Rating:  Summary: Very Good, But Maybe Only for Those Who Didn't Read the Book Review: The Story: Jack Ryan is a low-level C.I.A. analyst/historian who happens to have researched the man who unexpectedly becomes the new Russian President. Meanwhile, a billionaire Neo-Nazi German industrialist is putting together a network of White supremacists and manages to get hold of a small atomic bomb lost in the desert during the Arab-Israeli War. The Neo-Nazis want to run the world, but do not have the power to defeat either Russia or the U.S., so they decide to detonate the bomb in the U.S. while making it look like the Russians were behind it. They are hoping the two superpowers will annihilate one another, leaving the Neo-Nazis to pick up the pieces and rule what's left of the world.First Commentary: I expected this to be just a simple action movie, but was pleasantly surprised to find out it was a complicated spy thriller. I found the characters to be believable, the acting good, and the story intriguing and engagingly tense. I was unpleasantly surprised that radiation sickness was completely left out of the equation, for the main characters, after Baltimore was hit by a nuclear bomb. This was despite the fact that other victims (extras) of the attack did suffer radiation sickness, as did the Arabs who initially found the bomb buried in the desert. Second Commentary: I'm surprised at how many reviewers thought this film was terrible. I don't believe that a Neo-Nazi network of terrorists is incredible, as some reviewers suggest. I did notice that most of the reviewers who disliked the film referenced how it differs from the book. I did not read the book (I didn't even know the film was based on a Tom Clancy book until he film started) and I enjoyed the film. Maybe the changes made in the film, that made it unfaithful to the book, ruined it for those who had read the book. All I know is that I enjoyed the film.
Rating:  Summary: the worst of the Jack Ryan films Review: This film is a major disapointment to the previous Jack Ryan movies. I usually like films based on Tom Clancy novels, but this one reeks! The plot is so drawn out and long winded. The only real action takes place during the last 1/3 of the movie. Don't waste your money on going to see this at the theater.
Rating:  Summary: get over it Review: Everyone's all upset because this movie was different from the book. Well boo-hoo! I can't think of a movie based on a book that stayed true to it. It is a great movie in my opinion even if it isn't exactly like the book. Clear and Present Danger and The Hunt for Red October are two of the best Clancy books. The movies that are based on them are great too, but are very different. What I'm trying to say is that just cause it's different doesn't mean it's bad!
Rating:  Summary: Good as a stand alone!! Review: The movie itself is not too bad and would probably be absolutely a great movie if you'd never read the book or any other novel by Tom Clancy. I truly understand the need to slightly change the events in a novel to make a movie, but this was only a glimmer of the novel at best. Ben Affleck being a good actor, he's still no Jack Ryan. This also pretty much rewrites Debt of Honor and Executive Orders down the road if they're to be made into movies as well. As stated above, a good movie, but definitely "Sum of All Fear's" in name only, not in substance.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT GREAT FILM. betterthan expected! Review: I saw this on opening day and just felt like I should review it again since it seemed to be getting a few negative reviews from some viewers! This is the Jack Ryan that Tom Clancy intended!It's not easy replacing Harrison Ford but Ben Affleck does a great job! Affleck combines intelligence with quirkiness, making this film also very funny at times. Clancy would approve! Clancy himself said Ben Affleck is his favorite actor as yet to have played the Jack Ryan character. Jack Ryan was never suppossed to be as old as Ford and was always suppossed to be more beleivable than Baldwin. Heck, Baldwin's why "Hunt for Red October" is the worst of the Clancy adaptations. Ryan's a confident overachiever and I beleive that this is the first time he has relly been portrayed that way. Affleck plays the role brilliantly. Also great is Bridget Moynohan in the role of Affleck's girlfriend(look for her next in another CIA thriller, THE RECRUIT with Colin Farrell and Al PAcino). Affleck has all the luck! She's hot! Completely boring. Don't listen to reviewers who say this hits too close to home! If anything it gave me some closure on the whole 9/11 thing. I mean, I want to see something done about the terrorists responsible for that and in this film the US receives justice, something I have yet to see in real life. Hopefully, this is a case in which life eventually immitate art? And lastly, I have to say Morgan Freeman is great! Other than ALONG CAME A SPIDER, I don't think he knows how to make a bad movie!
Rating:  Summary: Affleck and Freeman give solid, commanding performances! Review: It's like this. Some or all of us have read the novels by Tom Clancy, or have seen the Clancy films such as "The Hunt for Red October", "Patriot Games", and "Clear and Present Danger". Well, "The Sum of All Fears" is no exception as you add this to that list! The direction of Phil Alden Robinson ("Sneakers", "Field of Dreams") was superb in every way possible! The performances of Ben Affleck ("Changing Lanes") and Morgan Freeman ("High Crimes") couldn't be better! The film talks about how one nuclear weapon comes up missing from a total of 27,000. It is up to CIA analyst Jack Ryan (Affleck) and CIA Director Bill Cabot (Freeman) to uncover the plot or else, it's World War III!! "The Sum of All Fears" also talks about how fear can escalate to paranoia in this world today due to the fact of wars and nuclear weapons. To me, Ben Affleck is the absolute best Jack Ryan since Harrison Ford in "Patriot Games" and "Clear and Present Danger", and Alec Baldwin in "The Hunt for Red October"! And when I watched "The Sum of All Fears", I would like to think of this as a prequel to the first 3 films because of Jack Ryan being a little young in this film. With two extraordinary actors, a great supporting cast including James Cromwell ("The General's Daughter"), Liev Schreiber ("Kate & Leopold"), and Bridget Moynahan ("Serendipity"), and lots of suspense that never lets up for a minute, "The Sum of All Fears" is 2-hour excitement at its best! A great DVD must-own to the first three films!
Rating:  Summary: Action entertainment Review: I am not much on plots and tend to overlook the flaws in a movie. I go to be entertained and this movie did not let me down. If you like action entertainment, do not miss this one.
Rating:  Summary: The Sum of all Fears Review: One of the best movies I have ever seen. Thrilling story line and action. Intense and unexpected special effects. Great acting on everyones part. A real keeper.
Rating:  Summary: Well I have read the criticism and I have to disagree Review: This movie was very entertaining. I wonder if the people who write these reviews ever just sit back and enjoy the film without over analysizing it. Yes, there were flaws. Yes, they changed who the terrorists were, but I think most people understand why they made that change. I thought this was one of the better action movies I have seen in awhile. If you enjoyed the past Tom Clancy movies you will enjoy this movie. I didn't think I would like Ben Affleck taking over for Harrison Ford but I really enjoyed him in this role and I hope he plays Jack Ryan again in future films. So my advice, go, enjoy the film and don't get hung up on trying to find everything wrong with the technical aspects.
Rating:  Summary: The sum of my fears... it was only a decent film. Review: I watched this film the second week it was out. I have not had a chance to read the Tom Clancy novel it was based on. (I'm not too into hidden political agendas, cold war stuff anyway.) As for the film, I liked it. But it wasn't as fast paced as I expected it to be. It's definitely no Hunt for Red October. This film shows us Jack Ryan's introduction into the CIA. If this signals the beginning of more Tom Clancy novels-turned-movies to come, then I suppose Ben Affleck is a worthy successor to Harrison Ford. (I can't say the same for the President's aides in the movie however. They did a poor job. They're supposed to exist to show the differing stances people have on nuclear warfare. To me, they just looked confused. Even the President appears to be an ego-driven cry-baby. But I digress.) I like the plot and how it eventually comes together and has a resolution at the end. However, I really didn't like the ending. It was almost cheesy. In all, I would recommend this film for its easy to follow and engaging plot line but not for its acting. LEAP rating (each out of 5): ============================ L (Language) - 3.5 (no wit, no bang, no punch, no kick, no zip, no zap; in a word, "ordinary") E (Erotica) - 0.1 (Bridget Moynahan looks so hot!) A (Action) - 3 (a nuclear bomb goes off in Baltimore ) P (Plot) - 4 (easy to follow and engaging plot with a clean resolution at the end)