Rating:  Summary: A Supreme Masterpiece Review: The Thin Red Line is far more than a war film and a supreme masterpiece of film making. It is a moving statement of the human condition, the dilemma of the mind-numbing horror of our "food-chain" existence in the midst of the ravishing beauty of Creation. The film is riveting and totally coherent from the hunting crocodile in the opening scene, to the predacious leaf that closes upon its victim, to the rapacious character of Col.Tall. The story line is knit together from the very begining by the running conversation between Witt and Sergeant Welsh. Just follow that and ask yourself why Witt sacrificed himself. In the midst of the carnage of human existence we either cross the thin red line into madness, find Welsh's island of numbing isolation, or make Witt's sacrifice. Ultimately the film is about the fatal flaw in Creation, human self-awareness. Director Malick leaves us with the men who survived because of Witt's sacrifice and with these accusatory words on God's horrors, "Oh my soul be in me now, look out of my eyes, look out at all the things you made, all things shining."
Rating:  Summary: Maybe not for YOU Review: If you need a movie to keep your attention in a world of over stimulated, overly violent and underly compassionate movies; then this movie is NOT for you. However, if you appreciate any movie that looks for an opportunity to show love, compasion and God even in the face of mans greatest evils, check this out. More importantly, if you enjoy finding beauty in this often chaotic world we live in, do not miss this.Patience and learning to appreciate the beauty this world has to offer are two of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Are you taking the time to stop, pause and notice Gods love working around you? If not, maybe you should try that. Just maybe you might find something inside yourself missing. Terrance mallick has proven he has found this gift and shares it with the audience using incredible cinemaphotography, beautiful musical score and strong acting performances. This is a real masterpiece of film making. If you did not like this movie, I suggest that maybe one must be in touch with love and compassion within their soul to get the message in this film. It's not that war is terrible. That is the given theme riding above the true meaning of this movie. What lies below is more complex and spiritual with messages that may not be able to reach the hearts of many. But for those it does, you may be a little better than you were before from experiencing this great treasure. Maybe your not ready for this yet. When the time is right(I pray hope for you that day comes) you may find a whole new meaning and experience from movies like this that express truth about lifes real meaning. Check it out. If you get the REAL message, your at a higher place that deepens your self-actaulization. Congratulations!
Rating:  Summary: A different film..... Review: I see from the reviews below, it is only a matter of time before war breaks out between the pro and anti camps...not what you typically expect from an anti war film....anyway i digress Ok, -- what is it like. This is one film you will have to see for yourself. No-one can tell you what this film is like and lets all be honest regardless of the side of the fence you are on -- How many times have you read a review that was bad, went to see the film and LOVED it! This is one of these films...you will either love it or hate it..personally i think it is one of the most powerful movies i have ever watched (along with cross of iron, incidently) but some of my friends think it is a load of (enter any expletive you like here--they have). However you feel about this film, i would ask you to ponder this difficult question which the film raises : who is the braver, the colonel who is prepared to expend his men's lives and at any cost in the persuit of a greater goal or the captain who refuses because the cost is too much on his men and wants a different solution? difficult isnt it.... This film is like this awful emotional question and you -- will either love it or hate it, and you will have to decide on the answers. we dont have any Ramboesque solutions here.... With regards to the DVD version of the film-- i think it is really well presented and has some music extras which i enjoyed. My advice, RENT IT and THEN BUY IT...or even better see it in the movies if you can because a few years from now -- at a dinner somewhere with someone you want to impress, you will be able to say 'actually i saw that movie on its first release.....'. If you dont believe me -- what do you think of the film 'Apocalypse Now' 20 years after its original release...i rest my case...
Rating:  Summary: Don't Waste your time with this movie! Review: This is one of the most boring, slow, piece of gibberish I have ever seen. I was hoping that it had just 1/10th of the greatness that Saving Private Ryan had. It wasn't even that close. I cannot imagine a more boring movie to watch, EVER! Watch Saving Private Ryan, or Platoon, Even the old series Combat is more interesting and realistic that this garbage!
Rating:  Summary: Powerfully Moving Review: In a society where violence is glorified and warfare sanitized, this film is a powerfully moving testament to the horrors and inhumanity of war. Recognizing that soldiers are real people, it lets the audience in to the minds of those who were witness to such tragedy. An unforgettable call to remember the sacrifices made by our parents and grandparents.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Art Film Review: If you go into Thin Red Line thinking it's Private Ryan, you'll be disappointed. There is a war in this movie, but it is an art film, not a war/action film. With expectations set for that genre, the film is top notch. Look for the Glory, not the bullets. Look for men coming to terms with life and death, not battle tactics. The film has plenty of both bullets and tactics, but the main point (and what makes the film work) is the beauty of God shining through in both the ordinary and extrordinary. On those terms, this film truly earns five stars.
Rating:  Summary: the shame of academy ! ( again ) Review: I think The Thin Red Line is the best movie of all-time after Andrei Rublev. It is a masterpiece and the best war movie that I've ever seen. A brilliant direction, a wonderful cinematography, a perfect music score and magnificent plays. I've seen it five times at the theater and I couldn't full up with it. If this masterpiece haven't taken any award, this is a big shame for academy. Thank you Mr. Malick and I'm beggin' your pardon of all negative review about your wonderful product.
Rating:  Summary: Psychodramic Babble! Review: This was the most bizarre and boring movie I've ever seen. My wife was clinically dead halfway through this movie about philosophical World War Two grunts in the South Pacific. I've never heard so much psychobabble in my life. Through the entire movie these soldiers rambled on about everything from killing the enemy to cheating wives. I was expecting a therapist to jump out of the jungle and help these tortured souls. I have read some of the reviews and people loved it or hated it. Well I understood the story, got the point, and I thought it was a terrible movie. Weak plot, no character development, and the story moved at a tank-like pace. I hope Mr. Malick takes another 20 year coffee break.
Rating:  Summary: BEST FILM OF THE YEAR Review: The Thin Red Line was a truly moving and intriguing look into the minds of men faced with war. Excellent direction, beautiful cinematography, a wonderfully heart felt score (Bravo Mr Zimmer) and outstanding acting turn the Thin Red Line from a great film to a masterpiece. This film was far more powerful than Saving Private Ryan and should have cleaned up at the Oscars. As long as you are willing to pay attention, and appreciate the emotional depth of this film, aswell as the riveting action scenes, then there is never a dull moment in this exceptional film. Do NOT miss this one!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Ever Made Review: Brilliant. Excellent in every way possible. There are visions I'll never be able to shake. A monumental accomplishment. A Triumph.