Rating:  Summary: the package wouldn't have been on the plane Review: Anyone who works in shipping has to wonder why a package being delivered to Texas would have ever been on a fedex plane going over the south pacific. This little detail ruined the movie for me, as the whole basis of Tom Hanks hope was in that package (if he had opened it, it would have meant he had lost hope of being rescued, getting home). The package being on that plane wasn't logical. Idiots.
Rating:  Summary: good but... Review: This movie was very good. Man deserted on island. He survives for years and finally goes back home. One thing though is that I just don't understand the ending. I wish the ending was as good as the rest of the film.
Rating:  Summary: A great film Review: Tom Hanks plays the part of a standed man on a remote island brilliantly. Throughout the film you are suspended as to whats gonna happen next? Will he survive? Whats he gonna do now. Tom Hanks is a first class actor anyway and this certainly merits 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: flotsam and jetsam Review: Major criticisms...1] the protagonist was not initially likable, nor was his love interest engaging [no pun intended]...why does Hollywood do this? Intelligent, well educated [not necessarily formally], honorable individuals are so much more interesting than nerds...and therefore more gratifying and rewarding to identify with. The challenges on the island would tax even a sagacious survivalist. 2]the Wilson thing was misplaced, even for a nerd...the island undoubtedly had insect life, therefore bird life. An orphaned baby bird out of the nest, for instance, would have offered the magic and mystery of a pure personality to care and provide for, which, if lost at sea, would have been truly tragic...albeit much more difficult to film. Minor complaints...1]Hitting the water at ~250 miles an hour would have thrown Chuck forward, not back...he should have braced himself against something for impact. 2]The minutia of survival could have been educating and fascinating. 3]Trying to knock out an endodontically ravaged upper molar with the given vector would have broken the tooth off at the gumline...and left the offending roots intact. 4]Most importantly, the last time we see the Helen Hunt character should have been the scene at the airport...the subsequent scenes were manipulative, maudlin, and over played. I wish we had spent more time with the "civilized" Chuck...with even less dialogue...solitude IS civilizing. Compliments...Silvestri's score is magnificent and well placed...as good as it gets...also the cinematography at sea. The final fade out and ambiguity is brilliant, ranking the ending as one of my dozen or so favorites {Vertigo,,Wild Bunch,Lady Jane,The Conversation,Breaker Morant,Silent Running, In The Bedroom,Mr.Roberts instantly come to mind].
Rating:  Summary: "Wilson!" Review: The first time I saw this movie I was only going to allow myself to give it 3.5 stars at the most. Then I decided to watch this film a second time and I developed more appreciation for it. The camera work is inventive and often beautiful with a touch of avant-garde cinematography. But the diamond that is the centerpiece of this achievement is Tom Hanks. It is simply amazing how much he had to go through in the making of this movie. The best moments in the film are on the island, with no music, only the sound of the wind and waves to keep this character company (well, there are the mysterious thudding noises in the dark!). This is a very enjoyable film filled with spark and color, and a terrific performance from Tom Hanks. Later.
Rating:  Summary: Good viewing! Review: Hanks, the clockwise FedEx officer finds himself as a 'fish-out-of-water' after one of the most realistic plane crashes you could imagine washes him up on a deserted, Pacific isle. The main bulk of the movie finds Chuck (Hanks) adjusting to spending 4 long years in solitary confinement on his 'prison' island. Eventually he has enough and makes a daring venture on a makeshift raft in order to find freedom (or maybe just get off the island). He makes it but arrives home to find his fiancee has since remarried thinking he is dead. Solid viewing matter. One thing I really wanted to know - what's in that package he never opens????
Rating:  Summary: Who else but Hanks could do this? Review: HOURS of one guy alone on a beach... Yeah, and it's interesting to watch! The love story is smartly played. The entire thing is just genius. a truly remarkable film unlike any other.
Rating:  Summary: A WELL MADE AND REALISTIC MOVIE. Review: "Cast Away" reunites once again the awarded team Zemeckis / Hanks, and once again they managed to create a good film. There are several remarkable aspects in "Cast Away": overall the cinematography is excellent, the photography is quite realistic and Tom Hank's characterization is also great. Robert Zemeckis and William Broyles (screenwriter) showed a lot of creativity by including the lovable character "Wilson", definitely a character to remember. "Cast Away" sometimes feels and looks so realistic that you really feel trapped in a lonely island with Tom Hanks. You will suffer along Chuck Noland (Hanks) the loneliness and desperation sensations. Technically "Cast Away" is almost flawless, like all the movies directed by Robert Zemeckis, and overall the story is very good and realistic. However the movie also has weak spots: Helen Hunt is misused in a very lackluster role to Helen's standards. The first half hour of the movie elapses with few highlights, and the last half hour is kinda disappointing. At the end of the day, "Cast Away" is a worthy movie. Specially for the Tom Hanks' fans or Robert Zemeckis' fans.
Rating:  Summary: Worth Watching But Ultimately Hollow. Review: Many reviews already, so let me keep this brief. The movie never bored me but also didn't really 'get going'. It was nice and all that (slightly interesting), yet I felt that after walking away from it, there had been too many missed opportunities which might have lifted the feature above a mere ordinary level. Tom Hanks gave a fine performance, though his character seldom appeared realistic to me (that's just me). My main concern would be the forced ending. It was, in my opinion, not worked out fully. This had nothing to do with Hanks or Hunt, to be sure. Still, Cast Away looks good and realistic (except for the computer-made fish). I thought the crash of the plane worthy of special mention. But after Hanks got off the island, things went 'somewhat wrong'. Well, not wasted time, and I'm sure a lot of people have and will like it. My ** might be a bit harsh.
Rating:  Summary: Tom Hanks, WHAT were you thinking? Review: I've watched almost every movie that Tom Hanks has starred in, I think he's that great. But... Why did he ever choose to appear in this God-forsaken movie about a God-forsaken deserted island? And all that dieting he did... He could have spent that much effort in a whole lot better in a better movie. It's a stupid Robinson Crusoe movie with a stupid plot. Hanks salvages the movie and makes it watchable with his exceptional talent, but not much more. Tom, why don't you switch your agent?