Rating:  Summary: All the bad ratings dont see the movie right. Review: This is not meant for everyone.. It is not made for politicians.... This movie was meant for the hip and young generation that is now in college or high school.. It is about how people can be driven to hate because they made mistakes and it doesnt mean they are pure evil... You can say "yeah, well everyone knows racism is bad" , but the truth is not that... many people are ok witht he concept. In fact in my freshman year of high school many of my friends seemed to be racist, most of them also seemed to do drugs and be suverely depressed. Neo-Nazis are americas white youth that is being mistreated fighting back at a scapegoat for their hate... Neo-Nazi's are one of the many groups like that, there are gangs,cults, and other hate groups as well. Not everyone knows racism is horrible. Maybe lots of people over the age of 30 do because they are more mature and many are very firmiliar with the subject, but the young men and woman in are society do not all know this.They have lots of phsychal power and can gain followers just by acting/looking "cool" It is a subject that still exisist's in many schools today even if people refuse to believe it. Most kids who get involved in this type of crime never expect to really get into huge fights or even kill someone, but it can happen and it does, because are elders fail to give us a reason not to... A book would not be read by all, an MTV program would just be considered B.S. since many of these hate mongors are too mature for MTV's pop culture trying to tell them whats right and wrong. Now wait..., Isn't a movie pop-culture???? I see no way this is anything like "scream" or "scary Movie" it is drama. Don't even bother watching the movie if you think that everyone knows right from wrong and if they're not they should die. This movie lead me away from the world of hate I almost fell into and it has helped many others.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful Review: American History X was such a powerful movie, I'm still reeling from its emotional, psychological, and personal impact. This is one of the best handlings of the issue of racism I've ever seen. Edward Norton's portrayal of Derek Vinyard definitely struck a nerve. Rather than the usual caricature of racists as ignorant rednecks, Norton played Vinyard as a charismatic, intelligent skinhead sentenced to prison who returns to redeem himself by saving his brother. The said brother (excellently played by Edward Furlong) comes off as an angry confused kid, desperate for an ideology that can give his life direction. ...
Rating:  Summary: If you have not seen this movie, leave now and buy it Review: Wow, what a great movie. I can't even express how good this movie is. This movie takes place in Venice Beach where a man (Derek) is in a white power gang and is sent to prison for killing two men who were trying to steal his car, but while in prison he realizes that life is too short to hate all the time, so when he gets out of prison he gives up all his racist past, but getting out of his old gang isn't as easy as he thougth it would be, especialy since his little brother is also part of it. Please if you watch this movie watch it for what it is, too many people don't realize this is a movie about anti-hate and anti-racism. A must watch.
Rating:  Summary: Great story that seems almost true and teaches against hate Review: I have to admit that a few of the things in this movie seemed more put in it to entertain the prejiduce people who may have reason for this movie, but once you see the end you will understand this is not a movie that support's hate, it supports peace. It tells the story of a boys uprising into the nazi community and his downfall in it as well. American History X isnt just the tale of a Nazi who got rejected, it is the story of a man who see's the wrong in himself and his family and trys to prevent his brother from going he did. An amazing movie with a few twists. It will truely move you.
Rating:  Summary: Another example of liberal fear mongering. Review: Let me first state that I gave the movie two stars because, despite the leftist political message, there is also a humanitarian message. It is also an entertaining movie as well. What I simply despise about this movie is the pure emotional fear mongering tactics employed in order to underscore the legitimate arguments made by racists in the movie. To avoid going off into an extended rant about this, something that will not be productive at all, I will cite but one example (no, I do not feel it is a spoiler). The dinner scene was quite telling, for me, as far as the intended political message of the film. Here you have a house headed by an undeniable racist, hosting a dinner with his racist girlfriend, his sister, his brother, his mother, and his mother's Jewish friend whom she appears to be perusing an intimate relationship with. Through the course of the dinner, the topic of the Rodney King trial and subsequent riots comes up. Norton's character makes simple and straightforward legitimate arguments. The teacher puts forth an argument that riots are simply an emotional expression of rage. Logically Norton's character is going to put forth a contrary argument. Listen to it. No racist language contained whatsoever. He states that riots are no more than "opportunism at its worse" and "it's a bunch of people grabbing any excuse they can find to loot a store, nothing more". Is that point refuted? Not overtly... the fact that this character is a racist automatically means that there is no bearing to what he is saying. Abraham Lincoln himself was a "racist" by the most pure definition of the word, does that in any way underscore his legitimate argument that the slaves were people, an therefore entitled to the same natural rights as free white men? Of course not. If we were stuck on such emotional pleas instead of looking at the merits of arguments, slavery would still exist in this nation. Next Norton's character goes on to discredit their arguments by stating, "What you're doing is taking one thing and calling it something else, you know, alleviating the responsibility these people have for their own actions." Is that a racist argument? I thought the individual responsibility and liberty was a main tenant of the theory of natural rights, the very theory upon which our nation was founded. Is that a radical and racist argument as well? Apparently, since the man making it has, as the Amazon.com review pointed out, swastikas tattooed on his body. As he's making his rational arguments, the only reply anyone has to say is, "Look who's talking here, mister junior KKK." After that he goes on to beat his family. So anyone who holds these completely rational views about the issue is a racist who enjoys beating his family? That's what those who made this video would like you to believe in order to detract from those legitimate arguments. Come on, people. This is leftist fear mongering at its worse. Sure, they make a good point about how racism is much like a cycle, but they did nowhere near enough to show the other side of the story. What about how "leaders" in the black community are fighting to establish racial preferences in our law? Hey, you know what, I have a dream too, and it's the same dream that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once had. I too "have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.'" I too dream that when I have children, they "will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today." Truth is that dream is being undermined more today, not by white racists, but by progressive liberals and "leaders" in the black community, people who are actively trying to institute a system of racial preference in our laws. How can the preaching of personal responsibility by Norton's character be racist, but the active attempts of a popular movement to institute racial preferences in our laws be any different? The message given during the climax (I cannot go into detail for fear of spoiling the movie) is a great message, and I agree 100%. I just wish that instead of them perpetuating this myth that the only threat to just racial equality in America is white racists, they'd have explored the -overt- racist nature of black "leaders" in this nation. Leaders recognized by the media and lavished praise. The difference between white racists and black racists is that white racists are stuck in trailer parks because they're white trash, black racists like Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson are wealthy and well renown because they know how to exploit emotional sentiment well. American History X is a good movie nevertheless, but do not allow yourself to be distracted from truth as a result of purely emotional liberal fear mongering. Tread lightly.
Rating:  Summary: Disturbing, but Important Review: I saw this movie, and well, it disturbed me. Some scenes were incredibly graphic. I wanted to shield my eyes like a five year old watching a kissing scene in a movie. However, this movie is wonderful in many other ways. It has the whole This Is What Racism Is And It's Bad theme, Edward Norton does a wonderful job portraying a man who has killed because he was a racist and then fighting with the demons of the killing, and the filming technique is brilliant. I can't explain it all, so I will leave you to see this movie on your own. This is one of those movies that everyone should see, but not one that everyone will like. It's more of a movie to be respected.
Rating:  Summary: Unrelenting Review: This is an absolutely brutal film that graphically portrays the anger, hatred, and violence that are the components of white supremacy groups. Members of these groups would add a variety of other motivations for their beliefs and actions, but I will leave that to a superb Oscar nominated performance by Edward Norton. This is the second time that Norton has been nominated in his fairly young career, and no matter how many times you have seen him on screen, this disturbing figure he portrays in stark black and white film will have you wondering if this is the same actor you have seen before. This muscled, swastika wearing, hate filled swaggering young man is frightening. This is not as easy film to watch, as some of the violence is particularly brutal, not only in its execution, but also in the enjoyment the perpetrator takes from the act. These young people are so absolutely consumed with hate; their willingness to commit acts of violence is almost surreal. But the reality is these groups do exist, they do hold these beliefs, and they are not a group you would want to encounter in a manner they would not approve of. There is no place for this type of expression of anger/frustration, or xenophobia gone wild. The degrees to which the movie was impressive and disturbing in no way suggests or endorses the legitimacy of these hate groups. It is easy to follow how Norton's character makes the transition from top high school student, to killer, and then back to a person who has come to terms with what life has placed on his soldiers, and what his appropriate reactions should be. His younger brother is portrayed by Edward Furlong, who also gives an outstanding performance as the younger brother who has the usual big brother hero worship, except this time big brother is a neo-nazi, who has a girlfriend that lets you glimpse what Hitler would have looked like as a female. This is a powerful film that is well worth viewing when you are in the right mood. The R rating is very appropriate, for this look at a small group of young people whose hatred is complete.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Stark, Stunning, and Sometimes Harsh Drama! Review: Derek Vinyard grew up with racism. His father believed in it furvently. When his father is shot dead while attempting to put out a fire in a primarily black neighborhood, Derek's father's beliefs are reinforced. After his father's death, Derek begins his fight against the "Un-American", waging his war against immigrants, blacks, and anyone who defends them. A man named Cameron, a White Supremist, begins to heavily influence the things Derek does. One night, Derek takes things too far. While attempting to stop two black men from stealing his car, Derek savagely and brutally executes both men in front of his brother, Danny. He is arrested and sent to prison. While there, he learns from his mistakes, realizing that the views he was taught as a child were not correct. Upon release from prison, Derek finds that his brother is now beginning to follow in his footsteps. Danny idolizes Derek and wants to emulate him in every way, even going to meetings held by Derek's former mentor Cameron. Derek, having seen the error of his ways, is horrified to see history being repeated with his little brother. He makes every effort to impart in him all he has learned while in prison. Stark and harshly real, American History X makes a political and social statement about the world we live in. This film was very well-done. I loved how the most poignant scenes of the movie were shown in black and white, stripping down all of the polish and getting to the harshness of it all. Some of what you see will stun you and some will appall you, but be that as it may, this is a very realistic film dealing with a very realistic problem in America. Great acting by Edward Norton as the angry and anguished Derek. Equally good work by Edward Furlong as Danny and Stacey Keach as Cameron. And you'll just want to strangle Faruiza Balk, who's extremely believable performance in this film reminds us that there aren't just men heading the ranks of the White Supremist movement.
Rating:  Summary: A Real Story WIth Real Drama! Review: AMERICAN HISTORY X is a film that definitely makes you think. If you live in a city it makes wonder what motivates people to do what they do and how they could perform such acts of violence. If you live in rural America you wonder the same thing but are glad you don't have neighborhood rival gangs around your home. Directed by Tony Kaye - the only film I know he has done to date - there is a sense of satisfaction with the completely sad ending of this film. Edward Norton does a phenomenal job as playing a kid, Derrick Vinyad growing up against all odds being thrown at him and going through the judicial system - and failing. Failing his family. After growing up in gangs and violence Edward's character goes to prison and threw several reform programs only to learn that his childhood was never a childhood. The help of Avery Brooks', Dr. Bob Sweeney, and the two travel a road down LA streets that would scare even the most indignant criminals. The photography is cleverly don the best part about the film is the kid playing Edwards brother, played by Edward Furlong, gives an incredible performance right until the end. The ending is shocking and almost disgusting - but the emotional impact is very real. There are not many DVD extra's on this one. There is no commentary which I would have liked to have heard from the director because apparently what I had heard is that he didn't like the studio cut of the film and filled a law suite to New Line in 1998 about not letting him use his pseudonym "Humpty Humpty" because he didn't like the final version of his film that New Line cut for him. Either way - this is a good film, but certainly not for kids under high school age - however, I think High School freshmen, should watch this for their own safety.
Rating:  Summary: Very intense movie! Review: I was surprise by the good acting performance of Edward Northon, he act totally different from the role he play in movie "The People VS Larry Flynt", where he play kind of a boring and shy lawyer but this time the role he play as Dereck in this movie is very good, he play a very strong character, I didn't know how good of an actor he was. Also Edward Furlong acting is good and the story in this movie is very good and very intense. The end of the movie was surprising and very shocking.