Rating:  Summary: Yuk Yuk YuK Review: I can't even explain how much I hated this movie. The scene where every ethnic cliche is exploited has been done over and over. Spike took a great script and made it his and that is what I hated about it.
Rating:  Summary: Awful movie Review: I got to see a free preview of this garbage, and it wasn't worth it being free. Ed Nortons friends in the movie pull off their parts well. But this movie is horrible and uncreative. There are direct lines and scenes taken from other Ed Norton movies, and their not done as well. When Ed is talking to his Russian friend he tends to say "I don't understand you, I can't talk to you" exact words taken from American History X, they try to shock you by insulting many nationalities and groups in a few scenes, yet you don't care, nor is it believable as it is in American History X. There's a beat me up scene at the end with Ed Norton, and this is done w/ out sound for drama, and showing the faces of his friends. Can I say Fight Club when he beats up Angel? Yet not done well again. I love every movie Ed Norton is in, yet the whole movie story line was so bad that I can't care for him in this movie. There are random scenes of New York and the Trade Center buildings, and yet Spike manages to make me not care. The scenes are not relevant to the movie, and they don't have anything to do with the movie. Ok Spike, you show us they're gone, we've now established when the movies set, after 9/11, great, end it there. I've never seen a Spike Lee movie, and I won't ever again. He tried to provoke controversial images and dialogue, but he just tried to throw it in your face, not make you think about it, and he even failed at that. Not worth a penny to see.
Rating:  Summary: What Makes Monty Run? Review: No one can ever say that Spike Lee's films aren't at the very least interesting or at best, brilliant. "25th Hour," his newest film is in the former category. "25th Hour" tells the story of Monty Brogan who has approx 24 hours until he must report to prison for a term of 7 years for selling drugs. We are privy to what is going on in Monty's (named after Montgomery Clift...nice touch) mind as well what is actually happening in his physical world: his relationship with his girlfriend, Naturelle (Rosario Dawson), his father (Brian Cox) and his two close friends Frank (Barry Pepper) and Jakob (Phillip Seymour Hoffman). "25th Hour" was written by David Benioff; adapted from his novel. What is missing from the screenplay and the film is motivation: why does Monty sell drugs? It is obvious from where he lives and what he drives that drug dealing has been profitable for him, but why does an obviously intelligent, well-spoken man go down that particular path? Is it for the thrill, is he just lazy, does he like what the money buys? We never know for sure. As viewers we can fill in some of the gaps from the evidence presented onscreen, but there are too many gaps in "25th Hour" and not enough stuff with which to fill them. Edward Norton tries his best to make us care and in a way we do, for Norton can, like almost no other actor working today, elicit a positive response: he is stalwart and tough and yet extremely sensitive but ultimately self-absorbed as Monty and we can't help but empathize with him. There are several half-hearted attempts to tie in the 9/11 tragedy with Monty's plight: Frank and Jakob having a conversation while viewing the devastation for one. Lee is obviously grief stricken over 9/11, as we all are, but these scenes feel tacked-on and more to the point since Monty is mostly only interested in Monty this stab at universality feels false and gratuitous. The physical production is gorgeous, though from Rodrigo Prieto's images of NYC and Brooklyn to Terence Blanchard's evocative music. Spike Lee has given us several of the most accomplished and wonderful films ever committed to celluloid: think "Malcolm X" or "Do the Right Thing." But "25th Hour" lacks Lee's cohesive, corrosive and incendiary wit and intelligence and therefore fails to ignite our passion or our hearts.
Rating:  Summary: This IS the best movie I have ever seen, and I've seen a few Review: 25th Hour... A lot of people have already posted reviews of this movie. Some loved it, some hated it. I am in the first category- although it is dark, tense and slow-paced, 25th Hour riveted me from the first scene, where Monty Brogan rescues the abused dog. I love Edward Norton. Not only is he an incredibly talented actor, but I find his looks very appealing. He's not a pretty boy or a hunk, yet he has major appeal, and yes, he has definitely got a nice build. But most importantly, he has a way of using facial expressions that is irresistable. Fight Club was a great movie, and he is a great actor, but this has to be his finest work to date. I bought 25th Hour because he stars in it, and I loved it because he made the movie. It was well directed in my opinion, and the supporting cast were wonderful, but if it had starred anyone else, 25th Hour would likely have been something not worth watching. Even a well directed film with a great supporting cast can fail if the lead is miscast. In this case, casting was spot-on. Edward Norton IS Monty Brogan for 25th Hour. If for just a few scenes, this movie would be worth watching- Monty's f*ck-you rant to the mirror in the bathroom of his father's bar, the scene where his apartment is searched by the DEA, the interrogation scene, the scene between Naturelle (Rosario Dawson) and Francis (Barry Pepper), the 'make me ugly scene'- these scenes could have made a mediocre movie great. But the movie was already great- these scenes made it unforgettable. I watch it once, and as the end credits roll I immediately want to watch it again. That is what denotes a great movie- I'll never tire of 25th Hour. And on top of everything else this movie has the all time BEST pick-up scene- the 18 year old Catholic school girl-looking Naturelle meets for the first time that cute older Irish guy, Monty Brogan. I think Rosario Dawson was underrated in this film- she comes across to me as a caring girlfriend, and she proves herself as a GREAT actress when she portrays the younger Naturelle- that WAS an 18 year old girl we were seeing. Plus her scene at the club with Barry Pepper is really great. I bought 25th Hour sight unseen because Edward Norton was in it, and ended up getting the best movie I've yet seen. I intend to buy the DVD as soon as I can. Buy this film. Don't listen to those who will try to discredit it, it is a great movie and a wonderful vehicle for the acting talents of our Edward Norton.Chornyi
Rating:  Summary: Came in with High Expectations. Review: Maybe I came in with to high of expectations? I don't know, but I did not find this movie enjoyable at all. Some people might say that I didn't get all of the hidden meanings and innuendoes. I did pick up on everything and still found myself thinking 'So what, get on with the movie already!'. The only part of the movie I had any interest in was to see what happened between the characters that Hoffman and Anna Paquin played. Was Hoffman going to end up in jail with Norton for sleeping with his student? Might have been a good twist... With a great cast of actors and people telling me how great this movie was, I think I just came in expecting to much. I was very disappointed...
Rating:  Summary: SOOOOOOOOOO B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I expected a decent movie because, I like
Edward Norton. The first 10 minutes was good,
and then the rest was boring as hell! I'm
glad I saw it on cable, and didn't waste
money renting it!
Rating:  Summary: "...THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE." Review: I saw this film yesterday on Encore and I will say this was a pretty decent film and Edward Norton showed a great Performance as a Drug Dealer who should have stopped along time ago(doing what he does I mean..duhh)and now spends his last day with his family and Friends before he must serve a Prison Trial.
I thought the movie was pretty decent I mean it's nothing new here. Not Spike Lee's best but still worth a watch or rent.
3 out of 5
Rating:  Summary: Good story Review: 25th Hour opens on Monty Brogan and a large Russian thug attempting to rescue a snarling, abandoned pit-bull from the side of the highway. From there, the blue lights shoot above the New York sky-line and Terence Blanchard's sick and heavy score sets in. Norton's impending fate is palpable. `After tonight, it's bye-bye Monty.' Edward Norton will serve seven years in Otisville. Monty must say good-bye to the people close to him. He must also leave behind his beloved New York City. Director Spike Lee and screen-writer David Benioff use NYC most effectively with Monty's bathroom rant. Norton's eloquent speech is also a good example of Benioff's sharp dialogue (monologue) and rich character development. The film adaptation is far superior to Benioff's 2000 book release of 25th Hour. Lee's editing helps Benioff get to the heart of the story and characters. Benioff's story also benefits from a stellar cast: Barry Pepper and Philip Seymour Hoffman play off each other like true childhood friends; Anna Paquin looks like a 16yr old tart about to do something she shouldn't; watching former Baltimore Raven's star defenseman Tony Siragusa share (talent-wise) the screen with Edward Norton is astounding. Adding Springsteen's reworked version of 'The Fuse' is a nice finishing touch.
Insightful commentary by Lee and Benioff, some interesting deleted scenes and a meat and potato's docu praising Spike Lee, round out the extras on the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Lo-Keyed Anti-Drug Saga-Slash-New York Drama... Review: ...Spike Lee's directorial restraint should be heralded, because instead of bloating the text of the movie with un resolved issues, he presented a nice decent story with a more or less straight forward presentation. Rosario Dawson as Naturelle gives an stellar performance as well as Brian Cox as Monty's (Edward Norton) father. The last 20-30 minutes of the film is great cinema that 'will' make you choke a bit. Edward Norton also redeems himself from "Death to Smoochy". See it and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Spike Lee's Near Perfect Hour Review: All of the things Lee is criticized and raked over the coals for is precisely what makes The 25th Hour such a masterful film.
When a director of obvious intellect develop his own highly personal and obvious style it bothers people. However, being bashed in the head isn't such a bad thing when it's done with such artistic expression and style. You have to want it, otherwise the "Leeisms" will become enough of an annoyance that one simply cannot enjoy the film. Park your prejudice and Lee frustrations at the door, however, and you're in for a noble, enlightening film that you cannot help being moved by.
I don't understand all the complaints about the "race rant" in the men's room. Some complain that it has nothing to do with the story - or it's poorly placed in the picture. I can't think of a better place for it and feel the scene is placed there to do exactly what it does (for those who get it): shock and disturb - a jolting dose of reality and Norton's delivery of this monologue is as pungent as a Shakespearean soliloquy. This was the first scene I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as I recognized myself - and everyone else in the world (yes, you over there).
The entire cast felt as though they'd been performing their roles onstage 8 shows a week, so perfect was the ensemble unity.
Lee touches on so many issues in the microcosm that is New York, but that microcosm becomes universal.
The penultimate scene is visionary, all dressed in white, and bathed in dreamlike light leading into the sobering reality of the finale. Lee makes the inevitable ending not only bearable, but believable and Norton's unusual protagonist becomes honorable.
A beautiful movie filled with hope. Glorious filmmaking by an American master.