Rating:  Summary: song title Review: does anyone know what the name of the song is that is played at the begining when sebastian is in the cab?
Rating:  Summary: It's not a sequel or a remake! Review: Some people who watched both movies are complaining about why a second movie with the same script was made. If those reviewing would have paid any attention to the movies, they would have easily seen that actually Cruel Intentions 2 goes back in time, previous to the events in the first Cruel Intentions. You really don't have to be a genius to understand that as Sebastian dies in the first one and this story starts off with Sebastian first meeting his step-sister. Duh!
Rating:  Summary: :P Cherie Clayman Is My SchOOlgirl Fantasy :P Review: This movie is really funny.Kinda like the 1980s teen sex romps like "Porkys" "Fast Times" ect.The Humor is dirty raunchy perverted and tasteless.Thankfully all so called political correctness goes flying out the window and no where in sight for this movie.There is too much political correctness being forced upon us.It is very 80s.Take the shower scene all i will say is double your pleasure.For anyone who thought the shower scene in Porkys was hot.You ain't seen nothing til you seen this shower scene.Only problem i have is NO EXTRAS such as NO Featuretes of any kind.. Now to the main reason behind this movie.THE GIRLS.ALL are the HOTTEST SchOOlgirlS you have ever seen in a movie..And nice coz all of the actresses are really in their 20s and near round 30 but can easily pass as teenagers..Which is good for those of us that are older then 18..Coz we can get HOT watching them and not feel guilty..A Guilty Pleasure INdeed..And when it comes to one of the schOOlgirls named Cherie (we call her "Cherry":) Clayman..Wonderfully Innocentally Flirtfully Played by Actress Keri Lynn Pratt...I challage any red blooded straight guy to watch this and not get HOT watching her..She is sooo HOT that i find it Very Hard to stay withIN the amazon.com review guidelines but i respect them so i control myself here.But take my word for it she is my fantasy and totally HOT and steals every scene that she is in.Not only is she sexy but she is hilarious..Wish see more of her in this movie and in other projects..When you see this movie you will know what i mean by saying i never wished i was a horse but now i do..And the ending scene in the back of limo did this actor get paid for this?? I would have done it FOR FREE..Hint Hint Hint..Song "Good Morning Little SchOOlgirl" comes to my mind when i think of and see Her.Ok with that i think i stayed in the guidelines good enough but believe me it was HARD..LoL..Get this movie & enjoy it..Also check out at amazon.com you can also buy a set with both movies..Buy it that way if you don't already have one..(BuFFy SarahMichelle is in the first one:) And enjoy the HOTTEST Little SchOOlgirls that any guy would freaking die for..Every man's fantasy..But remember "Cherry/Cherry" is MINE MINE MINE!!!!!! LoL :) :P
Rating:  Summary: More erotic than the original but poorer production values Review: Now, I liked the first CRUEL INTENTIONS starring Sarah Michelle Gellar (it was entertaining in a sick, twisted kind of way, and the production values were great), but I didn't even know they made a sequel until I saw this on cable! Well, after watching it, now I know why I've heard nothing about it. This was apparently supposed to be a television series called "Manchester Prep", but it's clear why it was rejected -- the subject matter is just too risque. There's more gratuitous nudity and sexual innuendo in Cruel Intentions 2 than in the original film.This movie stunk worse than a New York subway car in August without any air conditioning. You thought the lesbian kiss scene in the first movie was a little over the top? Man, you ain't seen nothing yet. Cruel Intentions 2 is really nothing but a soft-porn B-movie. The first movie was a "modern retelling" of the "classic" story Dangerous Liaisons. Cruel Intentions 2 is a "prequel" that leaves almost no taboo unexplored. Since this is a "family" site, I will not go into any graphic detail here. Suffice it to say that virgin eyes should not behold what transpires in this movie (Scenes like an innocent freshman girl getting aroused while learning to ride a horse, twins in a shower, Valmont's stepmother giving him a massage...you get the idea). Anyway, consider this a public service announcement: beware if you turn on your tv and are flipping through the cable channels and you come across a little movie called CRUEL INTENTIONS 2. Or if you see this on your videostore shelf. Or if you were thinking of buying this film. The production values and the acting and the story are nowhere near as good as the original. You might find some of the nudity and erotic content enjoyable if you're looking for that sort of thing... ...You have been warned.
Rating:  Summary: Why make a sequel and then call it a prequel? Review: What was the point in this movie? And what's the point in bringing out a third one?! (Yes there's a third one coming out this summer!) We don't need to know how Sebastian became what he was in the first one. (Confused yet?) The first one explains perfectly well, and this was basically just to cash in. It was actually a TV series to begin with, but Fox cancelled it after seeing Cherie being a naughty girl on a horse. There was really no point in releasing it on DVD, making stupid people like me thinking were getting something good out of it. And it even uses some of the same lines as the first one! "Massage the tongue" sound familiar to anyone?! The whole kissing scene between Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair in the first one. A couple of the lines are repeated from the first, and for no apparent reason, two girls are shown in the shower topless. Just to "entice" Sebastian. Just an excuse for guys to see it obviously. Don't buy this. Stay safe watching the first one, with none of the Z-list stars in this one. And whatever you do, don't buy the third one!!!
Rating:  Summary: Beauty is a Beast Review: Troubled boy, Sebastian, plays troublesome pranks that end with more finality than he seemingly bargained for; placing him in "hot" water while making this reviewer laugh. Troubled boy then goes to stay with father who is living with rich wife and the focla point; rich daughter, Kathryn, who has it and accordingly is it "all." Head of the class in popularity, dancing the ditches of demise in seething, she seems bent on making or breaking anyone she chooses. And that seems fine to troubled boy at first, because the new life, it seems like the promise land. Herein, troubled boy is smart enough to try and begin anew, placing everything that he has done on the blank slate called "bribery" and forging himself a new "he." The only "snag" with that is the fact that he thinks that he and Kathryn should find out who is the master of the house. He thinks he should teach her a lesson that she perhaps knows, one on domination, and thus a duel begins. And the game, o the game, that's what its all about. While I can agree with the critics in some ways and say that this movie wasn't original and that it wasn't like the first Cruel Intentions, I do disagree with them regarding how the movie was played out. The reason I say that is because the punchline to the build of everything, the breaking of the shell that was once called dignity in the playground of souls, it is done well. Cruelty, that is the name of the game and, honestly, these people know how to play. From the very beginning, the viewer is thrust into a world where things aren't exactly as they seem. Multiple players are playing games on multiple levels, some not really knowing they are players in the process at all, and nothing is sacred. And the way they go to extremes to destroy one another, all for a little spite, it places a warm spot in a heart that paid money to see some damage being done. Regardless of proposed "intentions" by watchers, this movie wasn't geared to teach me a lesson on good triumphing over the vile plots of some manipulative soul, nor was it supposedly going to showcase an arena in which the outcome has already been decided. No, the ending of the movie, by those standards, would leave many people sitting at home and questioning why. And, honestly, that's why I thought it was worth watching. The "scripting" of something that happens at the ending, it doesn't produce the same drab results that make everyone wonder why the game was played in the first place. Instead, the bottle produces a little bit of wickedly-spawned lightning, and that is always good for the wandering soul. Perhaps the production "value" has decreased and perhaps there is more of the seemingly unlovable aspects that R-rated moviegoers seem to imply that they don't want to see - a girl being driven to the big "O" in public by being duped into thinking that the proper way to ride a horse is more stimulating than it should be and (gasp) nudity - but these things happen in the big kid's ballpark. Frankly, its part of the game being played and it makes everything more manipulative - not to mention more meriting in the ratings category. In fact, that's why, in some ways, some of the games had an evil chuckle behind them because, again, nothing is sacred. The only real flaw I found in it was that it ended too soon, cutting off the downward spiral that would have, otherwise, been a delicious spiral to watch descend.
Rating:  Summary: This was just lame..... Review: This movie ends with so many loose ends, it might as well be a plate of spaghetti. The 'surprise' ending with the threesome, and then the limo sex with the ritx ditz was just unbearable. COuld any girl be as naive as the $850 million dollar freshman? She hiccups, launches gum across a room, drinks two Long Island ice teas, then throws up at the thought of a boys tongue in her mouth. I remember the girl who played Kathryn from 'Drop Dead Gorgeous', though she can act, her carrer is not gathering much steam. She plays her part well and it's nice to see bad guys (or girls) win once in awhile, but this movie left me with a feeling of 'who cares'? The only real chuckle I got was the facalty member who won't help Kathryn, but is more than willing to help the boy coming up behind her. That and the poker game with the servants and the after math. "Why don't we get to know each other." "Do we have too?" All in all this movie was rented and quickly returned. I had to write this review now because in a couple days this meaningless movie will be completely forgotten.
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: ok a sequal was expected...not wanted, needed, called for, or even good...but we got one non the less... ok, a question? What do you get when you take pretty wanna be actors from New York and put them on a sound stage and a half written script and instructions to ad lib w/e they want as long as they get naked? Cruel Intentions 2! good i think you passed... .....wait...whats this....theres a 3rd one....haha...hollywood is really into spending millions on crap that wont make them hundreds....
Rating:  Summary: Wot eva Review: The first movie was a legend but this one is a joke! what the hell was the writer thinking??? duh these characters are not sexy at all they are merely pathetic. i DONT recomend this movie to anyone. Next to Jeepers Creepers it is one of the worst movies ever!
Rating:  Summary: Leftovers are up Review: Well the last one worked... hmm. Damn, we didn't make room for a sequel. Well let's just put in new actors (which aren't as good as the origonal stars) and give them the same script. If you liked Cruel Intentions the origonal, don't waste the two hours on this. If you didn't like Cruel Intentions, don't waste the two hours on this.