Rating:  Summary: Spectacular Life Drama-----Ben N. At The Movies Review: Me being a critic and judgeing all views of music i am not a fan of eminem i hate his music its all about hate and i am not to crazy about rap but this movie changed that a bit this movie is a great movie its pretty much set in the geotto detriot where (Eminem) B - rabbit trys to outcome his life by makeing it big as a underground freestyler rapper in his way he gets pushed down and bowed off stage and on top of that has a girlfriend that isnt really loyal to the relationship this movie although was great really great intresting film set about eminems life and a mixture of something new the only complaint is the major cussing that involves i say the f word every minute or so this is not a kids movie so if your son or daughters begging to see it just say no like the drugs slogan but anyways this is a great film i give it 5 stars it reached my expectations
Rating:  Summary: Groovy Movie Review: This movie was a great flick. It shows how aspiring rappers get their big break. It would be great fun to go through those rap battles.But if you have not seen this movie... Go watch it.. now...
Rating:  Summary: A Surprisingly good movie! Review: First of all Id like to say how nice it is to see a major DVD release that is offered in FULL SCREEN format as well as widescreen. It's nice to have the choice for those of us who prefer not to have the black bars present everytime we watch a DVD.Now on to the movie itself. I WAS REALLY SHOCKED! When I saw previews for this movie, it made me curious, and also a bit uninterested at the same time. The previews didn't say ANYTHING about the plot or what the movie was about, basically all they said about the film was "hey Eminem made a movie! Go watch it because he's in it!". I hate hype like that. So I was worried this movie would be another stupid mainstream, hyped up movie that would ultimatley [be unacceptable]. But I was wrong! The movie is roughly based around Eminem's own life; how he was poor, living in a trailor with a bad mother, and basically had a really bad life. The birght spot in his life? - Hip-hop. The character goes through a lot of drama with friends, and has to overcome both the oppression of others and his own hang ups in order to make it. Basically it's a movie about battle rapping and the hip-hop culture on the streets of detroit and how it impacted his life. Many people wont understand the plot because they dont understand hip-hop and can't relate. But this is a pretty original story-line. It's almost like a sports movie... sort of like remember the titans only instead of football the sport is battle rap. For those who don't understand battle rap it may not make any sense or seem stupid. If you're a true fan of hip-hop you'll love this movie. The battles are well-crafted and hilarious. I dont know who actually wrote all the rhymes but they are lyrically very nice. The acting too, is off the hook. Eminem does a really good job playin his character, and all the characters are likeable. All around this movie is well done and was a really nice surprise for me. The message of overcoming obsticales and finding your own niche in life is well woven into the story. If you hate eminem (and I know lots of parents or rap-haters do) you may come to respect him after watching the movie. I like to think little marshal has more in common with B Rabbit than he does his alter ego "slim shady". Check it out before ya buy, and if it aint your thing, then you aint gonna like it (people who just watch MTV videos and have no REAL understanding of what hip hop really is), but I loved it, and I think many others are surprised that this movie was as good as it was.
Rating:  Summary: I was a bit diappointed! Review: To tell you the truth without ruining the movie, I thought this would be a more in depth movie about his life. I was pretty bummed, but it was a good movie none the less!
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Review: Everyone has been saying that Eminem is a terrible actor and that people have only been seeing this movie because he was in it. However this movie was actually very good, and still would be no matter who is in it. The only problem was that Alix(Brittany Murphy) wasn't really in it a whole lot, and she wasn't really a big character. Over all this movie was alot better than I thought it would be.
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Review: Despite what everyone is saying about Eminem being a bad actor, this movie is actually good. It is mainly just a watered down story of his life.
Rating:  Summary: Eminem is a Great Actor Review: Most song artists are bad at acting. Eminem is very good in this movie. He looks so into his character (probably because it's mostly his life before he got famous). I watched this movie over and over again. You can really just feel his pain. I'm not too fond of Britney Murphy so I think they could've found someone better for her part, but she did an ok job. Kim Basinger had the perfect part and she was awesome. The movie is basically about battle-rapping in Detroit and trying to get a rap deal. He goes through everything from having to move back into the trailer with his mom....getting in fights with rival groups....and trying to not let his little sister see the bad life he lives. I can't give too much away because I'll ruin it for you. This is probably one you want to rent before you buy it if you aren't a big Eminem or rap fan. It's a great movie though.
Rating:  Summary: Gets my nod Review: The acting in this film is what first gets my nod. Eminem, Kim Basinger and Brittany Murphy do a great job portraying different white trash lifestyles and struggles. Granted the cinematic exaggeration, the acting is so real some might think the film a documentary. That's how good the characters are played. The second thing that gets my nod is the music. I am a fan of Eminem's music; subsequently, I love the soundtrack to this film. The title song and "Lose Yourself" are absolutely phenomenal songs that appeal to all music lovers (even if you don't like rap, you will at least appreciate the talent in these two songs if you appreciate music at all). All in all, this is a good heavy drama to watch on a weekday night. Certainly not for family entertainment night, but it sure will satisfy your needs for art and realism you expect to get from a well-done drama.
Rating:  Summary: Nice Job. Review: This movie was outstanding. Eminem does a good job in his debut and lead role as B Rabbit. From director Curtis Hanson (L.A. Confidential) this movie is about Rabbit trying to make his way out of 8 mile mobile court. His mom is a drunk with no job, and her boyfriend is a loser. Rabbit is very concerned about his kid sister. He works at a factory and is going nowhere. He meets a girl (Brittany Murphy) and likes her. He does rap battles in hopes of a record deal. Alright, enough about the plot, I don't want to ruin it. What made this movie so good, was the comedy aspect of it. It's set in a ghetto, and Rabbit and his friends are poor, but their so funny, I laughed so hard when Cheddar Bob shot himself by accident, and the fat guy is a riot, he constantly makes hilarious jokes. I suggest you rent this at the LEAST. PEACE.
Rating:  Summary: Stop and think before watching Review: Hi! I'm the rating system. Have we met before? I'm not sure if we have since I see a lot of people shocked by the content of the movie. Anyway, I show up to let people know what to expect when they see a movie so that they don't witness something that they don't want to see, and instead see something they do. Or, I give warning so that they can enjoy something they know they won't be offended by. In this movie, you can find me shaped like a big letter "R." Why? Well to start, there's a lot of bad words. Also, there's some graphic displays of sex which only adults should see. Don't forget the violence too! Now keep in mind, "R" means that if you're under 17, you shouldn't see this movie since you're not mature enough for it. For the rest of you, ask yourself, "If a 16-year-old might be shocked by this movie, will I be?" If it's yes, don't see this movie. Now then, if the stuff I've listed doesn't offend you too much, or you don't mind it in context with the movie, you'll like this movie! In order to know what shape to take, I had to sit through this whole movie. After watching it, I realized that if you're to enjoy this movie, you can't judge Eminem by the musician he is. I know because sometimes I take the form of a "Parental Advisory Sticker!" See, on Eminem's CD's, he tries to shock you. In this movie, he tries to tell a story. He's not the same person in both! In this movie, he does a great job of telling that story too. You really feel like you understand what he's going through even though you might be from a small town in Kansas. From being a shy laid back guy who's trying to keep his family going while trying to be a success, to discovering his talent, Eminem left me feeling that I want to be the best rating label I can be! I'm sure it left others feeling like they can do anything too. I can't promise that you'll like every scene in this movie, but as long as you take a look at what's in the movie based on what I tell you, I think you'll make the wise decision.