Rating:  Summary: The Turbid Glass Curtain Review: "Crowds are good, if you're moving. Open spaces are good. Talk in the street, if you have to. Never talk in a car or a hotel room, except for the benefit of their microphones" says the British agent Ned (James Fox) to Barley Blair(Sean Connery), a somewhat reluctant participant in the supposedly anesthetized espionage scene circa Glasnost. Blair is a civilian, a publisher in love with Russia and its writers. He had joined them in what is affectionately named the "writer's village" somewhere in this excitingly open Russia, where he and this select group of boozy intellectuals had discussed saving the world between lunch and dinner. His idealism was noted. An intermediary, Katya (Michelle Pfieffer) sends him a book, authored by a man known as Dante (as in Dante's Inferno) that relegates the Soviet Nuclear threat, and consequently the arms race with the United States to the toilet. British Intelligence get hold of the book before Blare does. And so begins another complex chapter in John Le Carre's quest to eliminate the mythic nobility of espionage, and magnify those who are caught in the crossfire. Dante, played superbly by German actor Klaus Maria Brandauer, must have read quite a few of Le Carre's novels, he doesn't trust Western intelligence or intelligence people at all for that matter. To him, they are all "gray men" and in a moving scene, he recounts how gray men, never to be heard from again apprehended and killed his father. He knows that Blair will be working for British Intelligence, but he will deal only with a civilian, a "Joe agent". Meanwhile, Katya, extremely beautiful in a haggard Russian sort of way develops a liking to the rusty charmer Blair. Katya had been Dante's lover back in their student days. And a quietly touching love triangle develops as a counterpoint to the all the arcane goings on. The Russia House comes with an exceptional filmmaking pedigree. The schizophrenic director Fred Schepisi was on his talented side coming off the powerful A Cry in the Dark. He furnishes Le Carre's distinctive world with the pre-requisite amount of oak lined rooms, sedate men smoking, talking, drinking hard liquor in ice filled high-quality glassware, while the scent of betrayal hovers. The script by English playwright Tom Stoppard wisely avoids suffocating the film with unsolicited suspense scenes to makes the film more commercial or accessible. This is a talky, demanding, plot heavy film. The whole thing is laced with a memorable, jazzy Jerry Goldsmith score that perfectly underscores the photogenic Lisbon, Leningrad and Moscow (where most of the film is set.) Several stellar performances are to be found among the supporting cast. Namely Roy Schieder (himself a veteran of such spy films as Marathon Man) as the foul mouthed CIA attaché, who in some scenes is called upon to explain the labyrinthine plot. On the British side, in genius bit of casting, director Ken Russell plays Walter, the eccentric, cynical "character", who seems disgusted to have to explain the mechanics and the subtleties to all those cold war rookies. These characters more then makes up for the absence of Smiley, who Le Carre veterans would remember as the looming figure whose sinister fingerprints are mostly felt in his absence. The film's problems are more central. As Blair, Connery gives what is easily one his best performances. But he is still Sean Connery, sometimes shaken, never stirred. He is supposed to be equal parts charmer and a washout, but when he describes himself as a "walking unmade bed", you can't help but smile. This being Le Carre territory, you shouldn't. The performance pales in comparison to Richard Burton's haunting Alec Leamus in Martin Ritt's incomparable 1965 masterpiece The Spy Who Came In From The Cold. I couldn't help but think that an actor like Albert Finney would have brought much needed pathos to the part. The pathos, or lack thereof is part of the film's larger problem. For all what is at stake in the end, The Russia House doesn't have that palpable sense of doom that permeated the 1965 film. The enemy here are those who would still profit from the cold war. They are fought in elegant offices on the Western side of things, not grim debriefing rooms behind the iron curtain. This probably makes the film more relevant. It also makes for far less compelling drama.
Rating:  Summary: My name is Blair...Barley Scott Blair... Review:
Director: Fred Schepisi
Format: Color
Studio: Mgm/Ua Studios
Video Release Date: January 19, 1994
Sean Connery ... Bartholomew 'Barley' Scott Blair
Michelle Pfeiffer ... Katya Orlova
Roy Scheider ... Russell, CIA
James Fox ... Ned
John Mahoney ... Brady
Michael Kitchen ... Clive
J.T. Walsh ... Colonel Quinn USA
Ken Russell ... Walter
David Threlfall ... Wicklow
Klaus Maria Brandauer ... Dante
Mac McDonald ... Bob, CIA Agent
Nicholas Woodeson ... Niki Landau, Polish Sales Rep.
Martin Clunes ... Brock
Ian McNeice ... Merrydew, Embassy Rep.
Colin Stinton ... Henziger
Denys Hawthorne ... Paddy
George Roth ... Cy
Peter Mariner ... U.S. Scientist
Ellen Hurst ... Anna
Peter Knupffer ... Sergey
Nikolai Pastukhov ... Uncle Matvey
Jason Salkey ... Johnny
Eric Anzumonyln ... Nasayan
Daniel Wozniak ... Zapadny
Georgi Andzhaparidze ... Yuri, Russian Publisher
Vladek Nikiforov ... Tout
Christopher Lawford ... Larry
Mark La Mura ... Todd
Blu Mankuma ... Merv
Tuck Milligan ... Stanley
Jay Benedict ... Spikey
David Timson ... George
Yelena Stroyeva ... Anastasia
Fyodor Smirnov ... Watcher
Pavel Sirotin ... Watcher
Paul Jutkevitch ... Misha
David Henry ... Minister, Whitehall
Martin Wenner ... Scientist, Whitehall
Paul Rattee ... Army Officer, Whitehall
Simon Templeman ... Psychoanalyst, Whitehall
Gina Nikiforov ... Russian Guest
Raisa Ryazanova ... Russian Guest
Kate Lock ... Jacky
Charlotte Cornwell ... Charlotte
Craig Crosbie ... Technician
Keith Edwards ... Hoover
Michael Fitzpatrick ... Hoover
Rob Freeman ... Hoover
Gennadi Venov ... Katya's Father
Sasha Yatsko ... Russian Writer
Vladimir Zunetov ... Dan
Jack Raymond ... Lev
David Ryall ... Colonial Type
Alexei Jawdokimov ... Arkady
Constantine Gregory ... KGB Interviewer
Sergei Reusenko ... KGB Man
Yegueshe Tsturvan ... Flute Player in Restaurant
Jonathan Reason ... Delegate
Another Sean Connery spy movie, which he always does well. Playing a publisher, Bartholomew 'Barley' Scott Blair, when a Russian woman named Katya (Michelle Pfeiffer) sends him a letter and notebooks of someone using the name Dante, containing a manuscript which details weaknesses in the USSR's nuclear capability. British intelligence intercepts the material and opens his private mail, eventually persuading him to act as a spy in their behalf and go to Russia in search of the mysterious Dante, and verify the statements in the manuscript. That's the gist of the plot.
As usual, the intelligence officers for 'our' side are depicted as bad guys--at least equally as bad as the Russians, and it becomes a choice for Blair between Katya, whom he has come to care for, and his country. That is the basic conflict.
Like every Connery movie, this is a good one, if somewhat confusing at times. It would have benefitted from better direction, but I liked it. Connery's distinctive voice and lisp (or ith that lithp) identify him even when you are outside the room. I always enjoy his acting. He's one of the really great ones, in my opinion.
I think you'll like this film.
Joseph (Joe) Pierre
author of Handguns and Freedom...their care and maintenance
and other books
Rating:  Summary: Russia House -->Terrific! Review: Although I have not seen the DVD (it hasn't been released yet) I have watched the VHS version at least 40 times. A spy movie set during the Cold War, The Russia House stars Sean Connery and Michelle Pfeiffer. Connery is a British publisher, Barley Scott Blair, who is sent manuscripts by a Russian woman named Katya (Pfeiffer). However, the manuscripts are intercepted by British intelligence and are analysis of the Soveit Empire's nuclear capabilities. Blaire is convinced to play the role of spy for the British, and he must befirend Katya in order find the author of the manuscripts (the mysterious Dante.) As the story unfolds, Blaire and Katya grow closer to each other, and Blair soon finds himself trapped between the loyalties he has to his mother country and to Katya. This is an extremely terrific movie, but is also very confusing. I had to watch it 7 times before the plot really made sense to me, but once I understood what was going on, it was a joy to watch it over and over again. This is not one of Connery's most famous works, but it is certainly one of his best. Reprising his role as spy, Connery does a much better job of it than as James Bond. Michelle Pfeiffer is similary convincing as Katya, who is caught in between the politics of Russia and Britan. I whole heartedly recommend this movie, but I do caution anyone who has not seen it before to rent it first. A DVD version is long overdue and still the features the DVD will have are only subtitles and widescreen, which is perfect for some of the beautiful landscape scenes in Russia.
Rating:  Summary: Russia House -->Terrific! Review: Although I have not seen the DVD (it hasn't been released yet) I have watched the VHS version at least 40 times. A spy movie set during the Cold War, The Russia House stars Sean Connery and Michelle Pfeiffer. Connery is a British publisher, Barley Scott Blair, who is sent manuscripts by a Russian woman named Katya (Pfeiffer). However, the manuscripts are intercepted by British intelligence and are analysis of the Soveit Empire's nuclear capabilities. Blaire is convinced to play the role of spy for the British, and he must befirend Katya in order find the author of the manuscripts (the mysterious Dante.) As the story unfolds, Blaire and Katya grow closer to each other, and Blair soon finds himself trapped between the loyalties he has to his mother country and to Katya. This is an extremely terrific movie, but is also very confusing. I had to watch it 7 times before the plot really made sense to me, but once I understood what was going on, it was a joy to watch it over and over again. This is not one of Connery's most famous works, but it is certainly one of his best. Reprising his role as spy, Connery does a much better job of it than as James Bond. Michelle Pfeiffer is similary convincing as Katya, who is caught in between the politics of Russia and Britan. I whole heartedly recommend this movie, but I do caution anyone who has not seen it before to rent it first. A DVD version is long overdue and still the features the DVD will have are only subtitles and widescreen, which is perfect for some of the beautiful landscape scenes in Russia.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant! Review: Although not as good as the book,(no big surprise), the video is one of the best I've seen. Sean Connory and Michelle Pfiefer make this film one to remember. John le Carre is a master story teller. The combination of character insights and love across boundries is unbeatable. Must be seen!
Rating:  Summary: The Russia House Review: I found the russia house a collectors movie.Spy themes being my favourites. The sensitivity, was convincing the tension was gripping the music was superb, especially the saxophone playing. Can't discover who was playing it though. I can watch this movie over and over again and enjoy it every time. Sean Connery perfect for the part. The love scenes so genuine. Loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Old-Time Love Story!!! Review: I loved this movie from start to finish. I am a big fan of Sean Connery and will see anything he stars in. This movie was a huge hit. The scenery was spectacular and the love story was so classic. If you are in the mood for a love story this is definately a must see.
Rating:  Summary: Tried to stay awake....... Review: I never thought I could sleep through a movie with Michelle Pfeiffer in it but I did. First time at the theater and the next time on video.
Rating:  Summary: A Terrific & Intelligent Spy Thriller & Love Story! Review: Like the other movies originating from the unchallenged master of the intelligent spy thriller John LeCarre, this one is a really a sophisticated thriller exposing the hidden, complicated, and conflicted corners of an individual's human heart. "The Russia House" represented a formidable new challenge for LeCarre, so suddenly deprived of the spy-thriller heaven of the cold war he had built his career describing. But here he has mined fresh new tunnels of insight into the cunning, deceit, and betrayal that is the stuff of real-life espionage. At the same time, this movie also weaves a quite memorable love story in the spaces squeezed between the two sides. Barley Blair (Sean Connery), the failing boozehound scion of a collapsing British publishing house with a love for everything Russian, happens by drunken though eloquent happenstance to inspire a famous Soviet scientist into attempting to sneak his manuscript detailing the real sorry state of Russian ICBM capabilities into the hands of the West in order to foster a recognition of the folly of the arms race and to end what he calls "the great lie". The scientist attempts to contact Blair, but through a series of mishaps rivaling the deeds of the keystone cops winds up landing the manuscript in the hands of the British Secret Service. So they soon want Barley to intercede with the Russian contact point (Michelle Pfeiffer) to find out who the author of the manuscript is and thus determine its authenticity. So Barley pursues the beautiful but conflicted contact, an idealistic angel of mercy who soon sparks Barley's love interest and paternal concern. The game is afoot. The movie is gorgeously photographed on a number of locations throughout Russia, and the travelogue-like tour through Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Minsk is spellbinding. Likewise, the acting is top notch, with Roy Scheider, James Fox, and a whole welter of distinguished British actors lending presence and gravity to this intelligent thriller. As is usual, the plot takes off slowly but builds to a mind-boggling series of intertwining activities one has to pay attention to understand. Before long we recognize the familiar murderous games set into motion with deadly earnest by the Brits, the Americans, and the Russians, none of whom give a rattler's damn about Barley, the contact, or the scientist. This is a stunning, suspenseful, and somewhat rueful tale of what unfolds when we discover that there is a real possibility that the so-called Soviet ICBM threat is a sham, that the missiles cannot escape their silos, that their ability to achieve trajectory or destroy targets with any accuracy is vastly over-rated. And as one can expect from LeCarre's shadowy and complex geopolitical world of espionage and power, there are no simple answers or easy foregone conclusions. This is a wonderful movie, which in my opinion is quite under-rated. It has the ring of more real-life veracity and worldly wisdom than one can easily find on the non-fiction side of the movie theater aisle. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: The best Glasnost love story of all time Review: Michelle rocks in the role of a single mother heroine. The Russian characters, and Connery, all shine - brighter than Sirius. Terrific support from Fox ("I'm about to move the goal posts") and Kitchen ("Don't rant!"). Should be recognized as a classic, but never will be.