Rating:  Summary: Disturbing Review: Edward Norton, one of today's finest actors, stars as a former white supremacist recently released from prison who tries to save his brother Edward Furlong from following in his footsteps. The movie deals with the current part of the story in colour, while the back story explaining Norton's past is presented in stark black and white. The viewer gets to see the language and violence of hate that spewed from Norton, and very little is held back. It's disturbing to watch. His "conversion" away from racism is not as explicitly presented, and I found it to be a weaker part of the story. Considering the depths of his white supremacist beliefs, not enough detail and time is given to explaining why he turns around. Norton is riveting in the central role, bringing an all-too convincing charisma to a character that at times repulses the viewer. Furlong, usually a weak actor in my opinion, is stronger than I have seen him before. The supporting cast are fine. The black and white and colour cinematography are excellent and used to great effect. I don't want to spend time analyzing the speeches given and the film's point of view, because at the end, regardless of where you stand politically, the message is pretty clear. At times, it's not an easy to film to sit through, but I don't know if racism, a topic of many a film, has ever been presented in so direct and disturbing a way.
Rating:  Summary: racism and biggotry, in its rawest form Review: The saying, The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.. can be proven in this film..in its later stages. This film dictates the race derived violence that plague our society impeccably. Not that all race related violence is of the sheer magnitude that is portrayed in American History X, but is show what mere humans are capable of, when it comes down to protection and enforcing what they believe in and practice in daily life. The black and white layout of the film, is a simple, but blatant wrap up of what this film conveys..society, as a whole percieves that there is no grey area, in terms of race. Either you're black, or white. Its angers me, but thats how I believe the director felt how society perceives the idea of race. The film is very graphic in many scenes.. in ways that we normally cannot imagine. It shows racism and biggotry in its rawest form, but shows how one can turn his back on what he once believed in, and try to regain (or gain in this case) balance of morality.. the ending gets you the most. How it is concluded, will stay in the back of your mind for many years to come..and you will benefit from it.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful, thought-provoking filmmaking Review: I was genuinely stunned after having watched this film- a truly powerful movie that is an amazingly well-crafted piece of filmmaking, and *gasp*- a somewhat balanced presentation of the views of a white nationalist- in this case a young neo-Nazi Venice Beach skinhead. I was so impressed with the film, but I still cannot say for sure which factor was more influential- the great movie-making or the relative fairness given to the bad-guys' views. With the scope and articulacy afforded Derek Vineyard's arguements, and the lame, somewhat unbelievable turnaround he shows at the end, one wonders how this was ever sanctioned by New Line. Sadly, such films usually never get out of the notebook. I have read the countless reviews that catatonically drivel that this movie is all about anti-racism and anti-hate and whatnot, but come on, are we really to believe that a young man willing to fight and die for the life philosophy he is so passionate about throws it all away because he met the Comedic Black Man in prison and some hypocritical white trash "Nazis." To me the final 30 minutes or so seemed kind of hacked together- I did read that there was some significant post-production editing- and is obviously (the bare minimum I think) required to meet the approval rating "politically correct" and be viewable for our country's programmed young drones- the Nazi gives up his beliefs, or "unlearns hate," unloads on his old, now evil, mentor, and does his duty to pull his impressionable young brother out of the "DOC." While the finale is a tragic insult to an otherwise very powerful and impressive film, the movie does inspire awe in that this much was allowed to be presented. While the abovementioned fiasco of an ending was by far the weakest aspect of the film, some of the more powerful scenes I thought were the "supermarket raid" and the scene where Derek is arrested. Overall a very well-made and gripping movie, which everyone should take a look at- whether you're too stuporous to grasp the validity and coherence of Derek's "hate" or you have a more logical understanding of Derek and what he symbolizes.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but what about black racism? Review: This was a good movie, no doubt. It shows the dangers of racism, and that a child is a product of their parents. Teach a child to be tolerant and they will be tolerant. Teach your kid to be homophobic and racist, and they will be homophobic and racist. Even though this is good, I think this is a tad one sided in a way. To be honest, skinheads and KKK members are a drop in the bucket when it comes to our crime rate. Minorities target whites because they are white, yet you don't hear that as a hate crime on TV, do you? Black racists, like Al Sharpton and Louis Farakkhan are more dangerous than some poor, white racist. Why? Because black racists have the NAACP protection, ACLU protection, the federal government, and the resources to get away with it. I'm not saying that people like skinheads represented in this movie aren't dangerous. I just think the white on black crimes are so isolated and rare that it's pointless to even worry about. What about the fact that blacks commit more crimes against themselves, than some young skinhead punks would? I do find it unbelievable that Edward Norton, a hateful racist, would suddenly denounce his white supremacist views, simply because he worked next to a guy in prison. I mean, what is the percent chance that Jerry Falwell will over come his anti-gay bigotry? You can show racists and homophobes all the sources to prove them wrong, that the people the hate are no different than them, but bigots will be bigots. This movie was a little too wishful thinking, in my opinion. I will say I like the movie, howeveer, because it shows the race issue from each side. The blacks feel they are profiled a lot, while the white gang feels the backbone of reverse racism, and affirmative action. You get the race issue for the Generation X persepective.
Rating:  Summary: A glimpse into the making of bigots Review: After all the bad reviews, I really did not expect to even watch the entire movie. Yet I found myself gripped to the screen throughout. This is riveting! The acting is superb--particular acolades should go to Edward Norton, who also performed so brilliantly in "Primal Fear". Honorable mention should also go to Edward Furlong as Norton's impressionable, younger brother. One is reminded that compassion, love, and above all, reaching out to others, even when those people may hate you, forms the cornerstone of eliminating racism and bigotry from our society I also loved the cinematic use of black-and-white to re-play past events. The cinematography was incredible, and one cannot watch this movie without feeling a strong emotional reaction. Some may hate this movie because of its obvious liberal overtones, but that is part of the shear brilliance of this incredible work. No matter who you are, you will NOT watch this movie without having a strong emotional reaction to it!
Rating:  Summary: A sad tribute to a sad truth in our society. Review: I'm not a big fan of violent movies, whether it's through blood and guts, fighting, or a state of mind, so I wasn't entirely sure of how I'd feel about this movie. There were graphic scenes, yes, but I do believe that it's part and parcel of the message that is being sent. This movie did not end at all how I thought it would, and I was shocked to find myself moved to tears. Excellent acting, scripting, message. A must-see.
Rating:  Summary: One Of A Kind Review: I really dont think I have ever seen a movie like this before. Itreally makes you think and all though there are some violent parts in it i really believe it has a positve message behind it. From the opening scene where Edward Norton gives that guy a "California Smile" this movie had my full attention. I never thought I would see that in a movie. My only beef with with the film is that DVD barely has any extras it would have nice to have some commentary by Norton and or the director oh well. Great movie 5/5.
Rating:  Summary: Racism exposed, not very sutble, though. Review: This is an OK movie because of Norton and Furlong. Pretty good direction, too. But if you're a real movie afficianado, you'll find this flick's messages are so overt that it's almost hard to be entertained by the story. For a better discussion of racism in the US, check out Spike Lee's "Bamboozled." In any case, the PC messages in this movie will make it dated in a decade or so, when PC switches to some other causes, or people no longer understand late-90s morale qualities. Hatred and racism will always be around to one degree or another, but the peculiarities of our times won't. Norton's switch from buff evil Nazi to equal equality commando was a bit quick. It's not like he'd never seen blacks or minorities or known them growing up in Venice Beach, CA. Then he gets to prison and just one guy turns him around? Overall, it's a pretty good movie showing why race hatred is stupid. The biggest fault I have is them showing the brutality with which Norton defended his property as being a bad thing. It's not! You don't steal people's rides! As a blue-collar guy, that pickup truck may be the only thing that gets him to work. Work is the only thing that feeds his family. Theft of a car is a direct assault on the safety of a man's family, therefor anyone caught red-handed stealing a vehicle deserves to be curbed. -- JJ Timmins
Rating:  Summary: American History X gets an A+ Review: American History X is probably one of the most profound works of art I have ever seen. This is the kind of movie that transcends "movie" and becomes "film." It is hard to watch at some times; it is amazing at the same time. The main character "Derek," masterfully played by Edward Norton, is a white supremacist, who has gone to prison for killing an African-American. After immerging from his time in prison, Derek, has found that his little brother "Danny," played by Terminator target Edward Furlong, has followed in his big brother's ways and has become a skin-head. The story follows as Derek, having recovered from his former ways, as he tries to show Danny that there is a better way to see the world. The film is so very strong in every aspect. The "Sweeney" character played by Star Trek: Deep Space Nine veteran, Avery Brooks, is another voice of strength in thin movie. Every character fits their role to perfection. This film is going to go down in history in as a classic. I cannot lie; this movie is hard to watch. I mean in no way that it is at any point, of low quality. The subject matter is touchy, it is violent and, the film drops the "N" word more times than I can count. But, like all great movies, dialog is imperative to plot. This film is one of hope. It may not seem it at first glance, but watch the whole movie, it is so very worth it. This movie will make you cry. And if it doesn't, you did not watch it close enough. Watch it again. This movie is not for kids, but young adults should see it. It has so much to offer. It is so blatantly proof that "life is too short to be [ticked] off all the time." epc
Rating:  Summary: This is what all movies should be like.. Review: Just a very well written, acted, and shot movie. It makes you cringe, think, and draws you in as few movies do. Not to sound cliche, but this movie has all the qualities you'd hope for each time you sit down in front of the big screen. Edward Norton is clearly one of the best actors going and this is just another rock solid performance.