Rating:  Summary: Oh My god?!Why the HELL did this movie not win Over Titanic? Review: It sure beats me? Why would that cleche pece of dribble called titanic knock out ice storm(not even getting nominated)? And no im not just some raving Fan who likes crap and thinks im a certified reviewer(like ever one else on here), i know im not. But i know for a fact im not alone on this one, Ice storm has not gotten one bad review(not even a "yeah i was good but not great...").I wont bother summerizing it(look up there he did a pritty good job). It was breath taking, even though this DvD doesnt ad much over the Video Version just having a few Trailors and a nifty swell menu. But the Clearity is greater along with sound and like american beauty, you would think it would mater with a drama film, but the depth of vision and beauty Ang lee( croutching tiger hidden gragon) packs in this movie it really adds to have the clearity and boom of sound. All in All Ice storm is fantasic, and is full of jaw droping acting( see christina ricci, toby maguire, sigorney weaver, elija wood, kevin kline, joan allen!) and a ending that will leave you staring in awe untill all the credits have passed and on your on your way to work the next day. $17.00 is a good price for such a amazing peace of art.
Rating:  Summary: Grab the Kleenex Review: Only a few movies in the last 20 years really have had the power and sadness that this one does.... to challenge the mind and soul, to move the viewer, to question social mores and structures. Sophie's Choice and Schindler's List are the only two I can think of offhand. This film is incredibly beautifully crafted and executed, as those films were. I have seen it several times now, and each time I marvel at the direction, sets, cinematography. And I always have a decent breakdown at the very last scene in the film, which is nearly silent, and so understated, yet amazingly powerful, because we know it's the tragic beginning of a new era for the Hoods and the Carvers. Sniff. A must-see.
Rating:  Summary: Great Film! Review: This movie was amazing. I've seen it several times now... Tobey Maguire, Elijah Wood and Christina Ricci are awesome. This film totally captured the feeling of cold as ice tension. Did you notice "Ben" breaking the ice in the kitchen for his drink? I felt as if the parents were so wrapped up in their own self induced situations, that they ended up neglecting their children... thus "Wendy" slutting it up, "Sandy" is showing signs of anger/destruction and "Mikey" is involved in a fatal freak accident. That's just my take on it. Incredible film!
Rating:  Summary: Like Wow, Man Review: It was , I don't know, like, well, you know, like, just wow. I mean we get to see real cool emotions man and kids doing it and dumb adults. And Nixon's a real bummer man. And, by the way, Nixon is a real creap Yeah. I gotta to look for more of this real heavy stuff from Ang Lee man. Wow.
Rating:  Summary: an "AWE" INDUCING FILM. Review: The Ice Storm is an excellent portrayal of a family torn by aging, sex, and most of all bitterness with boredom and bad weather. Set during an ice storm in Connecticut during the 1970's Sexual Revolution... Director Ang Lee weaves the story of a husband's affair against his frigid wife , their college-aged son's journey of bedding the girl he lusts, and their junior high aged daughter who's doing some sexual experiments on two brothers, the sons of the husband's mistress. At times, the movie moves a little slow...but it projects the same sort of feeling you'd get if you were bored during bad weather, cabin fever...if you will. The weather is very crucial to the metaphor-based story. I thought it was a beautiful film, I highly reccommend. Sigourney Weaver turns in a small but power-house performance as the bored mistress. Thus, also began the turn of character for child-star Christina Ricci. Here she sheds roles like Wednesday in THE ADDAMS FAMILY or her horrible other films like CASPER and NOW AND THEN. She turns in an award-calibre performance as the curious monotone daughter.
Rating:  Summary: 'Ice Storm' Wothy of It's Warm Reguards Review: Another in a litony of greay films to have come out of 1997. Directed by Ang Lee this is maybe the most subtly touching film of the pack. Kline stars as a falandering husband and imept father whose wife (Allen; always excellent) is contemplating an affair with a priest (this is the 1970's sexual revolution remember). Weaver plays a disenchanted housewife, frosty to her seldom-sceen husband and flaky kids. The cast is top of the line and includes Ricci and Woods as curious teens anxious to see what all the fuss is about, Tobey Maguire (prior to his star-making turns in Cider House Rules and Wonder Boys) as a 'self abusing' pothead with a crush on an uptown girl. She's played by Katie Holmes whose tackling of challenging roles has sadly kept her from mainstream success. The story weaves itself together and out again with nothing too dramatic happening until the end and even then it's tame by today's standards. This is a fine, gently made film that in the hands of a masterful cast and director couldn't have missed. I only hope to see the DVD on the sales charts sometime soon.
Rating:  Summary: Haunting movie Review: In the beginning, which is really the end, Paul Hood (Tobey Maguire) is on the train home, reading a comic book. Each thought he ponders from the comic book is an event that happens next in the New England suburbia involving his family and the Carvers. Paul said families are brought closer together when someone dies, and that was the beginning...but it isn't relevant till the end with a tragedy that occurs during the ice storm where all chaos come to a sombering end with a single act of sorrow, compassion, and togetherness.My favorite part was after Wendy (Christina Ricci) was caught coming on to Mike's (Elijah Wood) younger brother Sandy, and Wendy was ordered to get out of the Carvers' house. Wendy was riding her bike home, when Mike angrily came up behind her on his bike. Mikey said,"Why did you do that? I don't ever want to talk you again!" Wendy still kept on going, not looking back at Mike, and casually said, "So what are you doing talking to me?" Mike was caught with words in his own mouth and his face expression was so hilarious. He quickly turned around clumsily and headed back to his house. A must-see!
Rating:  Summary: Didn't totally understand it, but really liked what I did. Review: I read some reviews about Ice Storm, and I'd just like to say that I don't think it was really supposed to be representative of the 70's as a whole, or all families of the 70's. It was simply a very well told story that fit very well into that time frame. A very well acted, emotionally moving story of 2 families that just can't seem to find a decent means of communication, and struggle trying to find some thing in their lives to make things better. The final scene is so well done; it didn't try to make everything complete, but tastefully, effectively, and very emotionally leaves a feeling of resolution. Someone said something I thought was pretty well put: it's like American Beauty without the comedy. It was a very subtle film, with a lot to appreciate. I didn't think the end was too down-beat...there was a feeling for me that it was the end to an episode that was going to give rise to lots of change for the characters.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful in a cold, wrenching way Review: I watched this film with frequent pauses. Watch twenty minutes, pause to savor, come back an hour later, watch twenty minutes, repeat. Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver, Tobey Maguire, Christina Ricci, even Elijah Wood...with a cast like this I went in expecting a good film. My expectations were met and exceeded. Set during an ice storm sometime in the seventies, the film centers around two families, but mostly around the family headed by Kevin Kline's character. Kevin Kline hits a sober note a adulterous husband and father who loves his family but needs a tragedy to free him to admit it. Sigourney Weaver, as his married neighbor and sex partner, gradually comes to realizations about her life. She is a woman awakening, but destined for loss. Tobey Maguire, as Kline's son (a perfectly believable visual match, btw), steals every scene he's in as he follows his mother's cuckolded footsteps. His younger sister, played suberbly by the fierce and lovely Christina Ricci, clings to her father and baits the neighbor boys. There is a brutally lovely scene of the windchimes on the porch, covered in ice. But I don't want to spoil the movie. This film is visually gorgeous with angst-o-meter readings off the chart. For those who like that sort of thing (as I do), don't miss it.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, what a completely under rated movie Review: This movie, "The Ice Storm", is completely powerful even in it's quietest of moments. The ending scene is completely... revolutionary. I don't know. It is almost perfect in every shot - either with the beautifully cinematographed kiss scene between two teenagers, or the scene where a young boy balances on an icy diving board, where we sense tragedy coming. It all makes sense in the end. It's a powerful film about confusion - confusion about marriage, confusion about adultry, confusion about who we are, confusion about what we do - and the way director Ang Lee handles it is so sad. It's sad because it was completely underrated. It had an amazing cast - so amazing I was completely stunned. Christina Ricci, Kevin Kline, Joan Allen, Elijah Wood, Tobey Maguire, Sigourney Weaver, Katie Holmes... It is a great movie on many levels. And most ultimately it will be different for all viewers; because it's tone isn't for everyone. Rent or watch on TV - but for me, it's a definite buy.