Rating:  Summary: An Emotional Rollercoaster Review: "Marvin's Room" is not only a wonderful movie that has both comedy and drama, but it has an excellent cast. I was very surprised that it wasn't nominated for Best Picture at the Oscar's. Diane Keaton and Meryl Streep shine as two sisters who have not seen each other in twenty years. Their bond is very easy to relate to. And then you have Leonardo DiCaprio (beofre "Titanic"). He is wonderful as Hank, the older son of Lee (Streep). You can tell that he wants attention, mainly from his mother who has her sights set on other things. Bessie (Keaton), in a very moving and loving way shows Hank that he is loved, by his mother and by herself. I thought that the car-ride by the water was wonderful. It showed the two of them bonding, which is what they do more and more as the film progresses. Gwen Verdon is wonderful as the absent-minded Aunt Ruth who really brings a lot of comedy into the movie. Hume Cronin was simply wonderful, even though he didn't have any actual speaking lines, his actions throughout the movie seem to bring the disfunctional family together. Robert DiNero plays the very kind Dr. Wally who also brings a sweetness into the film. But the person who, in my opnion, really shines in this film is Diane Keaton. She has a rare talent and it definitely shows in this movie. The ending was so wonderful as well. I am glad that they ended on a positive note instead of a sad one. My advice: Rent this movie!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Elegant Story-Telling, with a Beautiful Cast Review: Dying, aging and dysfunctional famlies are subjects that do not prompt much laughter, but "Marvin's Room" a film, based on the stage play of the same title, manages to mine together those issues along with discussion of sibling rivarly, love and friendship, and the end result is a lovely film, low on schmaltz and sacharine, and high on intelligence and class. Streep and Keaton play sisters who have been alienated for much of their adult lives, and are reunited when Keaton's Bess is in need of a bone-marrow donation. Streep's Lee comes with her children, and is also reunited with her father, Marvin (a stunning Hume Cronyn), and dotty aunt (a glittering Gwen Verdon). Leonardo DiCaprio (pre-TITANIC) plays Lee's rebellious surly teenaged son. DiCaprio one of Hollywood's brightest, but most unused talents gives a performance of vulnerability, passion and beauty that one can't help but make favorable comparisons to James Dean or Montgomery Clift. Streep is predictably good-though she doesn't seem to connect to her character, as well as her co-stars do. Keaton does the near-impossible in this film-she steals it from Streep. Her Bess is not saint, but Keaton manages to glow, regardless. Actually both DiCaprio and Keaton outshine Streep. Their chemistry is beautiful. Keaton's appearence is stunning because, while attractive, she allows herself to be transformed into a dowdy Florida hausfrau. Ravaged by illness, age and weary, Keaton looks as if Annie Hall went through a hell of a mid-life crisis. Yet, by the end, when the genuine goodness of Bess shines through, and the viewers realize that Bess feels lucky that she was able to take care of her bed-ridden father, Keaton becomes beautiful. Robert DeNiro has an amusing bit part as a forgetful doctor in one of the film's many amusing comic reliefs.
Rating:  Summary: An acting masterclass Review: What's so unusual about this film and what raises it far above similar films, are two things - firstly the balance of humour and pathos and secondly the incredible acting from all of the cast. Diane Keaton was rightfully Oscar nominated but Meryl does it again in an amazing, multi-layered performance as Lee, the troubled, seemingly aloof daughter, sister and mother. She was particulary good in the scene where she sees Marvin, her father, for the first time in years and we can see the shame she feels, which is almost tangible. Certain other actresses would not have been as understated, and therefore realistic, as Streep is in this scene, and it's this subtlety that still marks her as one of the best, if not the best, film actors working today.
Rating:  Summary: Worth it! Review: Marvin's Room is an emotional roller coaster. One minute crying and the next laughing out loud and then wondering how you can laugh about such a traumatic event. I relish films that leave me with a feeling. This work left me with many feelings.The strongest was to share this film with friends and family and the next was to watch it again.
Rating:  Summary: Lee, Marvin and the Gang! (No, not a review of "Dirty Dozen" Review: Occasionally, I like to create my own at home "double features." My most recent was "Streep Weep Night" with MARVIN'S ROOM and ONE TRUE THING on the bill. It was heavy going at times, but I survived. Conclusions: Meryl is a fine fine actress; and she desperately needs to do something totally crazy and out of character soon. Meryl, sweetie, have your agent call the Coens--or the even Farellys for that matter. Actually, MARVIN'S ROOM IS a little bit on the quirky, black humored side. But ultimately, it's still a melodrama about two estranged sisters (Streep's Lee and Diane Keaton's Bessie) who reunite in a time of crisis. That's a plot outline we've all seen a couple of hundred times before. Where MARVIN differs a bit is in the wacky humor and the slightly off-kilter perspective it brings to the classic dysfunctional family drama. Ultimately, that's the film's saving grace. As others have noted, it may not be "wildly funny" but it does have enough humor to leaven the dramatic bread. And it has Diane Keaton who is a past master at mixing the sublime and the ridiculous. I understand that the ever generous Meryl Streep actively promoted Keaton's Best Actress Oscar nomination in '96, saying that she felt that it was Keaton who carried the movie. Actually, they're both wonderful. And Gwen Verdon, Robert DeNiro and, yes, Leo himself are all in fine form here. Only poor Hume Cronyn doesn't have much to do in the title role (I mean Marvin--not the room). It's not a great movie, but it is an feast acting-wise, and for that I'm grateful. But it's just quirky enough to make one wonder why Streep doesn't do something really offbeat for a change. (Were SHE-DEVIL and DEATH BECOMES HER such negative experiences?) She should at least consider working with Woody again.
Rating:  Summary: I just don't get it! Review: I expected to see at least one negative review here, but it seems like everyone just loves this film, something which I just cannot for the life of me understand. It could be just that I don't enjoy movies about troubled families (not that I'm in one, mind you), but I don't think so. I might have enjoyed it had ANYTHING at all hit me on any sort of emotional level. I just found it dull, boring, predictable, and far from "wonderfully funny!" None of the performances moved me and I didn't care at all about any of the characters. I can definitely see that it tried really hard to be deep and meaningful, but it just failed in my opinion. I would pretty much say the exact same things about How To Make An American Quilt, which I haven't yet checked out here, but I expect everyone raved about too. And no, I don't just hate Leo either.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully Funny? Not. Review: Marvin's Room stars Meryl Streep, Leonardo DiCaprio, Diane Keaton, and Robert DeNiro. All are exceptional actors/actresses and I enjoyed the movie because of its tagline that rings true throughout the movie: Sometimes the people you know the least are the ones you need the most! On the cover of the movie reads, "Wonderfully Funny!" -- Gannett News Service. I don't get it. Funny? Wonderfully funny? There's sickness and bitterness and anger and love in this fine movie, but not once did I laugh. Sorry, too serious of issues for me to laugh my head off. Marvin's Room is a touching movie and the actors are brilliant just the same. I recommend highly.
Rating:  Summary: An unforgettable movie Review: Most of the reviews of 'Marvin's Room' I've read online all mention Leonardo DiCaprio and how cute he is, how much he is loved, and how he acted wonderfully in the movie. I can't say I don't agree- he adds flavor to the movie and pulls off a very convincing act of a troubled boy. But the floor belong to Diane Keaton and Meryl Streep. I can't think of better actresses for this movie than these two- they're beautiful together. The movie is handled in a dramatic light; from the beach scene to the darkened scene where Bessie tells the story of her dead boyfriend. I don't think there's a better movie of family dysfunction.Most movies on family dysfunction end badly and disappoint me greatly. But this movie is a positive one, and ends in one of the best scenes I've ever seen. Here you have two sisters who haven't seen each other in like twenty years, and suddenly they reunite because Bessie needs a bone marrow transplant; otherwise she'll die. From that, they embrace each other hesitantly but surely; they realize of their love for eachother. They all depend on each other and grow from each other. Lee is someone with lost hope; and Bessie is the one who restores it.You can almost see Bessie's rare spirit reaching out and touching everyone around her. My favorite scene is when Lee convinces Bessie to take off her wig so she can cut it. Of course, anyone's got to feel embarassed if their wigs have to come off in front of anyone; let alone someone you haven't seen for 20 years. But Bessie takes it off with courage and hope; you can totally see it. Keaton was completely magical in this one; she has rare talent. Bessie was the only one emitting hope and triumph in the face of death; and everyone around her began to feel it also. This person is someone I could never be. I admire this character. The final scene... whoo! The rays of light bouncing off the walls seem to be a representation of heaven and love. They all knew Bessie was going to die. This scene is handled with such finality. I would have much preferred the movie end this way than seeing Bessie die. This family is dysfunctional, but this family also experienced love and courage. To be completely honest, I was stunned into dead silence for the first ten minutes after the movie ended. Then I rewound the movie and started watching it again. I couldn't get enough of this exquisite movie. It's much more than a movie- it's pure reality and imagination combined. This movie is proof that people like Bessie exist. Keaton definitely deserves the Academy Award nomination. Hell, she should have won it! I love her. I love this movie! Go see it immediately!You won't regret it--trust me.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful and Heart Warming Review: I saw this movie in Religion class and it was very powerful and heart warming. It shows a message that I am sure we all need to hear. I thought it was sad how poor Aunt Bessie got Leukimia and had to suffer. This movie shows the actions of how we should not be selfish and to give other people chances. After Lee (Meryl Streep) hears that her sister is suffering from Leukimia, she drives up to visit her for the first time in 20 years. Bessie (Diane Keaton) is suffering from Leukimia and knows that she will not live much longer to take care of her father and mother-in-law. And guess who she turns to to ask to stay and take care of the 2 adults.......Lee!!!! I think we should all learn something from this film. I liked it very much and will add it to my list of favourite Films.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Review: Leo Leo Leo, that's all you can talk about. And stop already! He's not even the lead here. No-one can outstage Meryl Streep and Diane Keaton. From what I've seen, All the parts he has played are ALL THE SAME. How can you say OOh he's the best actor, or one of Hollywood's most talented? he's good, nothing special. Doesn't take much to play the troubled kid who hates everyone y'know? This movie is fantastic, all included. It will make you laught while you're crying