Rating:  Summary: OH MY STARS, so bad Review: Spike Lee, like The-Man-Dumb-Enough-to-marry-Madonna (er Guy Ritchie), and Kevin Smith, had one good beginning movie (Do The Right Thing for Lee) which, though far from a masterpiece, showed excellent promise. And like his aforementioned overrated peers (with Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels and Clerks, respectively), he has spent the rest of his sad career trying recapture this lightning in a bottle, in the form of worse and worse rehashes of old characters from the previous films, and preaching his political/social theory-- like the message of this film, which is "money makes evil". Insightful, dummy. This is Lee's homage to uptown basketball, where (GASP!) there is corruption afoot. Wow. Thanks for the info, Captain obvious. Tell me, is alcoholism bad too? Denzel Washington pulls off the "misunderstood angry black man" role he does in every film written for him (to see him not rely on this and actually show chops, see The Hunt For Red October or Fallen), and Ray Allen proves for the umpteenth time why sports stars/ musicians should not act, especially those who can't read. Honestly, Lee couldn't find an actor with chops to read this role, instead of mumbling like a fool like Allen does? Lee interjects the film with countless shots of women naked, trying desperately to deflect your view from the crappy script and shoddy character development. It doesn't even work the first time, which is sad, considering he hires porn stars. Poor Spike. he had such promise. Then again, I'm sure Joel Schumacher did once too. If you liked this movie, chances are you probably believe in vast conspiracies involving everyone but you. This movie's about as well put together as an NBA basketball game.
Rating:  Summary: should be a classic Review: Everytime I watch this movie...i Love it even more...and every time I watch it I find new things i didnt' even see before, new symbolism and special ideas...the ending scene throws me off everytime..i love it!
Rating:  Summary: Overdrawn and overhyped. Review: While I'll admit Spike Lee is a talented film maker, I can't help but feel many of his films (including his more recent ones) are just too long and draw their morals out almost to an excruciating point. This movie, while considered by many to be one of his best, doesn't stand out so. The whole idea of C.R.E.A.M. and choosing a decent life over a famed one is very thoroughly discussed, so much to the point that you have to feel guilty eating at a McDonald's. The conflict between Denzel's character and his son goes on forever and doesn't seem intending to resolve itself any time soon...in fact, like most Spike Lee films, the characters get involved not with each other but with sub-plots and minor characters that do nothing to advance the story. Milla Jovovich can't act, and her character doesn't do much except whine and get naked. In fact, sex seems to be what carries this film, as Spike Lee throws sex in every thirty minutes as if to keep the audience awake when the pacing turns dull. Well...that technique doesn't ALWAYS work... This had potential, but deliver it does not.
Rating:  Summary: We Got Game Review: Although it's not my favourite Spike Lee Joint, "He Got Game" is easily one of his best films, and it sure helps when you've got as many fine performances/cameos as this film does. Denzel Washington (who's incapable of giving a lousy performance) and Ray Allen as Jake and Jesus Shuttlesworth respectively, give the film it's anchors, allowing Lee to project his soapboxes and political rants more effectively than in earlier efforts such "Malcolm X". It also helps to have Public Enemy back on board with a boomin' soundtrack (their best album in years), and other Spike Lee regulars Lonette McKee, Bill Nunn, and John Turturro--his cameo as a zealot college basketball coach is great. The story moves along briskly enough, isn't overdone, and the editing is as good as anything Oliver Stone chooses to claim as his own. A number of great quotes, and more than enough humour to lighten up the proceedings before they get too dark. Definitely worth owning.
Rating:  Summary: baseball Review: this movie really showed the world what it means to be black and sober.he gets out of a jail after a long time and finds a hooker who he likes kissing and he goes back to playing the game his heart is in love with and his kid stops grass and beer and falls in love with a white girl who wants him for him and doesn't care what people think..she don't give a damn that he's not her race and they make love in the ice box
Rating:  Summary: Denzel at his best... Review: This is an awesome movie starring my favorite actor Denzel Washington and my favorite basketball player, Ray Allen. Well actually this movei is the reason he became my favorite basketball player. Basically Denzel Washington is in jail for accidently killing his wife. He is supposed to be in there for like 15 years. His son however, Ray Allen who doesn't like his dad or forgive him for killing his mother is the greatest high school basketball player in the country. Now Ray has to decide if he wants to turn pro or if he wants to go to college, and if college what college he wants to go to if that. But you see, the jail man judge or sumthin let's Denzel out of jail for one week to try to convice his son to go to a certain college, if he is successful he will get his servance cut in half! See, this is going to be a lot harder because Ray doesn't like his Dad so he doesn't want to listen to him. See, Allen is also a little bitter because Denzel left his son alone to take care of his little sister. Now, if he goes to the pros it won't be as difficult to take care of her. In some parts of the movie it does get quite boring when they just show Denzel getting out of jail and not having really anything to do with his son. Allen depends on his family for adivce and gets it. So what does Ray decide to do? Well your going to have to pick up this movie to find out. And trust me it will be worth it because it is exxtrordinary! Pick it up today. HOLLA!
Rating:  Summary: Compelling Story - Senseless Spike Lee Views.... Review: Once again, rather then Spike Lee making trully great movie that will appeal to everyone; Lee injects his political/social views into what could have been a great movie. Good performances by D. Washington and rookie actor NBA star Ray Allen carry this movie. I thought the story had incredible promise, but Spike Lee once again has to inject his personal agenda while turning off 80% of the people who would go see this film. First, every women featured in this film is white/latin and a whore/slut. An unusual combination considering this film is about about black inner city basketball. Not one black female shows up this film with any of kind of speaking role or substance. The story turns into the absurd about half way through and stops making sense. Also, Rick Fox is well, Rick Fox. Nuff said. Listening to him try to sound street/from the hood is very laughable. I imagined he listed to some NWA records to prep for this role. The most compelling part of the movie is the climax, D Washington playing R Allen in a classic Father/son one on one battle. This scene saves the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Only ignorant, self-involved white people would dislike this Review: Lee highlights problems not only in the world of professional sports, the ghetto, and race in America, but he does it all while weaving a moving story about basketball, redemption, and the relationship between a father and son. He has big things to say about the sold-out soul of professional athletics, but the film would be remarkable without this social commentary. I don't care if Washington won an Oscar for Training Day, this is truly his greatest performance. Ray Allen is also surprisingly good as the country's best high school basketball player, who is being pursued by everyone from NBA agents to his own girlfriend. The people who dislike this film are always ignorant about good filmmaking, and too involved in their white suburban lives to understand what Spike Lee is attempting to say about a variety of social topics.
Rating:  Summary: one of Spike Lee's greats Review: He Got Game is more than basketball. Jake Shuttlesworth is imprisoned for accidentally killing his wife. His son Jesus is a premiere high-school basketball player and ever college wants him. More to the point, the state governor wants the boy to attend his alma mater, and tells Shuttleworth they will shorten his prison sentence if he can convince his son to do so within a few days. Jesus is estranged from the father as he witnessed the murder years ago and before Jake can convince him of anything, he has to earn his respect, while every college is dangling all sorts of material promises to him. The interpersonal relationships and human emotion are astounding --- no character is all good or all bad, they are just human, and it is both heartening and saddening to see Jake try to reconnect with Jesus in a race against time (because of course the boy doesn't know about the deal with the governor.) He Got Game is just plain great.
Rating:  Summary: Emotionally stirring... Review: This film has lot of different qualities, some more admirable than other. The base storyline is about a man (Whashington) and his attempts to reunit with his son after having spent that last 15 years or so in jail. His most important task as the boys father is to direct him down the right path in life towards a college career. Various subplots are found in this film, such as Jesus (the son's name) conflicts with his girlfriend and the opinion of his friends and family on his future. The whole film takes place in mostly black inner-city community. In this Lee paints a very good picture of how such commmunities are shaped and the cultures within those communitites. On other hand, there are few things that Lee pushes to the limit. Milla Jovovich's part in the film has nothing to do with the plot itself, and more or less takes on basic storyline of its own: hooker gets beat by pimp, guy next door has svaes her by having sex with her (and almost without paying too). Every woman in this film is made out to be either unfaithful or downright easy and slutty. people make a big deal about the racial issues in this film, which I think are centered more around popular culture than racism. The real underlying issue here is gendered related pop-cultural views of women. I actually would be more interested to hear the views of more young females over this film and its sexual themes rather than different racial issues. Basically, if you like moving stories about families reunited (if briefly), watch this movie. It speaks from the heart and Lee has done a great job.