Rating:  Summary: Spielberg was brain dead half way through the movie. Review: Imagine that you were given unlimited resources to make a cuisine. The very best equipment, the freshest herbs and the most expensive ingredients were at your disposal. The dish turned out no better than take out from your neighborhood grill.A.I. is the exactly like that.
Rating:  Summary: AI - Greatest Movie Ever Made Review: ... Don't believe all the critics. Trust me, you will never regret seeing this movie. It will make you a much much better person. This AI is better than Shrek, actually better than anyother movie in the history of US movies. This AI is about American Dream and American Spirit. It is about true love. (becareful in taking your kids, not appropriate for under 13. Sexuality suggestive regarding this AI Joe Jigallo doing his job for women.) It is funny, witty, sad, love, and happy - I have never seen a movie that has all this emotion. I almost cry. There are very very few American movie that has tears in it. Any way, I will see this movie again. I will buy this DVD when ever they release it out. This movie is a treasure. I don't think Steven Spielberg will ever make a movie that will top this one. This AI is unique, and one of a kind. I love love LOVE this AI movie. I cry, and I laugh. This is a movie that I have been looking for, and I hope a blue-fairy will grant me true love too ... (you got to see AI to know what I am talking about....)
Rating:  Summary: Yuck Review: Stanley Kubrick is turning over in his grave.
Rating:  Summary: So much potential... Review: If this movie had ended 30 or 40 minutes earlier, it would have been a great movie. That being said, it didn't. Without giving away the plot of the movie, it can be broken down into three acts, the third one being totally unneccesary. To me, and my film friends in the theater, it felt like Spielberg was kicking dirt on the grave of Kubrick throughout the third act. Not only that, but this film is marred by scientific impossiblities (no I'm not talking about robots who can love, I can accept that since that's what the movie's based on). The entire third act seems as if it was written and rewritten over and over again. It just doesn't fit with the rest of the movie. On the positive side, the first two acts (especially the time in Rouge City) are well-crafted, well acted (Haley Joel Osmont in paticular stands out, especially in the 2nd act), and completely enjoyable. Kubrick's touch on the second act in paticular is obvious. It's too bad Spielburg couldn't resist the typical hollywood ending, because this movie could have been something special. Instead, it's simply maddening.
Rating:  Summary: good movie, cheesy ending Review: This is an interesting and beautiful movie that explores a lot of interesting ideas. The actors do a solid job. The first half is science fictiony - read S. Kubrick, but the second half is all spielberg. The problem is, there was a natural end for the movie (if you see it you will know what I am talking about) but then it stretches on for another 1/2 hour. In the end you are left thinking, wow, that was a looooong show. Still there are some interesting ideas here and it is probably much better than most of the summer fair. It is a great looking show that offers more substance than most summer fare. I cannot help compare it to the Jodie Foster version of Contact a couple years back. If you liked that movie, you will probably enjoy this at least as much.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie this year, best sci-fi in recent years Review: This was a really great movie. It was a great combination of Spielberg's commerciality and Kubrick's cult classics. The plot was excellent, creepy at points, and really makes you think about what it has confronted. Great acting all around. The music was appropriately scored by Williams, much more held back than his traditional epic-like scores. At a few points I thought the plot resembled Pinocchio's a little too much, must that's a minor complaint. I did not especially like how Spielberg chose to approach the ending, but it's saving grace is the fact that it was true to the theme of the rest of the film. I've read many complaints from people calling it boring and too long and shifting moods way too much. The way the plot was fashioned I would call border-line "Lawrence of Arabia", almost like an epic with quick changes in style. I didn't find the length to be a problem because the story was so engrossing. The special effects by Lucasfilm's ILM were not only outstanding, but they were an integral *component* of the movie, rather than being the whole purpose of the movie (i.e. Episode I). Highly recommended for anybody.
Rating:  Summary: The Best American Film of the Year So Far! Review: A.I. is just that. So far it's the only film this year that I really want to see again. It's a pretty ambitious and risky film for a summer release, and that's GREAT. Spielberg (directing with the ghost of Kubrick right along side him)has fashioned a dazzling and challenging view of the future. I simply do not want to give anything away about this film, just go see it. I'm really amazed how dark the film is considering Spielberg's rep (perhaps the Kubrick influence). I love his post Schindler's List work. He's a more complex filmmaker who is finally allowing some pessimism into his viewpoint. The ideas presented in A.I. are quite provacative (the film definetly would have fit quite nicely into Kubrick's canon). The production design and effects work are nothing less than staggering, the man simply has the BEST people working for him. And little Haley Joel just became the front runner for Best Actor this year!!! As for the ending, WOW!! An amazing film, I really cant see anything this fall topping this.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Go! Review: The only redeeming quality of the movie was the teddy bear. Otherwise I was disappointed in a movie for which I had very high hopes. It contained needless and disturbing violence, a very weak story line, and poor acting. Don't see it.
Rating:  Summary: Too mixed Review: Kubrick said that a committee never wrote a good book and unfortunately this was a product between two great (but different) directors. This movie orignally had been Kubrick's and so you have the dark twists ala Clockwork Orange. But Spielberg rewrote it and directed it so you have some of the cute sentimental parts as well. In sum - you never know what the movie is trying to be - drama? comedy? horror? The trailer gave NO indication of the disturbing portions of the movie. To move from one theme to another was disturbing - definitely NOT a kids movie. I found the Mother to be unsympathetic, the father to be worse, the creator of David to be uncaring, and David's love for his [...] mother to be tragic. If the movie had kept to a tone of being a dark drama, or a comedy, or horror film it would have been easier to stomach the plot twists. As it is none of the tones/themes remain on screen enough to be fully developed. At 2.5 hours long it was one of the few movies I was seriously tempted to walk out before the end. Some couples in the theater did though. Technically well shot, nice sceens, but from a story point of view just too disturbing and chaotic to recommend at all. It's too bad because I really wanted to like this movie.
Rating:  Summary: All visuals, no soul Review: Actually "three, three movies in one!" And each of the three sections of this stupid flick feels more tacked on and desperate than the last. If you are into future tech gadgetry, go see this bomb for its "spare no expense" cool tech effects. But Spielberg's really embarassed himself with this one. He wants so badly to be taken seriously by "the adults," he has prostituted himself to the Gods of The Souless Future. I love future movies: but have yet to see a truly great one. Maybe it's because no one's been "there" yet, so they can't truly recreate it for audiences. And their best guesses are often a mish-mash of an addled ex-hippie's darkest drug-induced brain spasms (ie:Blade Runner). What redeems this movie? Very little. Yeah, the kid's good, but Spielberg has done so much better with other kids in the past--what a waste of Osment's talent. Coming from any other director, this would be a passable throw-away escape movie, but coming from Spielberg, from whom we expect brilliance, this is a D-O-G. I left the theatre frustrated and angry at Spielberg for wasting such an opportunity! Wait for the video, or better yet, rent something really entertaining instead: Spielberg's 25th anniversary of "Close Encounters." Now, there's a good movie!