of the heroes seem improbable. The Antichrist's minions reminded me of the Crimson Guard from the old GI Joe cartoon series. And the computer-generated Satan had me just shaking my head. I enjoy seeing honest attempts at making movies that are spiritually based and entertaining, but honesty dictates I call a bad movie when I see one.
Rating:  Summary: In the Beginning . . . The End Had a Name! Review: Megiddo, the superb follow-up to The Omega Code, is by without a doubt one of the best Christian end-times film I have ever seen. It is better than the first one in every way that counts, especially in the area of character development. Megiddo provides a greater perspective on the character of Stone Alexander, the young boy who is destined to become the future Antichrist, ruler of the world in the last days. We also meet Stone Alexander's younger brother, David, who is destined to become the one who exposes his brother for who he really is. This film also shows in a greater light Stone Alexander's rise to power, showing how he came to be the world-ruling Antichrist, indwelt and empowered by Satan himself. David Alexander's character is greatly developed as well. We see how David comes to be a follower of God and how he is thrown in direct conflict with his evil brother. Megiddo climaxes with the war of Armageddon, the final war of mankind's history. It vividly portrays the battle between good and evil, and the victory that good has over evil. Satan, portrayed in this movie as being a hideous dragon-like creature, is thrown into the bottomless pit as a result of the arrival of Christ Himself to the Earth to establish His millenial reign, transforming the devastated Earth into a paradise. In concluding this review, I would like to take this opportunity to highly reccomend this film to anyone who enjoys a thrilling end-times thriller that depicts with uncanny accuracy God's plan for the ages as put forth in the Bible. 5 stars. Rated PG-13 for strong thematic elements, graphic violence, and disturbing images.
Rating:  Summary: Rent, don't buy Review: This movie is worth a rental, but to be honest I think you should save your money and buy something else you may enjoy better. The effects are good in this movie, that's the only reason why I gave it 2 stars. SOME of the acting is good, but its not that great. It really isn't a sequel. To me a sequel means the continuation of a story. This is anything but. The whole story line is different. It strays quite a bit from the 1st movie, even completely re-telling the story, different in every way, from the 1st movie. I really thought this movie was horrible. The story just was not that good. I don't know how anyone thinks this could be even close to what is told in the Bible. Its got a very miniscule amount of a Biblical base to it, but it strays so far out there that its unrecognizable from anything you'd find in the Bible. Personally, I don't care about that, a movie is just a story to me. I just want people who might care about Biblical accuracy to know that this movie will not be anything they would care for. Personally, I liked the first Omega Code better. The acting was good in it. Not great, but it wasn't horrible either. It was decent, and I liked the storyline alot better. That one is buyable, but this 2nd Omega Code movie is not worth the money to buy.
Rating:  Summary: The Book of Gobbledygook Review: One would expect the producers of "The Omega Code" to go from bad to worse. The special effects are better, the acting is improved, and the production values are obviously improved. Why only 2 stars? Simply put: what in the world is the movie about? If the producers feel that they are being faithful to Scripture, then they need help, badly. This movie's plotline wanders pretty far afield from anything I have ever read in the Bible, no matter how many drinks I have had beforehand. On the other hand, it suspiciously resembles any number of Tom Clancy (who, as far as I know, is in neither the Old or New Testaments) thrillers. Not as agonizingly awful as its predecessor, this movie nonetheless is in dire need of improvement.
Rating:  Summary: A Christian Dramatic Film With Stunning Visual Effects Review: Megiddo is considered the sequel to "The Omega Code". This film was released to a Christian audience shortly after the September 11th attack in 2001. A striking film, it is full of intense drama and special effects, enhanced by computer graphics. Megiddo follows the tradition of Apocaylptic literature, such as the Christian novels of the "Apocaylpse" series, with prophetic, end of the world themes that resonate in the pages of the symbolic book of Revelation. Although I am not a fundamentalist, and prefer to see the future in brighter and more peaceful prospects, I liked the brilliant direction on this film, the powerful drama and the visual effects. Similar to Stephen King novels in some respects, or at least the "Omen" film series, it is nevertheless an interesting work of fiction, grounded on the fears that we have about the end of the world. Michael York (Basil from the Austin Powers films and a distinguished British stage and film actor) portrays the Anti-Christ. He is Stone Alexander, a handsome, wealthy Italian an heir to his father's massive industry and fortune. When he was a young boy, his mother died giving birth to his brother David Stone. Jealous and possessed by the Devil, he attempts to destroy David. The sibling rivalry theme is not a surprise, for it has appeared in various films and guises ever since the brother-against-brother story of Cain and Abel. Stone is trained in the military but succumbs to the dark powers of the Devil and raises as an Anti-Christ. He is Damian from the Omen with a different, restrained and elegant kind of evil, much like Anthony Hopkins in Silence Of The Lambs. Getting on people's good sides, bringing about world peace and end to various problems as disease and world hunger, he has many nations on his side. But his brother David looks beyond the facade and realizes he is a threat. For some reason, they throw in a love story. David has always loved the Italian beauty, Gabriella, but it is Stone who marries her. The Devil in love ? Very unrealistic. The nations gather to make war in the Middle East and then God triumphantly destroys the dark forces, even in military fashion, and chains the Devil in hell. Although these fundamentalist images of the end of the world are fantasy, they are very striking as a film. I hope that the real Devil of human intolerance and human's inhumanity to each other is truly destroyed by the actions of noble hearted and compassionate people who serve each other and are not power-corrupted. Perhaps one day, there will be peace and such disastrous imagery as end of the world will never even come about. The film's only significant line is Gabriella saying "Even God cannot force us to do good.. we must do good".
Rating:  Summary: BLECCCCHHHH! Review: Was this a Christian Movie? What I saw was Satan entering a small boy, who then lights fire to his baby brother. In another portion of the film, the boy puts on a black robe, and smears an upside-down cross on his forehead with blood. Demons are flooding a chapel where he is. It's a very disturbing movie which is depicting Satan having a power which he doesn't have. It's rated PG-13, it should be R. On top of all that, the closing Bible verse is quoted incorrectly! It says that Revelation 15:17 concerns God living on Earth and having harmony, when in fact, the verse has nothing to do with that. After watching the movie, I hadn't felt like I had watched something that God would approve of. It reminded me of a morbid horror film, and I strongly advise against it. The opening logo for the film company had an 8-ball, that should have given me a clue. The 8-ball is a symbol for fortune telling and drugs, not for Christians.
Rating:  Summary: Journey to a better world or Path straight to hell? Review: In a movie where the devil takes human form, we find Stone Alexander as a young child standing in front of a fireplace plotting his younger brother's death. When he takes matches to the baby's crib, we realize this is no normal child. Then we watch as he quickly grows up into a ruthless and satanic adult. Because he is Satan in his human form, he seeks to use his earthly power to control the world. Through doing good he is able to accomplish some evil. He soon becomes the leader of the European Union, while his brother becomes the president of the United States. I thought it was rather humorous to actually see conservative ideas being presented in a movie as normally the spin is very liberal in regards to war, etc. That gave this movie a really different perspective. I also thought there were some excellent points being made that were not necessarily part of the plot. One was: "Even God won't force us to do good, we must choose good." For the women, there is a bit of romance, but nothing intense. The main story here is really about the Antichrist taking control of the world through the EU. In between some pretty good special effects and even a paintball fight. Of course I felt they could have really gone into more depth on the subjects being presented. However, if you think about it, much of the audience is probably already familiar with the basic concepts. But could someone tell me how the devil can give someone their soul? Don't they already possess it? I thought that aspect of the movie was a bit strange. It is normally the devil asking humans for their souls. I doubt he would every willingly give anyone their souls if he could. This movie basically deals with the Final Battle of good vs. evil and has some good special effects including the Sphinx toppling over in an earthquake and God sending down "fire?" from heaven. The acting is above TV movie level for sure although the script could have used a bit of work here and there. However, I must give this four stars for the special effects and the artistic elements, not to mention the "gargoyle-like" Satan crawling down the stairs. They really did excel at presenting the Antichrist as evil. I was disappointed not to see any white horses descending from the skies. It would have been nice if they had presented Christ at the end in some form. This sounds strange, but this was like a Satan Movie in which Satan is defeated. We are used to seeing Jesus Movies in which Jesus defeats death. I think this movie is most enjoyed by those who have read the Bible and can relate to the scriptures presented or by those who are curious about Bible prophecy. Watching this movie is sure to send you searching for more information.
Rating:  Summary: What the heck is up with this movie? Prequel or sequel? Review: This was strange! The first Omega Code showed the prophecy of Revelations and ended with the end. The second one ended with paradise. Both showed the end of the world! After the first one, it should be over. There is another one! It shows Stone's (Anti-Christ's) childhood, and ends with the end but shows Stone in the first one! It has a lot of action, but is kind of wierd. Maybe you can figure it out!
Rating:  Summary: What??? Review: That is exactly how I felt when I finished watching this film. I bought it as a gift for a friend in Canada and regretted spending the money on it. This film was hyped up to be something that it is not - a revelation of the Revelations. It seemed to spend its time trying to find an identity. At one stage I thought it was trying to be like the Omen - but it just couldn't pull it off. If this were written by Stephen King for example, it would have been better written for a start, but it also would not have tried so hard to convince everyone of it's authority. I'm sorry, I am not usually this hard on anything I've read or watched, but this was very dissapointing. It didn't know where it was going, I didn't care about the characters, the plot was all over the place and it explained nothing. Perhaps the reason for my reaction to this film is because it tried so hard to convince me of its importance. If it didn't try so hard, it might not have bothered me so much...... Everything people write of make films etc about end time prophecies is subjective. Since only God knows the truth, humanity will just have to wait and see! If you want a clearer depiction of end time prophecies watch and read the Left Behind series. The ending to the book 'Israel, My Beloved', by Kay Arthur gives a much better picture of end time events in one chapter, than the whole of this film!!! The best way to make a judgement about any film or book is to view/read it yourself. Please do so, but not because you want to find answers. Besides, there are worse ways to spend a few hours.