Rating:  Summary: Roll Tide, Roll! Review: This is one of the most intense movies you will ever see. As a submarine movie, it ranks up there with "Das Boot." Denzel Washington & Gene Hackman deliver edge-of-your-seat performances. Hans Zimmer offers perhaps the best soundtrack he has ever written (which in his case is saying a lot).This is yet another fabulous movie by Jerry Bruckenheimer, although, unlike most of his films, this one is a drama rather than an action movie. The sequence of events is quite credible & authentic as to what does & could happen on an SSBN should the order be given to unleash her missiles. The writers invoked the services of both Captains (Blue & Gold crew) of the real USS Alabama to make it as realistic as possible. Great touch! If there is ever a weekend that you're in the mood for a rousing Navy flick with ardent performances, you can't go wrong with "Crimson Tide."
Rating:  Summary: PLENTY OF MACHO ACTION Review: Great action and suspense is delivered under the water here. Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman play the antongonists in this thriller about two suberine comanders who square off aginsant one another over the apparent attention to do some unautorized damage to the enemy. Tension soon follows when the crew attempts to take matters in their own hands. This film is sort of reminds me Of the classic film RUN SILENT RUN DEEP with the same storyline. Chracters may be somewhat flawed in this film but it still remain highly enjoyable throught.
Rating:  Summary: Captivating Film Review: This movie really delivers the action. Two of the best actors of the time play Naval officers fighting for control of a submarine with orders to nuclear missiles at Russia. The movie is great, but, of course, it has a couple of problems. First, I can understand having a weapons locker on a submarine. Just in case somebody gets cold feet when its time to shoot the missiles, right? But having assault rifles on a sub is madness and I am unable to believe its done in real life. There is no use for them that I can fathom. Another thing that slightly bugged was the generic nature involving certain things. The sub base in the beginning didn't have a name, just "U.S. Naval Submarine Base." I live fairly close to several air force bases and they all have names. And when Denzel and Gene Hackman are debating as to the validity of their orders, Washington says that Hackman cannot relieve him under Navy Regulations. Which ones? There are quite a few. It might have made it a little more authentic to me, a student of such things. Anyway, these detracted little from my experience. It is a great film.
Rating:  Summary: High tension thriller Review: Something about the world of the submarine lends itself to thrilling moviemaking. From "Das Boot" and "Run Silent, Run Deep" to "The Hunt for Red October," the blind, claustrophobic atmosphere of a wartime submarine at sea comes across very well. "Crimson Tide" comes in ahead of those other movies because of the caliber of actors involved. Denzel Washington (the XO, Lt. Cdr. Hunter) and Gene Hackman (the CO, Capt. Ramsey) each give one of the better performances of their illustrious careers in this movie. Russian rebels have captured missile silos in the far eastern edge of that country. They then threaten to launch their missiles at the U.S. The U.S.S. Alabama, a ballistic missile submarine, is deployed to the western Pacific to possibly launch a pre-emptive strike on the rebels. After the Alabama arrives on station, its new orders are cut off before they can be confirmed. Lt. Cdr. Hunter wants to wait and confirm the new orders delaying the strike. Capt. Ramsey wants to follow the previous set of orders carrying out the strike. This sets up a confrontation and darn-near full-scale mutiny as the entire crew takes sides with either the XO or the Captain. The best scene of the movie is when the officers are gathered in the captain's mess. There is an interesting debate between the old-school captain and the youngblood XO about the nature of war, and whether it changes or not. Ramsey sums it up in this line to Hunter: "When Rickover gave me my command, they showed me a button. All I had to know was how to push it. They'd tell me when. They seem to want you to know why." The next best scene is after the entire operation is over. Capt. Ramsey and Lt. Cdr. Hunter face each other and salute, a young warrior saluting an old veteran, their disagreements in the past and their mutual respect coming through. I also give kudos to whoever is responsible for the scenes in the weapons room. The few lights reflecting the sweat on the weapons officer's face really elevated the tension towards the end of the movie. This movie will have you on the edge of your seat for over two hours. It will also cause you to think, especially about the vast changes our world has undergone in the past 10 years.
Rating:  Summary: Is Gene Hackman, America's finest actor? Review: If you think about it, Hackman can play it all; hero (Poseidon adventure), comic-book villain (Superman's Luthor), bad guy (Absolute Power, Unforgiven), good guy (Coach in The Replacements), action-hero (Enemy of the State), military hero (Uncommon Valor, March or Die), military anti-hero (Crimson Tide). That he can draw on his inner self to portray all these characters says a lot for him as a human being that he knows the range of human attitudes/emotions and can "run with them". The music of Crimson Tide is what drives the movie as the submarine drives under the water DEEP. Need to get a CD of this sound track! What sets you on edge is as the submarine dives at an angle, the music reminds you again, again that the stakes involved are total. It builds to a climax confrontation and we are spared WWIII. What makes the film special is the ending----I don't want to spoil it but if you have seen the film, continue. Hackman's character in the end respects and recommends the XO played by Washington and they mend fences and salute with the rousing score in the background. That's the way it is in real life when men have their differances; real men want others to stand up for what they believe in because in the hour of need we will need that perspective---we are only the sum of who we are and we are not infallible, this is why we have two men holding the two nuclear keys for each weapon system. This flies in the face of the popular go-along-to-get-along PCness which infects our age with mediocrity--had one of these thinking-of-his careeer-first types been aboard as the XO, the nuclear missiles would have been launched. Great movie about leadership!
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps the most enthralling movie ever created! Review: I know this movie has been out for five years, but I just saw it yesterday, and I must say that it was extraordinary! I have loved every other movie produced by Jerry Bruckheimer that I have seen, and this was no exception. One is instantly drawn into the story, with its shocking, twisting plot, powerful lines, and dazzlingly spectacular imagery. Washington and Hackman are at their best in this amazing movie, dealing with emminent world war, a triple mutiny onboard the boomer USS Alabama, and a pursuing Akula-class Russian fast attack sub. The action is abundant, the suspense palpable, but the movie's best attribute is probably its dialogue, which is as emotional and forceful as the readyroom scene in Star Trek: First Contact. Anyone wishing to see one of the best movies ever should view Crimson Tide--even the title is enthralling, is it not? See it!
Rating:  Summary: One of Bruckheimer & Simpsons Best! Review: Once again another Bruckheimer & Simpson flick, those two together means a great movie. The script and acting in this movie are great. First we have the authoritarian, do it my way or hit the highway, Captain Gene Hackman. Need I say he played this role to perfection. Then we have the Executive Officer who is intelligent and wants both sides of the story Denzel Washington. Need I say he did a great job with this role. The background info. is that the Cold War is heating up again as the Russian republics are battling each other and the U.S. has moved in to help because of the threat of Nuclear weapons being used. The USS Alabama Nuclear Submarine is called upon to move near Russia because if Nuclear Weapons are stolen by the Russian President and his forces, the Submarine has a Nuclear payload to destroy most of the country. As they are getting closer an incoming Emergency Action Message (EAM) is received and they are to arm the Nuclear Missles and be ready to fire. While going through this preparing to fire another EAM is coming in, but they are also under attack by a Russian sub so the transmission is not complete. This is where Gene and Denzel's characters argue over what to do. Gene's wants to continue with the mission and destroy the Russian's. Denzel's wants to repair the broken communication line and see if they are to continue or back off and wait for further instruction. What we have here is a Mutiny and one of the most suspenseful films I have seen in some time. This movie keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time and in the end, well you have to buy this movie and see for yourself, because it is a good one. Arguably the best Bruckheimer & Simpson production with two of the best actors giving it their all. What more could you ask for?
Rating:  Summary: A Taut, Anxiety-Filled and Exciting Action Drama! Review: Wow! This is one that is sure to raise your blood pressure and get the old heart pounding! The movie is set in the near future, during a time of extreme instability and potential military adventurism in the crumbling Russian republics. As a result of all that is going on, old cold-war tensions are revived, igniting a heightened military readiness in the USA and sending an anxious submarine crew venturing on patrol into position to potentially launch its inventory of ICBMs at Russia if ordered. Under these circumstance, and based on contradictory information coming in piecemeal from the outside world, a mutiny occurs between the eccentric and stern authoritarian skipper, played brilliantly by Gene Hackman, and his executive officer, also played extremely well by Denzel Washington. The story line leading to the mutiny, and what happens as a result of it is all quite plausible, and given the fact that the submarine has enough missile power to destroy most of industrial Russia as we know it, it is quite a believable and cautionary tale. The drama is well scripted and well acted, and one is hard-pressed to know who is right and wrong regarding the decisions made and actions taken. I was at the edge of my easy chair throughout the movie, and at times it was intense enough to be what I call "white-knuckle time". It is a movie I both enjoyed and learned from, and it should soften even the hardest hearts among us as to the dangers of having fully armed weapon systems like nuclear missile submarines in the hands of fallible human beings, who no matter how well trained and disciplined, are still frail and vulnerable people just like us. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic film, one of the best! Review: When I first heard about this film I didn't expect much. I've seen films such as Das Boot and Hunt for the Red October and didn't think too much of them. Right from the opening of this film you just know that this will be something special. The title music, infact all the music, is incredebly good and fits the story line of the film particually well. Unlike other submarine warfare I've seen, this had a carefully thought out story line. Almost every phrase was metaphore or simile that had a deeper meaning in life. The lingustic devices used to give immense tension work remarkably well, and keep you on the edge of your seat for the entire film. The two actors, Washington and Hackman are fantastic and fit the part increidebly well. They are both top class actors and underestimated by many people. In conclusion, it is an amazingly powerfull film will real top class actors. It will keep you on the edge of your seat all the way through (dont watch it on ITV, the adverts are killing). Its got a horrifingly beliveable story line which will really make you think. If you like good physcological thrillers you'll love this one.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Review: Hans Zimmer has created some of the best music for contemporary action movies and these are two of his best. I frequently listen to these while working. The opening track from The Rock very nicely conveys the sense of concentrated attention to a task at hand with it's rhythmic cadence. As a complement to this are the deep tones and slow pace in Crimson Tide which beautifully creates an atmosphere of submarines prowling the ocean's depths - much more so than the soundtrack to Das Boot. These soothing sounds gradually build faster and louder as the score crescendos for an action scene. It's simply fantastic. I also recommend Hans Zimmer's music contained on the soundtrack to Gladitor.