Rating:  Summary: P U Review: I saw this in the movies. It was awful. I kept expecting something to happen. It didn't. It held the same rhythm throughout. I liked the actors. This movie was just yuk. I don't understand the high rating. 1 star is too good.
Rating:  Summary: It has sort of been done before¿ Review: I can think of a few films of the top of my head that have the same themes as this one but if I was going to try and give the reader an idea of the film they are going to watch here I would say it is a C+ attempt at something in the same vein as "The Sweet Hereafter". If I could give half stars here I would it give 3 and a bit. It is better than most 3 star movies for it type but not really a four and certainly not a 5 if you know your movies and have seen these actors elsewhere or films with the exact same theme.The film has a lot of plus points. It has some really good moments in the story and some interesting character direction but ultimately does not really justify itself by the time the credits roll and in terms of atonement and resolve (the two central themes in this film) then that is not good because there is a lot of loose ends here. Also the actual forensic work (or lack of it) behind the murder that takes place in this film is a little lacking. Basically it sort of says that if you shoot someone and no one sees you do it, but you get caught anyway, then you will likely only be done for manslaughter which does stretch things a bit for a film that tries its hardest to be a realistic drama. The acting is on top form though and that is really why you should watch this film. There are many flashes or anger, repression and pain throughout the story that are sometimes subtle and sometimes very strong. It is all good there and it has lots going for it in that department. While the story is good it is still 50/50 when all is said and done. Better than most Hollywood drivel, but not up there with the other films that have done this same theme much better before. Worth renting, only ownership for those who really like it.
Rating:  Summary: Angst Without Substance Review: Truly "a tale... full of sound and fury, signifying nothing", this movie is long on hand-wringing, rage, and tears yet unforgiveably short on logic or common sense. If perception were reality, perhaps the movie would have worked in depicting only the aftermath emotions of a crime. However in reality (i.e., in today's law enforcement/justice system), crimes are still investigated and prosecuted in accordance with the interpretation and importance given the actual facts in evidence. And where any hint of impropriety occurs therein, the Justice System and the Media are instantly available to take up any such legitimate cause. Yet the screenwriters of this film seem to deliberately ignore the facts in evidence and the justice that might otherwise have been rendered as being wholly superfluous to their story. It's not that they attempt to paint Law Enforcement as inept or corrupt, which might at least have been understood as a necessary plot device to force their story's ultimate conclusion. No, they seem instead to have gone out of their way to ignore in its entirety all logical participation by the criminal justice system in interpreting the physical evidence as presented by this film in this case. Of course had the evidence been addressed by anyone in this film, it would have been the film's conclusion -- and thus the film itself -- that would have been made superfluous. You see, the film's violent conclusion depends entirely upon the film's depiction of the criminal justice system as failing completely in seeking justice for the protagonist's son's murder. Yet despite how crucial this plot point is, the writers do not bother to spend a single line of dialogue or exposition on either the "how" or "why" of this inexcusable failure. No corrupt lawyers or cops, no secondary plotlines of political intrigue or professional ineptitude... nothing! In fact the judicial system is not at all vilified in this film; instead it is simply ignored in its entirety! Apparently the screenwriters had no more knowledge of actual crime scene investigation and criminal prosecution than they do of logic and common sense. (Possible Spoilers Follow... though little more than already found in almost every other review here.) During the film's only flimsy attempt to have a bit of criminal-justice reality penetrate the ever-thickening murk of its emotive stew, the Prosecuting Attorney tells the grieving father that the only evidence they have is the testimony of the defendant stating that the shooting was (surprise, surprise) "an accident." And, as they had no eyewitness or other evidence to contradict this claim (?!), they could only hope for conviction on a charge of "manslaughter." If convicted, The guy would probably be out in 5 years or less. The father is then understandably outraged. But wait a cotton-pickin' minute... The actual physical evidence (clearly depicted in the film and then ignored thereafter by all, including the bereaved parents) consists of the following: 1. A violent ex-husband has just ransacked the house of his ex-wife, destroyed furniture therein and threatened violence upon his ex-wife before leaving in a rage. 2. The teenaged son then arrives to comfort the ex-wife, with whom the son is also having an affair. And yes... the jealous ex-hubby knows all about the affair and has previously assaulted the son. 3. The ex-husband then returns to the house with a loaded gun! During the ensuing verbal confrontation, the enraged and jealous ex-husband shoots and kills the son. None of these facts and the corroborating physical evidence (e.g., previous physical assault on son, ransacked house, destroyed furniture, loaded gun, ex-hubby's admittance to having shot the son with the gun) are in dispute. All this evidence is documented fact. Now... were you the prosecuting attorney, would you also claim that there was no evidence that the crime wasn't "an accident"??? Perhaps more importantly... were you the father, would you accept such an asinine claim? Even were the audience willing to make the ridiculous leap in logic that both the police department and the Prosecutor's Office were in "cahoots" with the killer (though this is never suggested), this would still not explain why the grieving father, himself, would not have raised holy h*ll in the Media and with anyone else in authority at having the Prosecuting Attorney attempt to accept the murder as "an accident." By the film's own presentation of the evidence, this is clearly a "slam-dunk" case for Second-degree Murder, and arguably a winnable case for First-degree Murder! "The Simpsons" Police Chief Wiggins was a regular "Dick Tracy" compared to these brain-dead screenwriters. While the film itself is deserving of only a single star, I gave it an additional star for some very nice acting, in spite of the ridiculous plot.
Rating:  Summary: As close as it gets Review: This is one of those movies which gets so close to real alternatives in life that it will baffle you. Aside of masterpiece performances from Sissy Spack and Tom Wilkinson, the focus resides on the story itself. You will be glued to the screen as the tragedy unfolds. But the directors' geniality is what counts. A smooth, relentless and steady thread towards those situations where we want to take things by our own hands, regardless... Even if we do so, how could we be always sure we would be right? Perhaps this is the real message: just watch the finale... Marisa Tomei had a central, yet short participation. Make no mistake: Oscars on their way for this wonderful actress!
Rating:  Summary: deservesto be 5 stars because its one of 2001's best Review: powerful, emotional, shattering, shocking..this movie hooks you in with all those ingredients....acting that is superb crossing its T's and dotting it's I's with performances that are all those ingredients...Nick Stahl(Bully, Terminator 3:Rise Of The Machines) comes back for Marisa Tomei(Cousin Vinny, The Watcher) and her 2 boys...everything is going great until Tomei's violent and jealous ex comes and tries to get back into the boys and hers life...meanwhile Stahl's parents are concerned...the most shocking part would have to be when Stahl is killed..it just was like...oh crap....then Stahl's parents start to act weird and then Stahl's dad played with power by Tom Wilkinson(Rush Hour, The Patriot)..takes matters in his own hands and drags Tomei's ex to the middle of the woods and shoots him dead and Wilkinson and his friend bury the body deep in the woods...very emotional on the scale...fueled by the leads. Sissy Spacek(Carrie and Affliction) also stars as Stahl's mother.
Rating:  Summary: Imperfect Justice Tests the Human Soul Review: This film builds up so slowly towards its shattering end that when it's over it'll blow you away. It's about how imperfect justice evolves into injustice. At the end, even a well educated and even tempered doctor, the "pillar of the community" type, is pushed over the edge despite all his reservations, control and civility. Anyone can be calm and civilized when everything goes right. But how can a man resist the temptation to avenge a wrong when he is faced with a colossal tragedy in his own family and the rusty wheels of the judicial bureaucracy is not spinning fast enough for a quick and fair resolution? It's about a happy, prosperous, middle-class family in Camden, Maine, having the best time of their lives, until the unexpected and the impossible does happen. Then the family starts to crumble slowly under the pressure. And while watching you keep asking "what's gonna happen next?" as well as "what would I have done if I were in their shoes?" This is a very tense movie that will keep you at the edge of your seat to the end. Don't watch it if you are not ready for a heart-wrenching ride through many conflicting emotions -- the need for justice, the gut level impulse for revenge, the ever present "why me Lord?" question, the need to keep up the appearances and not let things unravel, the urge to dump it all on the shoulders of one's spouse... No car chases. No explosions. But mega emotions. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: This is not for everyone. You have to apreciate very realistic, slow movies. If you do, I can't think of a better movie. Such a breath of fresh air after watching hollywood movies all the time with underdeveloped characters and stupid plot lines. Whether you like it or not, it's a great movie, but some people defintely will not enjoy it if they're looking for a normal movie.
Rating:  Summary: Justice WILL prevail and at what cost? Review: One of the most intelligent films of recent years to examine the question of justice. It's also a set up. The "bad guys" - a mother who is a music teacher, a father who is a doctor - have one son, talented, extremely handsome, who is likely to be an architect (what else?) but indulged by the couple to the extent that his "summer fling" of sleeping with a single mother of two (who happens to be the estranged partner of the son of the richest man in town) is accepted with equanimity (at least without complaint) by them. The mother allows a worrying frown to cross her brow, the father is just VERY understanding and non-judgemental. The "good guy", who is (perhaps understandably) left by the single mother (Marissa Tomei), is thought by all to be a thoroughly unpleasant, spoilt, roue who has been known to resort to domestic violence to get his way with Ms Tomei. I say "bad guys" because the couple want and exact revenge for the loss of their son (accidentally? shot by the "good guy".) I say "good guy" because he is the one abandoned, who sees his ex-partner and their children openly enjoying the hospitality and friendship of the parents of his younger rival, and is murdered by the doctor - and it's a murder conducted in a pre-meditated, calculating, planned and carefully executed way. So that's the "set up". One of course is meant to sympathise with the middle class couple and despise the rich guy's son and cuckold and cheer when he "gets it". When we do, if we do, then we are complicit in seeking to act outside the justice system, and by extension, support those who do. There is not a false note of acting in this work and it provides a thought provoking meditation on revenge and justice. To revisit and ponder.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievably Powerful Review: What an incredible accomplishment. And what I found out after watching this amazing movie was the director is new to directing and that this was his first film. I was shocked, utterly and completely shocked. You know why? Because this film knocked the socks off of me and proved itself to be one of those movies that stays with you for years after seeing it! It was so unbelievably good. Don't listen to people who say that the script lacks and that the acting lacks because that is all a lie. First of all, this is the *best picture of 2001*, and it should have won Best Picture. This movie is exciting, well-acted, well-written, well everything! It is a flawless indie in all respects. And the acting alone was the best in 2001. Sissy Spacek and Tom Wilkinson performed a tango of fights, glances and dark conversations that molded the movie into perfect form. And Marisa Tomei (who proved herself to me here) leaves you with that feeling of "when is she going to come back?" and "I want her to feel better!" She creates a character that is so lovable and dark and torn that you find yourself caring for her all the time, despite anything that she's done. If it were just another actress playing this role, then the film wouldn't have been the same. Tomei was definately the greatest part. Just a quick review of the synopsis: Tomei starts dating the eight-years-younger son (a powerful-with-subtlety Nick Stahl) of Sissy Spacek and Tom Wilkinson. But Tomei's ex-husband can't accept that they aren't married any longer. So jealousy takes hold, and so does revenge, and so does anger. And the consequences of these emotions start to overload and develop into a tragedy about a family gone wrong. But who's to blame? Okay, I do have one or two disclaimers. First of all, the name "In the Bedroom" (for all of you concerned parents out there) has absolutely nothing to do with sex! This movie is rated R for violence and a scene of bad language, NOT SEX! In the bedroom is a saying equivelent to "three's a crowd," which is the theme of the film. And yes, this movie, I admit, may be boring to some. But remember, the excitement is mostly projected from the pace of the film, the well-portrayed emotions of the actors and the one or two events that get this movie going (which can be another disclaimer to some). And I know those three reasons sound subtle and superfluous. But trust me, it will take your breath away. This film was amazing! Bottom Line: The best film of 2001 with the best acting, writing and overall...best-ness (?). (I give it an A+)
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, but I wish I could rewrite it Review: This is an thoughtful (though this movie rides the fine line between thoughtful and too slow) movie which messes up towards the end. A lot of time is spent introducing the characters, so when one main character dies I'm ready to follow them wherever they go. It builds up very plausibly, and about 100 minutes into it I'm sure there's going to be a great ending based on everything we've learned. Unfortunately, I feel like the movie drops the ball. It should have focused either more on the internal feelings of the characters and dropped their external actions, or it should have focused more on the after-effects of their external actions (without making it longer). As it is, the movie ending is somewhat puzzling and unsatisfying. There are absolutely no DVD extras with the movie.