Rating:  Summary: Great film! Review: The film is impressively even and kept my interest from the beginning titles all the way to the end credits. Not many films of the 1990's are capable of doing that, but "A Perfect World" is a cut above the norm.Hats off to all involved who decided to make a truly thoughtful and powerful film without resorting to computer-generated images, explosions, aliens, etc. This film is definitely a stand-out.
Rating:  Summary: An astounding, film. Costner and Eastwood in top form. Review: The story was very unique and I actually really cared about the characters and how their stories unfolded. Even the kid was really cool, and I don't often like kids in movies. Kevin Cosnter gives an exceptional performance, ranking among his best. I love the scene at the end of the film where he is dancing with the wife of the family he has just assualted. Genius. And Clint Eastwood manages to pull off another stellar performance even as a supporting character. He directs the film as well, and manages to tell an original, intelligent emotional story. Bravo!
Rating:  Summary: In a perfect world there would be more movies like this Review: The strength of this film is that it takes its time to allow the characters to evolve and the relationships they have with one another. The success of this film is in the story and acting, which is what makes great films great! Nothing could make this film better!
Rating:  Summary: Touching and Tragic Review: This film has two of Hollywood's biggest stars - Eastwood and Costner - both of whom give great performances. But it's the young actor who plays the kidnapped boy who steals the show. This drama is set in Texas, early November 1963 - shortly before JFK's fateful visit to Dallas. An escaped convict (Costner) kidnaps a boy and is on the run from the law (Eastwood) and each of their lives are changed forever. The film is especially touching whenever it focuses on the growing relationship between the convict & boy - Costner's portrayal of the tough escapee with a kind heart is great and the boy is so natural and likeable. Under Eastwood's direction the film is controlled and avoids the pitfall of melodrama. The ending is tragic yet inevitable. I think this is one of Costner's best performances and was surprised when the film seemed to be overlooked by the media. I loved the whole feel of the movie and cared about the characters - even some of the minor ones like the sharecropper family. I highly recommend this film.
Rating:  Summary: A gem that got lost in the cracks Review: This film is one of those rare movies that manage to use the strengths of all involved. First, this is the very best of Clint Eastwood both as a director and actor. Eastwood the director learned his trade from Don Siegel, who made a bunch of no-nonsense 70's action films, many of them with Eastwood as the star. Eastwood learned his trade well from the master. He can edit the fat out of a film very effectively. Eastwood the actor really shines in this film as well in a supporting role as a Texas Ranger at the tail end of a career doing a kind of slow burn as events unfold around him. This film is also Kevin Costner's best work ever, and one has to imagine it came because Director Eastwood sat on him hard. Whatever, Costner gives a very, very good performance, full of depth as a prisoner on the lam. He is actually tough and touching at the same time, no small feat for any actor. Finally, Laura Dern is also at her best in this film. What happened to her, anyway? Where did she go? Anyway, the romance between the Eastwood character and Dern is understated and very moving, as each character slowly gain respect for the other. Dern is not classically beautiful, but she comes off as very real and smart, with a sense of humor and a real humanity. Hollywood needs more like her, instead of fashion models playing cops. Dern looks natural as hell in the role with a beauty, as corny as it sounds, that comes from within. All in all, a vastly overlooked gem that is well worth owning.
Rating:  Summary: kicked me in the gut Review: this film kicked me in the gut. I don't understand how it has been so seemingly overlooked: Costner should have have been nominated for an academy award for his portrayal of Butch Haynes, a man with some good at heart but constantly teetering on the edge of violence. he isn't aware of his predelictions-- he isn't trying to be good, quite the opposite. but he seems to do good in spite of himself. you must pity him as someone trapped in their own violent past, trying to rewrite it by befriending his young hostage, and still trying to move hopelessly towards an unattainable future. the final scenes of this film are inevitable, and almost too painful to watch. Eastwood's direction, especially that of the boy and Costner, is tremendous. also, the flat-eyed, totally irredeemable character of the FBI sharp-shooter makes for a good contrast with Butch: both kill an equal number of people in the film: one. yet which killing is the more justified?
Rating:  Summary: so so Review: This is a really uneven movie. When it works well, it works great. But the parts that don't work, don't work at all. It's like two different movies were spliced together in various spots. And often a great ending will make an uneven movie work, but this ending goes on and on, and is sloppily done.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect in all aspects Review: This is a relatively slow paced (but well-intentioned) movie that is very deftly directed by Clint Eastwood. The film demonstrates Eastwood's typical minimalistic approach to directing, and relies on character development and exploration moreso than it does story. This bare bones approach by Eastwood works like a charm, to bring to film a whimsical tale. Costner pulls off probably his most laudable and competent role in any of his movies, transcending even Dances with Wolves. His effort is very understated, controlled and ultimately utterly convincing in his delivery. This role from Costner is equally and ably supported by T J Lowther as the young boy Philip. The performances of these two actors ultimately make this such a winning film. They are ably supported by Clint Eastwood and Laura Dern. What really drives this film is the relationship that develops between Butch and Philip. Philip gets his much needed father figure and Haynes gets an opportunity to play a more fatherly role to Philip than the father who neglected him. By three quarters of the way through the movie the viewer is hoping that Haynes and Philip can escape the manhunt and start new lives together - which in a perfect world probably would have happened! Without disclosing the ending, what ultimately happens in the movie is a true testament to the depths reached and expressed between man and boy. In a very unmelodramatic fashion a heart-wrenching ending is reached. By the end this a whimsical story of might have beens, and possibilities. The understated manner in which all aspects of the movie are approached make it all the more poignant and fulfilling. Anyone who likes a good solid drama should appreciate this film! P.S. A number a criticisms directed at the portrayal of Jehova Witnesses is unfortunate. The movie is clearly not intending to pass any judgement on such beliefs. In any religion the level of piety is very much a personal thing. The story could have portrayed Philip's mother as belonging to any number of churches and still have her depicted as sheltering her children!
Rating:  Summary: More people should see this Review: This is an unbelievable movie that i originally only caught halfway through. It's a great look at what goes on in the head of hard criminal. Kevin Costner does a great job in a role that he's not usually seen in. He's very believable as a hardened criminal while he portrays the softer sensitive side unbelievably subtly. Clint Eastwood is both a visionary and a great actor. "A Perfect World" is a must see.
Rating:  Summary: a must see Review: This is one of my favourites of all time. i dont realy know why but i like it. it is about a man(costner) who with another inmate escape from jail. In the process of escaping butch (costner) kidnaps a small boy as a hostage sort of thing. as they travel accross the states, being chased by sheriff Clint Eastwood butch and boy form a bond. As the movie turns into a buddy movie we never loose sight of the fact that Butch is a criminal and being tracked down but we dont seem to care. the boy is in need of a father figure and we want to see more of their relationship. We never see much of a bad side of costners character and yet we are aware that he has his priorities straight. With a nice little twist at the end you cant help but wonder after the film "what if?" make this one of your favourites.