Rating:  Summary: Free spirits Review: Themla and Louise is the sort of film best friends watch together and use roleplay to base themselves on the tow lead females. The women are presented as free spirits who run from the law and develop their friendship into a remarkable bond.
Rating:  Summary: THOROUGHLY EXCELLENT! Review: This has to be the most entertaining road movie since theclassic, Bonnie and Clyde! The plot is of Thelma (GEENA DAVIS), a bored housewife and Louise (SUSAN SARANDON) who is a waitress at a coffee shop. Together they sneak off in a 66 T-Bird convertable for a three day fishing trip. However along their travels they decide to stop off at a nightclub and encounter a drunken, foul mouthed rapist who Louise shoots. It is subsequently revealed that Louise was raped and is the reason why she shot him. This plunges them into a cross country escape from the police as they head for Mexico to begin a new life. The performances are all beleavable and likeable and as well as the fabulous two leading stars, this movie features an early role for Brad Pitt and also Harvey Kietel.The dialogue is sharp and witty and sometimes quite sad giving the characters the depth to make this as realistic as possible which they certainly manage to achieve. Tears and laughter are the ingredients to this now classic movie and the ending is sure to get a lump in your throat! There are also some magnificent shots of the Grand Canyon. EXCELLENT!
Rating:  Summary: Friends For Life! Review: Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis both give powerhouse performances in this story of two working women who through a serious of unlucky circumstances end up as fugitives from the law with a murder wrap hanging over their heads. The film shows what's going on in the minds and hearts of the title characters, as well as how they are perceived by family, friends and the law man who tries to make sense of what has happened. A powerful film with a heartbreaking conclusion. This is not a "chicks movie", but rather a film for all audiences, bringing everyone a little closer to the realization that women have always had it tougher in our male dominated society.
Rating:  Summary: A Modern Masterpiece Review: This movie is just perfect on so many levels. It will literally suck you in, so take the phone off the hook and get some Jiffy-Pop and Brews ready. It's a roller coaster ride of a movie, which is only made better with the amazing score by Hans Zimmer. My theory about this movie is not one of "feminist fantasy"; rather, it has a theme everyone can relate to at one point or another. I believe that this movie is really about the numbing humdrumness of everyday life,and the way that we all accept our lot, but that on some level we sometimes wish to escape. The scene where Louise pulls the car over and gets out and just stands there, looking out in the night and absorbing all of the sounds, is particularly gripping; in her eyes we see a crossover, a metamorphosis. It's freedom. I also appreciate the movie's working-middle-class undertones: Louise as the jaded waitress, and Thelma as the edge-of-white-trash housewife. This movie came out at a time when the working class was finally being re-examined in popular media, with shows like "Roseanne." This is a movie that is about the desperation of modern life, and about quiet anger unleashed. A must see.
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps the best ending to a movie... ever! Review: For all the guys out there who felt the this was a 'male bashing' movie I say wake up and begin to realize that your reality is not necessarily a female's reality. There are indeed men out there who display the same disrespect and inconsideration for women as is portrayed in the film. The same can be said for 'The Color Purple'. Another absolutely fabulous film.But for all you ladies out there who are steady screamin' 'You go boy' I would say that you have to be willing to accept responsibility for the choices that you make. Like who you decide to date and marry for example. No one is responsible for those poor choices other than the individuals who make them. (Women) That being said however, the film depicts, what I believe as a male is, a very unfavorable reality for many women in our society today. Disrespect for women as people, potential of attack, restriction of expression, the list goes on and on. Once again, none of that is any excuse for suffering the consequences of the bad choices that we make as individuals. In short, our society does much to devalue, exploit, and subjegate women. But at the same time if you date or marry a jerk and you end up being mistreated then that responsibility is yours and yours alone if you decide to put up with that type of behavior. For that I have no sympathy. To all the guys out there I say 'We owe it to ourselves and the women who love us and treat us like Kings to treat them far far better than we do.' To the women I say "Quit cryin' and begin to take responsibility for your own lives"
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate Road Movie! Review: This is an instant classic. Controversial and creating two instant female American icons. Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis are nothing short than perfect as Thelma & Louise, both creating equally likable and complex characters. Considered to be a female buddy road-trip movie, but this film is much, much more, mainly because of the excellent multi-layered screenplay. Ridley Scott directed an instant American classic. Some scenes are now considered classics, such as the ending. The 'male' part of the cast are all excellent, Harvey Keitel and Michael Madsen are great. Brad Pitt is also a stand-out in the role that shot him into stardom. Extremely entertaining and even poignant near the end. This one is in a category all of it's own. From a scale of 1-10 I give this film an 8!
Rating:  Summary: All Time Classic Movie Review: I put off watching this movie for years, as it was mostly referred to as a "chick flick". Years later, I finally decided to rent it because I kept hearing bits and pieces of it and I was a little curious. When I saw this movie the first time, I was stunned, amazed, and completely taken in. And yes, as I guy I am hesitant to say it, but I was a little teary at the end! But most of all this movie had me laughing on the floor throughout, with Louise's dry humour and Thelma's dizzy antics. I also like the way that by the movie's end, the two characters virtually had reversed roles. Very clever. I have heard that Cher was originally supposed to play Louise, but I cannot imagine any other artist perfecting that roll better than Susan Sarandon. She WAS Louise. When they pulled out of the bar after Louise had shot Harlan, there has not been any better acting than Sarandon did, as Louise struggled with the consequences of what had happened. Both Thelma and Louise deliver so many one-liners, you will be laughing and then crying. A very emotionally driven and all-around entertaining movie. Hands down, this is one of my favorite movies of all time.
Rating:  Summary: A long road trip to eternity Review: "Thelma and Louise" has been described as a road movie, a buddy film, a chick flick, and while it is each of these, it is so much more than the sum of all its parts that it defies an easy description. Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis in the title roles bring a chemistry to the film that sets off sparks. The acting, Ridley Scott's direction, Callie Khoury's screenplay, the stunning cinematography, and above all, the film's score, played by the legendary B.B. King, make this one of the great movies of the 1990's. The movie tells the story of Louise (Sarandon), a thirty-something waitress, whose musician boyfriend is commitment-phobic, and Thelma (Davis), a submissive Barbie-doll type housewife, used to letting everyone else do her thinking for her, totally faithful to her cheating creepazoid of a husband. The ladies decide they need a break from the unsatisfactory men in their lives and hit the road for some R and R at weekend retreat. A chance stop at a roadside bar ends in attempted rape and retaliatory murder, and Thelma and Louise are on the road for real this time, running from the law across some of the most spectacularly beautiful scenery in the American Southwest. On their way, they pick up a lowlife drifter (a terrific performance by Brad Pitt) who almost ruins their chances for escape. When Louise, who has up to now been leading Thelma, is ready to collapse in defeat, it is Thelma who picks her up and takes over. One of the most interesting things to watch in this movie is Thelma's progression from a brain-dead zombie to a strong, resourceful, independent individual. It is Thelma who seals their fate irreversibly (murder may be a justifiable reaction to attempted rape, but there is no excuse for robbing a convenience store at gunpoint), and who rescues them when they are pulled over by a cop in New Mexico. The movie ends in the only way it could end (no way are we going to see these two ladies in handcuffs) and while it's a sad ending, it's also exhilarating to realize that Thelma and Louise lived more in a weekend than many people live in a lifetime.
Rating:  Summary: Road Movie! But wait... Review: Even after numerous viewings, this film remains one of the most enjoyable I've ever seen. It works on many levels, mainly due to the likable personalites of the movies two fugitives, Thelma (Geena Davis in her best role) and Louise (Susan Sarandon). Their exploits take them on a road trip across the United States where they challenge male authority through a number of cartoonish characters (sexist truck driver, stony-faced state trooper, etc). Following the conventions of the road film, the two women make both a psychological journey as well as a geographical one. What makes their predicament so heartfelt is that they never meant to run from the law in the first place. By the end of the trip, they've reached a point where 'they can no longer turn back.' I've always wondered what that line meant. Was this film taking a pro-lesbian stance? Or maybe the women found that they didn't need the men in their lives to define who they were. This is a film I recommend purchasing as it's one you should see more than once.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing Less than Perfection! Review: I loved this movie very much. It absolutely screams for you to "let your hair down." I agree: LET THOSE BOBBY PINS FLY! Gorgeous cinametography, perfect casting, and a bit of wry humor, too. Brava!