Rating:  Summary: It was good, and then came the end! Review: Wilson was very funny, and smart. I think, maybe, they were setting themselves up for a sequal, but what the hell could they do? I can't say how it should have ended, but I guess the message is, 'tomorrow is another day. Thanks,...
Rating:  Summary: Robinson Crusoe redux Review: This film is unquestionably worth seeing for Tom Hanks' amazing performance as Chuck Noland, a time-obsessed, globe-trotting Federal Express executive whose world is shattered when a plane crash strands him alone on a desert island somewhere in the Pacific. The middle part of the movie, chronicling Noland's struggle for survival and sanity on the lonely outpost, is far and away the most effective portion, not the least because of Hanks' startling physical transformation from a doughy, somewhat overweight landlubber to a lean, tanned survivor.It is also effective because there is very little or no dialogue in this part, and therein lies the problem with the rest of the film. Too often the rest of the script is content with banalities and cliches that sink rather than buoy up the inherent drama in the situations; Helen Hunt, as Hanks' patient fiance, has the worst time of it, particularly in the last portion, after our hero is unexpectedly rescued and must cope with the shock of re-entry into the land of the living. The action here is hurried and superficially treated as well, calling for a separate film to make a truly moving effect. Still, one can applaud "Cast Away" for a fairly realistic depiction of the grim realities of a man struggling against nature, and for its refusal to settle for a pat happy ending.
Rating:  Summary: An Instant Classic!! Review: Simply put, this film will go down as a classic. Tom Hanks did an excellent job as Chuck Noland in this film. From a very real plane crash to life on the island and back again, he is able to catch the viewer from the beginning and take them on this journey. Not only is it an exhaustive journey on a deserted island but it takes you on Chuck's journey to step back and take another look at his life. How many of us are caught up in the rush of the day. Most of us are controlled by the "clock". It runs our day and that is the routine that we get stuck in. This movie shows that we have to stop and take a look around us and see what really is happening. We need to evaluate our lives from a different perspective. That may mean getting away from your current situation. This film does just that via Chuck Noland. The other wonderful thing about this movie is the ending. When Chuck returns home, his girlfriend is now married and instead of having Chuck reunite with her in a romantic way, the movie puts it the way it should be. She needs to get on with her life without him and he will go his seperate way and find a different path in life to take. This is a definite must own movie. I have purchased my copy and you should purchase yours.
Rating:  Summary: Boring Review: Tom Hanks is wonderful as always, but this is one of the worst movie scripts ever written. Nothing happens! Everything that kind of happens is trite and predictable. There was a lot of potential here, but they just wasted it on a crappy script. I also could have done with a few less shots of the stupid FedEx logo.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST SEE Review: This is a must-see movie! The performances are superb, and the movie is funny, espically the part where Hanks makes friends with a volleyball. The problem with the movie was the ending, I thought it was kind of padded, but besides that, I still give Cast Away 5 stars!
Rating:  Summary: Not what it was hyped up to be. Review: I really am getting sick of hollywood ruining movies that otherwise would be better than average by hyping them up and building up false expectations in the audience. Really I would encourage you to rent and or buy this DVD/video. But I gave this movie only two stars based on hype vs. delivery. I read Robinson Crusoe in elementary and again in middle school. Rather than giving the feeling of being on the island with Tom Hanks and suffering through his trails as was the case with the book of similar plot, I felt like I was just watching Hanks go through the motions. Too much symbolism which never reveals itself to the viewing audience. Another thing that annoyed my was how Hanks, after being on that Island for 4 years, just immediately assumes his place in modern society chatting with his friends as if nothing had happened. In real life hanks would be a completely different person who could not relate to any0one for some time as has been the case with real life similar situations. The ending ...because it doesnt give you any clear indication of what might happen next. I felt like the whole viewing audience was left hanging.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie from start to finish Review: This is an excellent story, told in a way you don't see very often these days. Once Hanks is stranded you are stranded with him too, and you live through him for the time he is there. The plane crash is as realistic as anything you will see, I was flying within a month and it had me in a panic just thinking about it. A thoroughly enjoyable movie and I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: BOORRRINGGG Review: I will begin by saying I am a Tom Hanks fan and he does a marvelous job in this film as far as acting is concerned and I like Helen Hunt dispite her, nothing more than, cameo appearance. I thought the film had a great deal of unexplored potential. It is more than obvious this movie was greenlit on the coat-tail success of the Survivor series and with Hanks in the lead was guaranteed a wide audience. Hanks is popular with all age groups from teens to those over 50 years of age. I went to see this film in the Tampa area and at least half of the patrons at my particular, late night showing, were at least 50 years young or more. Ironically, durning the showing I attended, at least half of the patrons in the theater packed their stuff and walked out of this film a little more than halfway through. Most of my friends were disappointed inthe film. Numerous members of my family around the stated walked out of it or simply shut the movie off after renting it. Demographics aside the film goes sour about 20 minutes into it and for about an hour and fifteen minutes throught the middle and from there it doesn't sweeten. I did not appreciate the ending because true love will endure no matter what! End of story. I do agree with some of the other reviews you have posted in that this film has no gratuitous sex, graphic violence or bowl churning humor. This is rare in deed for todays Hollywood! Unfortuneately this film in my opinion turned out to be nothing more than a boring advertisment for Federal Express and soccor equipment...WILLLLSONNNN!!!
Rating:  Summary: Nice DVD for a good movie Review: After reading a few negative reviews of this film, I became convinced that some people need help in figuring out certain things, like BEING STUCK ON A DESERTED ISLAND FOR FOUR YEARS IS SUPPOSED TO BE LONG, MEANDERING, AND IT JUST PLAIN ....! Anyway, I quite liked "Cast Away", despite a slightly slow third act. Tom Hanks plays a FedEx employee who happens to get stuck on an island, all by himself and with barely anything to survive with. What surprises me about the film is it's usage of elements such as a musical score (virtually nonexistent for 2/3 of the film), sound effects (the "score" for most of the film), and even photography that have to explain a lot in a film like this. Even though it is a good film with some good performances, it is marred by a slow third act, but is definitely a commendable effort. The DVD boasts a few documentaries on the island itself, survival techniques, and one on Wilson, the volleyball. It also includes a 45-minute interview with Tom Hanks on not just "Cast Away", but on some of his previous efforts (including the upcoming HBO miniseries "Band of Brothers"). Plus, there's some visual effect sequences broken down for your amusement, and the trailers, TV ads, and a nicely hidden Easter Egg that may answer one of the movie's more intruging questions. It's a nice presentation for a good (but not great) movie.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie, but I wouldn't buy it Review: "Castaway" simply has no repeat viewing value. Tom Hanks does very well in a difficult role, and the movie handles the ancillary aspects of a long-term disappears ably, but this is a movie that is really only good the first time you see it. What more can I say without ruining it? The direction is very good and the movie is not burdened by uneccesary musical scores or hammy special effects. Everythign is shot in a very documentary style and the few special effects are all used only to advance the story, so the direction is good. Tom Hanks turns in his usual materful textured performance, and Helen Hunt takes a welcome departure from the "strong woman" role into someone more like the rest of us. The film's ability to deal with very ordinary people is really where it is at its best. I enjoyed it, but I won't watch it again