Rating:  Summary: Slice of life Review: 8 MILE is a good, not great, movie. It showcases the life of a guy just trying to succeed at something that he loves. Who of us cannot relate to that?The film has a lot of detractors. Some of their reasoning is valid. The scene where Jimmy Smith defends a gay man is too contrived. Besides Eminem's well-chronicled views on homosexuality, it's also a bit unrealistic within the context of the movie. The plot takes place in 1995. I cannot think of a single emcee at that time who would have stood up to defend a homosexual man (I really can't think of one who would do that now). Other gripes are unneccessary. Many complain that Eminem is just playing himself. First, Eminem is not an actor, so what's the big deal? Secondly, is it really all that easy to play yourself in front of the camera? .... Perhaps my favorite part of the DVD, though, is when we're being shown the four rappers who were chosen to film extra battle scenes with Eminem. This scene shows us something about Eminem that has to be admired. This was a fake battle scene being filmed for a movie and it might or might not make the final cut. It wasn't like there would be any damage to his career, right? In addition, Eminem was tired, was losing his voice and director Curtis Hanson asked him to rest his voice and just let the other emcees do their thing. After the second rapper went though, Eminem simply could not allow things to stand pat. For the last three contestants, he allowed them to do their thing, and then responded by showing why he reallyis one of the best battle emcees on the planet. He shows his talent and his competetiveness. Those are the reasons that Eminem is still at the forefront of the nation's thoughts.t want to hear about what they think about rap. And there is one character who does try to change the subject now and then and everyone tells him to keep quiet. I think "8 Mile" wanted to achieve what I'm talking about. It didn't want to be a "light" movie or a "popcorn flick". It wanted to be something more important. And I say that because they went out to get Curtis Hanson (Wonder Boys & L.A. Confidential) to direct it. If they weren't concerned with making an important movie they could of gotten any hack director to do the picture. The Eminem audience didn't go see this movie to see how Hanson's directing would be. They went to see Eminem! But because they set out to do more with the story they wanted a talented director. And who knows maybe Hanson did make many changes in the script. Perhaps he made major improvements. But, the story still comes off too slight. Nevertheless, they are things to be enjoyed while watching this movie. Namely the performance by Kim Basinger. She plays Jimmy's mother Stephanie. A woman who is dating a guy that went to school with her son. She lives in a trailer. And doesn't seem to have much to look forward to in the future. Also there's Brittany Murphy, who plays a girl Eminem likes. She does a nice job acting. But, I felt at the end of the movie, they forget about her and never resolve her part of the story. It would of been interesting if more information about her was given. And like I said, the movie does a good job at creating an urban atmosphere. It's because I have good things to say about the movie I wish the movie would of meet the expectations that could of been. Another question on people's mind is can Eminem act. The answer to that one is no. Now this is not to say he wasn't good in this movie. Most people are good at being themself. But, here is the real test. Can you see Eminem playing a complete 360 from the persona he's created for himself? I mean can you see him playing the kind of roles Freddie Prinze Jr. plays? No. And if he's not capable of playing different roles that means he can't act. And I doubt he wants to start a career in the movies anyway. So is "8 Mile" enjoyable? So-so. Fans of Eminem will probably enjoy the movie more then the rest of us. If for anything reason their expectations may not be as high as our's. Their fans of his, they'll go easy on him. But non-fans will want more. And "8 Mile" almost gives us it. ** 1\2 out of ***** Bottom-line: A movie that is just too slight. The idea isn't interesting enough, and needed to add another level to it to make it enjoyable. A nice try though. Some good performances save the movie from being a waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Loose yourself in the music Review: The movie starts off beautifully. Rabit (Eminem) is in a restroom getting ready to enter a freestyle battle. He has on headphones blasting "Mobb Deep's" "Shook One's Pt II" I'm not a big Mobb fan, but that song is nice, the beat pure fire to freestyle over. The song makes a nice intro, to an overall decent movie. Better then decent, if you consider this is Em's first attempt at real acting. The cast fits well here. My favorite support character is "Cheddar Bob" he seems to be a bit slow mentally. He add's some really funny moments with a few of his lines. It's especially funny when the rest of his crew is bad mouthing "Free World" under their breaths, and Cheddar blurts it out, starting a near riot between the rival clicks. He is the out of place man in their crew "313" The rest of the crew besides "Cheddar" are supposed to be emcees too, but you never really get to see it, except for a moment in a parking lot scene. I'm a long time Em fan, but even those who aren't, pretty much know the basics of the movie. The story is well told, and well acted. I would have liked for it to have had more "battle" scenes. But they had to make the movie where it could appeal to everyone I suppose. I also find it hard to believe Kim Basinger as a trailer park trash mom. But she a remarkable job here. The friction between Rabbit and his mom and her boyfriend. Who just happens to be one of Rabbits old school mate, is very belivable. Rabbit doesn't like him, and especially doesn't like the fact his mother is with a man who is his age. The movie does however, drag at points. There are some shots of drug usage, and sex (but no visable nudity) and of course a bunch of explicits. But it's not would I would consider a bad movie. The drug use, and the sex aren't displayed in a way where they're being promoted. They are just a part of the story. Could this movie have been better? Of course, but show me one that couldn't. Em does a wonderful job playing Jimmy "Rabbit" even if this is loosely based on his life. He still did a fine job "acting" And true to the real man, the majority of emotion he displays is anger and hatred. The scenes with him and his little sister "Lilly" though, are very touching. Again, they mimic his relationship with his daughter "Halley" showing, that while he has issues, he really isn't that bad of a guy. I especially found the one's where he was fighting with his mom boyfriend. And afterwards saw his sis in the corner frighted to have a very real feel to them. He didn't want her exposed to anything bad, and did whatever he could to keep her away from harm and having to witniss the negative side of life. With how it ended, I could see a sequal. I'm sure the studio is all for the idea. But somehow, I doubt that Em is going to be up for it. He didn't do this movie for the money, and he didn't do it because he wanted to be an actor. He did it because it was a role he related to, and in an indirect way it told his life story of growing up on "8 mile" road in Detriot. Even if you don't like hip-hop music, I suggest you give this movie a try. It has very little actual rapping in it.
Rating:  Summary: Better Than Expected Review: I have to say that I am not a fan of Eminem. Nothing personal, I just don't care for his music, excpet Lose Yourself, but I decided to check this out based on all the hype surrounding it and all the positive reviews it was given. It is a very good movie, and Eminim gives a dramatic, intense performance that I would never have expected. Everyone knows the premise of the film, a white rapper trying to make it. The films moves along quickly, has some intense rap battle sequences, and invloves Em's relationship with his mother played by Kim Basinger, and Brittany Murphy, the girl who convinces him to go for it all. Eminems performance is the standout of the film, but Brittany Murphy does an excellent job as Alex. She's sweet, sexy, and dangerous and it's always a pleasure to see Brittney in any film. Kim Basinger is way over the top. I didn't buy her performance one bit, and felt she was completely miscast. I highly recommend this film to all Eminem fans and even not his fans, since I am not one. I have a new respect for the guy. He is immensely talented, and now we have a reason why he is so successful. It is clear to me that it is Talent over Image.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad but the story is still too [weak], too dark Review: Nicely shooting picture. All the characters were nicely casted and performed. The stories of the struggles that the lowest end of the trickle-down American families are all the same. Dirty, filthy, helpless and hopeless, live by the day-to-day basis in trailer parks. Watching this movie only made me think that America is either the WORLD or THE 3RD WORLD. There was not a scene with sunshine, have you ever noticed, my man?
Rating:  Summary: Over and Over Movie Review: Where to Start? Well made and cast! Stellar movie debut for Eminem, and he wasn't Blonde. I bought it tuesday and watched it 5 times in a week. That doesnt even count the how many times i watched the parts Where Rabbit Raps. I thought it was just going to be about a RAPPER but it was about a MAN. BUY as Fast as you can...
Rating:  Summary: Great! (4.6 Stars Really) Review: Now USUALLY I don't buy that many movies unless I love them alot and they're really good. And 8 Mile is definitely worth buying, the story is'nt too deep but it keeps you interested, and the ending kind of leaves you with an "uncertainity feeling" but its still a decent ending. The whole movie all-together is really good. Plus the bonus features such as the "Superman" video is pretty good. Then the bonus free-style raps are definitely a very good bonus. And the other few bonus's are not too bad either. The bonus's definitely raise this DVD to a 5 star, without the really good bonus's it would just be a 4 star movie!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Movie with Excellent Actor Review: Eminem did what few musicians can do, he made a successful transition from musician to actor. The movie has an excellent plot and basically deals with real life. I wouldn't recommend it for fiction lovers or such, since this is a real dose of reality and truth behind the world. The acting is excellent and music is great, even though most of the movie is a serious drama, it does have a few excerpts of adult situated comedy.
Rating:  Summary: Don't be surprised if you are surprised Review: '8 Mile' follows a week in the life of amateur-rapper Rabbit (aka Jimmy Smith), who is constantly oppressed by his peers, his friends, his girlfriend(s), his family (ahem, mother) and his lifestyle in general. The movie opens with Rabbit (Eminem) performing at a weekly rap-battle, held by his best friend Future (Mekhi Phifer). He is promoted to be a genius, but instead ends up choking and being booed offstage. It is from here that we follow Rabbit and his friends (all part of a rap group by the name of The 313) through a typical week which consists of car repairs, shooting paintballs at police cars and dreaming about the future. Rabbit breaks up with his girlfriend, deals with his often indisposed mother, takes care of his neglected baby sister and tries to put together a demo in order to get out of poverty and move on to finer things in life. The movie is pretty predictable; obviously in the end Rabbit wins (although he settles for a rather modest form of fame) and things end on a relatively upbeat note. However, the movie is more than just the plot. Everything goes together so well. From the actors' on-screen chemistry, to the music, and all the way to those little "I've been there before" plot points, it all works. It's simplicity is stunning. Eminem gives a very moving performance, and when you watch him in character, you forget that he is the biggest rapper on the planet. There are some things about this movie that feel a little uneven; a lot of the relationships are underdeveloped, you never really felt the supposed connection (or resentment) between Rabbit and his mother, and in the end, Rabbit really didn't hate Alex (Brittany Murphy) as much as any normal man would. Altogether, this movie will not only please Eminem fans, but anyone who is looking for an inspirational and honest film.
Rating:  Summary: 8 Mile Review: 8 Mile was one of the best movies i have ever seen. It shows a different side of Eminem. People who have bad ratings about this movie must of had popcorn in their eyes or something. The movie was packed with great action and outstanding rap scenes. I hope Eminem makes another one!
Rating:  Summary: Eminem is AWESOME!!! Review: This movie is really great. It also made more money than any movie ever released by a first time star of a movie!! That's because Em is awesome!! Em is multi-talented and this movie shows that. This movie is funny/serious/dramatic all at the smae time. It is definetly worth the $$. Buy this DVD!!!