Rating:  Summary: I shared the same experience as Chuck Noland did... Review: This movie is very touching, and it's been hard for me to watch it again. Why you ask, because I use to date a girl back in 1996 when she lived here in Fitzgerald, GA. Her name is Kelly aswell. We dated briefly, but that all ending when her dad had to move to Houston, TX because of his job being transfered from the railcart co. here in Fitzgerld, GA, to Houston, TX. Me and her lost contact with each other until 2002, when I was able to find where she was and to finally get in touch with her again. She came back to Fitzgerald and We hugged each other for a long while. She stayed for a day or so here in town with another family member of her's, then they left to go back to Houston, TX. Sadly she started dating someone there in January of 2003. She told me that she did not think she could take having a long distance relationship, which that does make since. She did however came back later that year, but it was different. She saw it as a Friendly visit instead. But we still email each other everynow and then.I know you could care less about my experience compared to this movie, but anyway Tom Hanks again brings in a great performance in "CastAway", just like he did in "Saving Private Ryan". The only thing I dislike about this movie is that he sounds like he is apologizes for not coming back to Kelly(Helen Hunt). It's not his fault the plane went down and he got stranded on an island, and Kelly(Helen Hunt) should have held out longer to see if he would indid be found. Which he is found and returns to Texas, and to his job as a Fed-Ex worker. But Kelly(Helen Hunt) is now remarried and has a daughter. But the movie does end on a positive note. I recommend this movie to anyone wanting to see an adventure type movie, after you watch this movie it will make you look at life a different way and to stay close to the love ones you so dearly treasure.
Rating:  Summary: unwooden Hollywood Review: Greeting comrads. Whats all can be said. read Yugijouohs' stunning review here in this Amazon customer review section, and you can believe me, he be harsher than I would have been if i talk , but that's repeating, he has said all there is to say! But I'll toss my 2 lira - Helen Hunt is the cats pajamas for ME personally--as opposed to me impersonally haha eddu make funny--and if had known she was not going to appear in Cast Away, I would not have even gone to see it.As mia santa momma said , flattery is no pizza,...but I will smash that rule here. WHENEVER Ms. Hunt is on picture, the movie is EYECATCHING! Again, see Yugijouohs review for more "depth" , I only write to urge you, the last TWENTY minutes of this movie recall the label on minestrone soup cans when i was a boy- Mm Mm GOOD! Probably the best use of digital storage in this crazy filmmaking world. Happily, this is my first positive review on Amazon, and this kind of filmmaking must "be a shining city on the hill" like Ronald Reagan speech! I say, Stay away from bad foreign film, go see Hollywood..(you may learn english)! To say 1 negative thing, the scenery shots ARE boring & Hanks seems a very disengenous man. To believe this movie was hardly "test screened", I love that this type of movie ending is not what world "wants"(?) At most you cant turn your DVD off when Mr Hanks is rescued,the movie would get malto bazillioniano stars I give in the review. This is my best advice.
Rating:  Summary: This is Gilligan's Island with a Hanks/Remeckis touch... Review: From director,Robert Zemeckis comes Cast Away This is Gilligan's Island with a Hanks/Remeckis touch. (Tom Hanks,Helan Hunt,Nick Searcy,Chris Noth & Wilson) Written by William J.Broyles Jr. Chuck Noland gets stranded on a remote island,where he learns he has to survive,& keep hoping for someone to rescue him.This is a beautiful piece of film.The script isn't great,but the entire movie is great! Tom Hanks is absolutley outstanding as Chuck,with a great cast. There has been a huge amount of criticism from this film,& I am here to get rid of those bad reviews. There is very little dialogue on the island,but the visuals are excellent. Alan Silvestri,the composer,did a wonderful job on the soundtrack,fair enough he only composed 10 minutes of music. In my own opinion of viewing this movie,I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was truely an excellent piece of work. Tom Hanks & Robert Zemeckis did well on directing this movie.There were some great quotes in this movie also some hidden secrets. "Coconut milk is a natural laxative. That's something Gilligan never told us." (C.Noland *see no land*) 5 out of 5 for: Acting & Characters-Tom Hanks-Chuck Noland Helan Hunt-Kelly Frears Music & Visual Effects (Alan Silvestri) Writing & Directing (William J Broyles Jr. & Robert Zemeckis) Location & Publicity-the beautiful island that Cast Away is set Memorable Quotations & Classic Moments-The final scenes on the island
Rating:  Summary: Cast-Away Your Doubts: It's a Great Movie Review: Gilligan's Island was a cute show, but CASTAWAY is the real thing and a great movie. It is a change from the seven stranded castaways, for Robert Zemeckis simply threw the "cast away" and rode the waves with Tom Hanks. The Gilligan's Island jingle could have gone something like this: The plane set down in the ocean somewhere, Near an uncharted Pacific Isle, With Tom Hanks, and Wilson too, the millionaire, Tom Hanks, The movie star (Tom Hanks), the Professor (Hanks), and Hanks again, Here on Tom Hanks' Isle! So much for my parodic attempt to be funny, but it is true. If you like Tom Hanks, whom I do, you will love this movie. Only Russell Crowe's outstanding performance in Gladiator prevented Hanks from holding the golden statue again. He plays the part of a FedEx consultant, Chuck Noland, who often travels across the world on business, yet one day meets peril on a flight across the Pacific. He winds up on an island, and this is where the survival story ensues, not only for Chuck, but for the movie as well. An actor on an island must be very creative, especially with little background music, no conversation, and only natural sound effects like the wind, rain, and waves. The real question is why Helen Hunt accepted the role of Chuck's girlfriend, Kelly, a limited one in this movie. Excuse me, but is this "As Good as it Gets" for her? They must have paid a good nickel to secure her services, but she certainly made the most of her part; nevertheless, the best supporting actor goes to Wilson. This is Chuck's wild-haired, blood brother, and confidant, the person that kept him from losing all his mental faculties. In fact, Tom had a ball with this little fellow and you will be impressed with his performance. The movie reveals to us the importance of the human relationship. Can a person live alone in life as on an island? Do we need others to survive and to what extremes will mankind go to have connection with another human being? The movie answers these questions, and even brings God into the picture. Do we really have angels watching over us? Thus, the movie deals with some very real and delicate human issues, issues that we cannot so easily "cast away"!
Rating:  Summary: Not worth owning Review: In my opinion this movie isn't worth owning really. I meen for one I felt that the whole thing was totaly ripping off from the Hatchet which had a much better premis. Not to say that Tom Hanks isn't a good actor because he is but I felt it was missing something crucial that would have made it into a better movie. On a side note I think it would have been much better if it was more about how Tom Hanks character comes back after being marooned on the island and learning how to adapt back into civilization.
Rating:  Summary: We live and die by the clock Review: While I will agree with many other reviewers:
1. This is an excellent performance by Tom Hanks
2. The story and performance transcend the need for constant dialog
3. This is a gripping tale of survival
I also think such observations miss the point of the film entirely.
While being literally stranded on an island is ostensibly the main plot of the film, the real intent is to use this as an allegory or metaphor for the immense changes that life often brings.
Told in three acts, Cast Away is the story of Chuck Noland (Hanks) a man entirely in control of his life (waiting on marriage, dating the right girl, good career, friends). Until he is unexpectedly standed. After years of waiting he is rescued by an angel's wings in the form a port-a-john wall. When he returns he finds everything he knew has changed.
How many of us have undergone similar transitions in life? Times when we seem to plateau or enter a dark tunnel and wonder if we will ever come out at the end. And when we do we find we have entered a world unlike the one we left. This is the real story of Cast Away.
Symbolism is used frequently. His girlfriend on the island is merely a locket picture. The pocket watch he checks so carefully has stopped. Other images or devices are repeated or used for effect (angel wings, fire, Wilson, Chuck's physical changes).
Perhaps I give the story too much credit, but I think if you watch it again (or for the first time), you might see a different film than you were expecting. And perhaps you can find some parrallel to a time in your life when you have been Cast Away for a time, only to return to a new and different life.
What more can you ask from a Tom Hanks movie?
Rating:  Summary: Robinson's Return. Review: Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis teams again and deliver a nice film. It is not as good as "Forrest Gump" but is a very viewable movie.
The story recreates in some measure the experiences of Robinson Crusoe transposed to our times. A plane crash launches suddenly a FedEx executive on a desert island and leaves him all by himself. His options are very few and the abrupt jump from modern civilization to a stone age's environment is a harsh experience to be sure.
Chuck Noland, as his famous predecessor, stubbornly fights to survive in that precarious background. Worst of all the debris he is able to collect, are by far, less useful than Robinson's. Still he sticks to life.
The last part of the motion picture faces the watcher with a complex and heartbreaking dilemma.
It is not an easy task to keep the audience's attention with great part of the action limited to this barren surroundings. Nevertheless Tom Hanks gives one of his best performances, including a physical transformation, which took him more than a year to accomplish.
All in all it is a very commendable film for different audiences. Enjoy!
Reviewed by Max Yofre.
Rating:  Summary: Cast Away Review: Cast Away is the superbly realistic and profoundly down-to-earth story of survival. It is the story of one man's struggle to survive four years of his life stranded on a desert island in the South Pacific. The story of castaway Chuck Noland is one of seeking to find the courage to face each grueling, life-threatening day after another in isolation, while fending off feelings of loss and hopelessness. All the while he is sustained by the hope that he will one day escape from isolation and be reunited with his wife-to-be (Helen Hunt).
Tom Hanks is compellingly superb and intensely down-to-earth in his role as Chuck Noland, a modern-day Robinson Crusoe who, through his experience, learns the true meaning of endurance and courage. His performance in this film is one of the best performances in film history in my mind.
To me, this film is similar to The Terminal, a film in which Tom Hanks also portrays fish-out-of-water character struggling to cope within an unknown environment in a seemingly hopeless situation. If you enjoy Cast Away, you'll definitely enjoy The Terminal, and vice versa; still, Cast Away is in my mind much more intensely authentic and compelling. It is a powerful insight into what it means to be a human under fire; an insight into what survival is all about. I highly recommend it. 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: This Ain't Gilligan's Island Review: I can't offer enough superlatives as to how good this film is. This collaboration between director Robert Zemeckis and actor Tom Hanks is, in my mind, virtually flawless and a totally compelling viewing experience. Those naysayers who would dismiss this film should recognize what a challenge this film is. Zemeckis(and Hanks) are asking us to follow a story that asks us to follow the transformation of a man whose whole life revolves around punctuality and now finds himself with all the time in the world. Tom Hanks gives probably his most challenging performance to date. The scenes on the island where Hanks has few props to work with, if you count "Wilson" the volleyball, are just masterful. Hanks uses his consummate skills as an actor to pull us in and never lets go. Though this film was a box office success it received something of a lukewarm critical response. I would hope that in years to come when the careers of Hanks(and Zemeckis) are evaluated that "Cast Away" is recognized for the great film that it is.
Rating:  Summary: FedEx/Wilson Commercial Review: Tom Hanks and Helen Hunt are good. If this movie had eliminated some of the commercialism and either stranded both of them or just Tom without a previous relationship with Hunt it would have gone further. Certainly more so than talking to a Wilson volleyball. As it is FedEx was overly thrown in our face and it also leaves a bad taste in our mouth when Hunt and Hanks don't get back together at the end. So along with being stranded on an island for years, poor Hanks has no assurances about his life or a relationship. Only a faint hint of a possible chance at one with the sculptor that drew the wings on a package he found on the island. I don't regret seeing it since there is some fine acting. I just regret I don't feel like viewing it again like I do towards other castaway movies like "Robinson Crusoe" and "Mysterious Island". This would have been a great movie for Hanks if they had just shown a little part of him working for FedEx, then stranded him on the island after the plane crash. Then use some interesting things on the island perhaps even a native like in Robinson Crusoe, and definitely skip the bit with the volleyball. Look how well the series "Lost" is doing because of the great acting and the suspense of what is on the island.